
Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fans


May 27, 2013
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

I apologize if this was asked earlier - I didn't thoroughly read through all 9 pages of info, I just drooled at the pics! :naughty:

Has anyone bought from before? I've been stalking their site. They say they authenticate everything, they carry high end labels, prices seem logical for the preloved items I'm looking at (VCA single-butterfly Alhambra bracelet in WG is next on my wish list).


Apr 19, 2004
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

springerspaniel|1452912067|3976653 said:
ACK! Like I need more lovely websites of estate and signed jewelry to tempt me! Thanks Sharon.

Anytime! :wavey: :bigsmile:



Jun 8, 2014
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie|1452890188|3976495 said:
I have my dream studs and an eternity band I've been thrilled to wear daily for four years. I'll have a RHR soon (my old RDG reset with a pink tourmaline), and a statement bracelet is the last "big" piece I'm looking for.


Forgive me for hijacking the thread but Yssie, I've read some of your posts and I was wondering if the Annette U-prong is the eternity band you are referring to here? I had read that some of the stones had loosened at one point and was wondering if this problem was solved entirely, and if you find it has help up well with daily wear?

Also, do you wear this band simultaneously with your beautiful J colored 5-stone? Does the difference in color between the two pieces stand out? Which ring do you wear more often?

Thank you!


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Thanks Yssie and Pintobean! I think we all need to timeshare our Trinity pieces! ;)) Yssie, the Trinity hoops are substantial but not too heavy. The clip back (can't think of the word) holds them still on the ear with no drooping. answer your question about your own collection, I would absolutely add a large diamond (solitaire)! Your earrings are SO stunning, and can you just imagine setting a ring to match??? :love: :lickout: I just think it would look great on you and it could be any size starting at 2.75+ (which I believe is the size of each stud). At least you could enjoy seeing the ring on! You are young and have plenty of time to add to your designer collection. But diamond prices are low right now. It is a very good time to buy.

I tried on the Perlee Clover diamond bracelets in Vegas, and truly, they are magnificent! But when I think of $30k, you could buy a hearts and arrows platinum tennis bracelet at maybe 7.8 cts like m2b's:

AND still have enough left over to buy about three or so vintage Alhambra bracelets or earrings (or Frivole, etc).

So bottom line, I still vote for the large diamond while prices are decent. Then work on a diamond bracelet (if you'd like one), and then get into the VCA and other pieces.


Jun 16, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie|1452890188|3976495 said:
A question for the regulars on this thread... What would you do?

So I have three options:
1. Get the Perlee
2. Get a single larger diamond
3. Get a bunch of other smaller pieces I've wanted for a while - VCA small MOP Cosmos earrings, a couple of stackers, some pearl pieces...


I would buy the items in the order of what I want most. If I do not have a large Diamond, then I would get it first. After I enjoy wearing my large Diamond for a while, I would then consider the next most wanted item if I have money and if I still want it badly.

Do not try to justify the worth of the Perlee Diamond bangle. If you keep thinking about it after some time, you should bite the bullet and get it. Worst thing is to waste money on smaller alternatives. Quality is better than quantity.

If it makes you feel less guilty, limit your purchase to only one to two big ticket items in the next five years or so.

Lastly, VCA prices can never be justified. Just limit your purchase to a few pieces that you want the most, try to wear them often, and enjoy them.


Oct 24, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie|1452890188|3976495 said:
A question for the regulars on this thread... What would you do? And what direction, given what you know of me, do you think I should go in?

A few months ago I got - and quickly returned - the YG Perlee Signature bracelet. It went back for a couple of reasons: I already have a fair number of plain higher-karat YG bangles and didn't need another... different as the VCA is, it didn't feel different enough to merit the cost difference. And the bracelet I really wanted was the VCA Perlee Clover.
I've since had a few more opportunities to try on the Clover Perlee and I fall a bit further in love every time. But it's $30k, 18k with ~2ctw diamond melee... Which, to me, is completely outrageous, even by the VCA standard of outrageousness.

I have my dream studs and an eternity band I've been thrilled to wear daily for four years. I'll have a RHR soon (my old RDG reset with a pink tourmaline), and a statement bracelet is the last "big" piece I'm looking for.

