
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Missy, those pictures made me teary-eyed. I know Blake was watching from above and what a sweet way to announce your pregnancy to friends and family.

Missy and Nel-You've both been through this before so probably aren't nearly as neurotic as I am right now, but I am FREAKED!

I know some of it is hormones (progesterone makes me sleep less and feel more jittery/anxious, and pretty much any hormone makes me more emotional) but it feels like forever until my appt on the 24th and I am constantly running to the bathroom to see if I am spotting b/c everything down in that area feels more fluid.

I think once we see a little gummybear with a heartbeat I will feel a little more confident, but right now I feel really vulnerable...still excited, but also really afraid of experiencing a loss after all these years of TTC.

Bella! I'm frantically going back on this thread to find where you announced you wanted to share news??? I'm quite excited but feel like I am missing a page. Ill go to the other thread. aCK!!!!!

Bella, I completely understand the worry. It's normal and why this thread is so helpful. I am slightly more relaxed this time, but I'm still peeing on sticks twice a day, so I'm still neurotic by normal person standards. Do you feel any symptoms at all? Cramping, boob soreness, anything? Even with unwelcome nausea, I remind myself that the symptoms indicate everything is going along as it should. The first trimester is really the hardest. For a lot of reasons: you feel scared (especially before seeing the heartbeat), you don't feel great (but you can't tell anybody why), and you have no reminder that everything is okay (like movement).

I think somebody mentioned that the time between these first appointments really seems to drag and I completely agree. I really hope the next two weeks go by as fast as possible for you...I know you'll feel much better after you have that first u/s and can see the heartbeat.

:-) glad I am not totally alone on the road to crazy town.

I have cramping off and on pretty much all the time and a cervical fluidy kind of feeling (which is what keeps freaking me out and sending me to the bathroom to check for AF). My boobs are tender and swelling. I am nauseous in the afternoon especially. And am very tired. Despite all those things, I feel 90% normal and if I hadn't had a positive test I would have just thought AF was late...

Missy, the picture of everyone releasing balloons for your beautiful boy gave me goosebumps. We think of you so often over here! Lurking around to cheer you on this time around xxx

NEL this will sound a bit revolting but I am really envious of you right now! Somehow because we had our babies in the same week, I feel that by rights I should be having my next baby at the same time as you too, haha!!!

Bella, I remember the anxiety of those early days so well. I'm not sure that I will be less neurotic the second time around when it comes (I hope it will come, although we are not TTC at the moment) though. It is exactly as NEL says! I used to hate feeling sick but I would cry inconsolably when I DIDN'T feel sick or my boobs DIDN'T hurt. Thinking of you and sending sticky thoughts!!!

Bella - I am crazy too. I've taken about 12 tests in the last 10 days or so. I was WAY more laid back last time around. This time I know anything can happen and it truly scares me! I have about zero symptoms which isn't helping. I had this with my other pregnancy, but it worries me more this time.

My back already hurts! I was sweeping the kitchen floor and my lower back was hurting. This didn't happen for me until the third trimester.

Missy, thank you so much for sharing your photos. The one of the balloon message you shared with everyone is sweet, and the picture of the balloons being released is so powerful. Such a beautiful way to celebrate Blake's first birthday. I'm just picturing that beautiful baby up there playing with all of his balloons.

Pancake, I was hoping you would be popping in with a surprise of your own, but all in due time. Hope you and little Ms. Sylvie are doing well.

Bella, oh my gosh, everything you're feeling and thinking is completely normal! I've never felt so vulnerable in my life as I did those first couple of weeks after I found out I was pregnant. It does get easier, but as NEL said, there is so little reassurance in the beginning that it is hard not to let your mind get carried away.

Dust to all of you and your little beans!

MP and Pancake, I really love seeing your posts. I truly adore both of you and just love how supportive this community is.

Pancake, this is going to sound awful, but I sort of thought it would take us a few months to get pregnant (I don't really know why, I guess because we were taking a more "relaxed" approach?) so part of me feels like this happened a bit quickly. I'm 1000% happy, especially because so many of my friends have fertility issues, so I'm grateful. But a small piece of my brain still thinks spacing them a few more months apart may have been better. I know there is no ideal, but it's just a nagging thought. Plus K really started throwing fits this weekend, which was tough. So I'm a bit jealous that S is still so laid back and such a sweetheart.

I'm just glad that you and many of us are still regular posters. I really consider all of you friends.

Do you and your DH have plans to TTC again next year? I know you're still getting used to your new schedule and hopefully you get to enjoy the summer!

Missy and Bella, I hope you're both having good Mondays!

