
last minute opinion please, on this 1ct princess cut

Anyone care to shed some light?
After more searching, I found the WF ACA princess cut is quite expensive comparing to other venders.
This makes me a little hesitating.
Do you think I get what I pay for with ACA?
Or I can do better with this money?
I think it looks great. It may be more expensive than other vendors but you are getting upgrade policies and WF provides you with all of the information (ASET, pics) up front.
Looks good to me and I agree with slg about the great upgrade policy.
You pay for the AGS0 cut grade and for the policies attached. It is a very nice stone.

Would you like us to suggest other options that are less expensive? We can look if you like. You can find very nice GIA stones but will need to collect more information to assess their cut quality, and if you don't want to ever upgrade then you can save some that way too.
farmer gal|1306949269|2935462 said:
That looks like a great stone.

Here is one from GOG I don't know what their pricescope discount is

If you would be willing to go to an I here is another

Here is on from BGD, again I don't know what it would be with pricescope discount

Do whatever you feel comfortable with, either way you will be getting top quality :twirl:

Hey guys, thank you so much for your suggestions!
And wow farmer_gal, you must be a mind reader, the gog 8124 and the bgd stones are exactly what I'm talking about!

gog 8124 is about 600$ less and 0.1mm smaller, but they are from different vendors, so there's no way for me to compare their IS or ASET and tell who is better.

And the bgd stone is 1 grade higher in clarity, again cann't compare their IS/ASET, but the simulated light performance map of this stones seems to have a little bit more leakage than the WF one. So I think I've found the reason to pass this one.

Now I just need to decide on the gog 8124 or WF...
Gals, please help me ;(
I would go with WF if you have a setting picked out from them. If you don't have a setting picked out you could go with either one and like I said before, I'm sure both are great :appl: