
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Re:

Kunzite|1362506522|3396945 said:
LtlFirecracker|1362339078|3395274 said:
My US is on Thrusday morning. I am really excited and anxious about it!

Ltl, I hope you don't think it's weird and stalker-y, but I'm SOOOOOO excited to see if you're having twins!! :halo:

Ditto! It will be so exciting either way, and I can't wait to hear what you find out this week!
Re: Re:

monkeyprincess|1362510285|3397006 said:
Kunzite|1362506522|3396945 said:
LtlFirecracker|1362339078|3395274 said:
My US is on Thrusday morning. I am really excited and anxious about it!

Ltl, I hope you don't think it's weird and stalker-y, but I'm SOOOOOO excited to see if you're having twins!! :halo:

Ditto! It will be so exciting either way, and I can't wait to hear what you find out this week!

Thritto, but I didn't want to freak her out too much. I'm not the betting type but I'd wage yes on this one! :bigsmile:

Firecracker, count me in too. Will be stalking this thread Thursday for some great news.

Hi Girls,

I just had my progesterone drawn on Monday, so 8w3d and it's still low. It's 12.9 and they want me to stay on the prometrium and retest on 3/16. I'm really anxious about it and keep wondering why this is happening. :(sad I am worried that there's something wrong with the baby, even though we've had good u/s results so far.

If anyone has any info about the causes, or has had similar experiences, I'd love to hear your stories - good and bad. I don't want to freak out unnecessarily but I don't want to only take "rainbows and puppy dog" responses.

Aw Tammy sorry to hear about your progesterone. Mine was low too. I can't remember the exact numbers though but I will try and look them up for you. Mine didn't improve enough with prometrium suppositories once a day so I had to do it twice a day which was a pain and I felt like it gave me some side effects too. But I gradually went off it whenever it was that the placenta takes over and here I am 40 weeks and 5 days into a very healthy pregnancy. So it could work out just fine! Also I think there is some debate as to whether low progesterone actually causes problems or just something they notice along with the problems. That's why some doctors don't even test for it or prescribe meds for it. My doctor admitted to me that she only tests for it because all the other doctors in the area do and women were starting to question why she doesn't test for it too. She felt the verdict was still out on the research. Hope that helps! I'll go and look up my numbers now!

Tammy, I don't have personal experience with low progesterone during pregnancy, although I was on prometrium until 10 weeks as a precaution. But I did want to refer you to NaPro and Pope Paul VI Institute. (I became familiar with these organizations while TTC). If you google them, you should be able to find info on the extensive research they have done regarding progesterone support in pregnancy. I believe in some cases, they have women take progesterone shots throughout the pregnancy. Might be a helpful resource for you if this continues to be an issue for you. But try not to worry too much. Sending good thoughts your way!

Well all I could find were the results of my early progesterone tests and they were:
8DPO: HCG- 22 P- 7.1
10DPO: HCG- 65 P- 11.7
12DPO: HCG- 130 P- 9.7
15DPO: HCG- 711 P- 6.8

I know you are further along than I was but you can see mine was really low early on. Do you know when the placenta is supposed to take over production of progesterone? I took the suppositories for like a week after that and then they didn't even test me and everything was fine.

Hi Tammy I don't have any info/exp on low progesterone but just wanted to send you hugs. So so hard not to be anxious. Wish we could help. Hopefully some other ladies will have more info for you.

Thank you all so much for chiming in. MP, I'm looking at some of their info now. It's scary because most of the websites say lower lvls lead to mc, but then again most websites also say that supplementation basically negates the risk. I guess it makes sense because prior to getting pregnant I had low prog (it was 7-8 iirc at 7dpo on a clomid cycle).

Mia, it helps to see your levels and that you're in the homestretch! Thank you!!

As luck would have it, while I was writing this post my RE nurse called to check on me and make sure that I am doing okay because she's not the one that gave me my results yesterday. She's such an awesome person. She told me that my levels aren't THAT low (bless her, though I think she's just trying to make me feel better). She reassured me that they'll keep an eye on it but I'm not in danger and it doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with the baby. That's been my biggest fear. So I'm to stay on the supps, go in on 3/16 for a repeat prog and hopefully it'll be up by then. I'll be 10w1d then so I REALLY hope it's better. My OB/GYN appt is on 3/19, so good timing I suppose.

I know I need to relax. I went to Motherhood Maternity yesterday and was terrified to jinx myself, I almost didn't set foot in the store. I NEEDED comfy jeans though, so I pressed on and I'm glad that I did. I ended up getting a super cute black and white dress and the most comfortable jeans I've ever worn. Yes, I'm wearing them right now! ::) It's so strange to oscillate between full bore pregnancy rejoicing and (mostly) silently sitting here feeling terrified that it's all going to be taken away from me now that (because of even?) I've allowed myself to run wild emotionally about the baby. Anyhow, thank you for "listening" to my rambling and for the reassurances. :))

Tammy, the placenta takes over around 12 weeks. I was on promethium twice a day until I hit 12 weeks. They didn't even bother testing me again after the first 2 times (once at 11dpo and another at 18dpo?). Given them at you've had 2 ultrasounds with strong heart beats, I'm sure your baby is doing just find even with your low progesterone.

