
Ladies: did you gain weight around Perimenopause?

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I was extremely overweight in my late teens / early 20's. By the age of 24 I had lost 8 stone through extremely hard work, exercising & overhauling my diet completely.

And here I have happily stayed ever since, very strong, athletic, exercising 4-5 days a week & whilst i enjoy treats & wine on a Saturday night, my weight has stayed the same. With my first pregnancy at 34, I gained 24lbs & it was gone 3 weeks post partum. With my second at 36, I gained 25lbs & again, gone & back in my jeans after 2 weeks., much to the annoyance of my sisters & friends!

I turned 46 in June & I would say over the last 2 years, my weight has fluctuated a little. I would gain a few lbs, but lose them quickly again. However, now I feel I'm swimming against a tide. I am 14lbs heavier now than I was 2 years ago & I'm really, really struggling to shift it. It feels like an uphill battle, despite upping my exercise to 6 days a week & eating less than I ordinarily would. The weight is around my middle - i have lost my waist & I know my hip bones are in there somewhere. Also, the week before my period is due I get noticable abdominal bloat & my clothes are tighter, then the day my period arrives it just goes away instantly.

I realise 14lbs isn't a massive amount of weight, but for me it's unusual. It has been a gradual thing & not sudden or caused by illness. I have bloodwork & thyroid testing each year due to my medical condition & i am as fit as a butchers dog. Could it be a hormone thing?

Anybody care to share their Perimenopause & menopause stories? And did the weight go once hormones settled down?


Jun 8, 2008
@Alex T I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I think it’s challenging to extrapolate since we are complex individuals but to share my experience. No. I didn’t gain any weight. And in fact I’m hypothyroid so my metabolism is slow.

I credit the fact I didn’t gain weight (especially fat around the abdomen as I understand is not uncommon during peri and menopause) to my daily workouts and that I’m active. Every day. Plus now I started weight which hopefully will build muscle which helps the metabolism. But I’m way past peri now so to answer your question I remained stable during the peri menopause time.

If you’re already active and not doing weight training I’d consider that to give yourself a boost in muscle and metabolism.

Good luck and there are lots of benefits to menopause.

If I could share one lesson though that if I could go back and consider. I’d consider HRT.

Due to menopause I’ve lost a considerable amount of bone and am now in osteoporosis. Most likely due to the loss of hormones I experienced during peri to menopause. Something to consider.


Jun 23, 2005
My Ob/Gyn told me that your body is trying to hold onto all the estrogen that it can and that it stores in the accumulated fat through the middle, I think most women start to see their waistlines go and the shorter you are or the more short waisted you are, the worse it looks and feels. When you are battling a metabolic change rather than an eating/lifestyle change, it can be very challenging!

I probably gained 10-15 lbs too and can't say that I lost it after menopause either. I don't religiously diet but I don't eat everything that comes my way either. I am well past menopause now and just gradually accepted the fact that your body changes - not just weight but the distribution of it. Again, my ob/gyn told me that short of plastic surgery, that you are never going to lose the larger midsection. She also said it is almost nature's way of preparing for being older and that it provides a cushion against illness or falls. Not really what any of us want to hear but there is truth in numbers and many, many women I know have all experienced the same thing. Not an excuse to be obese by any stretch but it does make sense and makes you feel like it really isn't your fault. We can all try to eat well and get exercise as the best way to try to control weight. Course I don't have to tell you that - you have had lots of experience with weight loss and hats off to you for what you did as a younger person. Keeping it off is another thing altogether and you obviously did that as well!

You've a ways to go until you get to the other side of menopause and I wish you all the best. Some of the changes are subtle and slow and others seem fast and furious. I think it is the nature of the beast! The good news is that you will survive and even thrive during this time and on the other side of it all is a much calmer, more relaxed place to be!


Apr 20, 2017
I was pretty young when I went through - 42 and I didn't gain any weight at first. I am 48 now and I have gained 15 pounds in the past year though and I am so upset by it. I don't know if it's hormones or not. I am trying to shed it now and it is a lot harder than it was when I was younger.

