
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Mar 13, 2008

Katy, hope you can get an appt in soon. I'm glad you're hopeful on this. And for the most part, it's pretty easy to throw people off with the switcheroo. For the most part keep the conversation flowing about recent events and as people keep talking they' won't even realize you're not drinking anything. Do hold your beer bottle every now and then though. (Wow, I sound like an old hat with this!)

Pancake, Sorry for all the stress and worry!!! Your DH sounds like a champ for calling for you. What a sweetie. I agree with Janine, maybe it has something to do with BDing, they say it irritates the cervix for some women. I hope that's it. But it's very reassuring that the OB on call said it seems like a low chance since you had a heartbeat and great U/S. Doing an eagle pose for you!

Anyone else feeling TOTALLY fat? I'm like all bloated and crampy. It's kinda "blah." Hope you ladies are doing well. It's finally gorgeous out! Hooray!



Nov 20, 2008

LC, yeah we've had practice with the switcheroo too, hee. Last time we went to a party and I made sure to look like I was taking a sip at least a few times. Basically I just got my lips wet, which is definitely not enough alcohol to harm anyone :))

And yeah, I'm bloated and crampy too, but I consider it a good thing because at least most of my clothes fit anyway! Well, I didn't really like it when I was trying to find something to wear to the wedding yesterday, yuck :))

pancake - super sweet of your DH to handle the phone call. I'm so sorry you're experiencing all this worry, but hopefully it's still nothing. Hang in there!

Thanks for checking in Missy and monkey :)) Even if I'm not really posting, I'm still visiting you TTCers and hoping you will join us over here soon!!

NEL - Good luck keeping the psychosis in check, hahaha. I have read a couple books already. I liked Your Best Birth (a good companion to The Business of Being Born, and also by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein), and I finished A Girlfriend's Guide, too. I'm now reading "Pushed" by Jennifer Block. I'm not about to have a homebirth with a midwife but I am much more aware now of the hospital machine, and am going to have to be very careful if I want to have the type of relatively intervention-less birth I desire.

Okay, I'm owning up to it. I bought an adorable onesie type thing. I walked by the baby clearance rack in Target and I couldn't resist! It has duckies on it with a little tag that says "cute like my mom" and the feet are fuzzy duck heads!! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. I swear I'll do better to resist in the future... :Up_to_something:


Jul 27, 2007

Katy--that onesie sounds super cute. I'm actually surprised I haven't broken down and bought anything yet. I have a feeling I won't be able to hold out much longer...the past few times I've gone to Target I've poked around the baby section a little. Everythign is so miniature and cute.

The sore boobs and bloating are a good sign--I'm right there with you. Earlier this week they were a little bit sore, but not much. Today they feel...I don't know, heavy? D and I were leaving the house and I had to run in and get something and when I ran I had to actually hold them because the bouncing hurt. I'm not a busty girl naturally, so I'm not used to the heavy feeling.

And yes, the week of July 4th or the week after is close. I originally had my first appt. scheduled for the 14th, but moved it to the 8th because the week of July 4th worked out better. I want the time to pass quickly!

LC--how did the trip to IKEA go? And how is the officery coming along? I was just working on the floors of the nursery this weekend. Naturally now that it's done I'm still re-thinking the green paint. Whatever. And I'm definitely feeling bloated, too. In fact, I sometimes unbotton my pants if I'm sitting and they're tight. The bloated feeling just never seems to go away.

Pancake--First, the term "House of Pancake" cracks me up, I love it. Second, I'm so sorry about the bleeding scare. I'm reassured that the ob told you that the chances of miscarrying are slim since you saw the fetal heartbeat last week, but I feel bad that this is your second scare in 2 weeks. Has the bleeding stopped completely?

When I was reading the Girlfriend's Guide, the author said she bled with each of her four kids and freaked out every time...and she made her husband call the ob because she was too nervous to talk. It definitely reminded me of you when you said you had your husband call--I'd do the same thing!

Missy, MP and Janine, hello!

AFM, I'm still feeling good, but I can definitely sense some changes. The boobs hurt. I passed out at 9:30pm on Friday night and I'm still feeling snippy, though I'm much happier at home than at work, haha. I feel like these things are pretty minor, though, so I'm just enjoying the journey for now. I want to wait until at least the first appt. before I start going into "preparing" mode, but sometimes it's hard to fight the urge to go into a baby furniture store or two.