Bella, so totally hear you on the worry. TBH, it NEVER gets easier. First you worry that your pregnancy will stick. Then you worry that he/she is growing OK. Then you worry about delivery, then you worry for the rest of your life! You're totally normal, but talk to your husband about it. I found hearing reassurance from my DH helped a lot. And of course all the wonderful ladies on PS was also super reassuring.

Missy, I love love love the pictures and I love how much your friends and family were with you for Blake's birthday. He's smiling at his little bro/sis and taking care of you guys. You can ask your little bean to send messages to Blake. I'm sure they're coming up with all sorts of mischief for Mommy & Daddy.

NEL, Everything will be great. Your K is a sweetheart and a happy laid back baby. Tantrums are par for the course, and you and D will do great. Plus K will be an awesome big sister. :)

Pancake, I totally konw what you mean about feeling with NEL's K being the same age as our babies. I'm totally feeling the same way since Ethan and Katie were born so close to each other too. LOL! We're planning on TTC in the fall (maybe Sept).

Sticky dust to all your wonderful ladies :)

Congrats Bella!!

I was on the crazy town train too with #1. Seriously - I had cramping and then nothing - so that was alot of fun. Every passing hour was torture and I kept POS nonstop at work with my desk drawer filled with used sticks like an addict. Of course I had to keep the test brand consistent and I had purchased an expensive one initially so it added up! I think concocted a way to get another dr. visit in (could not make it to 8wks). It's so hard, but what helped me (since it's too early for a doppler) was to keep telling myself, well for now I am still pregnant, no reason to think otherwise.

Congrats again, I check back now and then just to see the new announcements....
Re: Re:

NewEnglandLady|1370875651|3462637 said:
MP and Pancake, I really love seeing your posts. I truly adore both of you and just love how supportive this community is.

Pancake, this is going to sound awful, but I sort of thought it would take us a few months to get pregnant (I don't really know why, I guess because we were taking a more "relaxed" approach?) so part of me feels like this happened a bit quickly. I'm 1000% happy, especially because so many of my friends have fertility issues, so I'm grateful. But a small piece of my brain still thinks spacing them a few more months apart may have been better. I know there is no ideal, but it's just a nagging thought. Plus K really started throwing fits this weekend, which was tough. So I'm a bit jealous that S is still so laid back and such a sweetheart.

I'm just glad that you and many of us are still regular posters. I really consider all of you friends.

Do you and your DH have plans to TTC again next year? I know you're still getting used to your new schedule and hopefully you get to enjoy the summer!

Missy and Bella, I hope you're both having good Mondays!

Oh my goodness, congratulations! When are you due - how far apart will they be? EEk, congrats!

Janine!!! How are you??? How are the girls??

Right now my EDD is 2/19/14, which would be on K's second b-day. But I still need to have the dating ultrasound...I suspect my EDD will likely move a few days earlier in February due to how fast I seem to implant (this happened last time, too).

Now I ask pretty much any mom I see with 2 kids how far apart they are and how they feel about the spacing. I did this before, anyway (when we were still determining what we thought the "ideal" spacing would be), but now it's like an obsession.
Re: Re:

NewEnglandLady|1370891922|3462806 said:
Janine!!! How are you??? How are the girls??

Right now my EDD is 2/19/14, which would be on K's second b-day. But I still need to have the dating ultrasound...I suspect my EDD will likely move a few days earlier in February due to how fast I seem to implant (this happened last time, too).

Now I ask pretty much any mom I see with 2 kids how far apart they are and how they feel about the spacing. I did this before, anyway (when we were still determining what we thought the "ideal" spacing would be), but now it's like an obsession.

Wow, same birthdays (or so you estimate), that's great! DD2's due date was 3 wks after DD1....who was born on our 1st I was like NO please do not come early. DD2 arrived on time. Mine are 3 yrs apart, I like the age gap but I know many moms who love 2yrs apart because there can be overlap. And later on they will be so close. I love seeing my 2 girls interact now, it's so cute. They fight , sure, but most of the time I catch them giggling, holding hands/hugging and screaming about cicadas (haha, a regional thing I guess).

I can't wait to hear more as things progress - especially the sex of the baby down the line ;). And working with 2...
Things are easier the 2nd time around as you know already, and it all works out so don't worry.

Congratulations again!

Thanks, Janine. Seeing siblings interact is just the cutest. What really made the baby bug bite this time around was seeing K interact with the kids at daycare. She would wiggle out of my arms to go play with them. And she adores babies--she's so sweet to the baby at daycare and occasionally our music teacher brings her 8-month-old to class. K will sit next to her the whole time and likes to rub her back (K's favorite thing is when I rub her back). Who knows how K will react when there is a baby around all the time vying for my attention, but she's definitely one of those girls who loves babies. And I love that she's so gentle with them.

