
LAD/CVB perfection!


Feb 4, 2012
So I just received notice that my Platinum Chloe (with my 3.64 L AVR) was finished and Erica was kind enough to send me some ah-mazing pictures!! We modified this Chloe a tad. I wanted it to sit a little higher and wanted the basket to flare a bit more towards the top. We also added a few diamonds on the shank (I hope I'm explaining that correctly).

Erica has been such a pleasure to work with, I really can't say enough good things about her. My husband always jokes that it takes a special person to work with me because of my OCD/perfectionist ways, but she was amazing!

She is also in the process of making me a Chloe inspired pendant :naughty: she is..... :love:



She is gorgeous!! Can't wait for hand shots :)
ringcat|1449707374|3959585 said:
She is gorgeous!! Can't wait for hand shots :)

Thank you! I should be getting her Saturday morning. Will definitely be posting more pictures!!
This is an exquisite ring! What I love is that all the details that make the setting ornate and unique don't over power the diamond and let's the diamond shine as the star it is!
PintoBean|1449707625|3959589 said:
This is an exquisite ring! What I love is that all the details that make the setting ornate and unique don't over power the diamond and let's the diamond shine as the star it is!

Thank you PintoBean! That is exactly why I love the Chloe so much. I looked at hundreds of settings over a good years span before I finally found the right one (for me anyway)
That is one stunning ring! :appl: I bet you will have amazing finger coverage! I'm looking forward to seeing handshots as well. Congrats on a fabulous setting for your yummy diamond!
picante27|1449709164|3959599 said:
That is one stunning ring! :appl: I bet you will have amazing finger coverage! I'm looking forward to seeing handshots as well. Congrats on a fabulous setting for your yummy diamond!

Thank you picante27
Stunning!! LOVE the Chloe in platinum. Especially with your beautiful diamond. :love:
Breathtaking! I love everything about it!
Beautiful stone and setting. Perfect combination!!
Love the AVR and your setting choice and cannot wait for pics especially hand shots. :appl:
This is just beautiful! :love: Really looking forward to hand shots!
That diamond just draws you right in and the detail in the setting is so lovely! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing your pendant.
Wow, that is a stunning ring! Your diamond is gorgeous and that setting truly showcases your stone. Your ring is one of my all-time favorites!
Congrats!!! Beautifully done!!! :love:
GORGEOUS stone & ring - wow!
Hi Crystal72384! We're ring sisters! Albeit mine's the baby sister! :lol: I've had mine for a few weeks now and just love it! Your stone is stunning! (and huge!). I can't wait to see it on your hand! I'm sure you are beyond excited, come on Saturday!!! :appl: And please post tons of pics.
So lovely!
Thank you nycspring, aac2013, LLJsmom, missy, Alex T, Sundial, kathley, _lovesvintage_, motownmama and tourmaline! You guys are so sweet!

Hi Bonfire! You know, funny thing...I remember the day that Erica posted pictures of your ring. For a split second my heart stopped because, at first glance, I thought it was mine!! :lol: It didn't last long...I finally noticed the center stone was a cushion instead of a round. Beautiful ring you have!!
Whoa, it's fabulous! Congratulations!!! :love: :appl: please, lots of hand shots indoors/outdoors :appl: :love: :wavey:
So glad you finally set your AVR! It looks perfect on you! :appl:
Beautiful!! :love: Hope to see hand shots soon!!!!
Wow!! :love: Just saw Caysie post this and I came here to see if someone had posted it! I think that is a fabulous choice of setting for your stone and I can't wait to see more pictures!!!
Your new ring is exquisite! I really love the small changes in this particular design for your diamond. The center stone really is beautifully showcased by the lovely setting! :appl: Congrats! :clap:
What a gorgeous gorgeous diamond ... and ring!!!!
Gorgeous! Their work is amazing!
WOW!!! What a gorgeous ring!! :love: :love: Your AVR is beautiful and this setting compliments it perfectly. The details are so delicate - love those swoops of milgrain!! Can't wait to see hand pics! Congrats!
Thank you everyone, you are all so sweet!

Okay, so I have tried my best at taking some half way decent pictures...TRIED being the key word LOL. Here they are :bigsmile:

A few more...

A couple more...