I wish I could say I had as good an attitude about it as @MissGotRocks but I don't tend to accept aging as gracefully as I should. :roll:


Jun 8, 2008


May 1, 2007
I am apparently in perimenopause according to a gyn that I couldn't get another appointment with, so I haven't seen her again to pursue/confirm this information. That being said, I was trying to lose 10 lbs I had gained (without much explanation, my habits hadn't changed). I was using Noom - a lot of what it teaches you I already know and practice, however there were a few things that came my way that I was able to incorporate. I made even healthier choices, logged my calories, and increased my activity. I was realistic and chose the slow-boat-to-China speed but even so, after four months I had only lost 3 lbs, depending up on the day. My inflammation also remained at an all-time high (I have an autoimmune, inflammation is the biggie with it). I eventually ended the program and stopped thinking about everything in context to this weight loss/program.

About a month after stopping I was down 10 lbs. ?? I have no evidence to support this but I suspect it had a lot to do with switching over to reusable feminine pads and liners. I have bought a variety and am still fine-tuning what I like and what works best, but I try to stick with ones made with organic cotton and/or bamboo layers, and no PUL (although some of the ones I use on heavier days do have it). Etsy has a ton of people who make good ones, and there's a brand on that jungle site that starts with Eco that is really good. I was surprised by how comfortable, easy, and not-gross it actually is. The inflammation went waaaayyyy down and I dropped weight out of nowhere. My periods are also more tolerable and shorter now. They are still erratic as to when they decide to make their entrance, but yanno, it can't all be roses and sunshine lol!

So, maybe? Something to consider, anyway. You've got incredible stamina and I envy and admire your healthy habits! (Exercising is a slog for me; I do what I can but I have yet to maintain any consistency.)

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
@missy @MissGotRocks @Gussie @rainydaze

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. The more I think about it, the more I think it HAS to be hormone related. The things you have said make a lot of sense to me.

I struggle mentally to accept my changing body though - @Gussie I am totally with you! I do not want to gain a tummy & love handles just because of my stage in life. I have worked my butt off for the last 22 years to be strong & healthy, so I feel in my brain that if I accept it then I am failing myself.

Urgh! Well I have decided today that from tomorrow (today is Saturday - a girl needs her wine & treat!) I will focus more & keep a food / exercise log to see if there is any pattern.


Sep 17, 2008
Yes most women tend to gain some around the middle. Also I will advise you to go to a HRT doc who is not your gyn, because they handle things differently. I'm ever thankful I did because I was told I was "normal" TFIW!!! If you do not have an open minded gyn, just know you will get plenty of pushbacks on what will work for you. Some will even tell you that what you're going through is normal and you just have to deal with it (which is stupid!)

Perimenopause and menopause is way more than just the weight gain, its the aching joints that come out of nowhere, sleepness nights, mood swings, anxiety attacks, paranoia, and sometimes pain in the wee hours in the morning. seems like many of us experience the chest pain that feels like heart attack in Peri and menopause.

I could write a book on this stuff (trying to refrain!!)

If you're on facebook a great group to just read and learn from I did some projects for Nelson many years ago, I won't tell his story but its worth knowing about him. Another scientist I worked for intro'ed us.

Next, blood tests will be your friend. you'll need to get a complete panel done that shows Progesterone, Estrogen, Free Estrogen, Free testosterone, Thyroid, DHEA at a minimum.

I use Defy medical, not covered by my insurance but for me its about quality of life which I was missing out on.

So now I'm on thyroid meds which I desperately needed (my thyroid is healthy its just not producing enough hormones on its own anymore) I also take bio-identical estrogen and small amount of testosterone weekly (we as women do need it!) I don't take progesterone though many women do but in my case, my doc felt it wasn't good fit given my medical history.

It took about 6 weeks before I felt anywhere near normal and my symptoms subsided. And that fat around the middle and my ankles (of all places) is now coming off!

In the meantime, I will recommend a few things you can start doing for yourself because it will help with some of the symptoms.

Tyrosine is great for mood. A small amount in your coffee or 2 500mg caps. Take only in the morning, it can keep you up at night.

