
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....


Apr 21, 2010
so glad Christmas was yesterday and so relieved it is over -- it was a good holiday, but it took a lot out of me despite best efforts to downsize / shortcut / outsource -- I do it for my mom, who lives with DH and I, and who loves Christmas -- but when the time comes that it's just DH and me again, I am more than ready to go to Vegas for Christmas and college basketball...


Jul 7, 2013
Please don't judge etc...

However, I was ecstatic when my bro informed me of his plan to leave home and go separate way from my mum after all these years!

I have my reasons why I live 8 time zones away from her.

I have promised him I shall not give her is contact details, and that she has to come through to me if she needs to contact him for anything.

I did a due diligence with him, going through the basic considerations in case he has not done that himself, like changing family doctor and making sure he can be financially independent, and offered him financial support etc...

We have even hatched a plan to go to Mexico for a holiday in early 2024 with a twin-bed hotel room booked :lol-2:, and I shall make the most of the price of the flights by visiting mum in Canada after we have been to Mexico (better this way as 2023 is fully booked holiday wise in my book)!

I am so pleased for him - it is better late than never!

DK :appl:


Feb 2, 2016
You guys….I am stunned at what I found out tonight at work, not even being dramatic.

My last day is the 14th and I was working with a co-worker, I was reminiscing about how she trained me and I was probably so slow at the time being new to it all. She said to me:

“Oh well it was probably your disability, Val said not to go too fast because you had a stroke and were disabled.”

Like WTF?! So my manager told one of my coworkers that I had a stroke and it affected my abilities. Now I did disclose this on my application because it caused a loss of vision in one eye and I wanted to make sure they were aware.

Never in a million years did I think that my manager would share this information. Oh and my coworker said “oh well you know she isn’t very smart”



Jun 26, 2007
You guys….I am stunned at what I found out tonight at work, not even being dramatic.

My last day is the 14th and I was working with a co-worker, I was reminiscing about how she trained me and I was probably so slow at the time being new to it all. She said to me:

“Oh well it was probably your disability, Val said not to go too fast because you had a stroke and were disabled.”

Like WTF?! So my manager told one of my coworkers that I had a stroke and it affected my abilities. Now I did disclose this on my application because it caused a loss of vision in one eye and I wanted to make sure they were aware.

Never in a million years did I think that my manager would share this information. Oh and my coworker said “oh well you know she isn’t very smart”


I can't even believe this. What clods these people are. I'm glad you're leaving.


Jun 27, 2014
You guys….I am stunned at what I found out tonight at work, not even being dramatic.

My last day is the 14th and I was working with a co-worker, I was reminiscing about how she trained me and I was probably so slow at the time being new to it all. She said to me:

“Oh well it was probably your disability, Val said not to go too fast because you had a stroke and were disabled.”

Like WTF?! So my manager told one of my coworkers that I had a stroke and it affected my abilities. Now I did disclose this on my application because it caused a loss of vision in one eye and I wanted to make sure they were aware.

Never in a million years did I think that my manager would share this information. Oh and my coworker said “oh well you know she isn’t very smart”


How else could you feel?! It's unconscionable that the conversation even took place. I'd be pissed out of my mind. I'm pissed on your behalf! That place really is toxic. I'm glad they'll be seeing the back of you, soon enough. (pepper in the expletives where necessary :lol:)


Jul 7, 2013
You guys….I am stunned at what I found out tonight at work, not even being dramatic.

My last day is the 14th and I was working with a co-worker, I was reminiscing about how she trained me and I was probably so slow at the time being new to it all. She said to me:

“Oh well it was probably your disability, Val said not to go too fast because you had a stroke and were disabled.”

Like WTF?! So my manager told one of my coworkers that I had a stroke and it affected my abilities. Now I did disclose this on my application because it caused a loss of vision in one eye and I wanted to make sure they were aware.

Never in a million years did I think that my manager would share this information. Oh and my coworker said “oh well you know she isn’t very smart”


Not sure where you are based, however, in UK/Europe, medical information is considered as personal information, as such employers should treat them as private and confidential under General Data Protection Regulation (the dreaded GDPR)!

