
Long Hair: A Poll

Long Hair: Yay or Nay

  • 1) Yay!

    Votes: 83 76.9%
  • 2) Nay!

    Votes: 5 4.6%
  • 3) Good on other people, just not for me

    Votes: 18 16.7%
  • 4) Not to be borne on ANYONE under ANY circumstances, ew, blech, icky, yuck

    Votes: 2 1.9%

  • Total voters


Apr 26, 2007
Starting a spin-off thread from nails, because while they're both keratin, people who click on one might not necessarily click on the other.

Do you think of very long hair as having any specific connotations? Let us define "long hair" as anything from shoulder-blade length to, say, waist-length: from longer than that to the lady in the Guinness Book of World Records, start your own thread. Is long hair hippie-ish, childlike, unprofessional, high maintenance ... or sexy, feminine, versatile ...? Discuss amongst yourselves!
I think is a HUGE difference from shoulder-blade length to waist-length. Because my opinion would change between both options.
I love long hair on myself and its quite maintenance free, moreso than the short cut I now have. I think long hair is beautiful (but I'm kind of a long hair junkie and belong to a hair board).


LadyBlue, I agree with you. I think of SL as short hair.

Lady Blue, by all means, be specific! I just wanted to set basic ground-rules (knee-length, after all, isn't that unusual).

Arcadian ... you intrigue me. Hair board?
I love long hair and agree with Arcadian that its maitenance -free. If I was to go for an interview, I ALWAYS had it up in a bun and for the most part even now a days its up in a french twist I"ve always had long hair even down to my knees Very healthy and thick. At 21 I chopped it off gave three feet of hair to locks of love and a few other times since then. My husband loves it, and had many commented on my hair. If I want it to look sexy I curl it. I'm growing it back out, but I love layers too so I'm at a delimma at keeping it mid back with layers right now.

ETA: Ithink long hair is very versatile. Curly- sexy, bun/french twist - very professional, half updo curly - fun, french braid - (my workout hair and swimming since a pony tail starts to weigh down flop me in the face, and putting in a bun is a no go, it just falls out)
Love love love long hair BUT lwith ANY length hair it needs to be taken care of (think women who grow it to their waist and NEVER get trims so 2/3rds of it is all SPLIT ENDS :errrr: )

My hair is just below my shoulder blades, very thick, healthy and shiny. I also spend thousands each year to keep it PIN straight. But bc I do keep it PIN straight, its a pretty easy style to take care of...easy to put up when needed but looks great down too.

And to add: I do like short styles too but, IMO, the person's face plays a huge part in if it works or not. Think Halle Berry (sp?), she looks fantastic. On me, if I had short short hair , I would look like a boy!
i have had long hair for years varying from mid- to below shoulder blade length to it touches the seat when i sit down length. for me the best length is anywhere from shoulder-blade length to waist length. personally, i will never have shorter hair ever again. the ease of maintenance and the lack of having to style make longer hair a dream to have. i wear it both up and down. i love having the ability to put it up and away from my face when gardening or its hot [or my hair is dirty] but being able ot have it down and "flowy" for going out.

i am also fortunate that i live in an area where older women do not conform to stereotypes. older women with long hair abound and appear more youthful and energetic as well.

Love my long hair. Love love love it. Long hair doesn't necessarily = "nasty"

I had it short once.....I won't be doing that for a verrrrrry long time.

Here is mine:

lbbaber said:
Love love love long hair BUT lwith ANY length hair it needs to be taken care of (think women who grow it to their waist and NEVER get trims so 2/3rds of it is all SPLIT ENDS :errrr: )quote]

I agree!

There is long healthy hair and then there is what you described, and I think I've seen more of those gals that maybe should rethink of keeping their hair long? I hope that when I get to that point, my daughters will tell me so :wacko:
I rarely see people with the nasty kind. Around here, I see lots of women with long, beautiful, well kept hair. Yum.
I've posted about this before, but if you've ever read John T Malloy on professional appearance, he ran some studies on how people are perceived and concluded that people don't take women with long hair as seriously. His research is pretty old and outdated now and I don't know of anyone who's researched these things recently.
Autumnovember|1305326795|2921161 said:
I rarely see people with the nasty kind. Around here, I see lots of women with long, beautiful, well kept hair. Yum.

Autumn.. You look sexy with long hair.

When I was in my teens and early twenties I noticed the "not so healthy long hair" more frequently it was on older gals, Now everyone I see are younger and have healthy hair- i'm just growing old and I see the reverse
LadyBlue|1305324703|2921134 said:
I think is a HUGE difference from shoulder-blade length to waist-length. Because my opinion would change between both options.

yup, same here.

autumn your hair looks very well-kept and beautiful :) sadly in hippie-land most women with long hair look :errrr:

I think it is all about maintenance! if your hair looks like it is conditioned/brushed/etc then I don't have a problem with long or short.
Autumnovember|1305326695|2921158 said:
Love my long hair. Love love love it. Long hair doesn't necessarily = "nasty"

I had it short once.....I won't be doing that for a verrrrrry long time.

Here is mine:

Autumn, You are VERY pretty!!
For me, a good length for long hair is around 2" below bra strap. Anything longer than that (near waist, or butt crack) seems to start becoming an inconvenience, or higher maintenance. I assume so because I've never had it that long.

Lucky for me, my hair is naturally straight, thick, and shiny, I don't need any special products or processing. It's just wash and go.

For job interview etc, I just pull a few strands back and clip wth and alligator type clip.

I have long hair now so obviously I voted yay! I have very straight, fine hair and I love how low-maintenance it is. It's probably 5 or so inches below my shoulders. I get it cut every 3 months or so and I don't blow dry it so it's in good shape. When I had short hair I had to do a lot more to keep it looking good, and I'm pretty lazy so this is much easier for me. Plus I think it looks good!