Magnesium in the evening is very helpful for getting to sleep. I take NeuroMag, many can take Magnesium Citrate without issue (I can't take that one)

Taurine is amazing. Has lots of fantastic properties to it that we miss out on. can calm feelings of anxiety, help with metabolism and good for heart health. Vegetarians and vegans should be taking this anyway. I take 2 grams a day (there's no upper limit as its well tolerated)

If you take Magnesium Citrate, you should also take Theanine about 2 hours before bedtime as its a relaxant. Its well tolerated not toxic, but start with the recommended dose and work from there.

I had been doing Mindful Yoga for years sporatically it works better if you work at it And of course my normal workouts of 3 -4 days a week with weights. I used to compete at 171lbs so, I have to move heavy ass weights! I'm thankful to have the stuff I can use at my house!

Now, if its helpful, I had cancer twice where I had parts of my colon removed and a partial hysterectomy. I was told by every GYN that I could not and should not ever do HRT. Well I found out differently and in fact, found that though I can't take as much as most, the small amounts I do take are extrmely helpful to my health and overall well being. I do more testing than the average bear because of my history of cancer but I'm supposed to.

We should not have to suffer just because we're getting older. Thats crazy and I refuse to do it just because some idiot said so. Always get 2nd opinion.


Jun 23, 2005
I was pretty young when I went through - 42 and I didn't gain any weight at first. I am 48 now and I have gained 15 pounds in the past year though and I am so upset by it. I don't know if it's hormones or not. I am trying to shed it now and it is a lot harder than it was when I was younger.

I wish I could say I had as good an attitude about it as @MissGotRocks but I don't tend to accept aging as gracefully as I should. :roll:

Ha - you will come around! I applaud your efforts and hope you are as successful as you want to be. It is an uphill battle for sure! Think about the older ladies in your family - did any of them have waistlines beyond 50? If so, she was the rare bird. They are all in the Alfred Dunner elastic waist pants - though it doesn’t have to be that bad - lol! I think through the process you gradually accept that you won’t or can’t look 20 anymore and that it is ok. Like everything else about menopause, it is a gradual realization. Not at all saying to throw in the towel but am saying don’t beat yourself up over what is not meant to be. I understand and feel your pain but the other side of it all is and will be beautiful women who are wiser, less emotional about things that don’t matter, grateful and ready to watch the rest of your life unfold! It is a grand time to be alive!


Jun 23, 2005
HRT therapy was always offered to me but it can increase cancer risk. Unless I was going to be on it for the rest of my life, I just felt I was putting off the inevitable reduction in hormones that would happen. I can certainly see the benefit in some areas but it wasn’t for me. I agree though that having a thorough discussion with your doctor about the pros and cons is wise. Some women seem to suffer the effects of menopause worse than others and if the hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia are having a critical influence in your overall wellbeing, it might be for you.


Jun 3, 2017
I’m 46 and at my last gyn visit I mentioned I had gained a few lbs. and she said I could NOT blame it on perimenopause. She said I knew what I needed to do to lose it and should. I was kind of shocked, actually, but it did make me lose it. I do think my body shape is changing regardless of weight gain.

In my younger years, I was a runner and mountain biker but these days it’s waking and basic yoga. My hard core exercise stopped years before the weight gain, though, so that doesn’t explain it.

I will say that I now understand why the trim over-50 ladies I’ve known ate like birds.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Yes most women tend to gain some around the middle. Also I will advise you to go to a HRT doc who is not your gyn, because they handle things differently. I'm ever thankful I did because I was told I was "normal" TFIW!!! If you do not have an open minded gyn, just know you will get plenty of pushbacks on what will work for you. Some will even tell you that what you're going through is normal and you just have to deal with it (which is stupid!)

Perimenopause and menopause is way more than just the weight gain, its the aching joints that come out of nowhere, sleepness nights, mood swings, anxiety attacks, paranoia, and sometimes pain in the wee hours in the morning. seems like many of us experience the chest pain that feels like heart attack in Peri and menopause.

I could write a book on this stuff (trying to refrain!!)

