
Koi assisted birth


Nov 2, 2006
I wasn't sure where to post this, FH&H or here in Hangout. Apparently there's a new trend in koi-assisted water births.

As a doctor, I don't even know where to begin.......
That is so strange.

Hope everything goes as planned for her...
Personally, I think it's a joke. For someone who claims to have done her research, too much could go wrong. At least I hope it's a joke.
Doesn't seem real...I half believed it until she indicated that the koi would guide the baby up to her, but her husband has a net "just in case."
There are lots of water births right? THOSE tend to go well.

So now the only difference is that there are Koi in the water, and the mom has fishies on the brain. At least they are attempting to sterilize the water.

You know what I think?

I think... that the husband is a very patient and loving man.

Either that, or he's a raving lunatic.

I will stake a bet on the first option, given the expense of the Koi and the tank as well as the fact that they seem reasonably well to do.

Anybody else bookmarked this to see if anything goes right in october?
She can't be serious. This reads a bit like an article in The Onion IMO. I wonder if she's planning a home birth and has family freaking out/giving her a hard time/critisizing and has decided to tweak them a bit by telling them she's doing this.
The comments on it are hilarious. People actually believe it.
April20|1312300415|2982331 said:
She can't be serious. This reads a bit like an article in The Onion IMO. I wonder if she's planning a home birth and has family freaking out/giving her a hard time/critisizing and has decided to tweak them a bit by telling them she's doing this.

exactly what i was thinking. But if it's for real, this girl is outside her damn mind.
Having known nut cases like these in real life, I'm ready to believe anything! But I do hope this is a spoof!
Haha, I thought this was pretty fact, I'm sort of jealous I didn't think of creating a blog like this first. For some reason this question made me laugh pretty hard:

Are you planning an unassisted birth?
Uh, no silly! The koi will be there.

I hope Dancing Fire reads this thread, he probably wishes his wife had had a koi-assisted birth.
If you take a look at the comments, many people rip apart her use of the crazy purple stuff and hydrogen peroxide - she will end up with a purple baby that is freaking out because bleach would likely hurt such fragile skin. Not to mention a warm tub will kill all of the koi, since they are cold water fish.

It's definitely a joke.
TristanC|1312300372|2982329 said:
There are lots of water births right? THOSE tend to go well.

So now the only difference is that there are Koi in the water, and the mom has fishies on the brain. At least they are attempting to sterilize the water.

You know what I think?

I think... that the husband is a very patient and loving man.

Either that, or he's a raving lunatic.

I will stake a bet on the first option, given the expense of the Koi and the tank as well as the fact that they seem reasonably well to do.

Anybody else bookmarked this to see if anything goes right in october?

Hm, perhaps, but a birthing pool with clear, potable water (where meconium in the amniotic fluid can be detected and blood loos from the mother can be evaluated) and a fish tank with purple chemicals and possibly dead fish (and their waste) are two very different things.
rosetta|1312302030|2982352 said:
Having known nut cases like these in real life, I'm ready to believe anything!

:lol: - Agreed!
Best of the comments:

"This is wonderful and long overdue. A friend of mine in Capetown had a White Shark assisted birth. That didn't, in all honesty, go so well but, hey, you can't make omelettes without breaking a few eggs, heh? Do keep posting."


there are some very strange people though, you never know :eek: :twirl: lol
kas baby|1312304870|2982397 said:
Best of the comments:

"This is wonderful and long overdue. A friend of mine in Capetown had a White Shark assisted birth. That didn't, in all honesty, go so well but, hey, you can't make omelettes without breaking a few eggs, heh? Do keep posting."

This made me literally LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol:
rosetta|1312299392|2982313 said:

As a doctor, I don't even know where to begin.......

Ditto that. I've said before that I think women should be able to choose the circumstances of their birth. While I wouldn't have a water birth myself, I think it's an OK choice for low-risk pregnancies provided a midwife is present. But even that's a controlled situation, usually in a shallow tub like a bathtub or swimming pool. But going in a deep tub and expecting the koi to guide the baby to the surface, and catching the baby with a net as a backup?!? Crazy. I HOPE it's a joke.
These comments are hilarious:

"I hope you have told the fish your plans. I am sure that they are so attuned to you that they already know about your pregnancy and birth, but it would be wrong to surprise such sensitive creatures. Perhaps you could talk to them and show them diagrams of what will happen."


"And aren't Koi Carp carniverous? You might want to do a full finger/toe count check on your baby when it's born..."


"My friend did something like this, but she lives in NZ and did it in the hot springs in the summer. You'll need to make absolutely sure you get the temperature right, you don't want a repeat of what happened to my nephew during his birth (doesn't bear thinking about) but she's alright now."

I am laughing so hard right now! Thanks!
a "white shark assisted birth"-- :lol: :lol:
Hmm, I don't know about this.
There's just something fishy about it.
Ha! This is pretty funny. I am on the side of not taking it too seriously. Looks like a gag site. Thanks for sharing it.
Not sure which is crazier -- the post or the comments!? :lol:
This comment is a gem: "Midwife + fish = fishwife? "
OMG. Poor Koi :nono:
Love the comment about the nephew that ends "she's alright now." OMG the comments are funnier than the story.
They can kiss their koi goodbye if it's not a joke, which I'm sure it is, though nothing surprises me these days.
Potassium Permanganate as a 5 min dip for koi for parasites, etc - yes (though it won't "sterilize") but for hours of labour, poaching in it = belly up fish :knockout:
this is a bunch of B.S. :!:

#1-koi are not live breeders.the female lays thousands and thousands of eggs then the male fertilize the eggs,so by saying "with the assistance of their male companions" it's B.S. :!:

#2-they said...We plan to do a Potassium Permanganate treatement in early labor. We’ll have to pull the plants out, but it sterilizes the water and the fish, then you neutralize it with hydrogen peroxide, another anti-microbial. It’s a well known parasite treatment for fish. In general the koi tank water is safe enough to drink if it’s safe enough to support healthy fish. But we’re not taking any chances. Potassium Permanganate it is. Bonus – It’s purple!

Potassium Permanganate is a "POISONOUS" chemical use to kill parasites in the pond.i'd have PP on hand but i've been fortune enough to get by w/o using any chemicals in my pond,if one were to use PP he/she MUST WEAR GLOVES or else the PP will burn your skins,so just imagine the damage it can do to a new born baby :!:
DF~ PLEASE tell me you're posting this on your Koi Forum. =)
:wavey: ..ladies,my koi are ready to assist when you give birth... :lol:

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