I usually wear my hair down in interviews because I am not good at fixing my hair, and it's so fine that it's hard for me to make it stay up and look neat. I think as long as your hair is neat looking and you won't play with it, hair down is fine for a job interview. Obviously that might not work for more conservative work environments, but it hasn't been a problem in any of the jobs I've had.

ETA can't find a good close up pic but I'm on the right, my sister is on the left.

I love short hair on everyone else but I need the weight that comes with long hair to keep it from levitating. I can't say I like syn hair on anyone even if it is human (how weird is it to wear someone else's hair?). I think wigs are fab though.
Nope, I don't think of long hair as specific connotations...kind of a package deal. Depends upon what the woman is wearing as to how I'll perceive her. I'm currently growing my hair long. Probably 1/2 down my back. It's at my shoulder's now.

The ONLY thing that really bugs me about long hair is when it's on children and the hair isn't brushed. I will state flat out, if the parent cannot even take the time to brush their child's hair before sending her off to school, the kid's hair should have a few inches trimmed off. Of course, after playing outside, or whatever it's okay to be a bit tangled, but I drove a friend's kid to school the other day and it was a rat's nest.
Some people (like my mom) thinks that I should cut my hair to be more age-appropriate. I always point out Jane Seymour, or Christie Brinkly who are still so beautiful even with long hair in their 50s! I don't think there should be an age limit. If you can pull it off, and it's still healthy, go for it!
I've fought with my mom over my hair my whole life. It's about six inches below my shoulders. She just couldn't understand why I didn't cut it off when I turned 40. Wait until I turn 50 in a couple years and don't cut it off. My head and face are really round (Charlie Brown anyone?) and I look ridiculous with short hair. And because it's really curly, it needs the weight to not pyramid. I cut it myself and that really seems to send her over the edge.
My hair is similar in length to AN's, though I think with our height difference, mine looks a tad shorter (I'm 5'7 and seem to remember you once mentioning you're quite a bit shorter than that? Sorry if I'm wrong!) It currently falls to the bottom of my bra strap, and I try my best to keep it in good shape. I love love my long hair, though it is high maintenance and hard to style sometimes. Plus, I look like a boy with short hair. It's really not good.
Thank you for the kind compliments, ladies! your hair. :love:

I usually don't wear the curls...typically leave it straight so its a bit longer than it is in that photo. It's in a bun right now :sick:

Manderz...I'm 4'11, you were correct!
Jaysonsmom, you have naturally what I spend hours in the salon trying to acheive...I am ENVIOUS :mrgreen: I love your hair!
I have had long hair in my life, but it does not work well for me. I actually find it high maintenance, and the texture of my hair does not work well with long hair. I would say in my adult life I have had short hair 90% of the time, short being less than shoulder length.

I do think in general long-long hair looks best on younger women, in their 20s perhaps, like the students I see all over campus who all seem to have the most luxurious long hair! Can't say why, I guess it is a stereotype, or maybe ageism, who knows. That said, the ladies who posted long hair pics in this thread sure seem to have lovely hair, and dare I say a few are older than college age 8) So clearly I just don't know the right long-haired women ::)
AN- you rock the curls! Your hair looks so awesome. Wish I could get mine to cooperate like that!! :)
Well, if we're doing PICS (and such pretty pics from all the ladies who've posted - AN, T2, JM, you guys have beautiful hair), I wanna play! Oddly, I don't have too many decent shots of just the hair: here's one from my 30th b-day two years ago, documenting a fun peacock clip I got as a gift.

I will say, I can't picture ever cutting my hair: if and when the necessary, I pin it up. I hope it doesn't work against me professionally ... but when you get right down to it, I'm pretty sure for anybody who thinks that way, my figure would be a bigger strike than my follicles. And the only way to fight against it is to undermine it by having The Hair and still doing an exemplary job of doing my job, so ... really, I'm taking one for the team, I figure. :rodent:

30th B-Day 026.jpg
Circe|1305334949|2921328 said:
Well, if we're doing PICS (and such pretty pics from all the ladies who've posted - AN, T2, JM, you guys have beautiful hair), I wanna play! Oddly, I don't have too many decent shots of just the hair: here's one from my 30th b-day two years ago, documenting a fun peacock clip I got as a gift.

I will say, I can't picture ever cutting my hair: if and when the necessary, I pin it up. I hope it doesn't work against me professionally ... but when you get right down to it, I'm pretty sure for anybody who thinks that way, my figure would be a bigger strike than my follicles. And the only way to fight against it is to undermine it by having The Hair and still doing an exemplary job of doing my job, so ... really, I'm taking one for the team, I figure. :rodent:

I absolutely love it, Kriska! (I read your other post about your nickname, I'm Russian too!)

Your hair is super lucious.
manderz|1305334856|2921325 said:
AN- you rock the curls! Your hair looks so awesome. Wish I could get mine to cooperate like that!! :)

Believe it or not, I did those curls with a 1 inch straightener that has rounded edges...makes the PERFECT curl!

Here it is straight:

Circe-whoa, your hair is ridiculously gorgeous! You have what I like to call mermaid hair! Mermaid hair=wavy and super thick and long, because if you were a mermaid you wouldn't even need shells! :cheeky: I have a few friends with mermaid hair and I loooooove it!

AN, jaysonsmom-you all both have gorgeous hair, too! See, nothing wrong with long hair! (Or short, for that matter-I should find a pic from my buzzcut days! :cheeky: )
My hair is below shoulder length. I take great care of my hair, and am turning 50 soon. I have no plans of cutting it short. I use hot curlers so it looks shorter than it actually is. Guess it's time for me to burn my bikini's not supposed to wear them either... I hate these kinds of polls that the media spreads. ;))