I can't say I truly miss having a traditional centerstone-type Ering, but... it just seems so much *smarter* to invest in a single diamond rather than a massively overpriced branded bangle! Given a money tree I'd get both, but... well, I have this Thing about ring centerstones and studs being of certain proportions and I'd be looking for ~4.5ct to stay in proportion, and $30k is nowhere near sufficient for that sort of size and I don't want to spend more...

So I have three options:
1. Get the Perlee
2. Get a single larger diamond
3. Get a bunch of other smaller pieces I've wanted for a while - VCA small MOP Cosmos earrings, a couple of stackers, some pearl pieces...


The first question that comes to mind is how much would you wear a larger diamond? Yssie, I have to tell you again, that I love wearing the five stone on my left hand, with a plain band, which is what you are doing with your eternity, right? I am trying to understand why this is. I think it's because the 5 stone is so bright, and the stones are so well cut that the fire and brightness from the these stones is even more than my e-ring. I am seriously contemplating a FULL eternity, a longer term project.

I may end up wearing the five stone during the week and wearing my ering on the weekend. I am going to try that for now.

If you will at least wear the big stone 2 times a week, I would get that first. But seriously that is just me. If you don't even miss it, then maybe you won't even wear it much. If you don't, will it bug you to have it but not wear it? I know that not wearing my e-ring every day won't bug me.

If you can see yourself wearing the other items more regularly, and at the same time not miss having a bigger rock, then I would get the smaller items.

Is the perlee you are talking about the diamond one? Would you wear that much? If you just love it and want it to be part of your forever collection, and you would be happy with this collector's item piece and wear it now and then on special occassions, maybe I would get that after I get the little pieces.

Gosh, sorry, I'm just thinking out loud. Sorry, I'm not much help.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Thanks for the recs Sharon! I'll make some phone calls on Monday and maybe, just maybe, I'll get lucky :bigsmile:

UrsTx I haven't personally, but two people I know have and they were both pleased. One was very happy with her jewellery purchase, the other bought a purse and wasn't thrilled with the condition but said the return was painless. My understanding is that they have experts who authenticate in-house, which might or might not be sufficiently mind-clean for you (back to Sharon's question) :))


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

omd :wavey: Thanks for asking!

The eternity is the Annette U-prong, yup :sun: WF did it as a custom piece - I'm not actually sure why, I would guess because I wanted 15pointers instead of the standard 10pt melee and wanted to leave a one stone space for sizing - but it's 100% the Annette aside from those two details!

There were several stones loose at one point three years ago. I'm very easy on my rings so I was shocked to think I'd done something that drastic, but looking back I suspect they were on the looser side to begin with - I sent it back to WF and they tightened them all, no hassles, and I haven't had any trouble since. WF's customer service is fantastic ::) I wear it probably twice a week... I'd never have envisioned calling an eternity band "low-maintenance" but honestly, it's held up magnificently, no issues whatsoever! Definitely of my most-beloved and most-used jewellery purchases.

I actually don't have the five-stone anymore. The short version of that story: I reset the centerstone (again!) into a very elaborate, very detailed, very beautiful floral design by RDG (a NZ vendor specialising in hand-forging, no longer in business). That very elaborate, very detailed, very beautiful floral design is exquisite and so immensely delicate that even I, gentle as I am on jewellery, am terrified to wear it regularly! Early last year I pulled the plug on the resets, bought the centerstone a mate and turned them into studs (my absolute dream studs), and am having a CS set into the RDG - it'll be a special-occasion ring/RHR.

I never wore them together - the eternity has F/G melee and the five-stone had Js, and the colour difference was both noticeable and bothersome IRL when they were side by side :(sad I definitely wouldn't recommend that route to anyone colour-sensitive! Here's a pic that captures the real-world diffuse-lighting difference quite well, I think - in most lighting it's subtle but noticeable, but not different enough to look deliberate, if that makes sense?



Aug 14, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

DS Ugh. What you say makes SO MUCH sense... and MY brain agrees... why won't my stomach get in line!? You're right. I've got years to buy more pieces, and the larger diamond is indisputably the best 'investment'. And diamond prices are lower than they've been in half a decade, which just makes that an even more sensible route! And goodness, it's not like I wouldn't love a larger diamond, so I truly don't know why I'm so hesitant to go this route.

I think most of my problem really is that I'd want a Giant Rock and a Giant Rock is well out of budget. Having another diamond in the ~3ct range just doesn't excite me all that much, even if it's an OEC, or another shape - something totally different like a larger rose cut might be the answer here?

