
Let it all hangout -- The Grumpies, whinies, complainies Get It Off Your Chest Thread....

The mice have destroyed our engine cover. It is not just for show. This is a heat insulation thing. $300 to replace and I am sure they will do it again within weeks. Time to really focus on getting the garage cleaned out (still full of stuff we haven't moved into the house yet) so we can park in there with relatively few mice.

Those little varmints can do serious damage! When we sold our Ford Explorer, the fella who bought it loved the pristine interior....he had an Explorer of the same age....but the mice consumed/gutted his interior (he lived on an acreage)!
Looking at the video footages and photos of crowds gathering and celebrating England's football team beating the Danes to go into the final to play against Italy in the European Cup on Sunday, shouting, singing, laughing etc., it really annoys me that it is as if none of the current C19 restrictions applied to them, when I could not attend an outdoor choir practice with more than 30 people.

DK :roll2:
I am so sorry for your losses @Lisa Loves Shiny.
Your relative is lucky to have you.

Thanks Missy. I don't want to be a grief thief and I know the close family members of my friends are suffering most of all. But selfishly I feel my world is now smaller. I just hope to be a source of comfort when the dust settles.
Thanks Missy. I don't want to be a grief thief and I know the close family members of my friends are suffering most of all. But selfishly I feel my world is now smaller. I just hope to be a source of comfort when the dust settles.

I am sure you are a great source of comfort to your friends.

If I may add a few thoughts. I don't think it is selfish to feel the loss of loved ones (even when there are others who might be closer and missing them even more) and the feeling that your world is now that much smaller. I get it. I never heard that term grief thief. I think we all process/feel grief on our own terms and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. And no prescribed length of time. Grief is such a deeply personal thing.

One thing I know for sure is there is no shortage of grief or sadness. It is the one thing that is never in short supply unfortunately. And though we all experience it differently it is always painful. :(
Looking at the video footages and photos of crowds gathering and celebrating England's football team beating the Danes to go into the final to play against Italy in the European Cup on Sunday, shouting, singing, laughing etc., it really annoys me that it is as if none of the current C19 restrictions applied to them, when I could not attend an outdoor choir practice with more than 30 people.

DK :roll2:

Another thing that is never in short supply...hypocrisy. And double standards. Unreal. :x2

Can't make this sh*^ up. I was in the BR at our favorite patio for happy hour and some woman goes off on me ......for wearing my mask! I am not a violent person but I felt like smacking her!:rolleyes:

So much rage right now. Someone called the police to try and break up my little cousin’s birthday party. My non-verbal cousin with down’s syndrome had two police cars show up at his birthday.

Current covid restrictions limit outdoor gatherings to 25 people. We were 12 people split between 3 blankets that were spaced apart. The cake and food was on a central picnic table. This is all very much allowed under the current guidelines.

First we notice a woman staring intently at our group. Then she’s walking around on her phone. About 15 minutes later two police cars show up and the officers get out of their cars and watch us. Shortly after that the local health department shows up.

My cousin’s mom works for the health unit so the officers know my cousin. They came up to us and explained what was happening. Apparently someone called the police saying that we were being loud (well yes two of the people at the party are non-verbal and communicate through sounds), we were drinking in public (it was a case of Perrier), and we were breaking covid gathering laws (our group was less than half of the gathering size limit).

Luckily the situation de-escalated once the health unit realized what was happening and spoke with the police on our behalf. The officers even came over and sang happy birthday.

Still livid though. It was clearly a small birthday party and half of the attendees were obviously teens with disabilities.

What kind of person does that?
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I am a stubborn sort of person and come by it down both sides of my family. Going to take my grandmother back to where she was born in South Dakota to visit her family. She is declining and may not get another chance. My mom and aunt are being clueless, selfish, and utterly unhelpful. "Maybe later." "I just don't feel like it right now." "I have been wanting to do that and take my kids! Should definitely do that sometime." That last one being the one who was going to print all of their favorite recipes and have it bound for them. That was several years ago. Still hasn't happened. Life is too short. I am about to create some massive upset, but I don't care! Grandma and Grandpa have had too long where their wants in life were shoved aside as inconvenient. Started already with Father's Day. Tomorrow is helping him restore his classic car. Then comes the trip to South Dakota. All stuff that others said they would get around to. Tough. I am DONE making them wait because their kids are too busy to take the time.
To continue the grumbles, the one who just isn't sure she can be away from home right now and has a motorhome that "just isn't up for a long drive" was out washing said motorhome today because she and her DH are getting ready to go on a trip. Nice. So I have been looking at thousands of dollars in motorhome rental or airline tickets because she just doesn't feel like it.