Also great to hear that things are generally easier the second time around. We seem to have schedules and the whole work/life balance thing worked out (for now), so that part seems okay. I may go back to 3 days/week next summer, then stay at 4 days/week indefinitely. I guess at some point I'll need to go back to full-time so my career isn't stalled forever.

Okay, I'm blabbing. Thanks for checking in, Janine, it's really great to "see" you again! It sounds like everything is going well for you!

Ladies, I found this pregnancy calendar and I think it's hilarious, so I had to share:

Popping in to comment about siblings that are close in age for you NEL. I have two girls that are 25 months apart, they're 8 & 10 now. Those girls are inseparable. They share a room still even though they don't have to (well NOW they do with #3 coming...but yeah). They bicker a bit more these days as my oldest barrels her way through puberty :errrr: but they're still very close. They don't even remember life without each other. :love:

Is it hectic? Well, yeah...but it's absolutely worth it. Congratulations! :bigsmile:

Oh, and the crazy train of the first trimester is so real and for the most part, unavoidable. I think it's mother nature/God's way of preparing us for a lifetime of worry. ;)) Time will crawl, then it will fly once you're in the 2nd trimester and heading into your third. Trust me!

Big hugs ladies, so happy for all of you. 8)

Bella and NEL will you find out the sex of your babies? I'm almost 100% sure we will. I need to prepare myself emotionally and I don't think a surprise will ever be in my future again.

I want to be surprised, DH wants to find out...either he'll find out and not tell me, or we won't find out.

Let's see if I feel the same way in a couple months:-)

I had a huge work event this weekend and normally I would be tired the next day, but now I am EXHAUSTED. I could happily curl up under my desk and sleep for the rest of the day!

Does anyone else have hot flashes? I keep getting them and it is kind of weird. According to Dr Google it is totally normal.

No hot flashes. I'm actually cold the whole day at work. It's only 70ish degrees outside. I don't think we need the a/c on!

Tammy, thank you so much for sharing! I feel like there are positives and negatives with all age gaps. Do you remember when your older DD was potty-trained? I feel like the new baby will arrive right as we're about to start that with K.

Are your girls excited about the new baby? It will be nice to have the extra help around the house. My sisters are all 7 - 10 years older than I am and when I was a kid I used to call them my second moms. Now that we're all adults (ranging in age from 32 - 42), we all have a genuine friendship.

Bella, no hot flashes here, but I here it's definitely normal. And I think it's cute that you want it to be a surprise (you've waited long enough, right?)...I just wish I had the patience :)

Missy, we are definitely finding out the sex. I just don't quite know how/when. Last time we had the fetal anatomy scan at 18 weeks, had the doctor write the sex down on a card and then we went out to dinner a few days later and opened the card there. It was fun and I'd like to do that again.

However, this time around I'm really hoping to have the MT21 test done (unless it isn't covered by my insurance) and I'd like to have it done at 10 - 12 weeks. In addition to the genetic screening, the MT21 test also determines the sex (with a 99.4% success rate). Obviously as soon as the report is in my hand, I'll want to open it immediately to see the genetic screening results. So I don't see any way to do the whole dinner thing again. But again, that's assuming the MT21 test is covered. If it's not, we'll do the card thing again and find out at dinner as a family.

NEL, honestly I was one of those moms that just didn't worry about potty training until they were ready. This meant that we started after DD#2 was born to pt DD#1. In fact, I know this is shocking, but both of my girls pt'd when they were probably 3 1/2 yrs old. With working full time and having two in diapers, I wasn't interested in a drawn out pt process. Once they started, they were ready and done (no accidents really to speak of) very quickly.

With this one though I am going to CD and God willing, SAHM. So I'm sure I'll be pushing the potty training early and often! :tongue:

The girls definitely are excited about their newest sister, it's sweet! I worry of course that at this point they'll be annoyed by typical baby behavior like stealing toys and meltdowns, but they're really wonderful girls so hopefully that's not a problem. I know they'll love her to bits. ::) It's equally reassuring to hear from someone that has two sisters around the girls' ages, this gives me hope that they'll be lifelong friends too, despite the age gap. So thank you too for sharing!!

I am officially 5 weeks today, this is so surreal

I still feel mostly normal--some hot flashes, cramping, insomnia, constipation (sorry, TMI!), a massive caving for red meat, and occasional brief bouts of nausea, but really, mostly normal. My clothes fit fine, but I tend to bloat in the afternoon and my b**bs are huge when I wake up in the morning.

Only a week and a half until my appt...

Tammy, I'm going the toddler-lead PT route, too. I definitely think it will be happening after #2 is born, but with my luck it will all be happening at the same time. My plan is to keep K in daycare while I'm on mat. leave so her schedule isn't disrupted, which should help with any progress we're making on the PT front.

