
Losing weight, need help with a new wardrobe

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Mar 3, 2005
I tried posting in the WWT, but realized until I started accounting my actions to myself, I couldn''t to everyone else. I''m finally getting into the groove. I''ve lost 4lb but I still have about 15lb left to get back to where I was in May.

Here''s the deal, my husband has begged and pleaded with me to go shopping for some new clothes. I agree that I need them. For Christmas I am getting a whole new wardrobe that I get to pick out. I''m starting from scratch and I am to the point where I would like good quality pieces, but I''m not looking for designer prices. OK, what do I need to build a wardrobe. I would love thoughts on what you all think and also actual suggestions.

Now that I''m back to being pretty motivated, I should be back to my normal weight (that''s when I''m not eating a bag of chips, two cokes, and a candy bar everyday like I had been doing) before I will be going shopping. Height 5''4", weight will be about 120-125
Congrats on your weight loss! 120 pounds for your height is perfect, and it is good to have a range within a bit of that like you have. I have been on this rollercoaster, I was always thin (nearly 5 foot 6 inches and never more than 120 or so) and then gained 75 pounds with all three kids, lost it all and then some each as low as 117 which was not good after my second...and buying and altering clothes like crazy. Recently I gained twenty and have lost 12 of it, so I am all over the map with what fits and does not. I have been a zero to a 12, and so my closet is nuts. I have learned to NEVER buy anything assuming I will lose weight. It just never works. I would try, if possible, to get through the holidays and continue losing, and then get the clothes then. I know it is hard to do, but I get so mad at myself when I buy for a lower weight and feel I am stuck and cannot get there. The holidays is a tough time to lose, so be easy on yourself. I have been happy to get through a week of parties without gaining, so I feel pretty pleased!
I agree, lose the weight you want THEN buy the clothes. I recently lost a few sizes and I was kind of buying a few things here and there in between because I wasn't SURE how much I would lose, and didn't intend to lose more than 10 lbs, but then I'd end up losing another size I didn't want to wear the bigger size anymore. So really it would just have made more sense for me to wait it out til I was where I wanted to be then go crazy (which I have done, lol!). Buy one or two simple things that you can wear a lot then keep at it. But don't get too crazy with the clothes til you reach your goal. Congrats and good luck!
Date: 12/14/2006 10:03:22 PM
I tried posting in the WWT, but realized until I started accounting my actions to myself, I couldn''t to everyone else. I''m finally getting into the groove. I''ve lost 4lb but I still have about 15lb left to get back to where I was in May.

Here''s the deal, my husband has begged and pleaded with me to go shopping for some new clothes. I agree that I need them. For Christmas I am getting a whole new wardrobe that I get to pick out. I''m starting from scratch and I am to the point where I would like good quality pieces, but I''m not looking for designer prices. OK, what do I need to build a wardrobe. I would love thoughts on what you all think and also actual suggestions.

Now that I''m back to being pretty motivated, I should be back to my normal weight (that''s when I''m not eating a bag of chips, two cokes, and a candy bar everyday like I had been doing) before I will be going shopping. Height 5''4'', weight will be about 120-125
First off, congrats Rebot on losing the weight and getting the green light to buy yourself some new duds!
I''m so proud of you! I remember you from workout thread from months ago, even!

My first advice would be to go out and buy yourself a pair of fabulous new blue jeans. That one pair of pants will be the pinnacle of your success, dear! Next, if you''ve really gone down a full bra or panty size, you need to get yourself to the nearest VS or whatever lingerie store they have over there, and get yourself fitted for some lovely foundations...don''t just grab up everything black, tight, and lacy, get a good nude colored, well fitting bra, and two more of the same in black and a fun color, and then buy some new panties. Then get yourself some nice fitting pants (1), khakis or gauchos (1), and a skirt you feel fabulous in, that can be dressed up or down with a sweater or tee...

When you''ve gotten that all taken care of, it''s all fun from here...depending on your bust size, and height, find yourself one or two fun tops for going out in, that can be mixed and matched with the afore mentioned bottoms, and then buy a pair of boots and a pair of really fun heels, both of which should be able to mix with all or some of the above. Try to stick with either black or brown for all of these choices...god I wish I could go shopping with you!
After that, find at least two button down blouses in natural fabrics (cotton, silk, cashmere, etc.)that really drape well on you. Next, find one or two jackets that draw attention to your waistline and complement your bustline, and you''ve got several outfits right there. Oh, and dont forget hosiery. You''ll need, depending on the weather a pair of black tights (patterned, fishnet, whatever you like, but not too large a pattern), trouser socks (for those tall boots, lol), and just some nice patterned socks for ballet flats or even driving mocs/loafers.

Has DH/FI figured out you will need to accessorize? Oh need some more tops to go with all the above choices. Find a layering top (long sleeved, short sleeved, tank, cami, etc. that you love and fits you well) and buy 3 of go underneath whatever you''ve already purchased. Don''t worry about matchy-matchiness...just look for corresponding colors. Sales associates can help you with that if you can show them a swatch from you bag ''o bottoms or shoes. Jackets may come in handy as well.