Jan 7, 2010

Thanks for your concern, girls! Cautiously ok today - no more fresh blood overnight, no cramps, just some old brown staining on the paper this morning.

I am way too paranoid to start looking at baby stuff at this stage. I was looking at maternity jeans online the other day and I have stopped doing that since I bled again.

Argh!!! This is the most stressful experience of my life!!!!


Jan 7, 2010

At some stage I would like this first trimester to become a bit less eventful...

I am sitting in my clinic room having just got off the phone with my ob's midwife because I have just seen a 5-year-old with slapped cheek (Parvovirus B19). It was a low risk exposure as I didn't get really close to him, and most likely I am one of the 50-60% who are immune because I am in paediatrics and probably get exposed a zillion times a year, but STILL...


I just rang the lab that did my bloods last week and added on parvo serology. Ugh. Will be retested later next week to see if my antibody titres have risen. Ugh.



Nov 24, 2009

Pancake, ugh, I'm sorry you've had such a stressful start to your pregnancy. I'm glad that your spotting was only a temporary thing, and I'm sure you will be okay as far as your exposure to the infection/virus or whatever it is. I'm hoping that it will all be smooth sailing here on out for you. You deserve it!


Jul 27, 2007

Pancake--at this point even a few days without worry would be welcome for you! I feel bad that you keep hitting all of these bumps in the road! I'm hoping the titers next week come back...well, not positive, but with good news. Medically speaking, positive is I don't want to say that.


Mar 13, 2008

Pancake, so sorry to hear about all this stress. I'm keeping you in my thoughts to see what the results say next week. It's so tough to just "take it easy" during these first few early weeks, don't blame you for being nervous. Hope your DH is back (will be back soon) from his work trip.



Feb 24, 2005

pancake -- i am so sorry for your bleeding scare. I had the same thing when I was 5weeks 2days. I had 3 bouts in one day of bright red only on the toilet paper spotting. It was at 9:30am, 11am and 4pm. it scared me so much and my husband was also away on business. My RE was very reassuring and had me in for an ultrasound the next day and everything was fine. It was the most scared and anxious I have ever been in my whole life! My RE said they are fairly common in the first trimester. And, as long as they are not accompanied by intense cramps, they are usually fine. try to rest and relax.

ladies -- so glad everyone seems to be chugging along!

AFM -- feeling good this week. So excited to tell the parents on Saturday! I can't wait! :bigsmile:


Nov 2, 2006

Congrats to all of the newly PG ladies (KatyWI, Wheeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!). Lots of sticky dust to you~


Mar 13, 2008

Hi everyone! Hope all of you lovely mamas-to-be are feeling okay. Or as well as can be expected.

RFMA, so excited to hear how you tell your parents!!!! And the rest of your friends & family. YOu have a big BBQ and announcing it there right?

NEL, Sis and I were at Target the other day, and she said to me, "Whoa, you're going ot have to get all this baby stuff now..." I relayed the comment to DH and he was all excited. I fully plan on hitting up all my recent mama friends and borrowing whatever gear they don't use anymore. I'm kinda experiencing the same boob "heaviness" you're describing. I am a normally busty gal, so I dunno if it's just dinky bras or if my boobs are getting bigger. Maybe I should ask DH if he has an opinion... :naughty:

Katy, so cute you bought a onesie. I haven't done any of that yet, I think we'll wait until after our first appt, end of the month. But that onesie sounds SUPER CUTE!

Brown, Marlie, Parrot, hope you ladies are doing well. Brown & Parrot, how far are you guys to moving to the big preggo thread?

AFM, not much going on. STill not a whole lot on symptoms. I get lightheaded at times, and a new preggo book I'm reading (The Joy of Pregnancy) says it's normal for women with lower blood pressure, which I have. I checked out 2 preggo books from the library, The Joy of Pregnancy and the Mommie Docs (or something like that). Didn't get any books for DH yet. That's pretty much it, just hanging out waiting for my appt.

~LC, 5wks-4days


Jul 27, 2007

LC, I love that you put how many weeks/days you were in your post, I might steal that because it's helpful. Smart lady, you are!

I also love that your sis is so involved with you through all of this--I know you're twins and you're super close, but it's really cute when you talk about all the things you do together. I bet it's really nice to have such a close family member to share this with (other than your husband, of course).

How did your trip to IKEA go this weekend?

RMFA, your parents are going to be so excited!

