
Looking for a sapphire

Hi Tammy,

The cut looks perfect with no extinction and no window - very sparkly as well.

Montana sapphires are not my thing but color is a matter of taste. I don’t see anything wrong about this stone to be honest except maybe the price: it’s not a trade-ideal color and the stone is heated, which has to be reflected in the price. In my view, it isn’t really, but I may be wrong. There are no rules in pricing gems but I would personally not pay more that 1k for this stone.

Good luck!
It looks nice. One thing to note is Montana sapphires are very shifty. They change colour depending on lighting, and can go grey in certain lighting conditions. So dont expect it to look like that all the time. Having said this gemfix has a good returns policy so you cant go wrong ordering it to see it in person.
Hi Tammy,

The cut looks perfect with no extinction and no window - very sparkly as well.

Montana sapphires are not my thing but color is a matter of taste. I don’t see anything wrong about this stone to be honest except maybe the price: it’s not a trade-ideal color and the stone is heated, which has to be reflected in the price. In my view, it isn’t really, but I may be wrong. There are no rules in pricing gems but I would personally not pay more that 1k for this stone.

Good luck!

Thanks so much for your response! Any thoughts about this one?

It looks nice. One thing to note is Montana sapphires are very shifty. They change colour depending on lighting, and can go grey in certain lighting conditions. So dont expect it to look like that all the time. Having said this gemfix has a good returns policy so you cant go wrong ordering it to see it in person.
Thanks for your response. Any thoughts about this one?

The first is much more impressive.
There is this one place for Montana sapphire, but not only - www (this caught my eye from their listings over 1.4cts and below 2K, the color is outrageous!)

Thanks for your thoughts. I emailed Jeff White. Maybe it would be best to place a custom order....what do you think?
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I would ask Jeff White if he may have suitable rough. Then, Dan Stair might.
The first one you posted from Gemfix looks like a beautiful choice. The price is on the high side, but you the color looks very pretty, it’s precision cut and it has a high clarity of VVS. It would be my top pick aside from the price. I love it!

Here are few options I have seen in around in a 6mm cushion Montana for comparison:
If either of these from Westview Gems interest you, I would ask Steve for a video of both stones together in natural lighting:


I only found this one from Blaze-n-Gems, but he might have other options I missed if you reach out to him. He also has a 25% offf coupon code right now.

Sukrita at Aurelia Gems received A large parcel of Montana’s a while back and might be able to help you find what you are looking for. She has access to Prima Gems inventory, so she has many more stones than what you see on Etsy. She’s great about pulling her best stones and sending pictures/videos if you let her know what you are looking for.
Thanks for your thoughts. I emailed Jeff White. Maybe it would be best to place a custom order....what do you think?

If you're going to go custom, the first place I'd try is Dan Stair, Jr at He prices Montana sapphires (goes to Montana to get the rough himself) at only $400/ct. I would not pay $1k/ct for heated sapphire. Unheated, sure, I'd go about $2k/ct. The reality is that a lot of vendors have a higher profit margin on Montana sapphire since it's "made" in America, but Montana sapphire rough is no more expensive than sapphire rough from anywhere else in the world.
In the video, the stone looks pretty gray to me. A stone can be a light/medium blue without a gray modifier. I think it often takes time to train your eye to identify color modifiers in gems, and of course, whether or not you prefer a certain modifier is a matter of opinion.
... it’s not a trade-ideal color

What is trade ideal color for a Montana sapphire (non-Yogo I mean)?
Just curious, I haven't come across any statements on this.
What is trade ideal color for a Montana sapphire (non-Yogo I mean)?
Just curious, I haven't come across any statements on this.

Is there a trade ideal? There are so many colors! But I'd consider any unheated Montana sapphire without a gray modifier to be rare and valuable!
Is there a trade ideal? There are so many colors! But I'd consider any unheated Montana sapphire without a gray modifier to be rare and valuable!

Looking at prices there obviously is a trade ideal, or trade favorite color, or color range. It’s what the market As a whole wants and is willing to pay extra for, given the higher demand.

Montana sapphires with their grayish hue will never fetch the price of a medium-dark (80-85%) vivid blue sapphire of similar size, cut, and clarity. This may not apply to you, but it does to today’s market.

