
Lets talk toilet paper....


Jul 8, 2006
Do you have 1ply, 2ply, 3ply or more?

Is the toilet paper at work better or worse than the tissue you use at home?

Do your friends use a higher or lower grade ply than you?

I buy 2ply; 12 rolls for under 3 bucks...

Everyone/where has nicer quality paper than I have at home. Sometimes I have been tempted to 'liberate' a particularly bouncy roll.

As I see it, why spend it to flush it?

That said....mmmmm 3ply.
2 ply Charmin ultra soft.why be cruel to your butt?
Date: 6/20/2010 6:07:12 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
2 ply Charmin ultra soft.why be cruel to your butt?


We use the 2ply ultra soft Charmin, too. The single ply needs SO much more to get the same results. They have single ply at work and I hate it - it all but disappears into a puddle when slightly damp, much less wet.
Date: 6/20/2010 6:01:23 PM
Author: Steal
I buy 2ply; 12 rolls for under 3 bucks...

Everyone/where has nicer quality paper than I have at home. Sometimes I have been tempted to ''liberate'' a particularly bouncy roll.

As I see it, why spend it to flush it?

That said....mmmmm 3ply.
cuz you''ll end up using more sheets with thiner t.p. you will not be saving any money after all.
We use Scott Extra Soft and really like it. I think it''s single ply, but it''s nice and plush.
Date: 6/20/2010 6:07:12 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
2 ply Charmin ultra soft.why be cruel to your butt?
+1. I wish I had a bathroom like at my work - tile, marble, auto flush toilets, auto sinks, high quality tp....*sigh*
Date: 6/20/2010 6:20:28 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
We use Scott Extra Soft and really like it. I think it''s single ply, but it''s nice and plush.

We use the same thing here as well. I think the Charmin leaves hummm.... fuzzies . And I don''t like that.
Its Tesco Value loo roll for us. I can''t afford posh loo roll with 5 kids!

Soft but cheap 2ply from costco. Some of the plusher tissue just doesn''t seem to hold up as well. As a bonus it''s made in my province so I''m supporting the local economy.

My stepmother used to buy the cheapest 1ply she could find - scratchy and you needed 3 times as much - just like at federaly funded public rest-stops

We''re also a Charmin household. I''ve tried many other brands in an effort to save money, but I''ve finally decided it isn''t worth it.
Date: 6/20/2010 6:48:25 PM
Author: Amethyste
Date: 6/20/2010 6:20:28 PM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

We use Scott Extra Soft and really like it. I think it''s single ply, but it''s nice and plush.

We use the same thing here as well. I think the Charmin leaves hummm.... fuzzies . And I don''t like that.

Scott Extra Soft is my preferred brand, too, but DH says he''s sensiive and will only use Charmin Ultra Soft. I don''t think it does as good a job and he somehow manages to use a ton of it, so I feel like we spend a fortune...but it''s not worth doing battle over.
We use Charmin Basic 1 ply because it''s "best" for septic. We do have city sewer, but ours is WAY outdated and we figure we''re better safe than sorry. That being said, I really don''t mind it at all. I don''t think it''s rough or non-absorbent. DH''s parents have this super thick tp that actually bothers me. I''m always afraid it''s going to creep into places it doesn''t belong.
I buy the expensive ultra soft Charmin paper, because I am willing to eschew going out for dinner over rasping my tender regions with abrasive paper. I have an unfriendly relationship with my elimination system as it is, and I really don't need to add insult to injury, if you take my meaning.

Oh, the sharing on PS!
Go green.

I use Cottonelle by Keenex. Lint free, and great for wiping your diamonds after cleaning them...
I hate the kind of toilet paper that comes in squares instead of rolls. I find that in some businesses and I can''t stand it. At home, we use Scott.
We use Charmin extra soft...large rolls...two ply. I have tummy troubles and need the softest tissue available...this one works the best for me.

We use Twinsaver BabySoft 2ply. It's not quite as posh as the 3ply but we use it because 3ply doesn't flush in our flat. When we move next week, we're going back to 3ply.

Having said that, for, um, big jobs, ahem, we use wet wipes too. Just because.


