I had my family over for Christmas eve dinner tonight. B/F brought me some beautiful lilies for my table. After everyone left, I noticed Kitty on the table eating the leaves. I moved the lilies outside, so she wouldn't nibble on the leaves any more, then decided I to check the internet to make sure the plant wasn't toxic to cats. Sure enough lilies are VERY toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure. I called the emergency room and the doctor said, you have to bring the cat in to induce vomiting. I brought her in and they weren't able to get her to vomit (sorry for the details). They gave her activated charcoal so the leaves would bind and pass through without absorbing any more into her system. She's there overnight with an IV. Poor kitty
I'm so stressed...I wish there were warning labels on flowers indicating whether they are poisonous to animals, or not. B/F feels awful and he was only being sweet and thoughtful