Back to accessories: don''t spend too much. If you''re feeling overwhelmed, take a break, or go back the next day after you assess the situation and have a fresh mental palate. Get one or two great pieces for the season that will tide you over til the next diamond arrives, hee hee!

Seriously, pics anytime and we will gladly help you out! Good luck on your new wardrobe journey, and congrats again on the weight loss--what fun it is to shop for a whole new size!!!!
oh and lol if you are asking WHAT to buy ... i don't have too many real suggestions necessarily since i think it's so personal. i think i have about 8 new pairs of jeans. and i bought like 10 new sweaters this fall. and 3 new blazers (oops 4 with my new one yesterday). about 8 pairs of new shoes. new underwear, new bras. a ton of new tanks for layering. some fun button downs that can be layered with sweaters or vests. i don't dress up for work (jeans, sweaters, heels) so my wardrobe is pretty versatile from work to weekend. i haven't worn pantyhose or tights in years! i have one skirt and it's denim. so really just buy whatever suits your mood and your personality and where you live!!
Rebot, 20 pounds is about two sizes. Some things you would buy now will work even then, but other things will not. I bought these amazing cords before I lost the 12 pounds and I am about a size smaller and they swim on me. They were expensive and I bought 4 pairs, and now they look droopy and I am not sure how much I can tailor them. I will deal with it since they are comfy and in the cold weather I love them, but I was so impatient and now I am kinda sorry I did not wait and go down a size or two, since the original size was a tad big when I got them and they stretch as you wear them. I just would not want you to invest a lot right now as you are losing, because two sizes is significant and clothes feel and fit very differently when you have lost weight like that. Also, your overall shape may change, esp. if you are doing any weight training, I know I only lost 12 pounds and want to lose more, but my overall shape is really different buy a couple pieces to tide you over and then I would use the motivation factor of a new wardrobe to get me excited and keep me focused on my goal...
df..i know it''s funny how the weight loss on the scale can be not quite so significant but in the size and shape arena it''s hugely different!! my body is night and day from before and i only ''lost'' 10 lbs. which on the scale isn''t that much really. but i went from a 10 to a small 6 and i have lost inches off my waist, hips, etc. totally different body. and only 10 lbs. so that''s also why i agree with waiting definitely. i have jeans i bought even a month ago that just do NOT flatter my body now, the way it''s curved a bit more in some areas and straightened out in others. fit of clothes is really important to me!
Mara, it is really funny because when I was not feeling well and gained the weight I had been really thin before it all started coming on. I was wearing a 2 to a 6 depending on the designer and what the item was, and ended up a 12 after a year and a half of not being able to run or do most types of exercise. I had been fit, and really loved to work out, and had lost so much weight after my third and kept it off almost 4 years, and then boom I stopped the exercising and I just felt like crap overall. Now, with this loss, which is a nice amount, I really see a difference...I lost it sort of all over, so everything is smaller. Clothes are fitting better, and honestly I am back in 8''s now, and would like to lose 10 or so pounds more. It will just depend how it looks as I lose it. I realized it when I saw my sister whom I had just seen a couple months earlier and I was in L.A. and she was too, visiting my mom and her dad, and my jeans wear hanging on me, jeans that had been pretty snug before. She noticed it all over, my face, butt, stomach...and was shocked, it was the first thing she said when she saw me. I had tons of clothes that are big and small, and hope to fit in my smaller ones soon, but even my Juicy velours were tight and looked terrible, so I knew it was time!
Date: 12/15/2006 2:39:26 AM
Author: diamondfan
Mara, it is really funny because when I was not feeling well and gained the weight I had been really thin before it all started coming on. I was wearing a 2 to a 6 depending on the designer and what the item was, and ended up a 12 after a year and a half of not being able to run or do most types of exercise. I had been fit, and really loved to work out, and had lost so much weight after my third and kept it off almost 4 years, and then boom I stopped the exercising and I just felt like crap overall. Now, with this loss, which is a nice amount, I really see a difference...I lost it sort of all over, so everything is smaller. Clothes are fitting better, and honestly I am back in 8''s now, and would like to lose 10 or so pounds more. It will just depend how it looks as I lose it. I realized it when I saw my sister whom I had just seen a couple months earlier and I was in L.A. and she was too, visiting my mom and her dad, and my jeans wear hanging on me, jeans that had been pretty snug before. She noticed it all over, my face, butt, stomach...and was shocked, it was the first thing she said when she saw me. I had tons of clothes that are big and small, and hope to fit in my smaller ones soon, but even my Juicy velours were tight and looked terrible, so I knew it was time!
DF, don''t we all want to lose those last 10? LOL! Can you possibly (and I''ve suggested this to Mara since she''s lost weight/inches) have your tailor take in the seat of your pants....? I''ve seen that particular alteration work wonders for women, especially being in doesn''t have to be toooooo expensive, I swear. $5-10 per pant, and to me that would make all the difference in the world, just to know I spent tons of money on them in the first place and was almost ready to drop them off in the Goodwill bin, but lo and behold, someone could really make them fit me? OK, so I know the tax returns might be a better option, LOL! I have a whole closetfull of things like this myself...I am the kettle calling the pot right now!
Monarch, that might work. I have a pretty good tailor but sometimes things don''t hang right no matter what. The droopy drawers look is not a good one! I also have a very small waist and so, even when I was heavier, needed a bigger size to fit the butt area and the waist would swim, so I always had to nip in the waist. I am happy with how things are fitting now, and would love to drop another ten, give or take, I will see how it goes and allow myself some easing up over the rest of the month, but I will not be nuts and I will be back on track right after New long as I do not gain during vacation and can maintain, I will be happy~no small task right now...
I hear ya DF...maintenance is my middle name as well during the winter months! For me, as soon as daylight saving time begins, I am useless to the rest of the world, and it shows in my size...I usually manage to go up one before I go down two the following spring, or so my pattern has shown. There really isn''t a whole lot I can do to avoid it..
There is something about being in the east coast with cold weather and stuff that makes you hibernate. when I lived in Los Angeles I never over ate in the winter. I have to, at 40 (not 41 til next week!!!) really be eating off the kid''s plates and running to bake brownies etc...or I will look like Shamu in not too long...
Congratulations Rebot!

