
Looking for a solasfera


Aug 2, 2011
Hi All,
My fiance proposed to be earlier this year with a beautiful solasfera princess cut. Several months later I lost my ring when he took my on a bday surprise to a local hotel spa. I was SO devasted and had the whole staff of the spa searching for the ring. Unfortunately they haven't been able to find it:( We are now looking to replace the diamond (luckily it was insured) and haven't been able to find an equivalent. If anyone has information out there on who we can contact or where we can look we'd really appreciate it. We've already contacted GOG but they haven't been able to track anything down with similar specs. Also, for anyone else who has been looking for a solasfera, how long did you have to wait for new inventory to come up? I'm so sad that it has been such a painful process!


Aug 8, 2005
I think you should probably call the company and ask them to help you with your request. Just go straight to Solasfera and see if that speeds things up. I'm so sorry you lost your ring... that stinks. I hope you find a new stone soon!


Mar 28, 2001
Hi Gypsy,

Solasfera will redirect the call right back to us as we handle the general web calls for Solasfera and they are aware of our clients needs. One thing I respect about this company is their integrity with their distributors as they don't snag clients away from their distributors. It discourages me to see you direct people away from us when we are fully aware of the situation and doing everything to help them.

Hi psg, I am in constant contact with them daily and am aware of your call. As soon as one shows up in the inventory your fiance will be notified. As to timing, new inventory comes out when they are able to acquire rough and that will allow itself to be cut to Solasfera specs. It's really unpredictable when an exact carat weight, color and clarity will show up. It could take months or even over a year. If you were slightly flexible by .05ct and 1 clarity grade we have a diamond you would see absolutely no difference in which you could have on your finger now. I did make your fiance aware of this but he said he'd rather wait. He has my email if you have any questions for me or you can ask here if you like and I will respond.

Kindest regards,


Aug 2, 2011
Wow up to a year! That is discouraging. It has only been 2 weeks so I think we may want to wait a little longer (the ins co has been great) and pray really hard that something comes up, if not in the exact same specs maybe something comparable. Is it a 0.05ct downgrade that you have avail? I'll continue to keep my fingers crossed.


Apr 2, 2010
Hi, I'm Debbie and I'm mostly lurk anymore, but I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry for your troubles and the loss of your ring. I also want to add my tiny 2 cents regarding Jon's eye and GOG. I live in Holland, and have resources here, Belgium, the US and so on. I consider Jon's eye and GOG the absolute model for diamonds, service, and great business relationships. So much so that even though I am so far away, I consider them my "local" jeweler, know what I mean?

For what it's worth, here's what I would do: why not have Jon make you a video of different options that are available now that are within a range of your original stone. You have nothing to lose. You'll never be able to replace your original stone, even if the exact specs completely matched, right? And there may be another orphan Solasfera just waiting for you to find it and give it a home on your finger. Take alook. If they don't suit you, then you can always wait. But I'm betting he can give you just what you need.


Mar 28, 2001
Thank you for the kind words Debbie. ::) I happen to consider you my "local artiste!" :bigsmile:

Hi psg,

Most likely not a year but anything is possible. I just do not nor will I make promises I can't keep nor will I give people expectations for something that may not pan out for a while. Really its unpredictable. And the longer you wait, the more likely it will go up in price as well. But yes ... .05ct difference in a 1.22ct F VS1 Solasfera Princess Cut or if you are ok with G VVS there are another 2 options. I had suggested the F. Your call. If you want to wait that is fine by me of course. I have all your contact info.

Kindest regards,


Aug 2, 2011
Hi Rhino,
Thanks for your honesty and being up front. Yea I was intrigued by the F/VS1 option if the 0.05 carat was an upgrade. Just so sad to downgrade on two points! I'll continue to keep my fingers crossed and I really appreciate you keeping us in mind if you get anything more re: inventory.

Thanks for the great advice. If nothing turns up we may need to explore the options you posed with Rhino.

Thanks alot!


Mar 28, 2001
Not a prob psg. The first F VVS that comes along already has your name on it. In fact if a person were to call Solasfera thinking they'd get the diamond before us, they'd be mistaken as the first one to come is already slated for us which is for you. Doing what Gypsy suggested (and I don't question her sincerity in giving you what she thought was helpful advice) would only delay your wait even further.

Kind regards,


Nov 27, 2007
PSG, I totally understand how it bums you out to consider going down in size... but, have you actually checked the face up measurements between your lost one and the slightly smaller one? It could be that, despite the weight difference, there is virtually no visual difference. Of course, it could be otherwise, just a thought! (And if regardless it's a mind-clean issue, than just ignore me :bigsmile: )

Good luck! I can't imagine how upsetting it was to lose it ;(


Aug 8, 2005
Great information Rhino. I will remember that in the future.

I like Infinity's program of sharing inventory personally. It's so easy to know exactly what they have.

The diamond you have suggested (bitty amount of size loss and one color grade) sounds like a very good possibility. Perhaps the OP might consider having it sent to them and if they don't like it just sending it back? I really think that with such a small amount of difference seeing the numbers is less helpful (because you can over focus on the stats) than seeing the stone in life. Stats are great... for knowing what you have. But ultimately you wear a diamond on your finger. You don't wear the certificate.

I'd give the diamond a gander in person, if it were me. I wouldn't want to wait that long for one color grade and a tiny amount of carat weight if I didn't have to.

.05 is very little weight loss (and maybe no spread loss, which is the real point) and a G color princess (my aunt has one and I have an F asscher) is going to be REALLY white anyway. Doesn't hurt to look at it in person right?

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
LGK|1312413215|2983524 said:
PSG, I totally understand how it bums you out to consider going down in size... but, have you actually checked the face up measurements between your lost one and the slightly smaller one? It could be that, despite the weight difference, there is virtually no visual difference. Of course, it could be otherwise, just a thought! (And if regardless it's a mind-clean issue, than just ignore me :bigsmile: )

Good luck! I can't imagine how upsetting it was to lose it ;(

Is it a matter of the downgrade of .05 looking smaller? I dont know that visually you would be able to see any difference in size. Or is it that you want the exact carat weight you were proposed to with? Personally I would sacrafice a .05 ct downgrade since the visual difference would be very very difficul to see as opposed to possibly waiting it out for months!! It's ultimately your decision- so good luck to you! :bigsmile:
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