AFM, so I talked with my parents last night and I guess they spilled the beans to my aunts/uncles, which I specifically told them not to. I told them it was really early and I was seriously debating telling them at all and not to say a peep to anybody. Ugh, now I wish I hadn't told my parents. Plus, I'm frustrated because it's my news to tell, you know? It's big news to be able to share and now they already know. Way too early. My parents' excuse was "well, they asked". They've been asking since D and I got married over 3 years ago, you can't lie for another month or two? Blah!

--N (4 weeks, 4 days)


Mar 13, 2008

NEL we didn't hit Ikea. It was so nice out we decided to enjoy the weather. Plus I still need to measure stuff etc. Sorry about your folks spilling the beans. I totally know what you mean about "Really?!? You couldn't lie for another month??" But you can view it that they were SO excited that they couldn't help themselves. Not much of a silver lining, but it's something. I totally see that happening with my mom too, so I plan on sending an email to my mom, aunts & family at the same time. I'd like to put it off till week 15 but it'll probably be more like week 13.

And yes, my sis and I are twins so we're super close. She's really happy for us, and we talked about it just the other night.

Oh yeah, my Dh asked when we can tell people. I said, probably the beginning of August. His response, "GEEZ! That's forever away!"

So general poll to the group (feel free not to share if you don't want): one of my fears is that kid(s) will make DH & me complacent in investing in our marriage. I told DH I don't want to end up like my parents. That once the kids were born it was all about the kids. And that we really need to try to keep the marriage a priority too. He agrees too, but it was kind of, "Yeah, I feel the same way, but you have to tell me when I'm doing something." So, I was thinking of doing couples counseling just as a preemptive action before the baby(s) are in the picture. Anyone else feel the same way?

~LC, 5wks-4days


Feb 24, 2005

NEL -- so sorry that your parents spilled the beans to everyone. i understand you feeling that it is a bummer that you can't share your own news. However, I do agree with LC -- see it as them being so SUPER excited that they could not hold it in anymore. I know my mom certainly will not be able to hold in the news either.....

LC -- YES! I worry about that too. My DH and I have spoken about that very thing. I think some of the best advise I have heard is that the children are additions to YOUR life. NOT you are additions to other words, try to mantain your connection as a couple and as a family. The child is an addition to that and while they will have certain needs that you must meet -- don't make YOUR world revolve around them......Obviously, I have not put that into practice yet, but it is certainly my goal to keep that perspective in mind.

and yes! we are telling my DH's parents and family at a BBQ this weekend. We live quite close to them. My parents are 8 hours away, so i am making a powerpoint presentation to email to them saturday morning to surprise them. I plan on calling them and being on the phone when they open it. This is the first granchild on my side -- they are going to flip! and my husband is from a large latino family -- so they are always psyched for new additions! i am smiling just thinking about it!

Hope everyone is well! :bigsmile:


Jun 26, 2006


While I don't think marriage counseling can hurt, unless you have things in your marriage that you want fixed now, I really think you just have to wait and see what happens once the baby is here. Having a baby will change your marriage for sure, but it's hard to know how it will change for an individual couple until the baby is born. My marriage has changed a lot since we had our DD 1.5 years ago. DH and I love to travel and eat at great restaurants, so that used to be a big part of how we'd connect as a couple, along with spending lazy Sundays in bed. Not surprisingly, a newborn (who's now a toddler) is incompatible with serious travel and Michelin star restaurants or staying in bed all day. Now our couple time is more likely to be spent chasing our daughter at the park. And yes, that means less time for the two of you to focus on just each other and your relationship, which is why I think it is important to have a strong relationship before TTC. For at least the first few years, a baby is going to be the center of both of your relationships. I think where couples have difficulty is where one of both parties has a hard time accepting this fact. i.e. where the husband doesn't think he's getting as much attention from his wife. Of course he's not - she now has a tiny human that depends on her for everything! I

I will say that the first year is definitely the toughest - really it's just all about surviving. You will both be exhausted and when the baby is sleeping all you will want to do is sleep. After that it gets easier to start making your marriage a priority again, but I don't think it's realistic to expect it to go back to the way it was before kids until your kids are grown!


Jul 27, 2007

NB, thanks for chiming in from a "been there, done that" perspective.