Diamond prices are the lowest they're going to be for several years. VCA prices are the lowest they're going to be for several years. I know I want the Perlee. I know (well, I'm nearly confident) I want a larger diamond. In a "workhorse" setting - it took several resets but I've finally accepted that I just will not wear large, delicate rings. So I'm removing the several smaller options from the list... hey, look, progress! Decisiveness!! Right? :bigsmile:

FD Thank you for chiming in!

If I went in order of what I want most (at least, what I've wanted most for the past six months) the order I listed would be the order of purchase. Perlee first, then larger single diamond, then everything else. I guess I'm trying to balance "order of what I want most" with "order that makes most financial sense", as much as any of this makes any financial sense.

You are right in that I need to stop trying to justify brand pricing. I've managed that to a point - to buy what I enjoy and enjoy it, and appreciate it without correlating materials costs and product retail, but I obviously still have some way to go!

I am on board with your idea of limiting purchases to one or two big-ticket items for the next few years. I've been on a "one big item" per year quota so far, but there have been smaller item splurges that... I don't appreciate nearly as much; cutting them out saves a non-trivial chunk of change that can go toward the bigger items without guilt. I'm a wearer, not a collector: I want to spend everything I can on fewer pieces and wear them as much as possible - a 'centerstone' ring and a large bracelet both fit into that category nicely. But which to get first...

LLJ... Heh. I just responded in your five-stone thread, too... I hear ya'.

That's exactly what I do - eternity with plain band. When I can be bothered with diamonds on my finger at all, that is - most of the time it's just the all-metal Trinity.

I'd probably wear a bigger stone in a not-delicate low-maintenance setting twice a week. Probably? I'd certainly enjoy looking at it in the jewellery box, and I'd love photographing it, and I'd be thrilled to have it to wear to events and dinners, but regular wear... well, there's no point in not being honest. Maybe the lack of wear is just habit at this point though: it's been years since I had a setting I didn't have to constantly worry about damaging.

Then there's what I said to DS earlier - I'm just not that excited about buying another ~3ct diamond... And how completely bizarre does that sound!? I really want something bigger, much bigger, which I can't afford unless I specifically go with a shape that faces up larger for the weight - marquise, oval, rose cut.

This whole thing is throwing me off, honestly! I'm usually set on what I want and raring to go (never mind that I might change what I want six months later) - this time two "wants" have been front and center since I got my studs early last year!

Maybe I should just get a big sim and wear it for a few weeks.


May 23, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie I've been following your delicious dilemma on this thread. I LOVE the idea of a 3.5 ct or so oval or marquise. It would be massive and so striking! It would be a fun adventures to hunt down one with excellent optics. And I know you like the "pot of glitter" affect that they can have. And frankly a huge fancy in a soli (or maybe some teeny tapered bags) is as luxe as it gets in my mind. This gets my vote! :)


Oct 24, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie , what size are you thinking about for the single stone? 3.5-4? More? I know it's hard. Cause going for a solitaire this time, you don't want to settle. What kind of setting are you considering?


Apr 28, 2003
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie|1452890188|3976495 said:
So I have three options:
1. Get the Perlee
2. Get a single larger diamond
3. Get a bunch of other smaller pieces I've wanted for a while - VCA small MOP Cosmos earrings, a couple of stackers, some pearl pieces...


Hi Yssie,

Not a regular, but wanted to offer MHO as an owner of the Perlee Clover in WG.

I don't usually wear bangles, let alone bracelets, the only exception being my tennis bracelet.
But the Perlee Clover... I am like you, the more I wear it, the more I love it. And I wear it casual and formal. It just feels so lux!

The price is eye-watering (I had to get a Large size which was even more so!) but when I wear it, it catches so much light and makes me smile. That makes it worth it for me.

I love my diamond ring too, but don't personally find it as wearable as the Perlee. Like you, I would have to go significantly bigger than my current 4ct cushion to justify an upgrade but that would make it even less wearable for me.

So which to get first? I'm guessing the big diamond will take quite a while to find whereas the perlee is almost always available. If it were me, I'd get the perlee first and take my time looking for the perfect large stone. May not be the financially sensible thing to do, like the other posters have said, but I don't regret my choice.

LLJsmom, that Cartier ring is gorgeous, love the different textures and materials in one ring.


