
Komoka vs Sea of Cortez vs "normal" tahiti pearls


May 1, 2009
I don't think I will ever be able to compare a Komoka strand vs a Sea of Cortez strand vs a "normal" tahiti strand in real life, so I thought to ask. I am wondering if the Komoka pearls or Sea of Cortez (SoC) pearls look so unique that an expert/seasoned pearl lover can tell which is which just based on their appearance?

If yes, what is it that makes them so unique vs normal tahitians? If I compare excellent color/overtone/lustre 'normal' tahitians to the pearls from Komoka and SoC, would there be a noticeable difference?

Also, between a Komoka and SoC, for those who have seen both, which do you prefer and why? Or do they look similar? On the screen they both look very gorgeous :lickout: I am really still learning to interpret photos vs real life pearls...

Really hope that those PS-ers who have seen the pearls in real life can comment/help. I am guessing that it's not easy to compare the pearls and I do understand that the pearls come in a wide variety of colours, but here this is really a hypothetical question. I guess either imagining multi-coloured strands or if you know them well enough then in the 'usual' colours that the pearls come in.

Have tried googling for existing topics/threads that compared Komoka pearls vs SoC pearls but couldn't find one. In case these questions have already been asked and discussed, appreciate if you can point me to the existing thread/s!


Jan 4, 2010
Kamoka (spelled with an a) is a pearl farm that produces Tahitian pearls. Jeremy carries some of their pearls, and they have their own website with a small boutique page:
They are beautiful and are raised with ethical farming practices, which makes them a favorite of many buyers.

Sea of Cortez pearls are not Tahitian pearls-- they are not cultured in the black-lipped oyster, but a different oyster entirely, in the area of Baja California. They have more striking rainbow colors. There is a small harvest each year which makes the pearls rarer and the best ones are quite expensive.

**edited by moderator. please read our policies**


Jan 22, 2010
icy_jade|1373135962|3478169 said:
I don't think I will ever be able to compare a Komoka strand vs a Sea of Cortez strand vs a "normal" tahiti strand in real life, so I thought to ask. I am wondering if the Komoka pearls or Sea of Cortez (SoC) pearls look so unique that an expert/seasoned pearl lover can tell which is which just based on their appearance?

If yes, what is it that makes them so unique vs normal tahitians? If I compare excellent color/overtone/lustre 'normal' tahitians to the pearls from Komoka and SoC, would there be a noticeable difference?

Also, between a Komoka and SoC, for those who have seen both, which do you prefer and why? Or do they look similar? On the screen they both look very gorgeous :lickout: I am really still learning to interpret photos vs real life pearls...

Really hope that those PS-ers who have seen the pearls in real life can comment/help. I am guessing that it's not easy to compare the pearls and I do understand that the pearls come in a wide variety of colours, but here this is really a hypothetical question. I guess either imagining multi-coloured strands or if you know them well enough then in the 'usual' colours that the pearls come in.

Have tried googling for existing topics/threads that compared Komoka pearls vs SoC pearls but couldn't find one. In case these questions have already been asked and discussed, appreciate if you can point me to the existing thread/s!

First of all SoC do not look like typical Tahitian black pearls (whether Kamoka or not). Majority of SoC pearls are in the pastel range. They do have darker pearls but the quantity produced is quite small. The lighter the color the less expensive it is. Most SoC pearls have those pastel overtone that you can see pink, blue, violet, etc. The plain silvery or gray ones with no other overtones are the least desirable, imho. Tahitian pearls tend to be darker colors (I am not talking about very dark almost black or silver and gray). In fact it is more rare to see pastel Tahitian pearls such as pink, blue, light yellow. But on the contrary, darker Tahitian pearls are more expensive. Again I am not talking almost black pearls, I am talking about ones with colorful overtones. In my opinion I think those almost blackish color is just as undesirable as the gray ones. The light silvery or gray ones you see at Macy's are usually much less expensive and not the most sought-after colors. They are usually 2nd or 3rd graft, larger but less colorful. First graft pearls are usually smaller in size starting out about 8mm. If the oysters produce lighter ordinary color pearls in the first graft, those are also less expensive.

As far as Kamoka and other Tahitian pearls there is no noticeable difference in appearance. If you take a Kamoka pearl and put it on the table with another Tahitian pearl, same luster, surface, grading, I would bet that even the best expert or pearl farmer out there cannot tell the difference. It's just the nature of the pearls. It's the same as if no one can tell which FW pearl comes from which farm, know what I mean?


Jan 22, 2010
I believe it is against the rule to link to other forum. Mods will remove the link. It happened to me. That is why we always refer to it as "the other forum" without ever putting a link here.

4Ranch Girl

Feb 22, 2010
First Kamoka is the name of a pearl farm on the island of Ahi and they are Tahitian pearls. Are they "better" than other regular Tahitian pearls no. What makes them stand out for me is that I personally know the farmer Josh and like his green practices in farming his pearls. It is nice to support a very small business and actually know where the pearls come from.

Sea of Cortez pearls are a different species of oyster that is grown on one farm in the Sea of Cortez. Now one else farms this species of pearls. They have been farming around 10 years or so. In 2011 the harvest was only around 1700 pearls. There are not many of these pearls just floating around because there have not been many made. Douglas and his partner Enrique are very nice men and work very had to make the best pearls they can. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Enrique but have met Douglas at the 2010 and 2011 Ruckus PP sponsors. S of C pearls when put under floricent light will florence red where Tahitian pearls will not.

Now as to the question of which one I like better....That is like asking me which of my children I like best. It is also comparing apples and oranges. Both in their own unique ways are very special and I love my pearls from both of them.




Jan 4, 2010
Thanks, HHPmom, didn't realize that, but it seems to be too late for me to edit the post.


May 1, 2009
Oops re: spelling booboo! But I can't seem to edit what I've typed. :oops:

Thanks ladies. Your wealth of knowledge is amazing. And I went to read more about how SoC pearls started. Wow, what a journey. Amazing pearls indeed. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!
[And I am always happy to see more of 4 Ranch Girl's gorgeous pearl collection. The blue one is especially lovely!] :love:


Sep 10, 2011
Josh also uses good quality nucleus for implanting in the mollusks. Jeremy commented about it to Josh when he drilled the cherry Tahitian I purchased at the ruckus.


Mar 29, 2013
NacreLover|1373617719|3481646 said:
Josh also uses good quality nucleus for implanting in the mollusks. Jeremy commented about it to Josh when he drilled the cherry Tahitian I purchased at the ruckus.

Everything Josh does on his pearl farm is first rate! Happy pearls = beautiful pearls :love: My blue green studs I got from Josh are breathtaking!!! If you look up Kamoka Pearls on FB he has a link to an inspiring video about sustainable pearl farming which features Josh and his pearl farm.


Apr 1, 2013
LitGeek|1373628006|3481661 said:
NacreLover|1373617719|3481646 said:
Josh also uses good quality nucleus for implanting in the mollusks. Jeremy commented about it to Josh when he drilled the cherry Tahitian I purchased at the ruckus.

Everything Josh does on his pearl farm is first rate! Happy pearls = beautiful pearls :love: My blue green studs I got from Josh are breathtaking!!! If you look up Kamoka Pearls on FB he has a link to an inspiring video about sustainable pearl farming which features Josh and his pearl farm.

Josh's commitment to quality goes as far as using mother of pearl nuclei, often made from his own shell, Pinctada margaritifera oysters or Pinctada maxima, as he explains in the video.
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