If you're on facebook a great group to just read and learn from I did some projects for Nelson many years ago, I won't tell his story but its worth knowing about him. Another scientist I worked for intro'ed us.

Next, blood tests will be your friend. you'll need to get a complete panel done that shows Progesterone, Estrogen, Free Estrogen, Free testosterone, Thyroid, DHEA at a minimum.

I use Defy medical, not covered by my insurance but for me its about quality of life which I was missing out on.

So now I'm on thyroid meds which I desperately needed (my thyroid is healthy its just not producing enough hormones on its own anymore) I also take bio-identical estrogen and small amount of testosterone weekly (we as women do need it!) I don't take progesterone though many women do but in my case, my doc felt it wasn't good fit given my medical history.

It took about 6 weeks before I felt anywhere near normal and my symptoms subsided. And that fat around the middle and my ankles (of all places) is now coming off!

In the meantime, I will recommend a few things you can start doing for yourself because it will help with some of the symptoms.

Tyrosine is great for mood. A small amount in your coffee or 2 500mg caps. Take only in the morning, it can keep you up at night.

Magnesium in the evening is very helpful for getting to sleep. I take NeuroMag, many can take Magnesium Citrate without issue (I can't take that one)

Taurine is amazing. Has lots of fantastic properties to it that we miss out on. can calm feelings of anxiety, help with metabolism and good for heart health. Vegetarians and vegans should be taking this anyway. I take 2 grams a day (there's no upper limit as its well tolerated)

If you take Magnesium Citrate, you should also take Theanine about 2 hours before bedtime as its a relaxant. Its well tolerated not toxic, but start with the recommended dose and work from there.

I had been doing Mindful Yoga for years sporatically it works better if you work at it And of course my normal workouts of 3 -4 days a week with weights. I used to compete at 171lbs so, I have to move heavy ass weights! I'm thankful to have the stuff I can use at my house!

Now, if its helpful, I had cancer twice where I had parts of my colon removed and a partial hysterectomy. I was told by every GYN that I could not and should not ever do HRT. Well I found out differently and in fact, found that though I can't take as much as most, the small amounts I do take are extrmely helpful to my health and overall well being. I do more testing than the average bear because of my history of cancer but I'm supposed to.

We should not have to suffer just because we're getting older. Thats crazy and I refuse to do it just because some idiot said so. Always get 2nd opinion.

Thank you SO much for taking the time to write all of this - you are a sweetheart! And yes, I have been getting the odd heart palpitation for about 12 months when I have no heart issues - I was told it was a common Perimenopause side effect :???:

My mother advised me to start prepping my body this year for the changes to come, so impact exercise for bone density, eating the right nutrients, cutting back on caffeine & alcohol, getting enough sleep etc. And really, I am fine & feeling great, but this bloody spare tyre that makes my jeans dig in & my blazers pull (having to leave all jacket bottom buttons open at the mo as it looks better) is really disheartening.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I’m 46 and at my last gyn visit I mentioned I had gained a few lbs. (only about 5 lbs but my weight has been consistent for about 20 years so it was new for me) and she said I could not blame it on perimenopause. She said I knew what I needed to do to lose it and should. I was kind of shocked, actually, but it did make me lose it. I do think my body shape is changing regardless of weight gain.

I will say that I now understand why the trim over-50 ladies I’ve known ate like birds.

So basically I'm just getting fat & need to live on lettuce from now on :lol: Yeah, I would be a bit horrified if my Dr came out with that one too! And now you come to mention it you are absolutely right - older ladies I know who are super trim also never seem to eat anything at weddings or functions. And now I know why.....


