
Leo Diamond

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Nov 6, 2002
My girlfriend has her heart set on a Leo Diamond that we looked at a few minths ago. Ive been trying to find out as much as I can about these diamonds and have heard good and bad. I would appreciate any feedback that anyone might have.


Nov 6, 2002
Thank you, Ive already checked out that site. Its a site created by the Leo Diamond people right? I was looking for other opinions on this diamond. Im wondering if the hype that they give it is realistic. The stone that she wants is I color and VS-1 also the other stone that she likes is I color and SI-1. These arent very high quality correct?

Richard Sherwood

Sep 25, 2002
You might find some more info if you do a search about the Leo here on PriceScope and also on DiamondTalk.

Here's one string that I pulled up-

My personal impression of the Leo is that it's a pretty cut, but not all it's hyped up to be. I find it a bit "busy", and am cynical that the cut is often just "hiding" extra weight on a deep stone with an extra row of lower girdle facets.

I prefer a premium or ideal make myself. I've heard some people though rave about the Leo.

Rich, GG
Sarasota Gemological Laboratory


Oct 26, 2002
It is probably good, but I think there is no reason to think the LEO cut is better than a 58 facet cut. The question is, is it worse. Probably not. But why bother? In a few years they might give up on it and then the concept of it will be an orphan. There is no advantage to it. I would stay away from possible fads (although fad implies populatity and there is no knowing if this will even be popular) when it comes to lifelong jewelry. I would be real surprised if the price was as good as an online price for a well cut diamond of the same specs.


Mar 28, 2001
I've had a chance to see Leo's on quite a few occasions. Particularly when my wife is shopping and I want to kill some time. :tongue:

I have seen some that were outstanding but most of the ones I have observed were not so hot. The primary difference in the Leo is that it features 16 pavilion main facets instead of 8. The lower girdles are also cut very long and the combination ... when given the proper angles can produce a very scintillating & fiery stone.

The thing is this. The same rules apply to Leo's that apply to all rounds. If the crown/pavilion angles are not so ... the stone will leak like a sieve and sad to say ... most ideal cut diamond cutters have figured out how to cut the heaviest, most leaking ideal cuts possible and get the "ideal" grade. Take an ideal-scope to it and you'll see what I mean.... you'll see under the table what I call "the ring of death". hehe. Same thing when I was viewing the "octillion". Nice concept but round diamonds with 70% depths just don't work and who wants a 1ct diamond that looks like a .60ct?

Kind regards,


Oct 24, 2002
I got the pleasure of dealing with a saleperson pushing the leo. "look at all the sparkle" she said. I asked about the symetry and h&a - "why pay for something you can't see" she said. I don't have a very trained eye, so to me every diamond has great sparkle/fire/bril...ect. But so would a piece of gravel under the 2.3 jigawatt lights they put in jewelry stores. Just kidding, I'm sure there is a difference, but to me, I just can't see the sparkle differences in the top quality diamonds (although I do not disagree one bit there is a difference). In fact, now that I got my diamond home, I'm wondering if they forgot to add the sparkle package, cause it just doesn't have the fire it did in the store. But I'll find out today, as I'm going to get wedding bands today, so I'll take it back in and have it cleaned, and admire it some more.

In summary, I would not buy a Leo. Not an expert, just a consumer that has been informed by this great website.


Sep 27, 2002
When I was shopping for a diamond engagement ring several weeks back ago, one of the first stones that I saw was the Leo diamond by Leo Schachter at Jared, a nationwide chain of jewelers. The sales person kept extolling the virtues of their "patented" cuts (not to mention the pressure to buy) and how it outshined the other diamonds out there. She kept calling me at work every week, telling me how they just go "this and that stone in" and wanted me to come in and take a look.

Later that night when I started doing research, I began to realize that the Leo diamoned wasn't all "cut" up to be and was only marginally better than some of the typical mall-quality diamonds that we had also saw. For the same price of a Leo diamond, you can get a better AGS or GIA certified H&A ideal cut diamond from any of the reputable online vendors here.

You can read about my experiences at:



Oct 7, 2002
I had a similar experience at Bailey Banks & Biddle. I had already done a lot of looking and research on this site and others and wanted to get my girlfriend in a store for a casual attempt to get her ring size and see what size diamond was appropriate for her finger. Of course the asshats at BBB were only interested in her and what she wanted (to get her pressure me... my GF has no idea she will be getting a diamond in the next 2 months). She had never really looked at diamonds before so she was overwhelmed. They showed her their "Lineage" 168 facet stone (designed by Scott Kay whoever that is). I immediately suspected this thing was a gimmick. And it may be a decent idea for a cut but they had the standard high pressure sales pitch and the "assistant" woman extolling how beautiful it was. It turns out they are about 3 times as expensive as they should be and, yes, the facets are nice -- but if I'm going to pay $15k for a 1.5 carat I'll get a D VS1 ideal cut thank you very much. My girlfriend liked it but understood that I wouldn't be buying from those yahoos. The visit was useless and annoying (except that I got her ring size).


Oct 26, 2002
I took my girlfriend in so look at some settings but I gave her a strict message to not listen to anything they said, and they even if I sound interested in what they say, I am really not interested -- and just go along with it but don't get attached to anything. It worked out well, and in the end I will pick everything out.


Jul 26, 2004
Leo or Ideal Cut?

I too just started looking at diamonds and came accross these Leo Diamonds. I have the same question: Would it be better to get the same size, color, and clarity in a Leo diamond or as a "Perfect Cut" Diamond instead? I am very close to buying but don't know which direction to go. HELP!!!


Jul 11, 2004
The Leo is very similar to the Helzberg "Radiant Star" diamond which was my first engagement ring. The store bragged on the fact that the diamond had 145 facets compared to the 58 facets that most diamonds have. In actuality, my diamond was a poorly cut I1 that to me had very poor quality in most respects except that it did sparkle under mall light...however in the sun, it was very cloudy. Also, although I had to look real hard, it had some defects that I could see with the naked eye. So, in my opinion, look at all of the qualities of a diamond, in particular, cut, clarity, and color and see how the Leo rates when compared to the quality diamonds discussed on this board. Take care and good luck!

P.S. Note that I said my "first engagement ring" and that's because my fiance and I finally realized that the diamond was of poor quality. Fortunately, we were within the timeline allowed to return it and get a 100% refund!


Sep 3, 2000
The Leo cut diamond is a nicely fashioned stone with some extra faceting, BUT it is not cut in a totally consistent manner, so the light behavior result is not consistent from stone to stone. I think the message in this thread paints a very accurate picture of what this brand is, who sells it, how it is marketed, and the issues that surround it.

There will be many attempts to bring forward "Spcial cuts" and "Branded diamonds". The Leo has been a very successful entry, but will it succeed in the long run? Maybe another design will be more successful. No one really can predict.

I have yet to see a branded diamond, cut in a way substantially different than a traditonal ideal cut that looked "better" to me. Maybe I will eventually see one. I don't doubt the possibility. Until that time, I will continue to love well cut and brilliant diamonds with no special favoritism based on who cut them or who sold them.


Jul 7, 2004
I always hear of the Leo Diamond attached to mall stores and chains which immediately made me think "overpriced crap".
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