On this basis, I found this sapphire rather expensive. I would not if it were vivid blue. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just my opinion :)
Looking at prices there obviously is a trade ideal, or trade favorite color, or color range. It’s what the market As a whole wants and is willing to pay extra for, given the higher demand.

Montana sapphires with their grayish hue will never fetch the price of a medium-dark (80-85%) vivid blue sapphire of similar size, cut, and clarity. This may not apply to you, but it does to today’s market.

I think you nailed it. There probably isn't an actual trade ideal color, but market demand for certain colors will definitely drive up prices; supply & demand right?
I've seen so many ugly Montana sapphires coming on the market -washed out, with cloudy clarity - that when I see one with actual color, even if it is somewhat pastel, and is well-cut with great clarity, I think they can be quite beautiful in their own way, judged on their own merits.
Comparing Montanas to vivid-blue Ceylon sapphires (to me) is like comparing apples and oranges...Or blondes and brunettes. ;-)People seem to like each of them for very different reasons.
Thanks so much for everyone's great comments and advice. I'm not searching specifically for a Montana sapphire. I am just doing general searching for a good quality sapphire that might be a Ceylon blue or a Montana sapphire. I'm open to looking at both options. What are the best sites to search overall?

Does anyone have any thoughts about this sapphire?

Nice, but still overpriced*, in my opinion, given the fact it's heated. I can buy unheated Ceylon sapphires of similar saturation and size for the same price. What you're paying for here is the precision cutting of Andrew Gulij. Many PS'ers are happy with his prices. Just not all of us.

*unless something's happening in the Ceylon sapphire market to drive up prices, and I'm unaware of it, which is always possible
I think with sapphires, you should find a color you like and a cut you like and as long as you didn’t drastically overpay, you’ll be happy with it. Color is subjective to all of us and you need to find one that you love. For me, it’s all about a color that I love and I’d rather pay more for something that I adore than have gotten a good deal and not love it.

Full disclosure, I have a non-trade ideal color sapphire from Gemfix and just love it. And I’m a novice gem lover so my statements are just a regular gal’s opinion. Good luck on your search!
Nice, but still overpriced*, in my opinion, given the fact it's heated. I can buy unheated Ceylon sapphires of similar saturation and size for the same price. What you're paying for here is the precision cutting of Andrew Gulij. Many PS'ers are happy with his prices. Just not all of us.

*unless something's happening in the Ceylon sapphire market to drive up prices, and I'm unaware of it, which is always possible

Thanks for your reply. I consulted Jeff White about cutting a sapphire for me and he quoted a price of almost $3000 for.a 6x6 cushion cut
Thanks for your reply. I consulted Jeff White about cutting a sapphire for me and he quoted a price of almost $3000 for.a 6x6 cushion cut
Jeff White and John Dyer are two of the most expensive cutters I know of. I would not consider his prices as the standard going rate for a mere mortal like me. If Gemfix is like Tiffany's, then Jeff White and John Dyer would be like Harry Winston.
Jeff White and John Dyer are two of the most expensive cutters I know of. I would not consider his prices as the standard going rate for a mere mortal like me. If Gemfix is like Tiffany's, then Jeff White and John Dyer would be like Harry Winston.

So where would you look?
I liked Westview Gems suggested in post #10, I suggested Dan Stair in post #11, Mastercut Gems in post #20. Other than that, you could look at Finewater Gems for heated sapphire, Cecile Raley Designs and Enhoerning Jewelry on Etsy for untreated sapphires. Enhoerning Jewelry has some high price tag larger sapphires in their Etsy shop, but will probably be able to source something to your liking. I'm enjoying the 2ct unheated blue sapphire below, which I acquired from Enhoerning Jewelry for $1k.IMG_20200111_195611.jpg
8x6 unheated sapphire, Stuller setting
There is a nice looking Jeff White Montana sapphire listed on Loupe Troop.
Gene from Precision Gem has listed a few sapphires in the 5.5-6mm range recently. You could sign up on his site to be notified when he list new stones.
If you are still considering the stones from Gemfix, could you order them so you can see the stones in person? Videos and photos are great, but seeing the stones in person really is the ideal way to choose. Laura is very helpful and they have a good return policy. There are shipping cost involve, but it’s totally worth it to see the stones in your own environment, in my opinion.