
Lightbulb in the middle of the night: Baby Names!

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Nov 2, 2007
Okay, so I''m in my childhood (more like high school) bedroom and I keep waking up and this time, I woke up with baby names in my head. So, I decided to come here and ask you all what you thought. For my boy, I''m thinking Hunter - the middle name hasn''t came yet. And for my little lady, Olivia Claire.

I''ve been asked about names and I''ve just been drawing blanks, but I guess being home helped me. My dad and my grandmother want me to pass on the family name, but I don''t really want to do that. I have a unisex first name that I personally think only girls should have, but what do I know?
I just have to say...Olivia Claire is super adorable! I''m more into girls'' names than boys'' names, but Hunter sounds good to me as well!
I love Claire and Olivia is cute but extremely popular. What about Audrey Claire? I also love Lucy, Molly, Katie and Rachel. Boys names I like: Grant, Luke, Samuel (Sam), David, William (Will), Clint.
just wanted to tell you that with our fifth child, (one girl, then 3 boys then fifth is a girl), i was set on a name. problem is, dh and other kids did not like it at all. we have a very ethnic, "chunky" last name so there''s no poetic flow! i spent days before our sweet daughter''s arrival and was really at a loss, but she has a beautiful name now, so the right name will come to you! i did not share the names of our last two with family as they were not typical names and i didn''t want any backlash from others
good luck-what a wonderful time in your life! being a mom is the best
happy new year!
ps both names you have chosen are lovely!
AHHH! You stole one of my boy names! LOL... Hunter is one of my favorite boy names, so strong, but sensitive too...(that''s how I picutre him...) I also love Caleb and Bailey, which I would use for a boy or a girl. Can''t help you with the girls, I only want boys! LOL... Just for that I will end up with 5 girls like my Nanna''s family!
I used to babysit a little girl named Hunter. I always thought it was so unusual and cute! Unisex, I guess?
Hunter and Olivia are great names, and they go really well as a sib-set. Congratulations!
I love both names, particularly Olivia Claire. It''s funny how things just come to you at random times, isn''t it? What does your partner (Nate, right?) think of the names?

Congratulations to you both!
Wow...can you go back in that room and see if any stock buying advice comes to you? You are on a roll. Let me know what you hear...§
I don''t mean to sound harsh, but think of how Hunter could be used with your last name. Is there anything that he could be teased about?

For example: My sis had wanted the name Hunter for their little boy, however, their last name is Nickel. "Hell, hunt quarters!" was the first thing I thought...

Hunter could be a great name if you have a good last name, though.

Olivia Claire is a beautiful name. We have both names in our family.
Hunter is a lovely name!! And Olivia Claire sounds so pretty. Hunter and Olivia. Sounds great to me.
I love those names! They are all pretty popular now I guess, so you''d have to be OK w/ having other kids around w/ the same names.... kind of like the Jennifer1, Jennifer2 and Jennifer3 that I went to gradeschool with :)
Date: 12/27/2007 3:15:15 PM
Author: door knob solitaire
Wow...can you go back in that room and see if any stock buying advice comes to you? You are on a roll. Let me know what you hear...§

LOL! Stocks aren't really my cup of tea. I know that we have American Express, Apple, Google, and AT&T stock. Other than that, I wouldn't know. But I could ask my dad, he's really good with financial stuff.

Date: 12/27/2007 1:41:27 PM
Author zoebartlett
I love both names, particularly Olivia Claire. It's funny how things just come to you at random times, isn't it? What does your partner (Nate, right?) think of the names?

Congratulations to you both!

Well, we disagree. His mom really wants to pass on their family name (Spencer Nathaniel), so I'm having to contend with that. On the positive side, I'd pass on his family name before I passed on mine because his family is WAY more enthusiastic and excited than my own. But that's another topic! (But I don't imagine I'll be spending Christmas here next year.)

Anyway, we talked about it over dinner and my stepmom came up with the idea of naming our girl Spencer. I have to admit that I really, really like that. And then Nate asked me what I thought about Chandler Reece. And I LOVE that one. Another name I've always liked is Thomas. Above all, I tend to prefer classic names as opposed to the new cute names. I swear, EVERY family has a Madison and an Emma. So right now, my list has:

Olivia Claire
Spencer Chase

Hunter Thomas
Chandler Reece
Colby Trent

And we have a pretty standard last name. It's been around for ages.

(I have no idea why everything is italicized btw)
PQ...Here is the Latest top baby names of the year. I just signed on to MSN and there it was. Look at #10 ...

Ok if you aren''t into stocks, maybe racing odds, or lottery numbers...just go back in there a try extra hard. Lets make this thing payola for all of us!
I think that you have an awesome list of names going here. I absolutely adore the name Olivia. I also LOVE the idea of using Spencer for a girl.
Ooooh, I love Spencer for a girl!
Penn, you''ve chosen some great names! I grew up with a Holby, which was a nice twist on Colby, I thought.

