
Kwan You Do Me a Favor?


Feb 18, 2010
In September a dear friend of mine asked me if I could do her a favor. She had a pendant that she had gotten years ago in Thailand at one of the temples. The plastic capsule with the gold figure in it had fallen out of the setting. I said I would take a look at it. Well first I had to give her the bad news that the setting was brass, not gold. She assured me that the figure in the plastic capsule was gold, and since there were a few gold atoms on its surface I let that go. I told her that I would not be able to make the brass setting work. The bezel was thinner than aluminum foil either from wear or quite likely manufacture. I told her I could glue it in, which might not hold for long, or make a new setting of real gold. I did a kind of lousy job making the gold setting, but it was gold and would securely hold Obi Kwan Kenobi, as I had named the figure. In these first pictures you can see Obi in the plastic, the original setting and the new one.

Some of you may already have guessed what happened when I tried to push the bezel down over the back of the piece.
Even in those pictures you can see the cracks on the right side of the front case. Ultimately the whole case broke. Thin plastic is not strong enough to bear the forces of setting, even when the metal is dead soft, high karat gold .

So I looked around on the internet, and found, much to my surprise, a vendor in Thailand with a huge inventory of these things. They actually had The exact pendant and figure. In fact they had two versions, one in all "gold" and one in two tone "gold. So for $29 I ordered the "gold" one. I also explained to them what had happened and asked if they could ALSO sell me just an empty plastic capsule. No they could not. Three weeks later they told me that they did not have that one any more, but would give me an extra $15 credit toward picking out a different one. So I picked the two tone one. A week later they said they did not have that one either, and again increased my credit amount to pick out another. I said no thank you just send me a refund. and perhaps please tell me where I might be able to get just the plastic case. They did refund me, but were unable to guide me to the source of the case. I searched ebay, novelty vendors, bubblegum machine toy vendors, but came up with nothing. I told my friend the whole story. She was sad, but grateful that I had tried. I showed her the website of the place I ordered the replacement from. They did not update their site and were showing it still available. It was not. Still, I had a plan, a crazy idea....



Sorry about that; had to go out.

So I decided to carve a new capsule out of some optical quatrz that I've had for years for lens making (old natural material).
I sawed some slabs and ground them down to rough outline and dimensions. Since I cannot carve the quartz as thin as the plastic was, I increased the dimensions 2 mm. This also meant that I would need to make the setting over again.








It is not only getting the shapes right, an fitting snugly, but also fitting the inside cavity to hold Obi Kwan, and close completely.








Almost closed.




The coffin lid is almost there, VL. Quite a project -- I hope she's your best friend forever. Is it a lot heavier than the original version? OK, I'll shut up till you're done.
Oh and polished so you can sort of see through it.

so it is not even thickness, and that results in quite a bit of distortion. In gmail there are these little avatar photos of the person you are emailing, if they put one up. My friend had. I resized it on my screen to fit inside the front half and took her portrait




it fits!



ok, so by this point we were up to january this year. SO was able to retire and that meant setting up her pension and SS and health insurance. I lost two months making all that happen and did not get to work on Obi Kwan. After that I still could not work really because I now had SO here 24/7 and her health was declining. She did manage to go on a week trip to Fla, so I used that week to finish Obi Kwan Kenobi. Also my friend was starting a new job, and really wanted her amulet of good fortune back. The new setting I made was crappier than the first. I melted the gold down, milled it out again and made another. And it was still crappy. I mean so crappy I would not have accepted it. But my friend did not care, she wanted it, and she told me it was beautiful, and seemed genuinely insulted when I told her that it was horrible metal work. It was foolish of me to continue avoiding doing properly fitting parts and joining with appropriate solder. I am still just fusing like metals which is very tricky, especially when the parts are different gauges





JF it is indeed much heavier. And awful as the work is, she says it means even more to her now than it did before.
Laurie: I am right there with you!

1. Great job is an understatement; gah! is a more appropriate sentiment.

2. She better be your best friend of all time. Man, she should be kissing your feet about now.

3. If she does not treat you like the awesome friend you are, please be aware that I am an excellent friend and can provide references. I have no small, frustrating objects for you to try and encase, I am generally pleasant of character and demeanor; I love small furry dogs (especially those named Murry), I like a variety of fun activities and I'm a good cook. What more could you want in a friend? :praise:

:appl: :appl:
VL, really cool project. You're a great friend! Thank you for sharing.
That is so incredibly wonderful and cool. I love it!
This is amazing VL. I am in awe of your talent.
What an incredible undertaking! The new home you made for Obi Kwan Kenobi is a billion times superior than his original abode. You are super talented! And an *uh-maze-ing* friend! :appl:
Wow, you turned an already sentimental object into something unbelievably sentimental. I love the way it looks in it's new case, it looks like something antique that was passed down for generations.
Vapid, what a sweet story of friendship. I agree, the new casement is cool.
Wow, you went through a lot of time and work for a friend; you are indeed a friend anyone would treasure. It is always a pleasure to see the various stages of your work and as always, you do a great job. It's a pity you could not simply order a replacement. I have a similar pendant from my last vacation to Thailand and those are plentiful at almost every temple for pittance. I was fed the same "gold" story and took it with a keg of salt.
for those of you wondering about green gold, the gold I used was 20 parts gold, 4 parts silver, no copper. It did not photograph as green as it appears in person. you can still see quite a bit of contrast between the gold of the figure and the setting.
She is one lucky individual to have you for a friend, VL -- talented, patient, and NICE. It looks to me like one of those pieces you love especially for what it means to you -- and I think it looks terrific. I'll take your "awful" metal work any time, just send it on!

--- Laurie
VL got skillz.

You might have posted this before, but where did you learn your lapidary skills? I would love to learn how to carve quartz.
minousbijoux said:
Laurie: I am right there with you!

1. Great job is an understatement; gah! is a more appropriate sentiment.

2. She better be your best friend of all time. Man, she should be kissing your feet about now.

3. If she does not treat you like the awesome friend you are, please be aware that I am an excellent friend and can provide references. I have no small, frustrating objects for you to try and encase, I am generally pleasant of character and demeanor; I love small furry dogs (especially those named Murry), I like a variety of fun activities and I'm a good cook. What more could you want in a friend? :praise:

:appl: :appl:

Back off, Minous, he's mine, all mine! (how's things, Minous?) I also have tiny dogs (one of which is slowly passing on from congestive heart failure :(sad )) that Murry can play with and a DH that can sit down and make funky things with VL.

Seriously, great work, VL! :appl: I love being around creative people, they do cool things that make me feel cool. Thusly, I am cool, too (purely by association). :bigsmile: Hope your SO is feeling good these days, and smooch Murry for me!
nice work. i was just going to say that is the goddess of mercy, kwan yin, but someone beat me to it. love what you did. looks very detailed and time consuming. good job.
ohhhh i get it... kwan you do me a favor? ha ha. a craftsman and a comedian.
keemoog99|1403318431|3697729 said:
ohhhh i get it... kwan you do me a favor? ha ha. a craftsman and a comedian.
VL has a great sense of humor.

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