
Just Engaged!!!

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Dec 27, 2006

i'm in love with my ring... thought i'd share.
Shawee- Welcome to Pricescope! Thank you for sharing your ring with us! IT IS BEAUTIFUL AND CLASSIC! Do you have any more pics? and specs?
Welcome and thanks for posting your lovely ring! Tell us more about it and about your engagement.
Very pretty! Congrats!
Congratulations and Welcome!!! Your ring is beautiful - please post some hand shots and do tell us more!
Yum - that is stunning!

Congratulations on your engagement!
~~Congrats & Welcome!!!! Your ring is stunning...what are the specs??
Congrats Shawee and Welcome!! Your first post is a lovely one!! Hand shots please!
Shawee, that is a lovely ring...congratulations on your engagement and I can''t wait to hear more about the proposal and ring stats! Best wishes!
It''s beautiful!!! i''d love to hear what the specs are if you have a chance.
Thanks everyone! Be prepared... long story! More pics to come later. I don''t take good pics.

My now fiancee and I had been looking for the perfect ring. I wanted small diamond with great quality and he wanted a big one. It wasn''t an easy task to find the right one since we are on a budget. Also, he works nights and I work days so we couldn''t look for one during the week. One weekend, we went to Beverly Hills after seeing an ad for no tax. We found one we liked but it was fully included but the placement of the inclusion can be hidden under the prong. We said we''d think about it. The next weekend we went to Robbins Brothers to compare colors etc. One diamond we liked was priced $8,000... the mount for $900 and a $100 mounting fee. We couldn''t believe it. They weren''t even eye clean!!! So we left. I have been checking this site and reading reviews and been looking at diamonds online. Particularly - Monday afternoon, my fiancee called so we could compare searches and we both mentioned one diamond that is perfectly priced, just the right size and color. He was also getting mad at me for lagging. He wanted to get the ring by Christmas but I have been so busy I didn''t have any time to look.

The next day, the 19th. I woke up extra early to call union diamond, knowing that they are ahead. 6am my time was 9am their time. The person I spoke with was Jeff. He said they aren''t open yet. LOL. But he gladly answered my questions about the diamond. He guaranteed that it''s eye clean and when I asked about delivery. He said it''s a little too late to make it for Christmas. I explained about my bf then wanting me to find one soon but I lagged blah blah... so he said, he''ll walk the ring personally. He''ll ship it Wednesday and we should get it Thursday, 21st by 10:30am. He said he is puttting the ring on hold until my bf then calls back to make payment. We called him back 7:30a pacific time. They talked, confirmed everything. My bf then wired transferred as soon as the bank opened. I emailed Jeff about the specs...and asked questions and he immediately replied. He even scanned the EGL cert and emailed to me.

Thursday came, no Fedex. So I got home, looked for the ring thinking my then bf was hiding it from me. Fedex came Friday. I was working and didn''t get out until almost 4pm. I rushed home. He said he didn''t open it. He wanted to wait until I came home so we opened the box together. It was the most beautiful ring. The diamond was so white. The setting was beautiful, better than we expexted.

A little about me, I am 4''10" and my bf is 6''3" so ummm.. he said his knee hurts so he couldn''t go on one knee. So, he made me stand on the couch so we were almost eye level. My bf is a silly guy. He doesn''t like doing anything expected of him. He likes to be funny and different. So, he took my left hand, asked if I would maybe someday marry him (he is afraid of commitment by the way). He said that he would love for us to get married someday as long as I don''t pressure him on the date etc. Also, there will be back scrathcing everynight. I will cook lasagna and spaghetti whenever he wants. I said, this sounds like an agreement ring and not engagement and we just cracked up. Of course I said yes!!! (He works nights, so that means I don''t have to scratch his back every night... just weekends - but forgot he is off all this week). Anyways, he said to wear it now and not wait for Christmas. So I wore it then we got dressed and celebrated... we had dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We got dressed up even! We normally don''t dress up. We live in Cali, we wear jeans and flip flops but not this time!

We stared at the ring all night. Specially me. He wanted me to wear it to bed too!

The 24th, his dad came to visit. He was really happy and amazed at how beautiful the ring is. He took pics. I showed my family that night. My dad took the ring off my fingers and busted out a loupe to check it. It was so funny.

The next day, the 25th... I went to my relatives gathering. My cousin and I said we wouldn''t say anything and let them notice the ring but my dad just went ahead and told everybody. Dragged my finger around to show them! I think he forgot that I was still attached to my finger! I said dad, I can''t leave the table coz I was playing poker with my cousins. Everyone came... screamed and hugged me. My cousins made wedding plans, engagement party etc. I am the last of the girls that''s still single except for the really young ones so I guess it''s a big thing.

Sorry, I know it''s a long story but it''s really funny. It wasn''t typical at all.

The ring was from uniondiamond, ideal cut/1.15c/G/VS2 - 6 prong Tiffany style setting. I promise to post more pics!!! I have this forum to thank too... helped me learn what to choose and such.
What a lovely story! thanks for sharing. The ring is gorgeous!
Your ring is beautiful, and I love your story too! Congratulations on your engagement!
Beautiful ring!!! Congratulations!
oh its lovely! i bet you love to look at it all day long
Classic and beautiful. Congrats.
Lovely and elegant. Congratulations and welcome to PS.

What a great story and lovely ring! You two seem like you will have a life filled with a lot of silliness and fun, which is nice!
Congratulations! Your story made me smile :) It sounds like you''ll both have lots of fun together. The ring is beautiful!
Beautiful ring!!! Congrats on your engagement!
beautiful ring and wonderful happy ending!!! I love how loving you both are to each other!
Congrats Shawnee! Beautiful ring:) We got engaged on the same day!
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