Your puppy looks so amazingly cute in your avatar, I hope he is happy, growing and doing well!
Are you still in China and shopping from there? Or am I confused?

I too am 5''4, and I weigh in at around 120 (on my best days) and 128 (that time of the month.) If you haven''t been clothes shopping in a while, don''t be alarmed at the change of clothing sizes. I didn''t lose a pound, and went from a 7/8, to a 4 to sometimes a 2. Stores like JCrew changed their sizing scale, and it can be very frustrating and confusing.

I''ve learned not to really look at sizes, but to try everything on.

What to buy? I guess that depends on your style! I''m sure that we''d all love to help you make choices, though! I''m sure your very excited about your weight loss, congratulations again!!!!
OH and that''s another thing re: losing weight. It''s so expensive!!

DF you mention your Juicies. WELL last year smart little me stocked up on a bunch of new velour suits during the shopbop end of season sale right? I''m like woo hoo I''m so smart, I bought all these at 1/2 off so that I don''t have to do it next winter. Well duh. Next winter rolls around and I''m a Medium in Juicy and not a Large anymore. the Largest practically swim on me. All this extra material around the waist and around the shoulders big time. It drives me NUTS. So I want new suits right? Well mostly the hoodies as because their snap pant bottoms fit snug to begin with, they are loose on me now but not embarassingly so so I can still wear them. But the hoodies are now $92! they had a price hike this year, like $15 per piece!!! So I am like CRAP. Not only do I have about 4 hoodies I can''t wear, but I don''t want to spend another $300 to buy new ones and esp not now around holidays. So I might Ebay my old ones, they are in fab condition, only washed and worn like maybe 10 times. It won''t get me near to retail, I would imagine maybe like $30 for each or something, but it''s something. then i won''t feel so guilty buying new ones. But ARGH.
My husband gets annoyed when I start rebuying my wardrobe!! He is happy when I lose weight, but when I start buying and buying he is not thrilled. I also had a shoe issue, after each kid my size changed, I went from a 7.5 before kids to a 9 now...I had so many amazing shoes and gave them to my sister, Gucci loafers I had never worn, that now did not fit...etc, and I slowly had to replace them because you can alter clothes sometimes but you cannot make too small shoes fit. Ebay could be good idea, is it worth the hassle though? Worrying about getting the money and packing it all up? Too much hassle for me since I am not a big seller on Ebay...
Thanks for the suggestions. I am waiting until I get back to my "ideal" size before I go shopping, but figured if I start looking now I will stay motivated. You would think that I could find great deals living in China since everything seems to be made here, but all of the good stuff is exported and the quality of the stuff available here is pretty shoddy. I''m coming home in a couple months so I''m planning a shopping spree for then.

I have stocked up on fake Juicy sets to bum around the house. They are obviously fake, and I refuse to wear them out of the house, but for less than $10 for the set I couldn''t beat it for lounging.

Tybee - Our puppy is finally getting healthy. He still has mange and has to take medicated baths every week. My avatar is right after bath time. DH wrapped him up so tight he looked like a burrito. It was funny because he was perfectly content laying there for about 30 minutes before throwing a fit because he couldn''t move.
You probably could get a lot of your stuff altered for little money. Even in the states, it''s not too bad. I''ve had luck using men''s suit stores to alter my women''s items. They''re familiar with proper tailoring and less expensive then the ladies stores.
Date: 12/14/2006 10:03:22 PM

Here''s the deal, my husband has begged and pleaded with me to go shopping for some new clothes.

My fi has begged and pleaded with me to stop shopping for clothes!
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