Nov 7, 2004
I think this is an interesting thread. I'm 52 but I've continued to take oral contraceptives which has spared me I believe he more severe perimenopausal symptoms. I've never had much of a waist (have a little pooch). It is harder to keep toned. However age has given me bigger boobs and butt so it's not all bad. Family history wise mother gained a lot of weight especially around her middle. OTOH my Dad's mother was always a small women, and my mother's mother could have been a model in that into her 50's, 60's and 70's still wore sleeveless shirts and short skirts and kept her figure after having 3 kids.
Well I decided to go off oral contraceptives and - I'm scared! I'm scared I'm going to have terrible out of control periods as well as all the other side effects mentioned. I have a casual but steady guy I've been seeing for the last few years and we have a great sex life (it's been a blessing). And I don't want that to change. Most likely I am going to switch to a progesterone iud but I am definitely going to have to start researching how to best deal with "the change". I do try to eat healthy, exercise semi regularly, and other than tea don't drink caffeine.

eta I agree with Miss Got Rocks. I can be hard on myself and while it is good and empowering to do what you can to make yourself low stress and healthy, there is so much pressure on women to never change or look the same and that's not realistic. Healthy, good body weight, strong, nice skin, those are achievable goals. Looking like a skinny mini 20 year old may not be.


Jun 3, 2017
Ha - you will come around! I applaud your efforts and hope you are as successful as you want to be. It is an uphill battle for sure! Think about the older ladies in your family - did any of them have waistlines beyond 50? If so, she was the rare bird. They are all in the Alfred Dunner elastic waist pants - though it doesn’t have to be that bad - lol! I think through the process you gradually accept that you won’t or can’t look 20 anymore and that it is ok. Like everything else about menopause, it is a gradual realization. Not at all saying to throw in the towel but am saying don’t beat yourself up over what is not meant to be. I understand and feel your pain but the other side of it all is and will be beautiful women who are wiser, less emotional about things that don’t matter, grateful and ready to watch the rest of your life unfold! It is a grand time to be alive!

The Alfred Dunner elastic waist pants line made me laugh! But I do admit they’re looking better and better :lol:


Jun 23, 2005
The Alfred Dunner elastic waist pants line made me laugh! But I do admit they’re looking better and better :lol:

It really was for some comic relief but when you really think about it they are designed for a reason! I think we all want to age gracefully but aging is a part of life and while there may be things to do to soften the blows, it is inevitable. As time goes on children grow up, grandchildren and retirement come, and a sense of calm comes as well. Your vanity is replaced by a desire to try to maintain your health as well as for you to look the best that you can. However, with age comes the wisdom to know that your looks or body image is not the end all be all to a happy life. I know that probably sounds crazy to the younger set and the realization is gradual. There is a real freedom in it though that I never experienced at any other time of my life. I share this to let you know that there is another side to life beyond the menopause years and it can be wonderful too!


Jun 26, 2007
I am post menopause and was doing great for a long time, hovering around 120-125 lbs. I've been this weight for as long as I can remember.
Now this past year I have suddenly gained 8-10 lbs., and I have not changed my eating habits.
Mysterious and weird.
And yes, the middle and hips/thighs are getting wider.
I can't blame it on Covid, because I never quarantined. I have been working through it all, as usual.
I'm not happy about this.

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
I am post menopause and was doing great for a long time, hovering around 120-125 lbs. for as long as I can remember.
Now this past year I have suddenly gained 8-10 lbs., and I have not changed my eating habits.
Mysterious and weird.
And yes, the middle and hips/thighs are getting wider.
I can't blame it on Covid, because I never quarantined. I have been working through it all, as usual.
I'm not happy about this.

It's a bit crap, isn't it? If I have a lightbulb moment & figure it out I shall let you know. Big hugs.


Jun 26, 2007
It's a bit crap, isn't it? If I have a lightbulb moment & figure it out I shall let you know. Big hugs.

I think we are all going to look like our mothers/grandmothers in the end.
I remember my mother and grandmother constantly dieting. Following different diet plans. My Mom was always exercising and watching her calories, and she never really made a difference. She got heavy anyway, in spite of it all.
She is 84 now, and still exercises. She looks just like grandma did at that age.
I'm doomed.


Sep 17, 2008
Thank you SO much for taking the time to write all of this - you are a sweetheart! And yes, I have been getting the odd heart palpitation for about 12 months when I have no heart issues - I was told it was a common Perimenopause side effect :???:

My mother advised me to start prepping my body this year for the changes to come, so impact exercise for bone density, eating the right nutrients, cutting back on caffeine & alcohol, getting enough sleep etc. And really, I am fine & feeling great, but this bloody spare tyre that makes my jeans dig in & my blazers pull (having to leave all jacket bottom buttons open at the mo as it looks better) is really disheartening.

