
LIW updates


Jun 1, 2009
Hey ladies

I thought it was time for another LIW update thread as there hasn't been one for a while :))

My update:

My SO and I are moving in together this year :appl: I'm so excited as we will be able to spend a lot more time together especially as SO is starting to work weekends again in a couple of months. Plus we live quite far from each other so it will be nice to no longer have to do an hour long round trip when we want to see each other. Yay no more sleepover packing!!

On the engagement front I don't think anything will happen this year. But I did get an approximate timeline from SO that we might be getting engaged sometime next year :bigsmile: So I might be ring shopping this time next year! Or maybe even the end of this one :Up_to_something:

Might even break into the teens before I graduate from the list.

*Dust* to everyone.

Lets hear some updates from the top 20 too :))


Jan 8, 2011
Congrats, Magpie!! And thanks for livening up the board!

That is so wonderful you guys are taking the next step and moving in together (and have a timeline!), especially coming from a long distance relationship! Even if it's only an hour away, I think it will definitely change your relationship (for the better!) seeing each other every day and sharing your life even more.

Yay! :appl: Lots of *dust* for you!


Aug 10, 2010
Ok ladies so I have a little update.

Today SO said that he had already thought up how to ask my fathers permission. He said the only thing at this stage holding us back is my lack of full time work (I am on the hunt). So I am setting myself a deadline - full time work by end of March.

Will keep you all updated and hope to maybe be engaged by Easter :)


Dec 25, 2009
My SO just got a great promotion and loves his job. The extra money isn't too shabby either!
Unfortunately, I am STILL looking for the illusive "real job" and am wondering if they even exist. I would not feel comfortable getting engaged without having a job first, so we'll just hope a job shows up before June.
My SO has a unique financial situation and will be getting a lump sum of money at the end of May that is more than enough to cover my dream ring. June 27 will be our 7 year anniversary and he is planning to propose around that time.
A few months ago, I posted that we were mentally setting a wedding date (although we aren't OFFICIALLY engaged)...but we threw all those ideas out the window and are still on undecided about what we want our wedding to look like. Back to the drawing boards! We're thinking maybe a 2011 is too timeline: Summer 2012.


Jan 4, 2011
I JUST WANT MY RING ALREADY!!!!!!!! :o :o :o

Sorry... :blackeye: Having one of those days where I'm really feeling like there's been too much talking about it and I just want it on my hand already.

On to the update: the reason I'm probably feeling so on edge is that a more sturdy timeline has been laid out. He's working on a big project through March and has promised that we will seriously begin the shopping process right after that. I know it's such a short time but I want it today! My mom is planning to fly up in a month and we're planning a diamond search trip. I'm hoping to have the whole process over by the end of May (wishful thinking?). I'm also being silly and keep thinking- what if something comes up and throws off our timeline, but I know I just need to take my advice and enjoy this really exciting time with my bf.

Happy to hear that your timelines are moving along as well!! :appl: Dust all around!!


Nov 20, 2009
My bf wants to have at least a the down payment ready for a house before he gets me a ring/proposes. He wants my parents to know that he's very capable of providing for me (I think this is more for tradition sake since both my parents and he know that I'm absolutely capable of providing for myself). update is, he's still saving money but I'm not complaining. I don't plan on having a wedding until I complete graduate school so no need for me to be engaged soon.


Feb 3, 2010
No updates from me but ~*~*~*DUST*~*~*~ to everyone!

Our 7 year anniversary is coming up in May so maybe something by then :bigsmile:


Feb 24, 2011
confusedaisy|1298827843|2860518 said:
I JUST WANT MY RING ALREADY!!!!!!!! :o :o :o

Sorry... :blackeye: Having one of those days where I'm really feeling like there's been too much talking about it and I just want it on my hand already.

On to the update: the reason I'm probably feeling so on edge is that a more sturdy timeline has been laid out. He's working on a big project through March and has promised that we will seriously begin the shopping process right after that. I know it's such a short time but I want it today! My mom is planning to fly up in a month and we're planning a diamond search trip. I'm hoping to have the whole process over by the end of May (wishful thinking?). I'm also being silly and keep thinking- what if something comes up and throws off our timeline, but I know I just need to take my advice and enjoy this really exciting time with my bf.

Happy to hear that your timelines are moving along as well!! :appl: Dust all around!!

Confusedaisy, I so feel your pain!! My bf made it clear in December that we would be engaged within 6 months - now, you would think that would calm me down, and it did...for about 2 days. Now it feels like an eternity, even though I've been waiting for years, so what's a few more months? What's up with that!?!? Funny how LIW-itis hits us and feels like it takes over everything. :loopy: But don't worry, May will be here in the blink of an eye! Try to keep yourself occupied on non-ring/wedding related things and it'll fly. I'm trying to take my own advice. :) Good luck and DUST!!!


May 28, 2010
Just... waiting...

I'm not too pushy about it, although he's hinted in a way that makes me think this year is my year. Noticing other girls rings, commented on my taste in jewelery, trying to be sneaky... So many people are getting engaged, I hope it's my turn soon!

Congrats to the girls who have a little bit of a better sense of things, haha


Oct 17, 2010
We had a discussion recently and SO will be proposing sometime this year. I have no idea when so it's likely it could be all the way at 12/31/11 so I'll assume it will be then or when we go to Hawaii for my birthday and if it happens to be before then then great!


Jun 18, 2010
Lots of updates for me. Although we aren't engaged, we have started our destination wedding planning. And by "started," I mean put a deposit on our venue, booked our rooms, created a group for our cruise, etc. We even have ordered the save the date magnets and built the website. But we are waiting on the darn ring. There were some issues with the CADs, but I'm hoping it will be done next week. We are BOTH anxious to be officially engaged so we can spread the word about our wedding. I feel like a race horse all ready to go, just waiting for the gates to open.


Jan 23, 2008
No proposal here yet either. We went to the states and he spent time with my dad but didn't ask permission. At one point he told me we would be engaged by the end of march (5 months ago) but I don't see that happening now. I think it will happen this summer least I hope so. We bought the ring in April but he didn't get it until it's been a while that he's held onto it.

I was hoping for a valentines day or birthday proposal, but valentines day didn't happen and today's my birthday and I know he's busy catching up at work and he didn't ask permission so I know it's not happening today.

Dust to everyone else though!

To be honest I've started to disattach myself from being exciting about an engagement. If I don't allow myself to get excited about it, I'm less upset that it wasn't happened yet.


Dec 13, 2009
vintagelover229 said:
To be honest I've started to disattach myself from being exciting about an engagement. If I don't allow myself to get excited about it, I'm less upset that it wasn't happened yet.

I've been feeling the same way lately. I have been doing pretty well at keeping my mind off it. I keep trying to convince myself that the less I think about it and get excited about it now, the more excited I will be once it finally happens.

I have a few things to update. I'm halfway through student teaching and the reality of getting a job has started to hit me and scare the s@!t out of me. It's just really strange that I have no idea what I will be doing or where I will be living this time next year. One of our married couple friends had a great job open up at his company recently and he recommended BF apply for it. He would be making about twice as much as he makes now, but its a swing shift job instead of your typical 8-5 Monday through Friday job. It's also about an hour from where we currently live so we would have to move. So, he applied and we are just waiting for the next step. I really hope he gets it, not only for the extra money, but because it would simply take some of the pressure off me to get a job. In our current financial situation, we won't be able to purchase a home until I get a job. Whereas, if he got this job, we could easily afford a home on his income alone.

I'm hoping that we will be engaged very soon, at the very latest by May (which is only two months...seems like a long time right now, but I'm hoping it will go by fast). He has been saving money for the ring, but the situation with his mother is getting worse and worse. She keeps having to "borrow" money and it is seriously hindering our ability to save any money. I don't know what exactly is going on with her, but she has continually lied to us about her financial situation lately and is constantly telling conflicting stories. BF is set on getting me a 1 carat, but I've already told him that with our financial situation and the way diamond prices are rising, we will probably have to adjust that.

At this point, I don't care what he gives me, I just want to be engaged already!!!!


Dec 23, 2010
No updates from me, either. Although, had a bit of a scare. My SO caught me on this site, and asked me about it. I flipped the laptop shut and said nothing. But later that week, he said he knew what the site was, and he had a good idea of who I post as. Not sure whether to believe him or not. :???: I think he was just trying to see if I'd fess up. *sigh* Boys!