The current plan is to say f them all and ask my grandmother if she would like to go visit family in South Dakota then I will go to help take care of her and just fly the three of us. The rest can just f-off if they don't like it. (Yes, I have had messages since the start of the rant and need to work at gaining my calm before we go visit them tomorrow.)
We have a really pretty backyard, but I don't go out there much because of the bugs. They find me no matter what. Yesterday, while I was outside talking to DH, I felt a weird pinching. A tiny ant was biting my toe!

Today I was on the back porch for 10 short minutes and I now have 7 itchy mosquito bites across my back and shoulders.
This is why I'm an 'indoors' girl............
Had a rough few last weeks (8?9?) ... The regular school stuff, multiple health emergencies with the kids (including 4 days in hospital with my 4y/o), bad news regarding our home - it's ancient and we did a total gut job. Now we're slowly finding out where the company did sloppy work. They have a 10 year warranty to honour. But -you guessed right... Declared bankruptcy.
So yesterday I took the plaster off of three walls myself with a jackhammer.
We've had 18 (!!!!!!) construction companies on the phone but no one has time before 2022/ wants to do a small job/ etc etc etc.
I'm just super exhausted and had to stick my children in front of the TV for an entire day to be able to do it. My wrists , back and shoulders hurt . On the plus side my klutzy self didn't get killed on a high ladder while wearing goggles and working heavy machinery.
We have a really pretty backyard, but I don't go out there much because of the bugs. They find me no matter what. Yesterday, while I was outside talking to DH, I felt a weird pinching. A tiny ant was biting my toe!

Today I was on the back porch for 10 short minutes and I now have 7 itchy mosquito bites across my back and shoulders.
This is why I'm an 'indoors' girl............

OMG this is me. If I am outside when the sun goes down for even a minute I get lots of mosquito bites. Could be 20 people around me but I am the one who gets bitten. And yes, this is why I prefer indoors when the bugs come out! I am like a vampire in reverse (in more ways than one). Out during daylight but in as soon as dusk arrives. :lol:
:angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire::angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:
My mother had been in support of the trip yesterday. Now her anxieties are up. Not sure how much is her and how much is her sister. They have decided that Grandma might not be comfortable in a car that long and I am not able to drive safely if I get tired. So they convinced Grandma we need to fly. (Which is the first step, I am sure, of making sure it can't happen at all because my aunt is jealous. I mean, she can't be bothered to get Grandma home to visit, but how dare I?!?!)
Chilling off before I talk with them. I don't see why it would be a problem if we have no rush to get anywhere. We can stop anywhere we want. If that means two hours of driving per day, so what!? Laundromats or hotel machines can keep laundry clean. No airport at either end to stress her. Just relaxed drive at our own pace.

I suppose I better just buy the danged plane tickets for soon enough they can't put a stop to it. Grandma hates conflict so would be upset if it turned into me talking to her to see what she wants (they convinced her that I am too sick to safely drive that much) and them arguing. Want this to be a positive experience even if I am super frustrated, sad, angry, and just exasperated all around.
I am complaining a lot these days. I feel like George Constanza's father on Seinfeld with the airing of grievances. So here is another. I don't want to be bothered recently. I have a lot on my mind, a lot on my plate. My neighbor on the right just annoys me. The constant love bombing directed at me and DH. The constant self invites. I just have tuned him out and must have said yes when he asked to come over for dinner last week and I guess today was the day. Uh-huh, okay. Sure- you can come over at 5 pm.

So here is my main complaint and what is wrong with me that I am counting? He has worn the exact same blue, pink, yellow, teal shirt for the last 31 days I have seen him. It's the exact same shirt!!!! He is wealthy. I have seen his closets, he has more shirts.

I need a vacation.