Yes its unfortunate that heart palpitations are actually a sign but we should never ever accept this as being normal! Once I started taking thyroid and magnesium, I thought it was just me being crazy. Nope, it was my body telling me I needed to do something.

And I totally get what you're saying, though I competed at as a heavyweight(literal) I was wearing single digit clothing which went out the door when I started gaining weight out of nowhere. I wasn't eating more, or even eating junk, it was just my body telling me something.

If we are not advocates for ourselves, we're kinda doomed. As I near my 6th decade on this earth I've also learned to refuse to feel like crap! That also means me reading a ton of studies and asking questions. I honestly hate to say it that way but my experience with both men and women gyn docs has been similarly bad with many not really wanting much to do with you once you hit a certain non reproductive age.


May 11, 2013
No I didn't, I didn't gain weight when I was completed menopause, I gained weight when I quit smoking. I have gradually gained weight over the years since then. Keeping active had always been my way of keeping my weight stable but due to my shoulder issue i've not been able to be nearly as active as i had always been.

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
I did. I was skinny all my life until perimenopause. Then I gained weight and had to lose it. For every decade between 30-60 years old your body needs about roughly 100 less calories a day. So for example, if you were eating 1600 calories a day in your 40's you should probably eat 1500 calories a day when you get to your 50's or when you notice you are gaining weight. Either that or increase activity. I'm pretty active, work out and such and if I go over 1500 calories a day I gain weight. It stinks because I love to eat. Getting old is tough and cake is delicious. One day I am going to decide to eat cake and not give a damn.


Mar 13, 2004
Yes, I have gained about 14lbs in the past couple years. I’m 47 turning 48 this year. I don’t know if it is attributed to perimenopause though. I was hoping it was due to changing my workout regimen, and gaining muscle :)
I used to be a total cardio queen, but now lift weights and do yoga for strength training. I never had much of a waistline, so I’m not sure if I’m “losing” it. All I know is that my chest/breasts are getting bigger. I have always been the top heavy type.

I eat the same, increased workout days but still gained, so maybe it is perimenopause! Will have to do some more reasearch and get back to you guys. Thanks for posting this thread. I never would have realized this issue existed!


Oct 23, 2011
So I’m 46 and will turn 47 in October. I just had my first missed period. A sign of things to come. Ugh. I spent the entire week bloated abc with cramps and no period! And now that you mention it, for the past year I’ve been waking up with a bloated tummy! Guess now I know why! I have a doctor’s check up on Monday so I’m going to prepare myself to ask questions about perimenopause! Will be reading this thread eagerly! I’ve been on a Weight Watchers’ journey for 3.5 years and I’ve managed to maintain a 35 pound loss—gained 5 pounds back bc of my lazy ass and my splurges during the pandemic. Guess I have to brace myself for double the effort!

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
So I’m 46 and will turn 47 in October. I just had my first missed period. A sign of things to come....

Careful there Nala - that missed period could be all that cheap entertainment! ;-)

@Alex T , I actually lost ~35 pounds when I was your age but I was overweight to begin with. Just throwing that out there as proof that (needed) weight loss is possible during peri-menopause. Now over a decade later I have maintained that loss but fat has definitely migrated from my hips/thighs to my waist. I actually have a little "thigh gap" now; too bad the cellulite ruins the look of it!

@stracci2000, your posts give me such a chuckle! You don't appear doomed at all, in fact you look like a regal princess!:lol: FWIW, my mother is much more active than my grandmother ever was and her body shape looks nothing like grandma's at that age.

I know I need fewer calories than I did 10 years ago. I work out the same amount but if I'm honest I just don't move as much when I'm not actually exercising. I too have incorporated more weight training; very important for women as we age.

edited to add: And what is it with breasts getting bigger? I remember doing high impact aerobics in the '80s with just a leotard and tights, no bra. Now I keep having to up in cup sizes when I no longer care about cleavage!


