
Knot on VS2 1.4ct


Dec 10, 2015
Hi again. Considering the attached stone ... Only problem is this knot. What do you think?



I would not be inclined to buy a diamond without seeing a magnified photo of it unless it was VS1 or higher in clarity. But really, it is wise to have a photo regardless. It is a lot of money to buy a diamond blind. Have you asked BN how clean it is?
Woman I spoke with assured me all their signature ideals must be "eye clean all around" or they are rejected ... They have the 30d return policy though so when it comes Monday I will check it out. What exactly am I looking for with the knot ...
You are looking to see if you can see the inclusion with your naked eye. You also want to be able to rub your fingernail across the table of the stone and not feel anything that is breaking the plane of the stone. I doubt that is the case but check just to make sure.

There are many diamonds to be had; don't settle for something you're not sure about or don't love!
As MGR said, you want to see nothing with your eyes. Examine it closely in good lighting. It is not usual for a VS2 not to be eyeclean, but some have better eyesight than others.
qui499kyl|1449955493|3960741 said:
Woman I spoke with assured me all their signature ideals must be "eye clean all around" or they are rejected ... They have the 30d return policy though so when it comes Monday I will check it out. What exactly am I looking for with the knot ...

Hi - A knot is a white or transparent diamond crystal that reaches the surface after being cut. If the knot has survived the cutting and polishing process, there is a very good chance that it will be fine - especially if used in jewellery that is 'low wear' (earrings/pendants).
However, if you are looking at setting it in a ring....and since i can't comment on your particular stone...from a business point of view here is my experience...
As someone that's been involved in buying and selling thousand of diamonds, knots have always been rejected in my dealings when buying for stock.
This isn't because you can't get a beautiful stone with a knot that is never going to be an issue - it's because, while it is very rare, I have seen on occasion knots that have fallen out...
And then your diamond has a cavity rather than a knot...which will then change the clarity grade...which means getting a new certificate..which will then change the price of the stone...and if I've paid for a VS but end up with an SI that's not smart business.
So unless a stone with a knot is at a heavily reduced price (so that I'm covered if it has to be re-submitted for a new clarity grade / certificate), I tend to stay away.
Hope this helps - good luck.
Thanks :/ it's going for 11k. I guess I could go down .06carats and get something safer. Would you recommend that? This stone looks otherwise perfect from its GCAL report. The hearts and arrows are almost perfect.
A knot that reaches the surface of the table would absolutely be a dealbreaker for me. I am sorry I didn't realize that it meant it was a surface reaching inclusion. I would try to stop the shipment, if possible. BN should have explained that to you!

Can you send the actual link to that diamond? I do not think it looks like it has perfect hearts, but I can't enlarge your picture enough to be sure.
The GCAL report number is 251320020 - it's a small knot as far as knots go. I don't know what to do now ...
I wouldn't buy a stone with the word "knot" on the report.