Jun 8, 2014
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie|1452982371|3976917 said:
omd :wavey: Thanks for asking!

I'd never have envisioned calling an eternity band "low-maintenance" but honestly, it's held up magnificently, no issues whatsoever! Definitely of my most-beloved and most-used jewellery purchases.


Thank you for taking the time to answer, Yssie. Your responses are so helpful. I've been trying to decide for months whether to buy an Annete U-prong or a "workhorse" solitaire to wear as my everyday wedding ring (lost my old e-ring). The solitaire would be around 1.5 ct and I've been looking at a J color ACA. I'm so torn about this decision. I love the look of the Annette band, and I think it looks so chic with a plain band and it's not as common as a plain solitaire, yet I worry about missing the look of a larger single stone ring. Also, if I go for a solitaire the value can be used towards an upgrade later while the Annette band cannot, therefore making a solitaire a better investment.

I'm with you that I would want something that I can wear daily and get pleasure from, and doesn't sit in a jewelry box.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Rose It's been too long love! :bigsmile:

The Kindly Use Your Brain, Not Your Stomach, When Spending That Much Money argument is winning at the moment. But not, admittedly, by much.

In terms of shape - I think I like the idea of a large eye catching marquise or oval, or rose cut, and I really *do* like nice crushed-ice cushions and radiants and finding one would seriously be a ton of fun!! But... thinking about this today... I think I like the idea of having a "set" of RBs - studs and solitaire - more... so I'd most probably just go with a plain ol' MRB. If I go the diamond route.

Unimaginative. And predictable. I know. That's part of why the Perlee makes such a compelling argument - it's completely frivolous and unexpected, and I like that thought!

A diamond would have to go into a decently sturdy, no-babying-required setting to actually get worn regularly. Of course, the settings I fall for are always elaborate and delicate! ;(

LLJ thank you, and everyone else who has responded, for humouring me! I feel kinda ridiculous, waffling the way I am...

If I could afford a 4ct MRB I think this decision would be a lot easier! At the moment I'm looking at ~3.25-3.5ct - so about 0.7mm larger than my earrings. Noticeable, but not "standout" or "obvious". I haven't begun to think about settings - other than 8+ prongs and as low-maintenance as possible without being entirely industrial... In an ideal world I'd give it to Erika Winters and have her work some magic but oh, that pesky budget gets in the way again!

Realistically though, I don't think I'll ever throw more money at a diamond. So given that this is the most I'll spend, if I do want a diamond, it does seem to make the most sense to buy now when prices are low. But that Perlee sings a Siren's song, I swear!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cartier!! Such a classic design, but with an edgy twist :love: the ceramic is gorgeous IRL - it's a shiny black mirror-like sheet that's just the perfect background for the other bands :love:

But... Would you wear it often? How do you envision rotating it with your five-stone and your Ering?

Boom Thank you!! I shouldn't have said "regulars", I'd welcome all opinions - though really, in any case, you and your jewels are a PS fixture for me! To clarify - I wanted to ask in this thread specifically because I think people here have more appreciation for branding than elsewhere on PS :))

Your description of your Perlee making you happier every time you put it on makes me smile ::) it's the same feeling I get every time I try it on - I fall for it a bit more. Eyewatering pricetag and all. And it does seem we're in similar places re. upgrade/solitaire size!

Another consideration is that the rose gold Perlee clover isn't uncommon on the secondary market. I think, in a vacuum, I actually prefer the RG, but all my diamonds are set in yellow metal and I wanted something that would match... That's definitely something I need to think about more.

I'm reasonably confident I'll get both - eventually. But it'll be a few years, so I'm feeling more pressure to pick the "right" one now :-o

Your VCA collection is incredible, thank you for sharing it with us :love:


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Omd you're most welcome! I'm so sorry to hear that your old set is missing :(sad but excited for your replacement! Lots of things to think about, for sure.

I love the look of an eternity + band for a lot of the reasons you stated - I see it as a blingy, low-maintenance, lower-cost, no-comparison, no-sacrifice alternative. But I can also understand the appeal of a single larger stone - larger stones play with light differently, their settings can feature more detail and nuance, and they're far easier to trade/upgrade down the road... and a 1.5 J ACA is substantial, definitely a very different "look" from even a larger eternity.