I know it's hard, but you really need to just embrace your pregnancy and stop worrying. The best thing you can do for your baby is to calm down and make your uterus a nice and happy place! :)

Tammy, what a great doctor you have. I'm glad you feel better. I'm thinking low progesterone is somewhat underreported because a lot of people don't even have it tested. And I so know how you feeling right now because I had a couple scares early on (as you know), and for people like you and me who tried for a long time and needed assistance to conceive, the stakes are just higher and you don't take anything for granted. However, I am confident that little baby of yours is a strong one. I will keep you in my thoughts though. Glad you are feeling reassured. Hopefully, the fears will dissipate even more as the weeks go by.

S&I - Yes seeing the strong hb twice should be enough to reassure me and I know that I need to relax. Thank you for the reminder though!

MP - You hit the nail right on the head, as always. Thank you for understanding and being so sweet. I'm so so so happy that you have your little E. He's a doll. 8)

Tammy, I hope my previous post didn't come off as being insensitive. I was a worried wreck myself in the early days! Actually, I would freak out right before every single ultrasound, wondering "what if the hb is gone?", so I totally get your worry. It's so hard when you can't feel anything, and even when you can feel movement or once they're born, you still worry. It never ends!

You have a lot of PSers cheering you on, myself included. I'm sure everything is right with your baby! How much prometrium are you taking per day?

ETA: not sure if this will help you, but I also read that progesterone levels change a lot depending on when your blood is drawn, so it's not always a constant thing. But I'm glad your RE nurse called to explain things too!

S&I, don't give it a second though! I know you weren't being insensitive at all and you are absolutely right that the best thing I can do for myself and the baby is to do my best to stay calm. :))

I read somewhere that pregnancy hormones make us more paranoid. So perhaps that's why pretty much EVERY woman is a mess in the early days? Who knows! :lol:

To answer your question, I'm on 200mg prometrium supps, only 1 x per day. I use them at night before bed.

Quick reply -

Tammy - your progesterone levels are probably fine. I have read that if you do the suppositories that the blood levels are not as reliable as someone who is getting their levels checked on the injections. But since you are putting the medication near your uterus, it is seeing a higher level than what your blood is showing. Hope this makes you feel better.

OK - you are all too funny! About 14.5 hours until my US.

Otherwise, the nausea is better, but that is probably because I have had to take antihistamines. My allergies are out of control. The winds here have been crazy. I was blowing my nose every 5 minutes yesterday. So I took some zyrtec, which put me to sleep all day. I finally pulled my medical website and looked up pregnancy and allergies and discovered my Flonase is probably safe, so I am on that. I will confirm with my doc it is ok. I hope they are not mad for taking matters into my own hands.

Just a quick post to say I am thinking of you today Ltl. Sending lots of sticky bean dust and hoping for great news!

Good luck, ltl!

Good luck today, Ltl!!

Healthy sticky twin dust to Firecracker! Go Twinnies!!!

Thank you everyone!

And the news...

Is twins :appl: :appl: :appl:

HR in the 140's
Measuring right on target at 7+1/7+2

We are excited and overwhelmed.

Eeeeeeeeeeek!! Congrats Ltl!! :appl: :appl:

Congratulations Firecracker. :appl: Truckloads of sticky, healthy twinnie dust to you!!!

Firecracker, I knew it! A big congratulations on two healthy little beans! I know I would be overwhelmed too, but you have a lot of great twin moms and twin moms to be to give you support and advice. So happy for you and your DH, lady!

Such wonderful, wonderful news!!! Congrats, Ltl. I couldn't be happier for your and your DH!

Oh my gosh how awesome is that?! I knew it too! ;)) I'm SO happy for you, I'm sitting here with happy tears and a HUGE goofy grin for you! So exciting!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Firecracker, CONGRATS!!!! :bigsmile:

Tammy77, I had low progesterone with my second baby. I was on Crinone supps until 11 weeks, and I delivered a healthy 9+ pound baby. So hopefully it's nothing and your LO is perfectly fine!

ltl, *squeal!* Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

tammy, I had low progesterone too, my numbers were like yours and so far *knocks on wood* so good. Relax and enjoy!

AFM, ummm, I think I'm going to be one of those women with nausea and vomiting the entire 9 months. I'm 17 weeks! Yesterday, we spent about 3 hours in the car for a mini road trip and it was NOT pretty. Same as before with traveling. I can't believe I have such terrible motion sickness now. Maybe my body just doesn't like the fact that I'm pregnant :nono:

I also had a ridiculous migraine lasting from Friday till Monday, and the second I got adjusted at my chiropractor, the migraine cleared up. Whew, relief. I also ordered a pretty pricey aromatherapy diffuser and that has been helping the nausea and headaches (I think, heck I'll try anything).
Re: Re:

LtlFirecracker|1362671907|3399040 said:
Thank you everyone!

And the news...

Is twins :appl: :appl: :appl:

HR in the 140's
Measuring right on target at 7+1/7+2

We are excited and overwhelmed.


This is simply WONDERFUL! I am very happy for you and yours!! :appl:
All the best!!


A huge congrats Ltl!!! Best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Yay congrats, Ltl, I'm so happy for you!!! Tons of healthy twin dust to you!