
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Ltl-- so so thrilled for you. Congratulations!! :appl:

Ltl, I'm elated to hear your news! Huge congrats to you!! :appl:

Tammy, sending a big hug to you. I think it's natural to worry, especially when ttc was such a long road, but it sounds like all is going well so far & your doc is great & on top of things. Try to relax & enjoy your comfy pants! :naughty:

Delurking to say HUGE congrats to Ltl!!! Twins?!?! How exciting!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Ltl, great news! I can only imagine how exciting seeing those little peanuts must have been!

Sorry for the late reply. We have been busy.

Thanks icekid, brightspot, DaniAndi, puppmom, S&I, Dani, caunk-gal, gammygam, Lalia619, Tammy, MP, JGator, and Kunzite, for the congrats and well wishes.

Gammygam - I am so sorry your MS is overstaying its visit! And I hear you on the migraines, I have had a few of those. I am glad you found something that helps.

Tammy - I hope you are feeling well.

AFM - I started telling close family, everyone is excited of course. We went to Austin for the evening and had a fun night out on the town (minus the drinking), saw a small band in concert and we enjoyed ourself. It is starting to feel more real.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Ltl, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ltl, I love that you're starting to tell family and it's feeling more real. ::) I'm just so happy for you and your DH! It sounds like you had a great outing too. 8)

Hope everyone is doing well this weekend and enjoying a nice little break! Our weather is fabulous, so I'm focusing on that. :bigsmile:

ltl and tammy I'm so glad you guys are enjoying your weekend!

I have my OB visit on Monday, I can't believe I'm 17 weeks ack! Its time to move over to the big gal's thread but I don't want to leave you guys.

Thank you Bella

Tammy - I am glad you are enjoying the wonderful weather. It is a nice temp here, but too windy to do much.

gammygam - 17 weeks! You are moving right along. I hope you are feeling ok this weekend.

AFM - the nausea is worse today, still no vomiting, but I have been pretty useless all day. I am not looking forward to work tomorrow. On a better note, my DH got a hold of my ipad and made my US pic the background.

Hi everyone! Ltl- fantastic news! Congratulations. OSU, Tammy, how are you guys doing?

AFM... I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and actually measured ahead a few days! I can't believe I'm already 9.5 weeks. The morning sickness is lessening a bit so I feel much better about that. I was on vacation last week and it was good to relax a bit. Still looking forward to the second trimester.
Re: Re:

LtlFirecracker|1362951720|3401496 said:
Thank you Bella
On a better note, my DH got a hold of my ipad and made my US pic the background.

Awwwwww! So sweet. 8) My DH put ours as his iphone background too. :))

LittleFirecracker such great news!

Hi ladies!

How's everyone doing today? Hopefully you're all handling daylight savings time better than I am! :lol: It's so hard to drag my butt out of bed in the morning when it's still dark.

This past week my DH got a promotion that we were expecting, but the pay is way less than they had insinuated it would be. :nono: So I'm kind of stressed about how our finances will look after the baby's born and I'm not working anymore. I'm sure it'll work out, but the stress is scary! :errrr:

In other news, I'd been thinking hard about trying for a VBA2C. Over the last several days after reading about the pros and cons regarding my specific situation (AMA, 2 previous c/s, being overweight and having an abnormal uterus) I've realized it's too big of a gamble for my personality. So I'm going to stick with a 3rd c/s unless my OB strongly supports me trying for a VB. I'm pretty much at peace with it though. The bigger decision is whether or not I want to get my tubes (well, tube since only one works anyhow) tied during the c/s, or if I want to wait until our LO is a year old. We are definitely not going for 4 kids, but I'm nervous about permanent sterilization right away. On the other hand, it would be so nice to have it done during the one surgery. So that's something we're contemplating. I know I have plenty of time to make that decision though. :))

I'm SO ready to get out of the first trimester, get off of progesterone supps and hopefully get some energy back! :appl: Oh, and to graduate to the main pregnancy thread too. Gammy, yes it's time! Congratulations! :bigsmile:

Little update! I met with my new FABULOUS ob/gyn today and I love her! :bigsmile: She talked with me for almost an hour about all of my concerns and her attitude is just wonderful. She's funny, down to earth but very knowledgeable. I'm pretty excited! As a fun bonus, she sent me over to get an u/s to check on the baby. It's SO amazing how much changes in the early days. The baby's measuring right on at 9w5d, heart rate was a steady 165 and s/he was wiggling all around. I got some pretty sweet profile shots, our first ones where it's an unmistakable baby in there. :lol:

Hope everyone is doing well. It's very quiet around here!