Another advantage of an eternity - for me anyway - is that you pretty much avoid DSS altogether. Big eternities and small eternities are equally lovely, just different, and the absence of judgment or wishing for something more, something bigger, is so refreshing... I'm definitely concerned that if I buy a diamond now I'll immediately want something bigger, especially since I'm uncertain of the size already!


May 23, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie|1453005554|3977110 said:
Rose It's been too long love! :bigsmile:

The Kindly Use Your Brain, Not Your Stomach, When Spending That Much Money argument is winning at the moment. But not, admittedly, by much.

In terms of shape - I think I like the idea of a large eye catching marquise or oval, or rose cut, and I really *do* like nice crushed-ice cushions and radiants and finding one would seriously be a ton of fun!! But... thinking about this today... I think I like the idea of having a "set" of RBs - studs and solitaire - more... so I'd most probably just go with a plain ol' MRB. If I go the diamond route.

Unimaginative. And predictable. I know. That's part of why the Perlee makes such a compelling argument - it's completely frivolous and unexpected, and I like that thought!

A diamond would have to go into a decently sturdy, no-babying-required setting to actually get worn regularly. Of course, the settings I fall for are always elaborate and delicate! ;(

LLJ thank you, and everyone else who has responded, for humouring me! I feel kinda ridiculous, waffling the way I am...

If I could afford a 4ct MRB I think this decision would be a lot easier! At the moment I'm looking at ~3.25-3.5ct - so about 0.7mm larger than my earrings. Noticeable, but not "standout" or "obvious". I haven't begun to think about settings - other than 8+ prongs and as low-maintenance as possible without being entirely industrial... In an ideal world I'd give it to Erika Winters and have her work some magic but oh, that pesky budget gets in the way again!

Realistically though, I don't think I'll ever throw more money at a diamond. So given that this is the most I'll spend, if I do want a diamond, it does seem to make the most sense to buy now when prices are low. But that Perlee sings a Siren's song, I swear!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cartier!! Such a classic design, but with an edgy twist :love: the ceramic is gorgeous IRL - it's a shiny black mirror-like sheet that's just the perfect background for the other bands :love:

But... Would you wear it often? How do you envision rotating it with your five-stone and your Ering?

Boom Thank you!! I shouldn't have said "regulars", I'd welcome all opinions - though really, in any case, you and your jewels are a PS fixture for me! To clarify - I wanted to ask in this thread specifically because I think people here have more appreciation for branding than elsewhere on PS :))

Your description of your Perlee making you happier every time you put it on makes me smile ::) it's the same feeling I get every time I try it on - I fall for it a bit more. Eyewatering pricetag and all. And it does seem we're in similar places re. upgrade/solitaire size!

Another consideration is that the rose gold Perlee clover isn't uncommon on the secondary market. I think, in a vacuum, I actually prefer the RG, but all my diamonds are set in yellow metal and I wanted something that would match... That's definitely something I need to think about more.

I'm reasonably confident I'll get both - eventually. But it'll be a few years, so I'm feeling more pressure to pick the "right" one now :-o

Your VCA collection is incredible, thank you for sharing it with us :love:

I love the idea of a set of MRBs so I totally get that. But it really seems like your heart is leaning towards the bangle. And these purchases are all about that heart (because, really, if we used our head, we'd get a great CZ and some mutual funds). I would definitely get whatever one made you feel giddy inside. That's what this is all about. And it would be an amazing addition to your personal collection! But it's awesome to savor the decision making process, so don't feel like it's waffling - this is the fun part! Xo


Jul 23, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yessie I just wanted to comment that I fully understand your dilem regarding the setting. I really kind of hate to wear intricate settings, and I love them in theory.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Rosebloom|1453062600|3977205 said:
I love the idea of a set of MRBs so I totally get that. But it really seems like your heart is leaning towards the bangle. And these purchases are all about that heart (because, really, if we used our head, we'd get a great CZ and some mutual funds). I would definitely get whatever one made you feel giddy inside. That's what this is all about. And it would be an amazing addition to your personal collection! But it's awesome to savor the decision making process, so don't feel like it's waffling - this is the fun part! Xo

Sure can't argue with that :bigsmile:

I think the only way to find out how I feel about a diamond in this size range is to... well, actually find out how I feel about a diamond in this size range. Until then I'm just trying to guess! So I'm going to try that - preferably before diamond prices jump, they're already starting to creep back up :errrr:

If the Most Diamond I Will Ever Buy doesn't do it for me I'll go with the Perlee and not look back. I'm hoping I'll feel strongly one way or the other!!