D and I have talked about this at length. Our biggest concern is the fact that we've spent the past 12 years as a couple and now the dynamic will change. Honestly, though, I feel like we're ready. I don't mean to sound naive, but I just have confidence that we'll navigate our way through this--I don't think it will be easy, but I think we can do it. We are both going into this eyes wide open knowing our individual strengths and weaknesses and not worrying about communicating those strengths and weaknesses, haha.

I think I'm still on a bit of a high from being newly-pregnant, so I might come back down to earth and feel like we have a lot to work on, but right now I"m feeling good. So far D has been a real trooper about my moods, haha. And at least I can laugh at myself. I think we're going to be relying on a lot of humor to get us through the exhaustion!

parrot tulips

Feb 13, 2007

Pancake - I'm so sorry the beginning of your pregnancy has been so full of stress. I hope you receive some peace of mind soon.

RMFA - I was so excited to tell my parents! We told them after our first ultrasound at 7 weeks. They were absolutely beaming. My mom's first reaction cracked me up though, "Oh no! Two of them! What are you going to do!?!" Then she hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.

NEL - I know how frustrated you must have been when your parents shared your news before you had the chance to. I was actually amazed my parents were able to keep it under wraps for as long as they have, and even asked me when it was okay for them to start sharing the news.

LC - I think it's only natural, wise even, to be concerned about the impact having children will have on a couple's relationship. DH and I are going on faith that our relationship is strong enough to withstand the stresses of parenthood, and hopeful enough to believe that we won't lose sight of our roles as husband and wife, just because we have become parents. I know - easier said than done. :rolleyes: We're counting on lots of help from my parents and sisters (who live close by) to help keep our sanity.

AFM - My NT scan got rescheduled for tomorrow. Long story short, my appointment got cancelled and I had to fight tooth and nail to make sure it happened before it was too late (it needs to happen between 11 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days). I'm a little nervous/frustrated/excited about seeing the kids tomorrow. Hopefully everything shows up clear!


Jan 7, 2010

Thanks for the words of support, girls - and sorry to be such a whiny cow! You are good people to put up with my angsty outbursts.

PT - good luck for your scan! I love how you call them "The Kids".

LC - I think that prophylactic couples counseling is a great idea if your husband is amenable! Nothing at ALL wrong with wanting to protect your partnership as best you can, even if there aren't fundamentalissues between you.

NEL - how infuriating for you! I agree that your parents must just be beside themselves with joy at the news, but I totally get that it was YOUR news to disseminate.

RMFA - thanks for the reassuring words. I know my situation isn't that unusual and hopefully things will be ok.

Me...well, all quiet on the, ahem, Southern front since yesterday. Husb is still away, gets back on Friday night. Working a 13 hour day today, worried I might fall asleep on the job since I have been going to bed at 9pm when possible lately as I've been so tired! Every day I just hope and hope that I can hold on to this little bean...

7w1d today:)


Dec 16, 2007

LC Being co-parents has made my DH and I closer and stronger as a couple. It is a shared role we play, and a shared focus, and something we enjoy doing together. We spend the vast majority of our non-working time together as a family -- going to the park, for walks etc. Most of our activities during daytime weekend hours are indeed centered around kids. It has to be, because you can't really keep the same lifestyle you had pre-baby once you have them AND still be together a lot as a couple on the weekends and during the kids' waking hours. I know a lot of couples who wanted to keep doing the same types of activities after kids and it seems to result in one parent out having fun and the other home with the kids. That is a recipe for disaster 8) . Instead, we have indeed changed our lifestyle so that it revolves in many ways around our kids, and we spend a lot of time together because of it. Then, once our kids are in bed at 7:30, the rest of the night is all for us. Again, it is a different together time than it used to be. We watch a lot of TV, eat takeout, and just spend time talking; instead of seeing movies, eating out, and going to friends' houses. Sitters are expensive so we never got into the whole "date night" routine, though I know lots of couples who do that and it works for them. But because we spend so much time together with the kids and enjoy that time, I really don't think either one of us feels a loss of couple time, or a change in our marriage. It is just a different type of togetherness than we had before.

I have to admit, I have never really known what it means to "make one's marriage a priority" anyways? My husband is my friend and my partner and we really like spending time together. We never really cared before what we did together, we just liked spending time together. And now we still spend just as much time together, its just doing different activities and we have kids along for the ride.