Tammy - Yay for a great ob visit, even better you got to see the baby again! When is your next visit? Are you going to do any tests or have additional scans?

Emerald - How great you had an ultrasound at 8 weeks, did you get to hear the heartbeat? That was the highlight of my appointment, it's so crazy how your baby all of a sudden gets "real" after that. Remind me again of your due date!

Ltl - congrats on the twins! I'm so happy they're both measuring right on target! Will have another scan soon?

AFM - nothing new to report, still feeling great. I have minimal symptoms, no nausea, I'm thinking I'm one of the "lucky" ones :D I'm just counting down to my next appointment. I felt so relieved and excited after my first appointment on 2/19, but the longer I wait for the next appointment, the more anxious I get and still hope that everything is ok, but I'll know soon enough, next appointment is 3/26!

Tammy, that's so awesome that you found a great OB and got to see the baby again!

osu, I'm so glad to hear you're doing well and a little bit envious I must admit (not in a bad way!), but overall super thrilled for you :appl:

AFM, I feel like all I do is complain here :(( My OB was ok but wasn't thrilled with my weight gain or lack of it. He said it was in the low normal range and he'd like to see me put on a few more pounds. He also said it was time to get on prescription nausea meds and put me on Zofran on Monday. Unfortunately, I've experienced some serious side effects like an aching headache and broken out in a rash from it. Blah! Obviously, I've stopped taking it and waiting on a new prescription for something else.

My feelings were also really hurt the other week because my MIL sent me a pregnancy workout video for my birthday, I mean I cried and pitched fits for a few days but I'm over it now.

On the very happy side of things, baby's HB was 140 and my OB said that's in the boy range! I get my US on the 26th like osu so we will find out the sex then as long as baby cooperates!

Hi ladies!

I had my NT scan on Monday at 11&3. It looked good to me, but still waiting to hear back from the office about the results and the blood test. And I finally decided to scan myself at work :naughty: :naughty: I am dying to get a good pic of the "dangle," to try and guess if this baby is a boy or girl. It looked more girl-like to me on Monday, however, 11 weeks is too early to make a really good guess (apparently 12-13 is better). Thus I finally decided to scan myself at work and see if I could get a look again. Hahaha. Don't think I got a good look at the dangle, but I could see him/her bouncing around and little heart beating away :love: Made a video on my phone too.

My all day sickness is very slowly improving. Pretty consistent with my first pregnancy! At least I've mostly stopped dry heaving all day :appl: :rolleyes:

gammy- sorry the zofran was not the answer for you. It is actually a great drug and is somewhat helpful for my nausea. Last pregnancy I used this study to make me feel a little better- we're just taking one for the team ;))

tammy- glad the new OB is great and little bub looks perfect!

osu- Add me to the jealous camp :cheeky:

Icekid you just brought a smile to my day! I have a new prescription for phenergan. My OB seems to think it'll help me more because I also have terrible motion sickness. It's not tested widely on pregnant women like zofran was so any thoughts on that?

And you lucky ducky getting to look at your little one as often as you want :) I can't wait to hear whether you think boy or girl!

Hi All! I have been so busy with work, travel, life, I don't get as much time on here as I would like. I am so happy to hear that everyone is doing great (besides the MS).

OSU...I am due on 10/10 which was my grandfathers birthday. I hope the little one comes on that day no matter how unlikely.

I am supposed to go for the NT scan next Friday however I think I am going to have to push it off a week due to some work obligations. Gammy...I so hear you on the MS. I had a couple of good days when I was on vacation last week (lucky) but this week and weekend has been just miserable. I am crossing my fingers it starts to taper off soon for you.

I'll check back in next week when I have more news to report and when I reschedule my scan.

Ltl - I'm a little late, but I've been following your story and wanted to tell you congratulations! :bigsmile:

Thank you Missy, I am thinking positive thoughts for you.

emeraldlover1 - I hope you are doing well and are able to get your scan in soon

icekid - I wish I had an US machine at work to take a peak! I am glad your nausea is improving, that must be so hard to work through

tammy - I am glad things went so well with your new OB and that your little bean is getting bigger.

Dreamer - Thank you.