~*~*~*Dust~*~*~*~*~ to all the ladies


Feb 24, 2011
vintagelover229|1298925292|2861420 said:
To be honest I've started to disattach myself from being exciting about an engagement. If I don't allow myself to get excited about it, I'm less upset that it wasn't happened yet.

I can totally relate to this and I think this is the best way to handle the waiting stage. When we first started seriously talking about engagement, I got so excited and was always online looking up ring and wedding stuff. But then I would get so disappointed when time passed and we weren't engaged. I also found myself setting hopeful timelines in my head of when he would propose by and I was so let down when it wouldn't happen. So now I try to keep myself occupied with other stuff (even though it's hard at times), and I find that I don't go through the emotional rollercoaster of excitement and then disappointment and back again.


Jan 8, 2011
wwmd8118|1298992573|2861995 said:
vintagelover229|1298925292|2861420 said:
To be honest I've started to disattach myself from being exciting about an engagement. If I don't allow myself to get excited about it, I'm less upset that it wasn't happened yet.

I can totally relate to this and I think this is the best way to handle the waiting stage. When we first started seriously talking about engagement, I got so excited and was always online looking up ring and wedding stuff. But then I would get so disappointed when time passed and we weren't engaged. I also found myself setting hopeful timelines in my head of when he would propose by and I was so let down when it wouldn't happen. So now I try to keep myself occupied with other stuff (even though it's hard at times), and I find that I don't go through the emotional rollercoaster of excitement and then disappointment and back again.

+1 to both! He gives me such a hard time for being on the PS forums and hanging out with my "PS buddies" during the waiting stage. I'm always like, it has nothing to do with you, so leave it alone!

My update is that we're looking at stones and settings still but maybe not as actively as before. I have to NOT think about it so I can NOT be unnecessarily excited for nothing to happen.


Aug 10, 2010
Well it seems my SO has decided to change his mind :( he now says that he wants to pay off his investment property before he proposes :( I feel so upset like he has been giving me false hope as it was only last week he was saying he'd thought of how to ask my dad. He says that I need to relax and that getting worked up about it makes him feel really upset and further from where he wants us to be. Not sure what I am meant to do.

It's so hard as we already have the ring and when we bought it I assumed while he might hold on to it for a while I didn't assume ages....


Apr 30, 2010
wishfuldreamer|1298956935|2861837 said:
No updates from me, either. Although, had a bit of a scare. My SO caught me on this site, and asked me about it. I flipped the laptop shut and said nothing. But later that week, he said he knew what the site was, and he had a good idea of who I post as. Not sure whether to believe him or not. :???: I think he was just trying to see if I'd fess up. *sigh* Boys!

~*~*~*Dust~*~*~*~*~ to all the ladies

I told FI about LIW when I was one (he saw one of the topics open and was like "lol wth?" and I told him it was because I didn't feel comfortable talking to my friends about it and didnt want to constantly be bothering him about it and he said "its ok, I seriously dont mind you dont have to explain". I recommend the truth in this circumstance 8)


Sep 17, 2009
Hi Ladies

I know I don't post very much and I'm almost in the top ten so thought I would give my update too. My SO and I have been in a long distance relationship for 3 years while he has been out of the country for university. Although sometimes it felt like it was never going to end, he comes home for good in the middle of May!

We talked tentative time lines last summer and I am optimistic that it will be by the end of this summer. Hopefully he will find a job quickly when he comes home! Dust to you all! :D


Feb 24, 2011
mif_|1299041087|2862715 said:
Well it seems my SO has decided to change his mind :( he now says that he wants to pay off his investment property before he proposes :( I feel so upset like he has been giving me false hope as it was only last week he was saying he'd thought of how to ask my dad. He says that I need to relax and that getting worked up about it makes him feel really upset and further from where he wants us to be. Not sure what I am meant to do.

Just a thought because my BF said something similar - when it's not necessarily a surprise that you're getting engaged, he may be trying to make it as much of a *surprise* as he can prior to the proposal. My BF said something similar to me recently. He said that when we talk about it all the time, it makes it very difficult for it to be a surprise so it makes him hold off because he wants to come off as a special surprise, not something we talked about that morning. He also said that when I get upset about it, it makes him hold off because he always thought this would be a special, romantic time, and he doesn't want to propose in the middle of me being all worked up about it. Basically, he wants me to chill out for a bit, pretend it's a surprise and just let it happen. So, maybe your BF feels a little bit like this, too,and just wants you to relax so it can seem a little more out of the blue when he actually pops the question. Just thought I'd offer a little positive spin on what he said. :loopy: Dust!!


