
Lead crystal


Apr 30, 2005
I hear that toxic lead can leach into the beverage, especially acidic drinks like OJ or tomato juice.

If you have any lead crystal do you still drink out of it?
I do, and I do.
Maybe lead poisoning explains my insanity. :rodent: :sick:

I just like the heft and the sharp lip.
I think it makes drinks taste better, especially any kind of booze.

You probably don't want to store whisky or other spirits in leaded crystal decanters any more.
I have a big Waterford balloon goblet I snagged off a sale table at Macy's for a whopping $6 and I use it sometimes.
Kenny, where do you get your ideas for posts? You come up with some great questions.
texaskj|1308706175|2951536 said:
Kenny, where do you get your ideas for posts?
You come up with some great questions.

I am too clumsy for nice things :(

BF had a lovely set of Waterford. Now he has 3/4s of a lovely set.
i drink my booze straight out of the bottle... :bigsmile:
you guys are

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I love my lead crystal glasses but usually drink ice water. If one thing doesn't kill me something else will, I may as well enjoy life and not worry about it. :bigsmile:
DH has a Tiffany lead crystal decanter I bought him, at first he was hesitant to put anything in it but then he said screw it and stores scotch. We also have a set of Waterford flutes and glasses I love and drink out of.
Modern crystal has only trace amounts of lead, if any at all. Not harmful. The antique stuff did have more but unless you store stuff in it for extended time & drink from it for a lifetime, you still won't have your brains rot. It takes a period of exposure to hurt an adult. If there were enough lead in glasses & decanters to zap you, they wouldn't be allowed to be sold.
Love crystal stuff. Have crystal stuff. Use it daily.

While there shouldn't be enough lead to cause problems, they suggest filling your crystal glasses (or decanters!) with a vinegar/water mixture and letting them sit for a few hours. I usually use about a 50/50 mix but I think less vinegar is fine too. The acid in the vinegar helps pull out any lead that may have come into contact with wine so instead of potentially drinking the trace amounts of lead, you dump the vinegar/water down the drain and wash the glasses.

This was part of the care instructions I received with my Irish crystal wine glass set.
TooPatient|1308756581|2951965 said:
Love crystal stuff. Have crystal stuff. Use it daily.

While there shouldn't be enough lead to cause problems, they suggest filling your crystal glasses (or decanters!) with a vinegar/water mixture and letting them sit for a few hours. I usually use about a 50/50 mix but I think less vinegar is fine too. The acid in the vinegar helps pull out any lead that may have come into contact with wine so instead of potentially drinking the trace amounts of lead, you dump the vinegar/water down the drain and wash the glasses.

This was part of the care instructions I received with my Irish crystal wine glass set.

Oh thanks for sharing this TooPatient! I love our new crystal set - everything is so pretty, but I confess I've hesitated on using anything regularly. Sounds like a great idea for peace of mind :))
My crystal is from the 1980s and Waterford then boasted it was 33% lead, which gives greater brilliance and allows deeper cut.
Waterford today tells us NOT to store liquids in leaded crystal, even decanters.
Pour beverage into decanter just prior to serving, they advise.

Lead is not clear.
It is a very opaque metal, so how lead crystal can be clear?

Don't we have a chemist here?

BTW, when I see lead crystal for sale now in California (which is often a leader in consumer protection laws) there is a scary health warning in large type font prominently displayed.
So even if it contains less lead there is still some health hazard.

My good 1980s Waterford and Edinburgh is not brought out very often.
Most of the leaded crystal I use often came from thrift store treasure hunts, so I don't know its age.
I hope 1980s stuff is not considered antiques.
What would that say about me? ;( ;( ;(