
???!! KIM DAVIS met the Pope????!!!

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
I read in the NY Daily News this AM that Kim Davis apparently met the Pope. Her attorney claims that it was a "secret meeting" and the Pope said to her "Thank you for your courage", and told her to "stay strong".

Sorry, I can't do the clicky

So, the leader of 1.2 billion people supports breaking the law, and opposing equality.


Two steps forward, one step back. :nono:
I doubt it.

Proof, please.
The Vatican confirms that they met, but will not comment further.
The Pope has been quite open about his opposition to same sex marriage. People expecting radical reform from the Roman Catholic Church are spinning their wheels.
Snopes does not have an answer yet.

There is good reason to be skeptical.
This is huge.
I also read that the Vatican confirmed the meeting. Spokesman Rev. Manuel Dorantes said, “I do not deny that the meeting took place, but I have no comments to add.”
And just like that, any tiny bit of respect I might have developed for the pope or a church is obliterated, they are no longer worthy of anyone's respect, quite frankly.
Just because they met, doesn't mean that we can know for certain what was discussed. Until/unless the Vatican put out a statement in regards to the actual discussion that took place, then I really can't comment on it.
momhappy|1443631161|3933493 said:
Just because they met, doesn't mean that we can know for certain what was discussed. Until/unless the Vatican put out a statement in regards to the actual discussion that took place, then I really can't comment on it.
To me, the fact that they met at all is appalling. He wasted his precious time on that piece of nothing.
I'm not appalled that they met. I don't care for Kim Davis, and I was a little surprised that they met, but I'm not going to condemn him for that single act.
Color me not surprised at all. That is as much as I will comment on the church without getting in trouble. :angryfire:
I am 62 years old. I was raised by Catholics, went to Catholic schools and went to mass 6 days each week for the first 18 years of my life.

I am married to a former seminarian and a still practicing Catholic.My point is that I have had a ringside seat.

I tried for years to reconcile myself to their teachings, but when it became clear that they condoned sexual abuse of children I cut all ties. The pope didn't know about it? I don't believe that.

I have been amused by the media's love affair with this new pope. After you scratch the surface he is the same as the hundreds before him.He opposes contraception, abortion, same sex marriage and the ordination of women. He supports Kim Davis as a conscientious objector. He seems like a nice man personally, but he does not support reform. Do not be sucked in.
I have no comment concerning the alleged meeting between Pope Francis and Kim Davis as I don't yet have enough information from which to draw any conclusions.

Agree or disagree with the doctrine of the Catholic Church, to make a blanket statement that Catholics condone sexual abuse of children is outrageous and wildly inaccurate. There were horrible instances of abuse in decades past. Abuse was perpetrated by individuals who claimed to be Catholic. There has also been abuse perpetrated by individuals who claim to be every other religion. People commit acts of abuse. Religions do not. It is unfair and inappropriate to make a blanket statement regarding such an outrageous claim.

The Catholic Church, while not perfect, has made vast changes and has been actively working to protect children from such abuse since the mid-90s. No one can work or volunteer in any capacity with children without a background check and training about ways to make and maintain a safe environment for children. This training includes information about being aware of every one who comes into contact with children and watching for cues that anything is amiss. It also includes very specific procedures to follow if anything inappropriate is even slightly suspected. This training requirement is taken very seriously and that has been the case for many years now. My sons do attend and have attended Catholic schools throughout and I have not been allowed to help in a class party, attend a field trip or be around students in any way until I have had the appropriate background checks and training. This all in addition to the checks I have had professionally as a teacher. This has been the case in different schools and different dioceses.
Well, I just heard that exact same wording used in a report on BBC Radio 4, so take that as you will! Must say, I was a bit surprised myself.
Are you serious?? I have no words!! :nono:
The pope "met" a lot of people during his visit.........

Sounds like a scam to try to garner favor for this women- so she has 15 more seconds of fame.
I am probably just missing the obvious, but I will ask anyway.

Kim Davis was elected to do a job. She is now not able to fulfill it. How is this different then an elected official who is impeached and replaced?
purplesparklies- You are correct. What I should have said is that numerous members of the the church hierarchy covered up the widespread sexual abuse. I have three grandchildren in Catholic schools as well.

But the point of my post was that the Church has not changed its substantive doctrine in recorded memory and this Pope will be no different.
lulu|1443633916|3933509 said:
... when it became clear that they condoned sexual abuse of children ...

IMO the RCC never 'condoned' that.