Jan 8, 2011
wwmd8118|1299076674|2862846 said:
mif_|1299041087|2862715 said:
Well it seems my SO has decided to change his mind :( he now says that he wants to pay off his investment property before he proposes :( I feel so upset like he has been giving me false hope as it was only last week he was saying he'd thought of how to ask my dad. He says that I need to relax and that getting worked up about it makes him feel really upset and further from where he wants us to be. Not sure what I am meant to do.

Just a thought because my BF said something similar - when it's not necessarily a surprise that you're getting engaged, he may be trying to make it as much of a *surprise* as he can prior to the proposal. My BF said something similar to me recently. He said that when we talk about it all the time, it makes it very difficult for it to be a surprise so it makes him hold off because he wants to come off as a special surprise, not something we talked about that morning. He also said that when I get upset about it, it makes him hold off because he always thought this would be a special, romantic time, and he doesn't want to propose in the middle of me being all worked up about it. Basically, he wants me to chill out for a bit, pretend it's a surprise and just let it happen. So, maybe your BF feels a little bit like this, too,and just wants you to relax so it can seem a little more out of the blue when he actually pops the question. Just thought I'd offer a little positive spin on what he said. :loopy: Dust!!

Just add, guys also look at these things really practically! He could want to pay off the investment property because he knows that as soon as you're engaged, you'll be planning/saving for the wedding, and he doesn't want to also have to worry about the other property.


Jan 8, 2011
I love the positive updates on this thread! *DUST*!


Mar 31, 2010
I posted my update about the ring in my own thread. It should be ready either this week or next! I'm not sure if he'll make me wait a while or just propose right away. He's horrible at keeping secrets, and usually gives me my Christmas presents by December 23rd and my birthday presents a day or two before my birthday, because he can't wait. So I'm guessing (and hoping) I won't have to wait too long after the ring arrives. My mini-update is that we had both of our families over for my birthday, so my family and his family met for the first time. We had the families come over early, and a few hours later my friends came for the party (our families left shortly after that), so things were a little hectic and I guess I was running around a lot. The family meeting was a little awkward, but nice, and then the friends arrived and everything went crazy (but fun!). I didn't think my mom and his had had the chance to talk very much, and I thought the conversation was a little stilted. But my mom told me yesterday they actually talked quite a bit. Apparently his mom couldn't stop telling my mom how wonderful and beautiful I am, and how happy he is with me. She said that in his first "relationship" (he was married before), he was never truly loved and never felt comfortable being himself, and it makes her so happy to see him with me, because it's obvious we love each other, and she's never seen him happier. Later, his sister apparently said to my dad, "You know, my brother has a silly side to him," at which my dad laughed uproariously and said that was about the only side they'd seen. His sister then said that she was so glad to hear that, because he never let his silly side show with his ex, and it meant a lot that he was so comfortable with me and with my family.

All of this is a bit odd, because I didn't hear any of these conversations and didn't even think the families had interacted that much. Also a little weird that both his mom and his sister brought up the ex (they never bring her up with me), but at least I came out favorably! In any case, I'm glad they got a chance to meet and talk, and they sound like they're all already considering us a more or less engaged couple. I didn't really intend for it to work out that way, but I think we basically had the traditional just-engaged-parents-meet-parents dinner. Now all we have left to do is get engaged.


May 27, 2010
AMC80...sounds like we're waiting on the same racetrack!

It's been a while since I posted an update, but I'm happy to share that we started wedding planning in January--even though the ring is still on it's way. We have a date, venue, dress, photographer, and I couldn't be happier. I even convinced him to finally show me the CADs and center stone specs last week (up until then, the whole ring design was a mystery to me). Boy--was I suprised! It was nothing like what I was expecting, and it took me a few days to get used to the idea, but now I can't wait to see it. He chose a cushion cut diamond, 1.3ct, E, surrounded by alternating french-cut diamonds and sapphires, in an art-deco style platinum setting. I promise to post pics and the proposal story once he finally pops the question. Hopefully soon!