Olivia is excessively popular right now, but if you love it, use it. My parents thought they were being unique when they named my sister Allison, turned out that it was THE most popular name that year. Ya know what, they still love it.

I LOVE Spencer as a girl''s name, very nice.
I think spencer is a great little girls name (and a grown up name). I have always liked olivia, but again, its really popular right now....

hunter is such a cool guys name.

good choices!
Date: 12/28/2007 3:29:23 AM
Author: door knob solitaire
PQ...Here is the Latest top baby names of the year. I just signed on to MSN and there it was. Look at #10 ...

Ok if you aren''t into stocks, maybe racing odds, or lottery numbers...just go back in there a try extra hard. Lets make this thing payola for all of us!

Do I get to charge for the service?
We had the HARDEST time naming DD so I am not sure how helpful I can be. I knew I didn''t want a really common name b/c my name is SOOO popular (at least in my age range). If that is important to you I would stay away from Olivia though I do love that name. We finally broke down and bought a name book. It really helps! I do like the name Hunter for a boy.
Great names! If I had a boy, I love the name Daragh and for a girl I love so many names that I can''t decide
Date: 12/28/2007 6:01:02 PM
Author: bee*
Great names! If I had a boy, I love the name Daragh and for a girl I love so many names that I can''t decide

I play soccer with an Irish boy named Daragh! It''s a great name and it''s extra cute here in the U.S. since he''s the only Daragh I''ve ever met!

Pennquaker, I love the name fact, my kitty is named Olivia!
It sounds great with Claire as a middle name, too. I also love the name Spencer Chase for a girl or boy, but especially a girl...totally unique and cute. I never really like boy names, so it''s hard for me to find names I like, but Chandler Reece is a great one.

I know several boy and girl Hunters (kids and grown ups) so I think it is fairly common if you''re worried about that. I know of only 1 human Olivia and she''s about 9 or 10. I don''t know too many kids, but I think Hunter is maybe more common than Olivia.
I didn''t realize Olivia was so popular. I think I''m going to have to find something else because I really don''t want super popular names.
I''m not so fond of unisex names. I have one! That led to years and years of teachers expecting me to be a boy on the first day of school. I hated it. To compound matters, my husband also has a unisex name. We were once introduced to someone by just our first names, and she said, "Oh. Well, which one is which?". Odd question, only ever been asked once, but it was weird.

I love the name Olivia. I''d love Olivia Claire, or Olivia Spencer. I don''t know how I feel about the name Hunter. It has to suit the last name, and not seem silly if shortened to "Hunt" as someone else suggested.

I think you''ll know for sure when the time is right. It just works that way sometimes. Good luck!
Date: 12/28/2007 11:59:04 PM
Author: lyra
I''m not so fond of unisex names. I have one! That led to years and years of teachers expecting me to be a boy on the first day of school. I hated it. To compound matters, my husband also has a unisex name. We were once introduced to someone by just our first names, and she said, ''Oh. Well, which one is which?''. Odd question, only ever been asked once, but it was weird.

I love the name Olivia. I''d love Olivia Claire, or Olivia Spencer. I don''t know how I feel about the name Hunter. It has to suit the last name, and not seem silly if shortened to ''Hunt'' as someone else suggested.

I think you''ll know for sure when the time is right. It just works that way sometimes. Good luck!

My first name is McKinnley! I''m named after my grandfather, but like seriously?
I''ve always loved the name Hunter, although my brother just named his dog that, so it''s definitely off any baby name list for me! For some reason, I''ve never loved Olivia... it has grown on me a bit, now that it has become so crazy popular... but something about a name sounding so similar to the word "liver" just never worked for me. LOVE Claire though.... super, super love it
... even though it''s quickly rising in popularity too. I think Clara is a pretty, interesting twist...
Yes Penn, seriously!
I forgot to mention that my parents gifted me with an ambiguous middle name as well. I take comfort knowing that they didn''t just recycle what they''d hope to name a boy, as my mom told me the boy''s names they had chosen were Scott Daniel (I think). What they wanted in naming me, was to keep a certain family monogram in place. So I had the same initials as my dad and his dad. Okay, again, it sounds like they wanted a boy. Sheesh, they probably did, but I was/am proud of my middle initial still because it is family related.

BTW, McKinnley is a lovely first name.
I love "" names... Hunter, Walker, Dexter, Spencer, Gunner (or "Gunnar"), Tanner... and several of them could work for a little girl, too.

Naming a baby is SO much fun! Enjoy!
How about Alaina for a girl?
I really like the name spencer, but have never heard it used for a girl and I must admit I would think ''boy'' if I saw it written down.

Hunter is a good boy name :)

when are the babies coming again? I can''t remember. Out of curiosity, what are you doing for last name? will the babies have both you and your partners last names?
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