If I were you and my employer (line manager and HR department) shared my medical information with others such as co-workers without my knowledge, I would take them on for breaking GDPR!

DK :x2


Jul 7, 2013
Lacking in motivation in the work front, and have given myself an incentive to finish some dreaded report writing in the form of the Ebel Beluga Tonneau that I have my eyes on for the past year or so.

DK :lol-2:


Feb 2, 2016
@stracci2000, I am counting the days! This is not the worst job I’ve ever had but the worst environment I’ve ever worked.

@ItsMainelyYou, yeah I could have fallen over when she told me that. How do I know that it didn’t get around the bakery and I was treated differently as a result. Ugh!

@dk168, it is a HIPPA violation in the U.S. Problem is that the person who told me probably will not go on record. She is three years away from retirement and her age is catching up with her. She is the bakery punching bag, our manager is always finding fault, writing her up etc. and yet she still stays there. :wall:


Feb 2, 2016
Ugh, I can’t correct that post but I was typing too quickly this morning. It should be HIPAA, also because employers are considered non-covered entities, I can’t do anything about it.


Jun 26, 2007
When I used to work in a store, the employees used to gossip about each other.
Then one day, someone reported back that they were gossipping about me and my job performance!
I shouldn't have been shocked. The person who blabbed to me was in the wrong, as well.
I always wore my diamonds and other fine jewelry to work, and that probably had tongues wagging, too.


Feb 2, 2016
@stracci2000, see, I wouldn’t have gossiped about you. I would have asked where you get all that bling from so I could get in on it ;)2


Jul 7, 2013
The vendor that I have been using for made to measure dress/business shirts since 2007 had decided to cease products of women shirts.

I am short and plus size with short arms and legs and an Apple shaped body with a big waist.

Nothing off the peg fits, hence I have had clothes for business and dressier formal events made for me for years.

I have to find a new shirt vendor and go through the whole process of inputting measurements and all that.

Very first world issue, however, I don't like to change what I know and like, hey ho!

DK :roll2:


Sep 17, 2008
at 5 am, I finished my certification testing. I was scared to hit enter because I used up all three days and I felt like I was going to puke. Today was my last day testing and I would NOT be able to do it again.

so I said a prayer, my stomach in my mouth, and hit enter.

Well, I got 99% out of 100 correct. So congratulations to me! (does mean I still missed a handful of answers but I will take that!!)

And just when you thought it was over, its not. So while I finished the final testing, it now has to go through the panel of experts to review all my answers (I sh*t you not) yeah even with the automated grading system, they have to do this to ensure I did not "cheat". And while some may think its hard to cheat if you're allowed to use notes, the thing you're not allowed to use is any type of COTS products which can absolutely assist you. So, thats why they check (I had to call them and get this info!)

At least its good news. I kinda precelebrated and got me a little


Mar 11, 2018
I was recently diagnosed as a carrier for Alpha-1, which is a genetic disorder that can lead to lung and liver disease. I am not what they call a "full Alpha" with the ZZ gene mutation, but I'm an MZ, which has its own risks, albeit much less. I'm 39 and watched my grandmother suffer through this horrible disease before she passed at the age of 71. She was also just a carrier and had been on oxygen for years prior to her death. My second cousin (her niece) was a full Alpha and passed at the early age of 54. It's a scary thing to be faced with, even though the diagnosis could've been far worse. I feel like no one is taking it as serious as me, almost like I'm overreacting. I need to avoid any irritants like cigarette smoke, fumes, chemicals, dust, etc. yet my boyfriend still smokes. I understand you don't typically quit overnight, and I just got this news earlier this week, but it's a little disheartening and I think I have every right to be upset about it, even if temporarily.

Rant over. Thank you for listening!

A few positives to share, even though this thread is primarily the opposite. Haha!

Update to my previous grumblings: He has successfully kicked the habit and we are officially a smoke free household as of a few weeks ago. I'm so proud of him! As a 25-year smoker, I'm certain that was no easy feat. We've started cleaning out the garage where he used to sit, and once it's empty (and warm outside) we will paint to get the smell completely out. His nose picks it up far before mine does now, which is so different to me.

