Here''s the question: "Who''s the more adaptable one in your long-distance relationship?" I hate to say it, but I''ve discovered that I am.
DH and I were married 6 years when I started law school in New York. (He was already an MBA with a job on Wall Street.) Immediately upon graduating, I followed him to the midwest for his career. Then, I practiced law for 11 HAPPY YEARS in the midwest. I became a partner in my law firm, LOVED my job, was invited to join boards, generally made a name for myself in the community, etc. BUT THEN, DH was transferred back to NYC for his career!
You know what? I didn''t follow him at first. In fact, not for 1.5 years! We flew to see each other 2x per month. But it was hard -- no direct flights and sometimes we got stranded in Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, etc.) It ALWAYS took 6 hours to get "there." But still, despite the fact we''d been married almost 18 years, I was sooooo happy with my career and my friends that I didn''t follow him.
Then it finally hit me: I''M THE MORE ADAPTABLE ONE. HE''S NEVER GOING TO BE HAPPY IN THE MIDWEST. What a rocket! I''m not thrilled about this revelation. You might call me grumpy. But I''m the more adaptable one, damnit! And our 20th anniversary is on 12/23. . . .so somebody PLEASE tell me to just relax and that I''ll get a job in NYC at some point. . .
DH and I were married 6 years when I started law school in New York. (He was already an MBA with a job on Wall Street.) Immediately upon graduating, I followed him to the midwest for his career. Then, I practiced law for 11 HAPPY YEARS in the midwest. I became a partner in my law firm, LOVED my job, was invited to join boards, generally made a name for myself in the community, etc. BUT THEN, DH was transferred back to NYC for his career!
You know what? I didn''t follow him at first. In fact, not for 1.5 years! We flew to see each other 2x per month. But it was hard -- no direct flights and sometimes we got stranded in Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, etc.) It ALWAYS took 6 hours to get "there." But still, despite the fact we''d been married almost 18 years, I was sooooo happy with my career and my friends that I didn''t follow him.
Then it finally hit me: I''M THE MORE ADAPTABLE ONE. HE''S NEVER GOING TO BE HAPPY IN THE MIDWEST. What a rocket! I''m not thrilled about this revelation. You might call me grumpy. But I''m the more adaptable one, damnit! And our 20th anniversary is on 12/23. . . .so somebody PLEASE tell me to just relax and that I''ll get a job in NYC at some point. . .