Niel said:
Yessie I just wanted to comment that I fully understand your dilem regarding the setting. I really kind of hate to wear intricate settings, and I love them in theory.
Heh. Yup... Same club, same membership. I have FINALLY accepted that delicate ring settings won't see the light of day. It's a peculiar paranoia, since I'm actually very gentle on jewellery and realistically should have no concerns about wearing fragile pieces, but... it is what it is, I guess. What I do know is that trying to fight said paranoia with logic just means money wasted on resets...

So... if I do go with the diamond... figuring out a setting will be an adventure!!


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

I will have to say, when you have a great diamond, a simple setting works well for daily wear. I've been totally happy with my Vatch U-113, although I like it best with a mrb. The example I really think of is m2b, because she had her 3.5+ ct H&A in a Victor Canera solitaire and now she has the 4 ct it in a WF Tiffany repro as she is keeping options open for a reset. But I really feel like large rb solitaires are most elegant in simple solitaires worn with a diamond band, of course!

As one who who tries to make financially sound decisions most of the time (but I have occasional lapses when it comes to diamonds :twirl: ), I think the risk of higher diamond prices would make me put the large diamond first. We all know VCA prices increase some each year, but diamond prices on a 3.5-4 ct stone two years is more of a gamble, especially since that diamond is going to be priced higher than the bracelet in the first place. I think about this a lot myself. It is the perfect time to buy, but it isn't the greatest time to sell. That's what I have to decide.

I'll be watching with interest to see what you decide, Yssie! I love both, so you can't go wrong! I just have this slight feeling that I would be OCD about keeping that bracelet immaculate, which means I wouldn't wear it very much! I'd probably do better with an all gold vintage Alhambra bracelet!


Jul 27, 2011
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie, is there a VCA near you? I would love to see a picture of the perlee on you :love:

My gut feeling is that if you have the funds for the perlee, go for it. You will be able to hand pick the perfect bracelet to take home that very day - bonus. Whereas, with the large diamond, as much as I love large diamonds, the hunt sounds like it will take some time and patience. BUT first, pics of the perlee on your wrist if you can get to a VCA! :appl: :appl: :appl:


Oct 24, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie. I love the idea of a big beautiful MRB in a simple setting. It would look fabulous on you. Honestly I would go for the solitaire first. But I don't have the perlee itch like you do. ;-). Would you go for a four or six prong? Plain shank or with diamonds? I am not at all that careful about my Jocelyn. I think given that it's bright cut pave, it's pretty secure. I glance at it now and then to make sure it's not missing any stones but I figure I can rehab it sometime, leave it with Victor for some re-millgraining.

Should we stop asking you? Too much enabling? :lol:

And yes I would love to see pics of the perlee on you too.


Oct 24, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

:wavey: hi girls!!

Guess which celeb was wearing a diamond JUC AND a full diamond LOVE on the same wrist? I looked fabulous, I can tell you. I'll give you a hint. HE was playing Slap Jack with Jimmy Fallon...



May 23, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

I just saw the Hermes Cape Cod watch for the first time and I'm totally loving it!

I may have to go try this on this weekend... :naughty:


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

diamondseeker2006|1453068720|3977252 said:
I will have to say, when you have a great diamond, a simple setting works well for daily wear. I've been totally happy with my Vatch U-113, although I like it best with a mrb. The example I really think of is m2b, because she had her 3.5+ ct H&A in a Victor Canera solitaire and now she has the 4 ct it in a WF Tiffany repro as she is keeping options open for a reset. But I really feel like large rb solitaires are most elegant in simple solitaires worn with a diamond band, of course!

As one who who tries to make financially sound decisions most of the time (but I have occasional lapses when it comes to diamonds :twirl: ), I think the risk of higher diamond prices would make me put the large diamond first. We all know VCA prices increase some each year, but diamond prices on a 3.5-4 ct stone two years is more of a gamble, especially since that diamond is going to be priced higher than the bracelet in the first place. I think about this a lot myself. It is the perfect time to buy, but it isn't the greatest time to sell. That's what I have to decide.