Bella, I'm exactly a week behind you (at 4 weeks today). So glad the nausea has stayed at bay for would be wonderful if it stays that way! I've also only had small waves of nausea and am really, really hoping it stays that way. I'm enjoying every minute of not feeling sick. Woke up with really tender, heavy boobs for the first time, so that's starting. And I'm also still feeling the cramping.

I'm craving a lot of tart fruity things lately (pineapple, lemonade, etc.)

Oh, and I work in office where drinking happens regularly (advertising agency) and yesterday there was a surprise meeting with wine because this week has been really stressful. I turned down a glass and my coworker said "when are you due?" I laughed it off, but apparently turned red, so now everybody thinks I'm pregnant and I can't even say anything for 2 more months. Ugh.

I feel like I could just eat and eat and eat! Which is soooo not a good thing since they want me to gain no more than 25 pounds. I am craving pizza. And Pizza Hut called out to me yesterday when I saw a commercial for their 55th anniversary and they advertised large pizzas, one topping for $5.55. Yup I ordered it! I only ate two slices, but then again it's still in the fridge and I want it for lunch again! :lol:
I am doing so much better with drinking more water, so that's good for me.

So funny, but not funny, about your office. :lol:

Mine is the same way with lots of alcohol in office, special events, client dinners, etc. So far no one has noticed, but the excuse I used while TTC when I cut out alcohol was "oh, I am on a new allergy medicine and can't mix it with alcohol" everyone always seemed to accept that as plausible :cheeky:

For me, the harder thing will be seeing my extended family next weekend (right before my Drs appt). We aren't telling my immediate family until the first week of July when we see them and there would be a lot of drama if my extended family found out first, plus it is before my appt and we don't want to share with all those people if it is not good news. (We've limited the news to a very small circle of friends so far).

When we see my family, I'll be about 8 weeks and we will have been through the Drs appt and hopefully seen the heartbeat, etc. My extended family is a wine with lunch and dinner, cocktails before dinner, kind of family, so I am going to try the allergy med excuse but am not sure they will buy it...

My PSA of the day...

if you think it is a great idea to use those little adhesive bre*st petal things to cover your rapidly growing nips...think again. Pulling those things off at the end of the day after your big b**bs have swollen to more than fill your bra is not fun!

big b**bs + tender nips + adhesive petals= ;(

Congratulations to Bella and NEL!!! I'm sending sticky, smooth, and happy pregnancy wishes to both of you!

Bella, regarding the not drinking around extended family thing, my plan was always to say that I'd been having some digestive issues recently and my doctor had me on an elimination diet starting with alcohol and something else I wasn't eating at the time (nuts, soy, etc...couldn't have pulled off wheat or dairy, haha). I never needed to use it, but I figured it was a plausible excuse and people weren't likely to pry much further ("oh, really? What kind of digestive problems have you been having?" I don't think so!). Plus, it's not as common as some other excuses, and it has the benefit of being kinda true -- my digestive system has been a little...fragile...since getting pregnant and I have definitely had to eliminate a bunch of things I otherwise eat/drink! Maybe it would work better for you than the allergy meds excuse?

I've mostly been posting in the preggo thread but since this one is moving again and I'm not quite out of the first tri yet, I figured I'd pop back in here. The NT scan is scheduled for Friday morning and this week is just draaaaggging on. I had a bit of light pink spotting today that has me a little freaked out, but it seems to have stopped now. I'm keeping a close eye on things, and I'm really glad I've got the appointment coming up. We've told a few people so I feel like, of course this would happen now...just crossing my fingers it's nothing.

Octavia, so good to see you! Good luck with the NT scan this week! I know there's always that teeny tiny feeling of worry with the ultrasounds, but more than anything I was always excited to see the baby. And I'm sorry to hear about the spotting, but it sounds really light and completely isolated. I had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday, too, but D and I had...BDed (guess it's not technically BDing anymore) the night before and I think it was just from that. Not sure if that might be the case for you, but it's totally normal.

Bella, I had to laugh at the image of you peeling those things off your sore bbs. Keep using those and your nips will be tough and ready for bfing, haha. And next weekend is going to be tough seeing the extended family, but it's good that you're prepared with an excuse. And you'll feel so much better in a few weeks when you can tell your immediate family and then the extended family.

Missy, once a craving gets in your head (like Pizza Hut), isn't it funny how you just can't stop thinking about it? I was starving today and think I overdid it a little because now my tummy is killing me. I have had a delicate digestive system (as Octavia says) lately, but I ate so much that I'm not sure exactly which food is making me ill.

You ladies are all so sweet! Trust me, there is a BIG part of me that would LOVE to be in here in this thread in my own right! But I need to get a good chunk of my doctorate done before going on maternity leave again; hopefully the main part of my project will really get rolling in the next few months, and if it does, then we'll be TTC at the end of this year :)