Mar 31, 2010
SweetPea- he picked that out himself? That sounds absolutely stunning!


Jun 18, 2010
SweetPea-<3|1299128002|2863543 said:
AMC80...sounds like we're waiting on the same racetrack!

It's been a while since I posted an update, but I'm happy to share that we started wedding planning in January--even though the ring is still on it's way. We have a date, venue, dress, photographer, and I couldn't be happier. I even convinced him to finally show me the CADs and center stone specs last week (up until then, the whole ring design was a mystery to me). Boy--was I suprised! It was nothing like what I was expecting, and it took me a few days to get used to the idea, but now I can't wait to see it. He chose a cushion cut diamond, 1.3ct, E, surrounded by alternating french-cut diamonds and sapphires, in an art-deco style platinum setting. I promise to post pics and the proposal story once he finally pops the question. Hopefully soon!

The ring sounds awesome! We got the revised CADs yesterday and the ring will be done no later than 3/16. I won't know when it's actually finished because they are going to call him, so it will be a surprise to me. But that's less than two weeks!! :)

We got our save the date magnets yesterday. They turned out really well. They better have, seeing how much time I spent in photoshop designing them!


Jun 28, 2010
The progress has been slow, but there has been some. We decided on a setting (tapered baguette with a round center stone), it will give me good finger coverage but the side stones won't take away from the center. My heart is set on having an AVR in Leon's r4226 setting, but that part is still all up in the air. I'm very happy that the setting is something that we both really like, the other night in bed he asked to see the setting again (on my iphone) and then went on and on about how it's perfect :D

There are a few road blocks right now though, we have to pay off the appliances we bought for our new house first, which will be paid off by June at the latest. SO is also stressing about taxes, he's self employed and always has to pay in. He's very smart with his money and puts some away every paycheque, it's just a matter of how much of that savings will have to go towards taxes. So after tax season is over and the appliances are paid off we can proceed.

This weekend is our housewarming party. It's kind of bittersweet since I thought we would be announcing our engagement at the party, but obviously that's not happening. SO and I are both kind of upset that this didn't fall into place and he said we can still tell people that we plan on getting married hahhahha, but without being engaged I told him that's stupid, plus it's kind of stating the obvious since we just bought a house together. Lets just hope I don't get asked a million times when we're getting married... or even worse, when we're having a baby!


Jan 14, 2009
My birthday was the weekend before last weekend and to celebrate, my boyfriend and I went out to dinner with my parents and my little sister. When my little sister and I went to the bathroom, he asked my parents for their blessing to marry me. Apparently, he said, "I've been with your daughter for a while now and I really care about her a lot. I'm planning on marrying her and I want to know if that's ok with you guys?" (Isn't that cute? :) ) My parents said yes, and then my dad asked him what his timeline was, and he said within a year. (Yay!!!)

In addition to him asking my parents for their permission, he told me in a conversation about a week ago that he also put money down on the ring :). I feel like it's getting close and I'm really excited. :)


May 27, 2010
Blacksand--yes, he found a designer and picked whole thing out without my input. He's been working on it since October! He has a quirky sense of style, which I've always loved about him, but I still wasn't imagining something so unique. I can't wait to see the finished product.

amc80--thanks! Sounds like you're in the home stretch. 2 weeks will fly by. Hope to hear your good news soon!


Feb 24, 2011
mochamamasita|1299211026|2864379 said:
My birthday was the weekend before last weekend and to celebrate, my boyfriend and I went out to dinner with my parents and my little sister. When my little sister and I went to the bathroom, he asked my parents for their blessing to marry me. Apparently, he said, "I've been with your daughter for a while now and I really care about her a lot. I'm planning on marrying her and I want to know if that's ok with you guys?" (Isn't that cute? :) ) My parents said yes, and then my dad asked him what his timeline was, and he said within a year. (Yay!!!)

In addition to him asking my parents for their permission, he told me in a conversation about a week ago that he also put money down on the ring :). I feel like it's getting close and I'm really excited. :)

Mocha -it is definitely getting close if he took that opportunity to ask your family!! How exciting! Oh, and happy belated birthday. :)
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