I'll be watching with interest to see what you decide, Yssie! I love both, so you can't go wrong! I just have this slight feeling that I would be OCD about keeping that bracelet immaculate, which means I wouldn't wear it very much! I'd probably do better with an all gold vintage Alhambra bracelet!
J, can I urge you to hold onto your AVR for a few more months? Diamond prices are starting to creep back up and I strongly suspect you'd be able to get considerably more if you can hold out for a bit. I know you take fantastic care of your pieces and your stone is a branded beauty, and you've had it for a while - I don't want to see you take any loss on it at all, frankly!

I also have to laugh because I know exactly what you mean about keeping the bracelet clean! I have two concerns with it:
- Keeping all those melee clean - I'd want to wear it every day, and that means daily scrubbing!!
- The clasp. It's the same clasp as on the Signature, and it catches on sweaters. And I live in sweaters, year-round, the larger the knit the better. It's probably fixable - curve the latch a bit, etc., but... a mild annoyance nonetheless.


Aug 14, 2009
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Pinto, LLJ, DS Would you believe that I don't have any photos of it on me? :(sad Somehow I've forgotten my phone and camera all four times I've gone to try it on! And the nearest VCA is the NYC flagship three hours away, too :nono: I am a bad PSer!

I do like the idea of choosing it in-person! And walking out with it. The experience of buying from the boutique is definitely... very different than bargain-hunting for diamonds :bigsmile: I guess I'm just... very conscious of the fact that in the past following my heart without using my head HAS led to jewellery-related decisions that I've come to regret, and I would rather do nothing than make another expensive mistake!! Not that I honestly think either choice here would be a mistake, or turn into a regret, but... I didn't think that at the time of those other choices either, y'know? ;( A diamond seems like the "safer" option on that front, because it gives me the option of postponing a "forever" decision - I really do want the Perlee at some point. I'd have to save for a long time, but at the end I'd be looking at another $30k, which I could use to either get the Perlee or upgrade the diamond - and I'd have had a long time to live with the diamond. A commitment-phobe's daydream, LOL.

I think after reading and ruminating on everyone's (much-appreciated!!) responses to my questions... I won't feel comfortable buying the Perlee without first figuring out how I feel about "probably the most diamond I'm comfortable buying" - the objectively smarter choice... As much as any of this is smart, as everyone's pointed out! I just don't see myself wanting to sink $50-60k into another diamond any time soon - much as I love big bling I think $30k is my "mind clean" limit for the foreseeable future, so... I definitely see wisdom in finding out how I feel about what that can buy whilst prices are still low :sun:

If I love it and can see myself continuing to love it for... Not forever, I don't do "forever" :bigsmile: but at least five years, say, I'll keep it. If not I'll get the Perlee with clear conscience.

My priorities choosing a diamond... High crown, short thick mains, small table, eye-clean. I want to maximize size within those parameters, and I'm generally more forgiving of colour and clarity than cut, though I don't demand top tier precision-cutting and especially for this project don't want to pay the superideal premium. So I'm digging and I guess we'll see what's unearthed ::) If I go with a diamond it'll go to Erika Winters setting :love: Y'know what's crazy? I thought finding a sturdy setting that I like would be a heck of a venture. Turns out I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I'd want - even though I'm still not sure I even want a diamond!! EW's Margot with a few alterations, including bulking it up a bit - and I can see the changes I want, I can see the final ring from all angles in my head, but yeah, um, what's going to be a heck of a venture is trying to explain it to someone else!! And poor Erika has no idea :bigsmile:


Oct 2, 2014
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

FancyDiamond|1452929889|3976703 said:
Yssie|1452890188|3976495 said:
A question for the regulars on this thread... What would you do?

So I have three options:
1. Get the Perlee
2. Get a single larger diamond
3. Get a bunch of other smaller pieces I've wanted for a while - VCA small MOP Cosmos earrings, a couple of stackers, some pearl pieces...


I would buy the items in the order of what I want most. If I do not have a large Diamond, then I would get it first. After I enjoy wearing my large Diamond for a while, I would then consider the next most wanted item if I have money and if I still want it badly.

Do not try to justify the worth of the Perlee Diamond bangle. If you keep thinking about it after some time, you should bite the bullet and get it. Worst thing is to waste money on smaller alternatives. Quality is better than quantity.

If it makes you feel less guilty, limit your purchase to only one to two big ticket items in the next five years or so.

Lastly, VCA prices can never be justified. Just limit your purchase to a few pieces that you want the most, try to wear them often, and enjoy them.

Wise, wise words.


