
Kitty Cruciate Injury-- Anyone Know About This?

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Dec 13, 2007
I need advice about a sweet little 1 1/2 to 2 year-old kitty that future DH and I are considering adopting. This little girl had an "injured" sign on her cage and couldn''t put any weight on her right back leg. We were told her leg wasn''t broken and that the shelter vet would be examining her to determine the cause of the limp. Yesterday, we learned the kitty has a partially torn cruciate (knee ligament), a bone infection (osteomylitis) and joint swelling. The kitty doesn''t need surgery for the cruciate injury, she has been put on antibiotics for the infection and metacam for the swelling. It is now up to us if we are still interested in adopting her. Has anyone gone through something like this with their furbabies? I don''t know what to do and would really appreciate knowing if anyone has familiarity with these conditions.

I am nervous because we lost one of my cats this past September after a couple of years of fighting spinal disease. She was 16 years-old and very precious. Towards the end, we learned to give her fluids, injections and then watched her slowly lose her mobility. It was really difficult for me and future DH. As a result, when I received the news about the kitty this weekend, I sort of gulped, paused and feel uncertain about my next step.
Hi Anita,

I just wanted to say I really hope you can get her! Bee or someone might chime in with some medical advice for you regarding the cruciate ligament, but the little girl may well be fine! I take it this condition is the result of an injury?
I''ve knows several dogs who''ve recovered fully from cruciate surgery, but unfortunately don''t know any who haven''t had the surgery done for a torn or partially torn cruciate. Hopefull some cat owners can chime in about feline cruciate tears. Poor kitty, it''s so sad that she''s going through this and has an infection on top of it!
I''m a veterinarian - cats only. :)

Cruciate injuries are rare, but they do happen in cats. My big question is why does she have osteomyelitis???? You don''t get a bone infection without a penetrating injury most of the time. If the bone infection is in / near the knee, I''d suspect she actually had a penetration at some point (bite wound, nail, etc) which has healed over now (i.e. no evidence remains). Cats are much smaller than dogs, and most cats with cruciate injuries require minimal intervention. If the infection is in the joint cavity as well as in the bone, she may end up with cartilage damage which will lead to degenerative arthritis in that knee.

Let the antibiotics do their thing for a while, but remember that even though the infection resolves she may have permanent damage to the knee cartilage in addition to the possibly injured cruciate. She''d be best off in the long term being a spoiled rotten lap cat (wink, wink!).

She sounds like a sweetie - and if you like her, and if the infection resolves, it may just be a sign that you are a good kitty mommy for those that need a little more TLC.
Date: 2/22/2009 2:34:11 PM
Author: ecf8503
I''m a veterinarian - cats only. :)

Cruciate injuries are rare, but they do happen in cats. My big question is why does she have osteomyelitis???? You don''t get a bone infection without a penetrating injury most of the time. If the bone infection is in / near the knee, I''d suspect she actually had a penetration at some point (bite wound, nail, etc) which has healed over now (i.e. no evidence remains). Cats are much smaller than dogs, and most cats with cruciate injuries require minimal intervention. If the infection is in the joint cavity as well as in the bone, she may end up with cartilage damage which will lead to degenerative arthritis in that knee.

Let the antibiotics do their thing for a while, but remember that even though the infection resolves she may have permanent damage to the knee cartilage in addition to the possibly injured cruciate. She''d be best off in the long term being a spoiled rotten lap cat (wink, wink!).

She sounds like a sweetie - and if you like her, and if the infection resolves, it may just be a sign that you are a good kitty mommy for those that need a little more TLC.

I was HOPING you might see this!!!
Hello Lorelei and NEL,

The shelter mentioned the kitty was dropped off by someone who was vague about how she came to have her. I think the person who brought her to the shelter was probably her owner and that she recognized that she couldn''t provide the kitty with the medical care she needed. The shelter implied the bone infection and joint swelling resulted from not having the injury looked at earlier. The shelter did mention that torn cruciates are seen more often in dogs and because of their weight require surgery.
Date: 2/22/2009 2:47:44 PM
Author: AnitaT
Hello Lorelei and NEL,

The shelter mentioned the kitty was dropped off by someone who was vague about how she came to have her. I think the person who brought her to the shelter was probably her owner and that she recognized that she couldn't provide the kitty with the medical care she needed. The shelter implied the bone infection and joint swelling resulted from not having the injury looked at earlier. The shelter did mention that torn cruciates are seen more often in dogs and because of their weight require surgery.
Oh poor little soul.....It sounds as if she was left to get on with it and she must have been in such pain.
Thankfully she now has the help she needs.

I am so glad EC chimed in, thanks dear! From what she says then it definitely sounds as if this little cat could lead a good quality of life in a happy home where she is loved and wanted, the injury might lead to some arthritic changes particularly in the future with the joint, but that should be manageable for you and she. And as EC says, you are a great kitty Mommy for those who might need a little more TLC! I have a couple of special needs cats myself, one is profoundly deaf and another blind in one eye and it is so rewarding being able to care for them!

I hope you decide to get her! She is a young cat and you could have many happy years with her and she could do very well with her injury!
Ah, this is helpful information. I have the number for the vet who looked at the kitty so maybe I can give the office a call and ask more questions about the injury. Okay, so it sounds like the most immediate issue that needs to be resolved is the infection. It sounds like she might have been in pain for a while.
Poor kitty!

Would the kitty need to be on arthritis meds all her life? Or would it be a wait and see if she develops arthritis later?

ETA: Just read Lorelei's post and that answered my arthritis question.
Date: 2/22/2009 3:01:27 PM
Author: AnitaT
Ah, this is helpful information. I have the number for the vet who looked at the kitty so maybe I can give the office a call and ask more questions about the injury. Okay, so it sounds like the most immediate issue that needs to be resolved is the infection. It sounds like she might have been in pain for a while.
Poor kitty!

Would the kitty need to be on arthritis meds all her life? Or would it be a wait and see if she develops arthritis later?
That sounds like a good plan to call and get more info. Hopefully EC will come back to the thread and give you more advice, I
think what she is saying that it depends on whether the problem extends into the joint cavity also that could cause damage to the cartilage, leading to arthritis. However from what I understand it depends and may not be an issue. Get her over this hurdle first then see how she does, I think with the arthritis it would be a wait and see scenario at the moment. Poor little love, I hope you can get her!
Sorry, I don''t know anything about kitties with cruciate ligament tears, but I just wanted to add this: Our pit bull/black lab mix, Biko, tore his ACL a few years ago and he had surgery to repair it. He recovered FANTASTICALLY and he gets around like a champ now!

Good luck with your decision, and let us know how it goes!
I talked to one of the shelter vets today and she was reassuring. I was told the kitty didn''t really have an infection. It was more like the area was irritated and the kitty was put on antibiotics as a precaution. I was also told that her cartilage wasn''t compromised.
Date: 2/23/2009 10:52:46 PM
Author: AnitaT
I talked to one of the shelter vets today and she was reassuring. I was told the kitty didn''t really have an infection. It was more like the area was irritated and the kitty was put on antibiotics as a precaution. I was also told that her cartilage wasn''t compromised.

That''s good. Anytime we''ve had cats that have had cruciates, it''s been mainly strict rest for six weeks.
Date: 2/24/2009 4:20:02 AM
Author: bee*

That''s good. Anytime we''ve had cats that have had cruciates, it''s been mainly strict rest for six weeks.
Are they okay after that?
Date: 2/23/2009 10:52:46 PM
Author: AnitaT
I talked to one of the shelter vets today and she was reassuring. I was told the kitty didn''t really have an infection. It was more like the area was irritated and the kitty was put on antibiotics as a precaution. I was also told that her cartilage wasn''t compromised.
Does this mean you will be taking the little darling???
Date: 2/24/2009 10:34:40 PM
Author: AnitaT
Date: 2/24/2009 4:20:02 AM

Author: bee*

That''s good. Anytime we''ve had cats that have had cruciates, it''s been mainly strict rest for six weeks.

Are they okay after that?

Yeah, from the cases that I''ve seen they do great. They might take it a bit more easy what with jumping down from things and that''s the main thing that we tell owners to watch for, but they live a happy life.
Quick update: we are picking up the kitty tomorrow.
Date: 2/27/2009 7:06:13 PM
Author: AnitaT
Quick update: we are picking up the kitty tomorrow.

That''s great news!
I don''t know anything about these medical conditions but wanted to chime in and say YAY that you''ve decided to adopt her. I''m sure you''re going to give her all the love and attention that she needs. I am so happy!
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL--we are scrambling to get things done this morning before we pick her up. She has developed a upper respiratory infection and has to stay on meds for a bit. The cold is going delay the introduction to our other cats. Speaking of which, I am a little worried about how the kids are going to get along. But, one thing at a time. First, get kitty healthy.
Date: 2/28/2009 8:20:55 AM
Author: AnitaT
LOL--we are scrambling to get things done this morning before we pick her up. She has developed a upper respiratory infection and has to stay on meds for a bit. The cold is going delay the introduction to our other cats. Speaking of which, I am a little worried about how the kids are going to get along. But, one thing at a time. First, get kitty healthy.
They will be just fine, follow the precautions given by the vet, the cold will soon be out of the way and then you can introduce her to her sibs!
Date: 2/28/2009 9:04:51 AM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 2/28/2009 8:20:55 AM

Author: AnitaT

LOL--we are scrambling to get things done this morning before we pick her up. She has developed a upper respiratory infection and has to stay on meds for a bit. The cold is going delay the introduction to our other cats. Speaking of which, I am a little worried about how the kids are going to get along. But, one thing at a time. First, get kitty healthy.

They will be just fine, follow the precautions given by the vet, the cold will soon be out of the way and then you can introduce her to her sibs!

ditto. Best of luck!!
I wonder if she is home yet??
She is! I have to say "she" because we still need to find the right name. It has been a SUPER busy day. We picked her up at the shelter this morning. Future DH and I melted when she was brought out. She can put weight on her back right leg which is great. However, she has a bad cold (more on this in a minute). Our vets rock. They got us in this afternoon and examined her. I was startled to hear from my vet that this little girl was fortunate because she would have been put down by other shelters'' standards. Gulp!
That cold..turns out to be sort of a serious virus with a name that I didn''t catch and her injury might take a little while to heal. Plus, she is tiny. 5 1/4 lbs...this is okay for a kitten, but she is an adult! Do I sound like a fussy mom or what!? Anyway, because of her "football knee" and the respiratory infection, she has to have cage rest for about two weeks. She is a sweetheart though, very friendly and alert. Future DH has fallen in love. He is such a softie.
Awww...Anita - I''m late to this thread but this little girl''s story just warms my heart - you and future DH are angels for taking her in, bless you

I''ll be sending all kinds of good healing thoughts her way - I''m sure that now, in a loving and safe home, with lots of rest and food and affection, she''ll be healthy in no time!
Thanks AG. She is a sweet little thing. Despite all the stuff we have done to her (eyedrops, fluids, and daily pills), she is still interested in hanging out with us. What a trooper! It breaks my heart to hear her so congested.
Date: 3/1/2009 12:25:11 PM
Author: AnitaT
Thanks AG. She is a sweet little thing. Despite all the stuff we have done to her (eyedrops, fluids, and daily pills), she is still interested in hanging out with us. What a trooper! It breaks my heart to hear her so congested.
Oh bless her heart and bless you both for taking her, she is going to be very special!!! I bet she can''t believe that she has parents who will love and care for her, I am so delighted!!!


I am sending TONS of healing dust her way!!!
I have an unusual update (and will probably start a new thread): we just returned from the vet''s office and learned she is a he! I am little surprised since we thought we had adopted a little girl and were selecting girl names. He is still a sweetheart, but I am irriatated at the shelter for missing some details.
What a surprise, but I have to ask. How did you mistake a she for a he? I have two boy cats and they''ve clearly been boys from day one...
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