
Long shot - Any bar takers??


Feb 11, 2014
This is a long shot, but anyone on here studying for the bar exam?? Or anyone already have taken the bar exam? I have about 7 weeks to go before the exam :shock: :?

Hope I have some company.... :))
No, sorry - but just wanted to wish you lots of luck!!! :))
Also not taking the bar but wanted to wish you good luck. Which state bar are you taking?
I thought the bar exam was a test of how many shots it takes for you to fall off your stool. :lol:

Seriously, good luck!
kenny|1402510163|3691050 said:
I thought the bar exam was a test of how many shots it takes for you to fall off your stool. :lol:

Seriously, good luck!

:D LOL! That's the other "bar" test.
DH is an attorney and I do not fondly recall the bar prep phase of our lives. Take a deep breath, get lots of sleep, color code your notes, and you will do just fine! :wavey:
Took the bar many years ago. Passed. Worked in a sweatshop on Wall St.

What state are you taking? Are you doing Barbri?

You'll be fine. Please keep me posted on this thread - I'm here for you!
kenny|1402510163|3691050 said:
I thought the bar exam was a test of how many shots it takes for you to fall off your stool. :lol:

Seriously, good luck!


Kenny, that's just the technique for staying sane while preparing for the bar exam.
Thanks everyone! :)) I'm lucky to have a DF who is very supportive throughout the bar prep process.

Eh613c and Lioness, I am taking the AZ bar exam. I am doing Barbri, which includes more assignments than seem possible at times! On top of it, I will be a "bad student" and take a weekend off for a wedding in Chicago in 8 days. I can't wait! Hopefully I can get ahead before I take off.

On the bright side, I don't anticipate working in a sweatshop :bigsmile:
I'm re-taking it. Failed the first time. Luckily (?) my sweatshop didn't fire me. :twirl:
MissStepcut|1402611775|3691925 said:
I'm re-taking it. Failed the first time. Luckily (?) my sweatshop didn't fire me. :twirl:

MissStepcut, what state are you studying for? Good luck!

Good luck to you too!

Missstepcut-- I sincerely have missed your posts on here. You are one of the people that I think has excellent organization skills. I loved how you listed a, b, c, d, when you were making your points, or were consolidating what others had stated. Sometimes PS posts are all over place. I think it is a skill necessary for an attorney. Good LUck and don't be a stranger. You may not know me, but I do pay attention to what you say.

Minidancer, good luck to you.

minidancer|1402508465|3691023 said:
This is a long shot, but anyone on here studying for the bar exam?? Or anyone already have taken the bar exam? I have about 7 weeks to go before the exam :shock: :?

Hope I have some company.... :))

Oh, the nightmares that still haunt me. I did mine 15 years ago in NY! Best advice I can share is the advice I ignored. Study very hard and a few days before the exam, stop studying and just relax or do something random and fun. Go in with a clear head. Good luck and congrats on your graduation from law school-- you should be very proud of yourself.
smitcompton|1402679068|3692458 said:

Missstepcut-- I sincerely have missed your posts on here. You are one of the people that I think has excellent organization skills. I loved how you listed a, b, c, d, when you were making your points, or were consolidating what others had stated. Sometimes PS posts are all over place. I think it is a skill necessary for an attorney. Good LUck and don't be a stranger. You may not know me, but I do pay attention to what you say.

Minidancer, good luck to you.

Oh thank you! Between working at a firm and having a new baby, PS had dropped off my radar. But I hope my posting habits are translating into my work product (however little they helped me on the bar exam first go-round).
Thank you Annette and RandG.

I am a little afraid to take those last few days off for fear of "forgetting" something. :errrr: You don't think that would have happened had you take a few days off? I will at least *try* to take the day before the exam off to relax.

MSC- You will do fantastic this time around, I am sure. :)) It sounds like you had your hands very full while trying to study. Is your exam the last week of July? I will be rooting for you from AZ :))
Here's to you ladies studying for the bar - take tonight off. Relax. Your brain needs downtime.