Oct 2, 2014
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie, I did a fantasy shop on the Kiki website - which is where you just have fun putting everything in your basket that you would buy if you were a billionaire - and the total came to 65,000 pounds, so about 100k in dollars! That's only getting the things I really, really want, not just buying things for the sake of it because I'm a theoretical billionaire.

Then I extrapolated my fantasy shop to include everything I want from all the places I like (Tiffany, Cartier, Blue Nile, BGD, etc - you know the drill) and I worked out that to get everything I want, including at least three Cartier watches, would cost 600k!

Such fun to dream...Good luck with your decision.

For myself, I like the carnelian pieces at VCA. But also the MOP. If I were going to buy one single-motif necklace, I'm not sure how I'd decide. But also I really love the Cartier small amulette necklace in carnelian. Hmmm...


Oct 24, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Jambalaya, I do love Cartier's amulette, and almost anything VCA. But it is so hard to commit because of price. For example I have been looking at a VCA pendant for the longest time, but I feel more ready to plunk down the same money on a diamond than a VCA piece. I think it's because I don't think I would wear my VCA everyday. I'm seriously considering some Tiffany pieces, but I would rather spend the money on making a full eternity. Thank goodness I call mull over these things on this thread. Otherwise I might not be able to keep my eyes on the ball to reach these longer term goals.

I must say I admire your courage to do color. I'm too cheap and chicken. :lol: Your choices on the other thread are gorgeous, pieces that I always admire on other people but that I never have courage to wear on me.


Oct 24, 2012
Re: Let's talk branded pieces...Yssie, DS, and all other fan

Yssie|1453212795|3977866 said:
Pinto, LLJ, DS Would you believe that I don't have any photos of it on me? :(sad Somehow I've forgotten my phone and camera all four times I've gone to try it on! And the nearest VCA is the NYC flagship three hours away, too :nono: I am a bad PSer!

I do like the idea of choosing it in-person! And walking out with it. The experience of buying from the boutique is definitely... very different than bargain-hunting for diamonds :bigsmile: I guess I'm just... very conscious of the fact that in the past following my heart without using my head HAS led to jewellery-related decisions that I've come to regret, and I would rather do nothing than make another expensive mistake!! Not that I honestly think either choice here would be a mistake, or turn into a regret, but... I didn't think that at the time of those other choices either, y'know? ;( A diamond seems like the "safer" option on that front, because it gives me the option of postponing a "forever" decision - I really do want the Perlee at some point. I'd have to save for a long time, but at the end I'd be looking at another $30k, which I could use to either get the Perlee or upgrade the diamond - and I'd have had a long time to live with the diamond. A commitment-phobe's daydream, LOL.

I think after reading and ruminating on everyone's (much-appreciated!!) responses to my questions... I won't feel comfortable buying the Perlee without first figuring out how I feel about "probably the most diamond I'm comfortable buying" - the objectively smarter choice... As much as any of this is smart, as everyone's pointed out! I just don't see myself wanting to sink $50-60k into another diamond any time soon - much as I love big bling I think $30k is my "mind clean" limit for the foreseeable future, so... I definitely see wisdom in finding out how I feel about what that can buy whilst prices are still low :sun:

If I love it and can see myself continuing to love it for... Not forever, I don't do "forever" :bigsmile: but at least five years, say, I'll keep it. If not I'll get the Perlee with clear conscience.

My priorities choosing a diamond... High crown, short thick mains, small table, eye-clean. I want to maximize size within those parameters, and I'm generally more forgiving of colour and clarity than cut, though I don't demand top tier precision-cutting and especially for this project don't want to pay the superideal premium. So I'm digging and I guess we'll see what's unearthed ::) If I go with a diamond it'll go to Erika Winters setting :love: Y'know what's crazy? I thought finding a sturdy setting that I like would be a heck of a venture. Turns out I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I'd want - even though I'm still not sure I even want a diamond!! EW's Margot with a few alterations, including bulking it up a bit - and I can see the changes I want, I can see the final ring from all angles in my head, but yeah, um, what's going to be a heck of a venture is trying to explain it to someone else!! And poor Erika has no idea :bigsmile:

Yssie, if you already can visualize the setting in your head, it would seem the solitaire is calling. I am so excited!! I get to live vicariously through you! :dance: I CANNOT wait to see that setting become a reality. Sorry, putting the cart before the horse. :Up_to_something:
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