I've also managed to not get sick so far this season. Around this time last year, I was at my wit's end and had been sick with upper respiratory issues for literal months. Grateful my vitamins have kept it at bay so far!


Mar 31, 2018
You guys….I am stunned at what I found out tonight at work, not even being dramatic.

My last day is the 14th and I was working with a co-worker, I was reminiscing about how she trained me and I was probably so slow at the time being new to it all. She said to me:

“Oh well it was probably your disability, Val said not to go too fast because you had a stroke and were disabled.”

Like WTF?! So my manager told one of my coworkers that I had a stroke and it affected my abilities. Now I did disclose this on my application because it caused a loss of vision in one eye and I wanted to make sure they were aware.

Never in a million years did I think that my manager would share this information. Oh and my coworker said “oh well you know she isn’t very smart”


I’m glad you’re leaving @YadaYadaYada! They don’t deserve you there! :x2


Mar 31, 2018


Jan 4, 2012
You guys….I am stunned at what I found out tonight at work, not even being dramatic.

My last day is the 14th and I was working with a co-worker, I was reminiscing about how she trained me and I was probably so slow at the time being new to it all. She said to me:

“Oh well it was probably your disability, Val said not to go too fast because you had a stroke and were disabled.”

Like WTF?! So my manager told one of my coworkers that I had a stroke and it affected my abilities. Now I did disclose this on my application because it caused a loss of vision in one eye and I wanted to make sure they were aware.

Never in a million years did I think that my manager would share this information. Oh and my coworker said “oh well you know she isn’t very smart”


That is indeed shocking, and horrifying! How unprofessional. I'll echo the sentiments that it is good you are leaving.


May 12, 2020
It’s my birthday today. My neighbor/friend just dropped off a present for me..:think:

Happy Birthday! I’m sure they just thought you deserved to pamper yourself a little on your special day. And you do!


Jan 3, 2013
Happy birthday @MamaBee Perhaps she just thought you do too much and need a respite. Hope you had a fabulous birthday! ❤️


Mar 31, 2018
Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I just found it odd to get various facial cleansing wipes for a birthday present. She’s the nicest person so it comes from a good place. I’m sure she meant it positively. I just thought it was a bit strange. Haha


Oct 31, 2021
She’s the nicest person so it comes from a good place. I’m sure she meant it positively.

I agree. I'm willing to bet she wanted to get you something that will actually be useful to you. The sleeping mask is also very pretty.

Happy birthday! ::)


Jun 8, 2008
You guys….I am stunned at what I found out tonight at work, not even being dramatic.

My last day is the 14th and I was working with a co-worker, I was reminiscing about how she trained me and I was probably so slow at the time being new to it all. She said to me:

“Oh well it was probably your disability, Val said not to go too fast because you had a stroke and were disabled.”

Like WTF?! So my manager told one of my coworkers that I had a stroke and it affected my abilities. Now I did disclose this on my application because it caused a loss of vision in one eye and I wanted to make sure they were aware.

Never in a million years did I think that my manager would share this information. Oh and my coworker said “oh well you know she isn’t very smart”


Wow, I am sorry this happened and he violated your privacy. If you wanted to you could report him. I'm pissed for you. That is not just unprofessional it crosses the line


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you for all the birthday wishes! I just found it odd to get various facial cleansing wipes for a birthday present. She’s the nicest person so it comes from a good place. I’m sure she meant it positively. I just thought it was a bit strange. Haha

Happy birthday Joanne and HPD weekend!!! In the beginning of 2020 that gift would have been beyond priceless if you remember. It was almost impossible to get anything like that. Anyway she meant well and that is what counts IMO. Though that quote about the road to hell and good intentions haha.

Hope you enjoy your continuing birthday celebration!



Mar 31, 2018
Happy birthday Joanne and HPD weekend!!! In the beginning of 2020 that gift would have been beyond priceless if you remember. It was almost impossible to get anything like that. Anyway she meant well and that is what counts IMO. Though that quote about the road to hell and good intentions haha.

Hope you enjoy your continuing birthday celebration!


Thank you @missy!
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