
Looking for expert advice for my first diamond


Dec 16, 2015
I'm a guy from the UK looking to buy an engagement ring for my girlfriend. I knew nothing about diamonds a month ago (other than they sparkle and are pretty expensive) but this website has been invaluable in getting me up to speed - or at least giving me a starting point.

After a bit of research I'm planning on buying a diamond online and taking it to our local jeweller for a bespoke setting (I like the idea of a personal touch). My budget isn't huge unfortunately - thinking ~£2000 for the stone and ~£1000 for the setting (this style bypass with a different setting and a couple of small diamonds on each side in the gaps if possible

From what I've seen I'm looking at around the 0.7-0.8ct mark. The stones that have caught my eye currently are: (probably the front runner on the strength of ACA reviews on here)

If anyone has any strong views on these stone (or better suggestions!) please let me know. At this size is going for the very best cut overkill? If it helps I'm not planning on proposing until March so have a little time if there are likely to be better stones in the next couple of months. My gf is also not particularly materialistic or a diamond expert so don't care about the stats - just want a nice looking stone!

PS if anyone can recommend a reputable UK online dealer then I'm all ears, avoiding the import tax buying from the US would mean I could increase my budget.


Jul 23, 2012
Both look nice.

You know James Allen makes a setting just like that already. I get the "custom is romantic" view but no reason to spend custom money if she's specifically said she likes that setting. That way more money for the stone. Also romantic ;-) lol.


Dec 16, 2015
Niel|1451343457|3967574 said:
Both look nice.

You know James Allen makes a setting just like that already. I get the "custom is romantic" view but no reason to spend custom money if she's specifically said she likes that setting. That way more money for the stone. Also romantic ;-) lol.

Hi Niel

Which setting did you mean? Had a quick look at the site but couldn't find it


Sep 30, 2015

I'm from the UK and my experience is that you will get a better deal importing from the US - even with the import tax added. I've used Brian Gavin and Whiteflash and they are both excellent. You can't really go wrong selecting from their ACA and Signature ranges but you do pay a bit more for those guarantees. H/I colour should be fine, particularly with the best cuts. Your best bang-for-buck size-wise would be to go with an eye-clean SI1 at the I colour (assuming you are OK at that). Or SI1 at the H if you are a little bit colour sensitive. Many people are fine at I though. The SI1 plots can look a bit "hairy" on the certificates but a good vendor will tell you if they are eye-clean - without close inspection using a loupe, no-one will know.

You could also take a look through the expert selection at WF and maybe save yourself a few hundred quid - there are some very nice stones in there too.

Settings - custom is nice but does put the price up a fair bit. I'd be inclined to follow that other advice and check through the huge variety of "standard" settings and maybe bump the stone up with the savings?

If you are transferring cash, avoid the daft charges from your bank and use these guys - .. I made a couple of big purchases and they saved me about £600.

Happy to look at a few stones if you need help. Also check out "Gypsy" on here - great diamond 101 which will help you narrow down to the good stuff if you do decide to step outside of the top WF and Brian Gavin ranges.



Dec 16, 2015
Niel|1451348874|3967614 said:

No diamonds though.

Unfortunately not really a fan of the bezel around the diamond. I'm going to book an appointment at the jewelers to see what they can do and what kind of price range I would be likely to have to shell out - will reconsider options after that. I'm actually doing this without any knowledge/advice from the gf, I generally trust my taste but can imagine it would be a costly mistake to get a custom setting made if she didn't like it!

spon88|1451392604|3967781 said:

I'm from the UK and my experience is that you will get a better deal importing from the US - even with the import tax added. I've used Brian Gavin and Whiteflash and they are both excellent. You can't really go wrong selecting from their ACA and Signature ranges but you do pay a bit more for those guarantees. H/I colour should be fine, particularly with the best cuts. Your best bang-for-buck size-wise would be to go with an eye-clean SI1 at the I colour (assuming you are OK at that). Or SI1 at the H if you are a little bit colour sensitive. Many people are fine at I though. The SI1 plots can look a bit "hairy" on the certificates but a good vendor will tell you if they are eye-clean - without close inspection using a loupe, no-one will know.

You could also take a look through the expert selection at WF and maybe save yourself a few hundred quid - there are some very nice stones in there too.

Settings - custom is nice but does put the price up a fair bit. I'd be inclined to follow that other advice and check through the huge variety of "standard" settings and maybe bump the stone up with the savings?

If you are transferring cash, avoid the daft charges from your bank and use these guys - .. I made a couple of big purchases and they saved me about £600.

Happy to look at a few stones if you need help. Also check out "Gypsy" on here - great diamond 101 which will help you narrow down to the good stuff if you do decide to step outside of the top WF and Brian Gavin ranges.


Thanks spon, thought that was probably the case re: importing from US. What exactly is "Gypsy", and where do I find it? And assuming I stick to a ~£2000 budget for the stone what is the biggest size I could be hoping to go for (assuming ideal cut, I colour, eyeclean SI1/2) ? - Realise that is obviously a tricky question but any general range would be appreciated!


Sep 30, 2015
Gypsy posts regularly on the forum - very useful and easy to find.

For that budget and those specs, around 0.7 - 0.75 ct. There are some useful search facilities on the various sites where you can plug in your specs and it will throw back your options. I'm in a bit of a rush now so not able to go and check for you but if you want to post up some options you find, people here will help you validate. You may be able to push up a little on the carat weight if you scour through the inventory on the various sites and keep to the recommended "ideal" cut parameters - you can also find those on here easily enough.

I have a bit more time later tonight if you are struggling....
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