
Local Jewelry Store - show and tell


Feb 6, 2024
Happy Friday to you nacre lovers! I'm new to pearls and came across a local jewelry store that had a little bit of inventory. Luckily there was another lady who actually requested pearls to be brought in, and I just happened to be there the day before her appointment. All I know is they were recently strung up from their specific pearl distributor that week. I wish I had spent more time there and took more pictures but they also had a Golden Sea Pearl necklace that I didn't have time to take a picture of.

Question - Can you tell from the photos if these are "gem like" quality strands that I might be seeing if I were to shop at Takahashi or Pearls of Paradise? The prices are astounding and I can't tell if it's a general retail mock up or there are like AAAAAA++++ pearls?!

Question 2 - Given that all these necklaces are 18 inches, if I'm pulling it up higher on my neck, does it look like 16 inches is the right length of me or is it safer to do 17 inches? Or maybe I need to go back to the store and see how many "beads I would take out" to really get that answer.

Onto the pictures...

It had a more grayish tone than the other Tahitians that had more of peacock look.
This first set was 10 mm to graduated 15 mm. The length of the necklace was 18 inches, which was too long for me. I pulled up to see how it might look shorter on me. I forgot to take a photo of the price but I think this was $30K.


This set has more of the peacock look. Same length of 18 inches but on the right, I flipped it around to show a picture of the diamond covered clasp and also wanted to see if I preferred a smaller look. The pearls graduated from 11 mm to 15 mm. The cost on this bad boy was $60K!!???


The third set I tried on was same 18 inches, and the picture on the right is the same thing where I flipped it around to see the claps and get a feel of the smaller pearls. It graduated from 12 mm to 15.5 mm of South Sea Pearls.


Anyhow, hope you all enjoy these photos and allowing me to share. Perhaps I'll come back with my own strand one day. I'm still gathering all my thoughts together and taking this future purchase slowly. Fun to play with pearls though and enjoying learning alongside everyone!


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you are very lucky to live in a location that sells such quality pearls

where i live the nice family main street jewller sells nice enough looking fresh waters, but they are so far away from what i see here on PS
dont even start me on the mall jeweller, at least the family jeweller sells a bit of variety

this is why im not too upset i cant afford the top shelf pearls right now
a lot of my customers wear pearls, older and younger, most of the time my Wen pearls can hold their own except the odd wealthier customer who is usually older and has most probably brought decades ago or has purchesed them while overseas

I mean you can probably buy some of the lower grade Mikimoto in a major city from a high end jewller, but i live in the boondocks

i think i would faint if i saw some of these beautiful PS pearls in person
Not a pearl expert but they do look nice.
There are a few factors with pearls.
The main one is lustre, the better you can see the reflection of say your phone camera in the pearl the better.
The other is the surface, as free from any blemishes as possible.
When it comes to strands, the colour match and equalness in size is a big price factor and the bigger the pearl, like diamonds, the exponentially more expensive.
With your lovely slim neck, your length would be 16 inches, a choker style would be 14 or 15 inches.
The Pearl experts can offer more advice and which vendor is recommended as some of them are indeed Pearl lovers and connoisseurs.