
Keep or return 5.25 Emerald cut?

Does it need to be cleaned or is there an inclusion or something?
Is there something about it that you don't like?
The diamond report should show any inclusions. Emeralds show EVERYTHING - little fingerprints and bits of oil smears. Hot soapy water will help. I think your emerald is pretty. It is normal to have some tilt windows as you move it around, but the windows appear to close when you move it. How do you feel?
@kgizo and @MMtwo , it's from my greasy paw. I had already given it a good clean before the video op but evidently my finger somehow touched it while I was trying to take a video!

@seaurchin , I feel like the stone doesn't really WOW me. I was like "meh" when I saw it. For some reason it doesnt feel as lively IRL compared to the videos. I remember trying on a 7 carat asscher in store and that stone just knocked my socks off.

I wonder if it is because it is unmounted and if mounting it makes a difference?!

Or maybe I need to go bigger and shorter? Because it is elongated (1.57), I feel like I am not seeing a lot of lively flashes compared to the asscher (which had broader facets).

Not sure if it is the cut, if it is unmounted, or what that makes me go meh.
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Not an expert on EC, but like you, I wonder if the ratio is contributing to your feelings? I read typical ratio for EC is 1:30-1:50. I think it’s pretty but If you are feeling “meh” then this is not the one. Any little thing that bugs you now will only magnify as time goes on.

Listen to your inner voice. I wish I had listened to mine! I bought a gorgeous antique cushion. I love it, and it’s truly stunning. But the size is ridiculous for my lifestyle and my circle. I knew that, but I bought it anyway. Now I am stuck with a beautiful stone that I will probably never set or wear.
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Its fairly bright but it does not dance, can I see the grading report please?
The long l/w rations can dance like crazy some times more than a short l/w.
This one just don't.
I think it’s pretty but If you are feeling “meh” then this is not the one. Any little thing that bugs you now will only magnify as time goes on.

I agree with this wholeheartedly. Great advice.
Interesting, large table but good crown height.
Which don't mean much if it don't dance.
Was there a vendor spin video?
@Mom2424722 , thanks for sharing your experience. You are right, if it doesn't make my heart sing, it should go. So sorry about your experience with your cushion. What do you intend to do with it?

@0515vision , yes it sort of shocked me how see through it is once I had it in the holder!
Thanks @Karl_K . Are there any parameters to look for to increase the chances of finding a decent stone?
Thanks @Karl_K . Are there any parameters to look for to increase the chances of finding a decent stone?

In general table 65 and under CH 14+ from there its all images.
From there its all images not to much obstruction and not to much leakage face up.
Most of all dances with the light when rotated side to side.
Sometimes you will find stones with shallower crowns and or larger tables that dance like crazy and in that case dancing rules and numbers drool.
Appealing looks face up and an amazing dance is what makes a great EC.
@Karl_K , what does CH 14+ mean?
Nevermind! I figured out it means "Crown Height."
yes crown height, sorry about that, its a bad habit I have of always abbreviating it.
@Karl_K , when it comes to asschers, what kind of parameters should I look for to weed out the duds?
@Karl_K , when it comes to asschers, what kind of parameters should I look for to weed out the duds?
Squareness then the same general rules as EC but there are a ton of them out there with p3 issues.
Depth does not equal spread so pay attention to mm size.
Higher depth% and low crown height is bad news.
High crown height and higher depth% can totally rock.
I took that concept to the extreme in my design, 20+% ch with a ~35% table depth 75%ish with same or better spread compared to others with lower depth %.
Thanks @Karl_K . I have a hard time assessing if the p3 angles in online videos are great, or not.

Take this particular asscher, to me it is quite lively and I can't see the p3 issues - but obviously I have an untrained eye. What should I be looking for in videos such as these?

Table: 58
Depth: 64
No crown height - GIA certs do not provide that

If there are any other folks who love step cuts and have thoughts on these please feel free to chime in too.
CH is good you can see it in the spin vid.
Im having a hard time calling the p3, can they get you a IS/aset or a pic over a dark or red or blue background face up?
Even on hand pics would help.
Everything else looks good. It dances well.
CH is good you can see it in the spin vid.
Im having a hard time calling the p3, can they get you a IS/aset or a pic over a dark or red or blue background face up?
Even on hand pics would help.
Everything else looks good. It dances well.

I asked, they can't provide ASET or pics with a different background. Guess I gotta take the plunge and order it to see it for myself! Fingers crossed.
I asked, they can't provide ASET or pics with a different background. Guess I gotta take the plunge and order it to see it for myself! Fingers crossed.
As long as its some place known for easy returns that is a good idea.
Its showing a lot of potential.