Nov 20, 2008

LC - Can't say I ever thought about counseling, but Joey and I have known each other for a good long time. He's my best friend and we get along effortlessly. I know parenting will be tough and challenging, but I'm confident I have a solid partner who will pull his weight and I love him more than anything, so I can't imagine how awesome it'll be to love him AND a mini him!! :love: :love: :love:

NEL - I am so mad at your parents for you!!! I cannot believe they told everyone right away! Of course, I still can't believe I *haven't* told my mom yet... but I'm waiting for the first US. I am just too gun-shy this time around. It should have been your news to share... but just think, you still have TONS of people to tell!!

PT, so excited to hear about your US tomorrow! I love the story about your mom's reaction. I wish like hell I could tell mine in person, and I have no idea how I'm going to now. I hope the scan is clear and the babies are healthy and happy!!

RMFA, we're close to my in-laws but not to my parents as well. It will be so fun breaking the news!! I know everyone will be thrilled for you. Tell us more about the Powerpoint you're sending to your parents!!! I am having the hardest time trying to figure out how I could tell mine at the same time! I can't even imagine how much fun you're going to have this weekend. :bigsmile:

HH, thank you!!

pancake, I'm so sorry things have been so stressful for you, but I'm sure everything will be fine!! Hang in there, lady. *hugs*

brown, I hope you're feeling a little better. Keep those Saltines at your side and hang in there... it can't last forever!

marlie, how are you?

AFM.... I have my first appointments scheduled!!! I go in for an early US on the 13th (I basically had to beg for it, but I feel no shame!) and my first big appointment on the 27th.. I'll be 9 weeks then!! :-o When she started talking last week in July I was like "look, I know things are busy, but I just had an early miscarriage and I could *really* use some reassurance, is there anything we can do??" So I got the appointment on the 13th! I'll be 6w6d then, so hopefully will hear as well as see the heartbeat?!

Then I get the whole shebang on the 27th and get to meet my OB, yay! She's not my first choice at the practice, but the older doctor I wanted (she looked so kind and motherly!) doesn't really have a schedule that jibes with my needs. But they all seem really great - I got to the practice on my research, not on any personal referrals, so here's hoping it works out! My theory is I can always switch, but I think it will be okay. Even with the exhaustion, the sore boobs, the occasional cramping, the constant peeing, it doesn't quite seem real! Can't wait for that US!

And seriously, can I just say this is the BEST community?! I tried checking in on TheBump and Babycenter to see what's going on there, and I have no desire to check back! I love you gals, we really can't ask for a more informed, supportive, fabulous group of women than we have on this website. :love:


Jul 27, 2007

Katy, I couldn't agree more about the smart, supportive, wonderful ladies on this site. I'm so grateful--this has been a fantastic resource for me to vent/ask questions/talk through the TTC and early pregnancy process, which is especially valuable since I've not announced it to most of my friends.

And yay for the appt. on the 13th! I really think you'll be able to see the heartbeat then. Just two more weeks!!

Dreamer, can I just tell you what a trooper you are? You're still being helpful and you just had a baby! You are superwoman! I really feel like you and your husband have gotten the whole co-parenting thing down and it's nice to hear stories where the parents feel like parenting is completely manageable...not easy, but not pure hell, which is sometimes how I feel it's portrayed in movies and books.

Pancake, first of all you are not a whiny cow! You've had a couple of scares (and you were justifiably scared), but I'm encouraged that things are better for you and am hoping the scares are over! Did you make it through the 13-hour shift?

PT, good for you for pushing to have the u/s done today! I'm frustrated you had to push so hard since they should be the ones concerned about getting it scheduled within the appropriate timeframe, but sometimes I guess you have to get feisty. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you today!

AFM, I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding this October. Last night she called to say she'd chosen the dresses and asked if I could email her by tomorrow with the style I want and the size I'll need. I'm a little worried for a couple of reasons: 1.) It's still so early that I'm afraid to assume I'll still be pregnant, but obviously I should plan to be pregnant. and 2.) I have no idea how much my boobs and belly will have grown by then, so I don't know what size to order.

I'm choosing an empire-waisted style just to give my belly a little room, but not sure how big to go. I think 2 sizes up should be enough? Obviously it's easier to have the dress taken in, but it's possibly that I'll only be a size bigger by then. I don't know, I'll figure it out.