OSU - I am glad things are going so well for you. Your next apt is right around the corner.

AFM - I had a nursing intake with my new OB office last week. They did my prenatal labs (most of them were repeats of labs done 2 months ago, so that was annoying). I have my next visit on the 3rd of April, and I will be just at 11 weeks. My work is giving me a hard time about my prenatal apts, so I am having to fight with them on that, a stress I do not need. I still have a little nausea, but considering it is twins, I think I am getting off easy. I have not thrown up once, and maybe heaved once. They cut my dose of estrase in half and switched me to the progesterone suppositories (no more shots!). I stay on those until I reach 10 weeks. I am also on an extra gram of folic acid on top of my PNV.


I'm happy to hear that your nausea isn't overwhelming and that you can stop the shots! :appl:
That said, I can't believe that your work is giving you a hard time about your prenatal appts when they know how difficult this has been for you. Don't you work in a prenatal setting as well? :confused: I hope that they lighten up on you, you are right that you definitely don't need the added stress.

Gammy, do you want me to come smack someone around for you?! A pregnancy workout video that's unsolicited is like waving a red flag in front of a bull! :angryfire:

Osu, I'm happy to hear that you have nothing new to report, you are one of the lucky ones! ::)

Ice, hurray for a great NT scan! Have your blood test results come back yet? I'm sure that everything is well. :)) I'm also super jealous that you can scan yourself, how much fun that must be!!

Emerald, keep us posted whenever you can sneak in for your NT scan. I'm sorry to hear that your ms is still awful though. :sick: Hopefully it passes very soon!

Did I miss anyone? I hope not! Our little group is moving right along here! :D

AFM: I had a really great birthday weekend. For the first time in several years I didn't cry out of sadness this year. Once I hit 32, I've been mourning every year lost because I knew my time to get pregnant was running out. So yeah, super happy with life and feeling ridiculously blessed. :halo: DH got me roses but my main gifts are coming hopefully in a few weeks from DanielM. :bigsmile: With a little guidance, he took on the project of having two pairs of earrings made for me. I simply can't wait to see them, aaahhhh! :lol: *ahem*

Where was I? Oh, this weekend. We went to the Oakland Zoo on Saturday, which I LOVE and on Sunday for my actual birthday I got my first ever facial (heaven...why did I wait so long?!) and came home to a clean house with cute birthday decorations. The kids had fun with confetti poppers when I walked in. All in all, a great day. :))

In baby news, I'm 10w3d today and I just got my latest progesterone results. I'm at 20.5 and the RE said that I can stop the supplements NOW! I think that's about the best birthday present a girl could ask for right now. :lol: I just hope the bloat and ridiculous need for sleep ease off a bit now too.

Hey Tammy,

It is not my office, it is the people above my office. The ones who only care about how many patients I see a day. I am a pediatrician, I have seen pretty much everything that can go wrong with twins with my own eyes, as have my colleagues, so we know how important these appointments are. In fact, one of the other providers is moving her apts (we were scheduled on the same day, and they said we both can't go on the same day) so I can go to mine. But clearly, I don't want it to come to that. I am kind of shocked that getting to my prenatal apts is harder than my infertility apts. I am working the issue, it is just I took 3 days off (I have so much vacation I need to use a little), so I won't be able to take it on until tomorrow. I already have a plan. On a another note, high risk OB called today, so I now have an apt with regular OB at 11 weeks and them at 12 weeks. Not sure what the long term plan is, but it looks like right now I am seeing both. Maybe regular OB will do the routine apts and they will do the extra ones? When I told the nurse at MFM about my work issues, she said, "do they realize you are going to have a lot of appointments coming up?"

I am so glad you got to stop the progesterone. Looks like we will be stopping it at the same time. I will be 10 weeks when I stop it. And you are making me so jealous of your Northern CA references. Hopefully we will get back there soon. I am glad you were able to enjoy your weekend. Happy belated Birthday.

Icekid and Gammy (and everyone else with morning sickness) I wish everyone could be as lucky as I have been. Honestly, everything has been going so smoothly, I hope that everything is going okay, and my lack of symptoms isn't a bad sign :eek:

Ltl, sorry to hear that it's going to be difficult to get off work for all of your appointments, but YAY for the extra monitoring! This has been a long road to get you to this point, I'm sure all of the extra monitoring will be reassuring! :D

Tammy, awesome that you're off the progesterone, were there a lot of side effects with that?