(what a big surprise - NOT,)
:angryfire: :rolleyes: :angryfire::rolleyes::eek-2::angryfire::nono::wall::angryfire:

I suspect I will have a long rant when I know more. For now, just emotions.
ETA: yes, about the Grandma trip.
Gah, I am so so over people!

Our neighbor asked our 14 year old son to take care of his dogs while he is in Florida. Stop in three times a day to feed and let them out. Now first of all, one dog is elderly and incontinent, I can’t even believe they left him because he could literally go at any time. Then they have a bull terrier, supposedly the apple of his eye, yet again can’t be bothered to properly board him. Today was the day he left so I figured since we hadn’t heard from him that he found someone else to care for them, maybe found someone to stay there.

Nope! DH got a TEXT this morning saying that he left a note with instructions. I thought he would at least have son over to go over everything with him. I can’t even take the dogs to my house because we already have three dogs AND the terrier will go after the cats, he has a high prey drive.

Oh and this is the same f***ing neighbor that I have to give the deposition for on the 28th which I am absolutely dreading. You know, we don’t go on vacation because there is nobody to take care of our pets, I can’t believe how selfish people are!
Gah, I am so so over people!

Our neighbor asked our 14 year old son to take care of his dogs while he is in Florida. Stop in three times a day to feed and let them out. Now first of all, one dog is elderly and incontinent, I can’t even believe they left him because he could literally go at any time. Then they have a bull terrier, supposedly the apple of his eye, yet again can’t be bothered to properly board him. Today was the day he left so I figured since we hadn’t heard from him that he found someone else to care for them, maybe found someone to stay there.

Nope! DH got a TEXT this morning saying that he left a note with instructions. I thought he would at least have son over to go over everything with him. I can’t even take the dogs to my house because we already have three dogs AND the terrier will go after the cats, he has a high prey drive.

Oh and this is the same f***ing neighbor that I have to give the deposition for on the 28th which I am absolutely dreading. You know, we don’t go on vacation because there is nobody to take care of our pets, I can’t believe how selfish people are!

These sound like sh!tty neighbors.
I'm mad at them now, too.
They are going to be the death of me I swear!

I don't know any of my neighbors nor do I talk to any of them, and that's the way I like it!
@YadaYadaYada if you want general guidance on the depo, you know where to find me.
I hat hate hate hate cancer.
Diagnoses left right center. My age, our parents' age- it's everywhere. Went to 2 funerals in the last weeks and deep down I'm also scared of it now.
Gah, I am so so over people!

Our neighbor asked our 14 year old son to take care of his dogs while he is in Florida. Stop in three times a day to feed and let them out. Now first of all, one dog is elderly and incontinent, I can’t even believe they left him because he could literally go at any time. Then they have a bull terrier, supposedly the apple of his eye, yet again can’t be bothered to properly board him. Today was the day he left so I figured since we hadn’t heard from him that he found someone else to care for them, maybe found someone to stay there.

Nope! DH got a TEXT this morning saying that he left a note with instructions. I thought he would at least have son over to go over everything with him. I can’t even take the dogs to my house because we already have three dogs AND the terrier will go after the cats, he has a high prey drive.

Oh and this is the same f***ing neighbor that I have to give the deposition for on the 28th which I am absolutely dreading. You know, we don’t go on vacation because there is nobody to take care of our pets, I can’t believe how selfish people are!

OMG, they sound awful!! Horses and cats have kept me home for years.
A good friend's older sister summers on Cape Cod, doesn't take all her dogs with her. She asked my friend - her sister - to go over and put one of the dogs down. Couldn't be bothered to travel back to WI to say goodbye to her old dog. This story still makes me mad and I heard it 20 years ago.
Isn’t this just the way? She won’t put any weight on her front left paw. Since we are up against a holiday weekend, I made an appointment for her for tomorrow at 8:30 (soonest they could see her). With our luck she won’t get better and we would have to bring her to the emergency vet over the weekend. So I’m trying to head off emergency vet charges by getting her seen sooner than later, maybe it is just a sprain and they can give her some pain meds.

Does she go outside? She could have an abscess from a bite. A soak in warm water and Epsom salts can really help, but . . . cats love that, I know. I could grow my own diamonds before I could soak Foster's foot.