Mar 13, 2008

NEL, hm, by Oct you should be "bumping" out but nothing too crazy, more like a mini bump. I'd got up one size. Maybe one of the more experienced mamas can help weigh in as well. I think the empire waist should help with the fit. As far as the boobs, I'm hoping going up one size will do the trick for you. Otherwise, you can always pick a "wrap" style dress that's usually quite flattering for little bumps. :) Tell your DH to bring a dress to change into in case you'd rather be more comfortable after the ceremony.

Katy, go you on getting an ultrasound and an early appt. I'm sure they're quite understanding considering your prior loss. Anyway, July 13th will be here before you know it. :) And the "Big" appt should be great. Does this OB practice rotate through the doctors?

Pancake, I concur with NEL, you're totally allowed to be anxious. YOu had some scares and it's only normal. I hope you DH gets to come home soon. OMG I'm also SUPER tired too. I've been passing out on the couch around 10PM. DH still wakes me up so we can walk to pooch together. I was yawning the whole walk last night.

Parrot, good for you to press to get the U/S scheduled in time. I can't believe they would be so clueless about that. Especially since you're a twin mama too! Let us know how it goes today! How nice your folks and sister are close by to help out once the kiddos are there.

AFM, not much. I've been kinda tired during the day. Like I could rock a nap, but not the "Being-dragged-by-wild-horses-couldn't-keep-me-awake" tired. But at around 10PM I usually start to conk out. This morning I woke up to some really tough cramps. Well, actually more woken up by a whining dog (she wanted breakfast), but had to get out of bed because of the cramps. It went away after I started walking around after getting up but man they sucked. That's all for me. Hope you ladies are doing OK. Anyone else started getting any more symptoms?

~LC, 5wk-5days


Jan 7, 2010

NEL - I'm a bridesmaid for my best friend in October too! If all goes well I will be almost 25 weeks by then! I ended up telling my friend as she was about to go and buy the fabric for our dresses and I didn't want her to be short then have to buy extra, plus I wanted to double-check she would still want me in it even as a fat preg by then! She is super-excited for me - the other girls have already seen the dressmaker and been measured up but we are going to wait until after 12 weeks to measure me, and she is going to buy an extra half metre of fabric just in case.

LC - hear ya on the tiredness! Weirdly though, for the last week I have been waking up consistently between 5 and 6 am and unable to get back to sleep. Around 4-5 weeks I got woken by cramps too - they would come on reliably around 11pm, go away after an hour or two, then wake me at 6. Went on for about 10 days in a row. Didn't know I was pregnant at that stage!

Katy - good for you on pushing for that early appointment! I didn't have an early obs appt but having the 6 week ultrasound (even if it was because of spotting) was incredibly reassuring.

AFM - woke at 6am today, still in bed but unable to get back to sleep. Got through my long shift yesterday although very tired when I got home! Need to start taking some lactulose for my, ahem, constipation situation (TMI, sorry!). Boobs still sore and had waves of nausea through the day yesterday. The nausea is weird - it's not like a gastro/"must vomit now" kind of thing at the moment, it is more like the feeling you get in your tummy when you've had a huge night the night before and haven't eaten breakfast the next day. The evening meal is fine but the daytime is harder; I get hungry but then can't identify a food that I'm willing to eat. Weird!

7w2d :)


Jun 18, 2007

Wow, it is so great that this thread is so active!! I have a lot to catch up on from the past week!

I had a follow up ultrasound at 7w5d and it's not looking as good as I'd hoped for one of the bebes. Although both continued to grow and both have strong heartbeats, the sac for Baby A is now looking too small (apparently the RE thought it was small last week as well, but didn't mention it to me!!), and the RE doesn't think it will be able to thrive. So, I am pretty bummed, but keeping hope for both of the little souls. He did say that he could see Baby B was starting to develop its umbilical cord - so cool! I have another appt. next Weds, at which point I will be 9 weeks. Fingers crossed that I will have at least one strong little bean! I've had strong pulling-type cramps on my right side all day, which could be psychosomatic or real - who knows? As far as I know at this very moment, I'm still pg with twins.

It has been a whirlwind of emotions the past 24 hours, particularly as DH just moved cross country on Saturday and I'm here alone for the next month until I join him.

parrot tulips

Feb 13, 2007

Krissie - Saying a little prayer for Baby A, and hoping both babies grow big, strong, and healthy.