Oct 23, 2011


Aug 18, 2013
@Alex T -

I had endometrial cancer last year - most often caused by too high a level of estrogen - and I learnt more about hormones and aging than I ever wanted to know.

As we age, our metabolism naturally slows - so we tend to gain weight. Keeping the same level of activity will still result in slowing metabolism. So, if you want to keep your weight the same, you need to up your exercise or reduce your calories - ideally a little of both.

However, even if you maintain the same weight, you'll still change shape. There are always exceptions, but take this as true for 95% of women. Part of it is that nature thinks, since we no longer ovulate, we're not trying to reproduce, so are not looking to attract a partner. So who cares if we get fat, right? (Actually Mother Nature was pretty much on the money with that one...) But there's also other reasons, such as protecting our kidneys when we're out in the wild, gathering nuts and berries for dinner.... (or so evolution thought would be the case!)

So if you want to lose weight - exercise and drop your calories.

But if you want a slim waist and nature hasn't put you in the 5% category?

Ladies, I introduce to you....

LIPO! :mrgreen:

Alternately, have you thought about the keto diet? A low sugar diet will make you lose fat around your waist. I went on keto and lost 8" from my waist. I lost 50lbs, and with that weight loss, I would expect to have lost around 6" from my waist, if I was lucky. But sugar in your diet is mostly stored around your middle, so cutting out all the carbs will result in those cells emptying out. What I read (and I read a LOT) was if you've gained fat around your middle, you'll see the impact there the most - and that was certainly my experience. I'm 60 years old and will never have a washboard stomach again. But it's waaaaay flatter than it used to be, and a whole lot more comfortable. It also put me back in proportion, which I'd been way out of since I'd injured my back so badly 15 years ago and gained a bunch of weight. Sugar and estrogen is a hellish combination, and worth reading about.

Anyway, keto is a fairly simple and boring diet, but it works like the clappers, and I recommend it without reservation. Sugar is the devil. And I mean REALLY.


Jun 26, 2007
You don't appear doomed at all, in fact you look like a regal princess!:lol:

Haha! I'm tired of standing here every day wearing this heavy blue gown.
<Can't you tell by the bored look on my face? :lol::lol::lol:


Jul 17, 2008
I gained a LOT of weight after menopause and some of it is due to antidepressants. @Arcadian tell me about the chest pain that feels like a heart attack. I get pain in my left breast almost every night about 8:00 that feels like stabbing chest pain. I’m sure it’s menopause related. I thought maybe I had breast cancer. It’s not over my heart, more to the left of the center of my breast. It’s like clockwork and NOTHING takes it away.


Jul 27, 2005
@Alex T - You are not alone! We are the same age and I've been experiencing the same issues over the past year or two. ;( Nothing had changed with my activity level or nutrition but yet my weight was becoming a lot harder to keep stable, and clothes were starting to get tight around the waist. My rings had become tight, too. Yep, the dreaded slowing metabolism. :rolleyes: I was confused because I was an active runner doing 4-7 miles five days a week, and the results of my January physical were all good, so I believe the changes are likely age/hormone-related.

Is regular weight training part of your exercise routine? In February, I switched things up and started weight training for the first time in my life. It has made a tremendous difference because increased muscle mass boosts basal metabolic rate. I've only been weight training for 5 months but it was enough to help me lose the padding around my waist. My diet was already pretty healthy but I believe that eating more protein while minimizing empty calories (added sugar and refined carbs) has also helped. My rings aren't tight anymore and I can fit comfortably into my jeans again, woohoo!

That said, I know my body will continue to change as I get closer to 50, regardless of what I do. It sounds like you already have a handle on this but I'm currently trying to shift my mindset so that I'm more focused on being strong and feeling good, rather than how my figure looks. It's a daily battle for me because I feel like I'm 25 inside and it's hard to reconcile that with the visuals of my middle-aged mom bod. :lol: But I'm really enjoying having muscles for the first time ever and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it.

I have to say that I'm really enjoying the responses in this thread. Lots of helpful advice and wisdom from ladies who have been there. Please keep 'em coming! :kiss2:
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