Emerald, how special that your due date has a special meaning, hopefully your little one makes their appearance on that day!

Is anyone going to do any extra scans or tests? I've seen a few things about a nuchal (sp?) screening? I really don't know if I'm going to do anything, I just want to know what is out there.

I need opinions.... I'm dying to know the gender of my baby and my next appointment will be 11 weeks 2 days, if I follow the schedule, I will be going in next 4 weeks later at 15 weeks 2 days. From what I've read, 15 weeks is too soon to determine gender, and 16 weeks is early but still isn't definite. Should I push back my 15 week appointment to 16 weeks or stay on schedule and count on my 19 week appointment to give me an answer?

Hi mamas!

I am 13 weeks as of today! Had an appt with the dr and she tried to hear the heartbeat with the trans-abdominal doppler. She failed (said I am thin and she should be able to hear), so sent me for a quick scan to be sure that all was well. Of course, I was on call last night and had scanned myself in some quiet time and had seen puppy bouncing around in there and was not worried :cheeky: (which I did tell the dr hehe.) And after having a scan at 13 weeks, I think that most likely puppy is a girl! (Did I mention that we refer to this baby as puppy now? Our two-year-old little guy says the baby is a sister and he plans to name her puppy and so far it has stuck-- poor baby!)

Ltl- the ultrasound at work we use to place central lines and do nerve blocks, so it is not really made for OB! Still I saw some pretty cool shots last night. I could clearly see the little brain and hands. So cute! Technology is amazing.

Kind of annoying, but she said the blood work from my nuchal translucency was all normal, but still waiting for the u/s results (???? almost 2 weeks later.) Most likely it is fine, but if not, I need to know! geez.

osu- If you do get a nuchal translucency scan and are interested in guessing the sex of the baby, wait until as close to 13 weeks as possible. You can read more about the "angle of dangle" theory on Personally, I am just planning on waiting for sex confirmation at my anatomy scan at 18 weeks, but I totally understand the desire to know yesterday!

Ltl- Ugh so sorry your office is a PIA. I make all of my appointments on my post-call days. All of my partners are super family-oriented and really supportive, which helps a ton!

Emerald- feeling any better yet?

Tammy- Happy belated bday! Sounds like it was a great one. Post photos of your earrings when they arrive :love:

gammy- any luck with the phenergan? It's true that it hasn't been well-tested on pregnant women so I was reluctant to try it. But if it really helps you, it is probably worth it!!
Re: Re:

tammy77|1363106416|3402913 said:
Hi ladies!

How's everyone doing today? Hopefully you're all handling daylight savings time better than I am! :lol: It's so hard to drag my butt out of bed in the morning when it's still dark.

This past week my DH got a promotion that we were expecting, but the pay is way less than they had insinuated it would be. :nono: So I'm kind of stressed about how our finances will look after the baby's born and I'm not working anymore. I'm sure it'll work out, but the stress is scary! :errrr:

In other news, I'd been thinking hard about trying for a VBA2C. Over the last several days after reading about the pros and cons regarding my specific situation (AMA, 2 previous c/s, being overweight and having an abnormal uterus) I've realized it's too big of a gamble for my personality. So I'm going to stick with a 3rd c/s unless my OB strongly supports me trying for a VB. I'm pretty much at peace with it though. The bigger decision is whether or not I want to get my tubes (well, tube since only one works anyhow) tied during the c/s, or if I want to wait until our LO is a year old. We are definitely not going for 4 kids, but I'm nervous about permanent sterilization right away. On the other hand, it would be so nice to have it done during the one surgery. So that's something we're contemplating. I know I have plenty of time to make that decision though. :))

I'm SO ready to get out of the first trimester, get off of progesterone supps and hopefully get some energy back! :appl: Oh, and to graduate to the main pregnancy thread too. Gammy, yes it's time! Congratulations! :bigsmile:

I just wanted to say that my sister really wanted to try for a vaginal after having a c-section with her first and after weighing the pros and cons, she ultimately chose the c-section. Like you, she felt that it was too much of a gamble, although her OB said she would support her either way. In the end, all that matters is healthy moms and healthy babies! Congrats on your pregnancy and I wish you the best :)

em1, aw I totally hear you. I hope you're feeling better soon, sending hugs your way. (although when I'm nauseous, I can't stand to be hugged let alone touched!)

ltl, any new updates from you? I hope you can get to all your prenatal appointments and like tammy said they reduce your workload.

tammy, oh I sure wish you could come smack some people around haha. :naughty: My DH got screamed at for 2 days because he knew about the "gift" and didn't bother to stop MIL.