I had my NT scan today. While the scan itself looked excellent (we could actually see distinct little faces!), the initial (first trimester) blood test showed one of the hormones at slightly lower levels than they'd like. This caused me to screen positive for Downs. This doesn't mean either baby has it. In fact, the chances are incredibly low, but since I don't like living with the uncertainty, we'll probably be doing one of the more invasive tests (CVS). Not too worried, but I'd like the peace of mind the test will bring.


Jun 18, 2007

Thanks PT! I wish you good luck with your CVS.


Jul 27, 2007

Krissie, I'm also saying a prayer for Baby A. It must be really hard for you right now: preparing for the worst, but not really knowing. I'm very glad that Baby B seems so strong and healthy.

PT, I'm glad the NT scan went well, but am sorry that the blood test put you in the higher risk category. I'm glad you're staying so positive--all of the baby books I've read says that this testing is really stressful and it's not uncommon to be "at risk" only to later determine that everything is fine. I can definitely understand being worried, but it sounds like the chances of the baby actually having downs is very, very small. Will the CVS test be done right away, then? I've read it's usually done at 11 - 13 weeks?

Pancake, so funny that you are in your best friend's wedding in October, too! I wasn't sure about telling her when I found out, but then she called the same day I got my BFP to tell me she wanted me in her wedding. I also felt compelled to let her know because her family is very traditional and I wasn't sure they'd be so keen on having a pregnant bridesmaid. But she's really excited and it's sweet.

LC, good to hear you're still not completely exhausted. I've been falling asleep on the sofa around 9:30 lately. I feel like you--I'm not so tired that I can't be stirred awake to take the dog out or get a load of laundry out of the dryer, it's just that if I'm sitting and it's past 9, there is a good chance I'll start nodding off. So far symptoms are the same. I still get cramps every single day (and have since I Oed), I feel bloated, tired and a little hormonal :) Tonight I haven't had an appetite at all, but not sure if that's a symptom, really.

Katy, I have to tell you that I just went to Target and saw the cute duck onesie. I think it said "cute like my mom" on it. I almost bought it!! I also almost bought a belly band, but ended up putting both back before leaving, hehe.

AFM, I thought today was going to be a really hectic day at work (all day meetings + deliverables due by tomorrow morning), but I got a call from D around 2 telling me his uncle had just suffered a heart attack, so we both dropped work and rushed to the hospital. Luckily D's uncle is perfectly fine. In fact, they have no idea what happened--his blood pressure is great, his cholesterol is great and he's healthy. When we got there he was joking around with the nurses, which was such a relief. So the day ended up being hectic, but not in the way I thought it would!


Feb 20, 2008

parrot -- Sorry to hear about your results, and I hope it all turns out okay. I can't remember if I said on here or not, but I had the CVS. Have you scheduled it yet?


Dec 29, 2006

I just wanted to pop in here to say that I'm happy for all the newly pregnant ladies here. :appl:



Nov 20, 2008

Krissie - I can't imagine how you're feeling... and with your husband gone, to boot. You poor dear. I'm sending all my thoughts and hopes that Baby A will be okay. So good to hear that Baby B is definitely thriving.

pancake - sorry about the general ickiness/nausea, I hope it doesn't get any worse! Seems like mild discomfort is a blessing in comparison to some!

PT - sorry the scan didn't come back as clean as a whistle... hopefully the CVS will be able to put your mind at ease. Will you be doing that pretty much immediately?

NEL - oh no about your DH's uncle!! So glad to hear he's okay.

Too funny that you almost bought the onesie! It's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! Last night I went to Target with DH and I bought another one. :oops: I swear I'm done but it kinda matches the other one! It's off white with little bear face outlines on it and FUZZY BEAR FEET!!!! AND a fuzzy bear face on the butt! Get it? It's a "Bear Butt"?! Ahahahaha. I died. DH only told me to put it down once and of course I didn't listen. But I swear I'm done now... at least until after the next couple of appointments. It just felt good to acknowledge the pregnancy to myself in some way. I think it's going well - boobs hurt worse than ever! And still tired/peeing! Hahaha. :bigsmile:

I am having the hardest time trying to figure out how to tell my parents! (Assuming the 1st US goes well). I want to tell them together, but I have virtually no way of ensuring that anything I send will be opened when they are both there. Although I never told them I was pregnant last time, I did tell them (well, my mom, and she shared the news with my dad) when I miscarried. So I feel like if I say anything out of the ordinary like "Hey I sent you something but open it together!" they'll know immediately. So... I don't know what to dooooooo. *sigh*

--K (4w5d)
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