It DID condone protecting the reputation of the RCC as priority 1 ... when Priority 1 should have been protecting/helping the victimized children, and priority 2 should have been getting the offenders out of contact with kids, preferably by calling 911 and letting the police take it from there and cooperating with investigations, instead of moving the offenders around, stonewalling investigations and hushing things up while blaming the problem on the evils of homosexuality.

Clearly this pope is doing a much better job of addressing this issue head on than any of his predecessors.
For that I give him kudos.
lulu|1443650215|3933591 said:
purplesparklies- You are correct. What I should have said is that numerous members of the the church hierarchy covered up the widespread sexual abuse. I have three grandchildren in Catholic schools as well.

But the point of my post was that the Church has not changed its substantive doctrine in recorded memory and this Pope will be no different.

I think this Pope is a little different - at least as much as he can be. I agree that the Catholic church is what it is, but I still think that this particular Pope seems to be a decent guy. I'm not Catholic, so I don't have any strong feelings about him one way or another, but his visit seemed to be productive in some ways and even if he chose to meet with Kim Davis, so be it.
Elliot86|1443633439|3933505 said:
Color me not surprised at all. That is as much as I will comment on the church without getting in trouble. :angryfire:

Indeed. I'm deliberately sitting on my hands and not commenting further..................... :angryfire:
momhappy|1443652089|3933600 said:
... if he chose to meet with Kim Davis, so be it.
So, if the pope chose to meet with, say, the head of the KKK or the Neo Nazi party, would your reaction be, "so be it." ... "I have no comments to add."?

The pope meeting with you, not to mention giving you rosaries, means something ... endorsement, support, even the blessing from God's representative on earth for what you do.
I respect Pope Francis. I think he teaches us all a much needed lesson. Regardless of whether people agree or disagree on any issue, every human being should be treated with kindness and respect. I think people see the genuine kindness and respect from Pope Francis and they respond to it. Pope Francis is also different in that he refuses to get caught up in much of the pomp and circumstance of being Pope. He lives and travels simply when he can. He refuses to be kept separated from the people.

As to doctrinal changes, the Pope can try to steer the Church to some extent but it is a major ordeal to bring about changes to the doctrine of the church. It takes consensus of countless people and it takes years and years before change is actually made. A Pope does not have the power to just waltz in and start changing Church doctrine.
I have no reaction to the Pope meeting with anyone specific. He is known to meet with people from all walks of life, including prisoners and those with whom he has obvious differences. This is part of his way. A type of outreach in many instances. Many priests and church leaders, including the Pope I'm sure, give out rosaries to anyone who they think may benefit from them. It is a gift, an invitation to prayerfully consider one's life and beliefs. It is not some type of stamp of approval. Who knows what he intended for that particular meeting? Only the Pope knows what he was trying to accomplish.

I am Catholic. I do not support every action of the Catholic Church. I do not support Kim Davis. Personally, I have no problem with gay marriage and I think she is in the wrong. What Pope Francis thinks about her or her actions? I have no idea.
kenny|1443660745|3933642 said:
momhappy|1443652089|3933600 said:
... if he chose to meet with Kim Davis, so be it.
So, if the pope chose to meet with, say, the head of the KKK or the Neo Nazi party, would your reaction be, "so be it." ... "I have no comments to add."?

The pope meeting with you, not to mention giving you rosaries, means something ... endorsement, support, even the blessing from God's representative on earth for what you do.

Yes. Really. So be it. I don't have much more to say on the matter because while it appears that they met, no one knows what was said, so unless the Vatican (or the Pope himself) cares to elaborate on the meeting, then I guess the rest is up to interpretation. Again, the meeting doesn't really come as a big surprise. I think that Pope Francis’ style of communication is very different from his predecessor and for this reason it seems difficult to figure out where he stands on certain issues including that of same-sex marriage, so I'm not going to presume to know what the purpose of the meeting was.
If this story is true, than this pope is off my list. :(

lulu said:
I am 62 years old. I was raised by Catholics, went to Catholic schools and went to mass 6 days each week for the first 18 years of my life.

I am married to a former seminarian and a still practicing Catholic.My point is that I have had a ringside seat.

I tried for years to reconcile myself to their teachings, but when it became clear that they condoned sexual abuse of children I cut all ties. The pope didn't know about it? I don't believe that.

I have been amused by the media's love affair with this new pope. After you scratch the surface he is the same as the hundreds before him.He opposes contraception, abortion, same sex marriage and the ordination of women. He supports Kim Davis as a conscientious objector. He seems like a nice man personally, but he does not support reform. Do not be sucked in.

Lulu, you've seen a lot of popes come and go, so I took your post seriously. You're right.

Meet the new pope, same as the old pope. :|