Date: 10/11/2006 3:50:38 PM
Hi, I searched the forums and found a lot of info on the LEO, but I''m curious what LEO diamond buyers have typically paid for their diamonds versus what the certification value was. Thanks.
I think the mess, Kenny, comes out of a complicated environment. To this end, I would say that although appraisers are more passengers, and insurers are more the drivers, there is collusion between the two, intended or not.Date: 10/11/2006 5:19:53 PM
Author: kenny
I think the whole subject of diamond ''value'' is a big mess.
My first clue was my first diamond purchase at Bluenile.
I don''t remember the numbers but the earrings came with an ''independent appraisal'' that was for, I think, 70% more than I paid.
This made my brain explode.
It has been ''explained'' to me a million times here, but it still doesn''t make sense to me.
How can a vendor include such a thing?
How can such a thing be valid?
I give up.
I feel sorry for appraisers.
They have to explain this mess over and over.