
Loose diamond + setting - need advice on pairing the two!


Apr 12, 2011
Hi everyone,

I have already acquired the loose diamond for my e-ring, and the setting will be here soon. It is the Tacori 2565RD9 setting. :love:

As you can see, the center stone can apparently be set at varying heights in relation to the base of the ring:
Almost flush here:
Perhaps a bit raised here:

The original plan was to have it set at the same place which has ordered the setting for me. However, that may not be possible given some recently discovered time constraints.

My questions are:
1. Can any local jeweler set the stone as I want it (i.e. more like the first picture)?
2. Would you rather have a Tacori silver or gold partner setting it instead?
3. How long does it typically take for the setting, and what should I expect it to cost?
4. If I am unhappy with the way it is set, can it be redone easily?
5. Given the large investment in the stone, should I be paranoid about the jeweler "swapping" it? I do not personally know anyone and thus anyone I go to would be a stranger. My stone was AGS certified in February 2011, so it should have a laser engraving, correct?

Thanks in advance for any help! :wavey:
Re: Loose diamond + setting - need advice on pairing the two

Absolutely have it set like the lower one! I do not like the way the high-set one looks at all!

Tacori needs to set the stone. They should send your stone to Tacori to set as they make the ring to fit your girlfriend's finger. We have seen disasters here with jewelers trying to set the stone. I do not recommend that! Gorgeous setting, by the way!
Re: Loose diamond + setting - need advice on pairing the two

yeah I think the work should be done by Tacori so that any warranty would remain intact. As DS said there are a lot of horror stories with having places do work on Tacori pieces (most commonly with resizing, not with setting) where the warranty is voided and then Tacori cannot fix it!

and yes, definitely get it set like the 1st one!
Re: Loose diamond + setting - need advice on pairing the two

Thanks for the tips!

Here's the (updated) situation: The plan was going to be to travel to Chicago to have the stone set by the jeweler who ordered the setting. They said that they set 90+% of the Tacori rings which they order - and they are a Tacori silver partner - so I trust them to do so.

However, due to scheduling conflicts, I will have to have the ring set locally, where there is no Tacori gold/silver partner. I spoke to the associate I've been working with in Chicago and she assured me that, with the ring being made with the loose stone's dimensions in mind, setting should be extremely simple. She also said that if Tacori were to set the stone, they would need to have it before the order was placed - and it has already been placed.

Not necessarily bad news, but not great news either. If I had the stone shipped to Chicago, it would cost quite and a bit and I would be a little more uneasy about the whole process. Now that I have the loose stone in-hand, I don't want to let it go! :tongue:

Anyway, I am going to visit a few jewelers in town next week to discuss the topic. Any specific questions I should ask (aside from the obligatory when, how much, etc.)?
Re: Loose diamond + setting - need advice on pairing the two


I am looking at the same ring and coming from Europe to US this month to get it (hopefully!). Not sure where I will get it yet but will be visiting San Fran, LA and San Diego so I am hoping I can get it in my size in a store in one of these cities. We are on a road trip so it will really need to be a fait compli in a day if possible! After your experience would you advise getting the stone in the same jeweler as the setting or did you save a lot by doing it the way you did? Are you still loving the ring 3 months on!?

Thanks so much