I work at an NGO with very little money so there we use 1 ply. The area is very poor so tp frequently goes missing out of loos. We suspect the kids steal it because they don't have any at home. We can't really confront them about it, so the end result is seeing ladies traipsing off across the garden to the loo with little tufts of cheap grey tp poking out of their fists.

Our friends are mostly students and hippie types, so they use super-expensive-only-available-at-the-hippe-shop-in-town-ultra-biodegradable-super-thin 1 ply because they believe it's kinder to the environment. How can using half a roll per poo possibly be kinder to the environment?
Costco 2ply for us.

I just can't get used to the idea of only four or five sheets of TP separating my hand from - well, anything that needs wiping, no matter how thick they are... it's a mind clean thing!
Date: 6/21/2010 2:37:35 AM
Author: yssie
Costco 2ply for us.

I just can''t get used to the idea of only four or five sheets of TP separating my hand from - well, anything that needs wiping, no matter how thick they are... it''s a mind clean thing!

Hmmmm... Have you tried wet wipes for big jobs? Nothing is quite as clean as wet wipe clean!
Date: 6/21/2010 2:45:30 AM
Author: Trekkie

Date: 6/21/2010 2:37:35 AM
Author: yssie
Costco 2ply for us.

I just can''t get used to the idea of only four or five sheets of TP separating my hand from - well, anything that needs wiping, no matter how thick they are... it''s a mind clean thing!

Hmmmm... Have you tried wet wipes for big jobs? Nothing is quite as clean as wet wipe clean!

I''ve resigned myself to the fact that when parenthood comes around for us, it''s going to be a painfully expensive experience. I can see myself wanting to use half the box every time.
Date: 6/21/2010 2:48:31 AM
Author: yssie
Date: 6/21/2010 2:45:30 AM

Author: Trekkie

Date: 6/21/2010 2:37:35 AM

Author: yssie

Costco 2ply for us.

I just can''t get used to the idea of only four or five sheets of TP separating my hand from - well, anything that needs wiping, no matter how thick they are... it''s a mind clean thing!

Hmmmm... Have you tried wet wipes for big jobs? Nothing is quite as clean as wet wipe clean!

I''ve resigned myself to the fact that when parenthood comes around for us, it''s going to be a painfully expensive experience. I can see myself wanting to use half the box every time.

It''s different with kids, especially when they''re your own. When you know that the only thing that''s gone in is breast milk and the only thing that can come out is baby poo, you don''t really mind as much. At least, that''s what my friends tell me.
I don''t care about ply and I certainly don''t judge myself against my peers on that lol I can fold paper in half and thirds etc. Here in china there are some weird toilet papers... I think right now we have 3 ply but I really don''t care. In the states we used single ply because we have a 100 year old house with ancient plumbing.

The only thing I really have opinions about are: NO CHARMAIN - I hate the stuff that pills up. That''s my #1 opinion. I also like it white and with no printed patterns and I like the paper to hang OVER the top lol
i prefer 2-ply and i'll buy whatever is on sale at the time. BF on the other hand is a toilet paper snob after a childhood of using cheap/rough 1-ply, so i sometimes appease him and buy the 3-ply Quilted Northern.

most of my friends use Charmin's Ultra Soft, but i actually don't like it because i feel it's super dusty to me.
Toilet paper is one of my splurge items. I like the plushest of the plush, and all the better if it has moisturising cream or whatnot in it. I hate the awful papery stuff at work that falls apart in my hands.
Date: 6/20/2010 6:48:25 PM
Author: Amethyste
Date: 6/20/2010 6:20:28 PM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

We use Scott Extra Soft and really like it. I think it''s single ply, but it''s nice and plush.

We use the same thing here as well. I think the Charmin leaves hummm.... fuzzies . And I don''t like that.

Lol at the fuzzies. We had this conversation at my old job. I buy White Cloud Green Earth 2-ply from Walmart. I love this stuff.
cottonelle all the way! the kind with the puppy on it? it''s the only kind i buy :)
I buy the super cheap Scott 1000 pieces per roll stuff. I think its 2-ply but its super thin. I actually prefer that to anything super cushy. I grew up wiping with cheap Scott brand so thats what works best for me.