Please make sure to post your new earrings!! I can't wait to see them, I love bling, but who doesn't here?!

I'm so happy you found an OB you like. Goodness, it sure is important that you like the person that's spending all that time...down there. Haha!

osu, I am soooo jealous of you but totally happy for you! Our next baby appointments are the same day, I get my 20 week US. Make sure to update us that day! The thing is with gender determination, the US machine at my OB is pretty fuzzy compared to the fancy US machine of 20 weeks. Even then, they can't really 100% tell if your baby is a boy or girl.

icekid, so cute that you guys call the baby "puppy"! How I adore puppies.The phenergan works but it completely zonks me out. I can only take half a pill and then I'm out for 4 hours. I hate feeling like a zombie so I've been trying REALLY hard not to take it and plus my whole day is gone.

AFM, our big US is on Tuesday! Ahhh, I really hope we find out the sex and the baby is doing well. We opted out of all the genetic testing so I'm praying our baby is happy and healthy. I've been feeling lots of movement lately. The flutters started awhile back and this past week, DH and I both have been able to feel kicks with our hands on my belly. They are really faint so he isn't 100% convinced what he's feeling. Still, what a neat feeling!

Wow, I've neglected to post...oops!! I hope everyone is doing well. :bigsmile:

Gammy, today's the day and I so hope that 1. the baby's as healthy as can be and 2. not shy! :rodent: How exciting!!! ::)

Ltl, I guess it's a comfort that at least the people you work directly with are understanding. Still, I hope everything improves very soon for you. How are you feeling these days? When do you get your next peek at the little ones?

Osu, I have no idea but regardless I hope you can find out at least an educated guess at your scan. Do you get one at each appointment? If so, lucky duck!

Ice, I love your nickname of "puppy". It's too sweet and again, jealous that you get to scan yourself. :wink2: I can't wait to see if your guess of girl is correct. Things are getting exciting around here. :))

Emerald, how are you doing dear? I hope you're feeling better!

AFM: Well, on Saturday night after some :naughty: time with DH I had a scary bleed. It stopped pretty quickly but has scared us to the point that the topic of "fun time" as we call it hasn't been brought up by either of us. :knockout: I don't know how long this feeling will last, but at this point it may be a while. Other than that though, I've been sailing along at almost normal capacity. It's...odd and while I don't miss throwing up, I do miss having some pregnancy symptoms (at least the ones that don't terrify me). I actually just bought a Sonoline B on ebay the other day and it's due to arrive tomorrow. It's perfect timing because our u/s is tomorrow so if I don't find the hb right away I won't freak out too much!

I had my OB appt on Monday and tomorrow is my NT scan. I'll be 11w5d so no hope of a guess at gender but in about 10 days we (hopefully) will know anyhow. :Up_to_something: I had my MaterniT21 blood draw on Monday and it's a 7-10 business day turnaround. Antsy doesn't even begin to describe how I feel, haha. So that's my update for now. I think that after my NT scan tomorrow I *might* start to post over on the big girl (no pun intended!) thread. I'll still be hanging out here though to cheer everyone else on though until we've all graduated. :bigsmile:

I had my appointment today, baby is measuring a few days ahead with a heart rate of 171. I got to see the baby again, but no good nub shots :Up_to_something: I did ask my doctor if he had any guesses on gender and he didn't BUT he did say that he would probably be able to tell in 3 weeks (14 weeks 2 days) so my next appointment is April 16, so maybe I'll know then! On the plus side, if my doctor can't tell the gender, he said he will let me come back the following week. Should I trust an early guess at 15 weeks?

Gammy! So.... boy or girl? I'm dying to know!

Ice, thanks for the link, I'm a believer in the nub theory, I just wish I could have gotten a better look. My baby was moving around but mostly had his/her back to the screen, so not a lot of luck.

Tammy, awesome that you are doing the Materni21 test! Are you hoping for a boy or girl?

Aww well hopefully you get a good guess at your next appointment! To answer your question...I guess I really don't have a preference! There are positives to having a boy that only a boy can provide, but the same can be said for a girl too. Either way, I just want to know NOW because I'm super impatient. :lol: