
Kinda bored...made a RBC body color comparison chart.


Apr 23, 2012
So as I frequent this board, seeing all these new people finding stones and what not (actually in the process of helping a buddy of mine find a stone), I got kinda bored and visited the James Allen website... then I thought how useful it may have been if I had a body color comparison chart to view. I made my buddy a color comparison chart, so perhaps it'll help someone, that's thinking of an internet purchase, to have an idea of what a RBC diamond may look like when viewed from the body. I chose the most common colors: D (for uber comparison), F-J. It's really useful that the stones are on the neutral gray background and all lighting seems consistent (great job JA!).

-All are GIA XXX
-All stones fell under 2.0 on HCA
-VS1 clarity
-All roughly 1.65-1.8 Ct

I know it may not help many of us, and it may get lost in the sea of threads, but I know there are a lot of newcomers and first time buyers that may find this useful. I sent it to my friend, so perhaps someone else can make use of it!

**Images were taken from James Allen's site withOUT permission, so if I am at fault, remove**

I understand not all D/E/F/G/H/I/J's are the same, but it may give one a starting point when "worried" about stone color.



Here's a pic of the stones after having some color correction... err.. un-correction??? This helps make the colors stand out, but highly probable that it's not very accurate (take with a grain of salt!). Enjoy!

Hey titan, I found this thread too where Garry had posted a nice side by side color comparison. As you already mentioned, caution should be used because of differences in monitors etc. but I think the photos help give an idea of the slight nuances of one color to another even if they are not able to show us exactly how a specific color will look.

It probably should be noted (and you did a great job with these) but lighting, cut, shape, size of stone, fluorescence, calibration of monitor, grading lab, background color the stone is photographed on, and the natural body color of the diamond (brown, yellow) can all attribute to how we see color both in photos and IRL.


ETA: I was just thinking of how fun it would be if we could slide the different colors around , like flash cards, to make better comparisons, for example, show a D and a J side by side, or and F and H. Thanks for the making the comparison TItan!
This is really cool! I hope my J will never be compared side by side to a D like that. ;)
sortmon|1363711109|3408690 said:
This is really cool! I hope my J will never be compared side by side to a D like that. ;)

:lol: Yeah, I guess your right, I don't want my J compared side by side like that either!
Awesome work Titan!!!

I love it!
I'd say reality (based on my monitor) is between the corrected and non corrected- but both charts are very informative.
Awesome! This is a great jumping off point for anyone concerned about this color range! Now we just need one for K-Z :Up_to_something:
its so hard unless you have the master color set in front of you. As most of you know my studs are EGL Internaitonal certified (I know not worth the paper they are written on).

So they are grades F&G respectively. So my indepdent appraiser sees them as G & I respectfully.

Last week I was in the mall at an independant jeweler he said Oh I see your earrings are K color (from about three feet away)

Then this weekend (I buy gold for a living) our diamond cutter from israel was in and he looked at my earrings on his own from also two feet away and said your earrings I-J.

so I wish I had a master color set to put my earrings up close to ....then again when my friends and family see my studs their comments have been Wow your earrings are so is a photo

I just don't want to send them to GIA as I have been through so much with these studs and I love them and don't really care if they are F or J......



Nice work.
The video Jon @ gog did showing diamond color is really nice too.
I don't have time to find a link right now maybe someone can link it.
Oh..they are dirty and do kinda look yellow on white paper

Christina great link with the floresence and the color chart thanks
Hey guys/ladies, obviously I'm not a cert'ed gemologist so I take what I see with a grain of salt. I'm glad it's of some use! What's funny is my laptop screen wasn't as "warm" as I'm seeing the colors to be here at work. So this is VERY monitor dependent, and there are tons of other factors as Xtina mentioned that may affect color (i.e. fluoro).

Christina - I saw that chart a while back; after reading Jon's article on viewing stones on a NG background, I'm glad JA went that route. How have you been, friend? :)

Rock- maybe I should take some gemology classes at GIA, Carlsbad isn't too far from me! Then I can really nail the colors! :bigsmile:

Karl - I watched that video over and over and over when I was looking for stones for myself!