
Just a vent about work...

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dreaming of the day

Jun 12, 2008
I know I shouldn''t really vent about my job when there are so many people out there are worried about holding on to their''s but.... I just can''t help myself!

I have worked at the same office for two years and I have three different bosses, plus a big boss. Anyways since I started, pretty much, they have let me go early on Fridays (about two hours) when there is nothing to do. Well that is every single Friday! So I have become acustomed to leaving early. Well I guess one of the other girls in my office was talking to one of my bosses, and said it isn''t fair. Now he wants me to stay every single Friday until my regular time - the other two bosses still don''t care if I go early
I am so mad, how can you just take away a priviledge that someone has had for the last two years, just like that? I told him that I would work an extra 1/2 hour the other four days to still get off early on Fridays, and he didn''t respond well to that.

In the end of the conversation I told him that it would make me extremely upset if I couldn''t leave early on Fridays (if I work the extra 30mins a day), as I am used to it and it would be unfair not to consider what I am putting on the table. I almost started crying in his office I was so mad. He said he would get back to me before Friday, and that he would speak to my other bosses.

I can''t believe the other women in my office had the odasity to say anything about me at all (it is a brokerage firm and we work for different bosses, but work for the same corporation and big boss), it is none of their business what hours I work. Plus some of the girls only work four days a week, I don''t say anything. Uggh just venting right now...
Are you getting paid for the 2 hours? If you are, then I think it''s fair game. If you aren''t, then I can see how it''s none of their business. That said, I personally dont think it''s too big of a deal....majority of the world does 9-5 and if you would prefer having different hours then you should set your working hours prior to signing on.
if that''s what they want, do it. people have lost jobs for much less.

be grateful you have a job at ALL....
Date: 3/18/2009 7:36:27 PM
Author: Smurfysmiles
if that's what they want, do it. people have lost jobs for much less.

be grateful you have a job at ALL....
Smurfy, just because people are getting laid off all over the country, doesn't mean those that still have jobs, can't get upset now and then. We spend our entire week trying to get ahead, and when a perk like this is just taken away it can be upsetting.

DOD- I can understand where you are coming from, though like you said this is something they have just been letting you do, so if they decide to take it away, then it just has to be done. If you have come to expect this and have planned things around this, then maybe a little bit of a heads up would have been nice, but since it's not your "set" hours, then they just aren't required to. Have you done something to make this girl mad? If this isn't her group then what would cause her to go to your boss with the complaint?
I realize that but it''s just an extra two hours! Sorry after spending 4 hours job hunting it''s easy to get testy about it, my bad
Date: 3/18/2009 7:52:07 PM
Author: Smurfysmiles
I realize that but it''s just an extra two hours! Sorry after spending 4 hours job hunting it''s easy to get testy about it, my bad
I was unemployed for 4 months in 07. I know what it can feel like to hear people with paychecks vent about "working". LOL. You just have to remember that everyone has feelings and wants to feel valued.
Date: 3/18/2009 6:30:47 PM
Author:dreaming of the day
I am so mad, how can you just take away a priviledge that someone has had for the last two years, just like that?
This is the key word ... its not a "right" ... its a privilege. Welcome to politics in the workplace. Buckle up -- this is only the beginning.
Date: 3/18/2009 7:56:01 PM
Author: meresal
Date: 3/18/2009 7:52:07 PM

Author: Smurfysmiles

I realize that but it''s just an extra two hours! Sorry after spending 4 hours job hunting it''s easy to get testy about it, my bad
I was unemployed for 4 months in 07. I know what it can feel like to hear people with paychecks vent about ''working''. LOL. You just have to remember that everyone has feelings and wants to feel valued.

I wish it was only 4 months, it''s now been 6 months, 6 MONTHS!!!! It''s very easy to get upset when you are picking and choosing which bills you can''t pay month to month and which ones you can. And after doing that you can''t even get a loan when you had great credit months previous and then you lose all your hard work building it up in a matter of months because you can''t pay bills. It''s hard asking your parents for money just so you can buy food. And it''s hard getting up everyday knowing you have nothing to look forward to except for job ads. It''s HARD. So time to time when I hear people venting about things like this it is automatically
that face i make. i know i shouldn''t have posted it but now i just want everyone to know where i was coming from when i posted that...ok threadjack over, sorry everyone.
I am sorry and it sucks that you are getting this perk taken away (and that''s what it was, a perk not something you were entitled to or even negotiated). But I don''t think it''s unfair. You were getting an extra benefit that no one else was getting and now you are having to follow the same rules as everyone else. I understand you are upset, but in this economy I would be really careful about telling your boss that "you''ll be really upset" if you are required to do the job you were hired to do, since there are plenty of people that would be happy to take your job. Actually, I''d think twice about telling your boss that in any event - it''s not like you are being asked to do something terrible!
I''ve got Smurfy''s back on this one. I think you''re in the wrong here DoD. Who cares if it''s not fair. Life isn''t fair and you''re an adult. In the words of a very wise PS''er. Put your big girl panties on and deal with it. Leaving early is a privilege, NOT a right, and your boss (regardless of the other two) can giveth and taketh away. And I think you colleagues we''re totally entitled to bringing it to the boss'' attention. I would if I were in their position.
Audacity? Are you serious? Of course it''s your coworker''s business if you leave 2 hours early every single Friday. It''s not a small thing either. If I left 2 hours early every Friday for a week I would be costing my employer $5,000 a year. I''m salaried and have some flexibility in when I leave but I would never abuse it like that

As to your offer to make up the time, unless your company has an approved flex time policy I can see why they didn''t hop on that suggestion. You need to understand that it has nothing to do with whether there is specific work to do or not, you''re paid to be there. Period. If you don''t have work, then volunteer to help out a coworker.
Ditto Purrfectpear.

I''m surprised that you weren''t cited for insubordination when you told your boss you would be "extremely upset" if this privilege was taken away. If I were you, I would be very grateful that you didn''t reap any negative consequences with your behavior.

(Good luck on your job search, Smurfy! Dust to you!)
Yikes! I would start being extra, extra diligent at work and not say another word about the time off on Fridays. You don''t want to jeopardize your job right now! If I were your boss, I''d be pretty shocked at your reaction.

I understand that it''s hard not to have those couple hours at the end of the week, and I''m sure you were frustrated with your coworker for saying something, but it''s very reasonable for them to expect you to be there all day on Friday. Just because you are accustomed to being allowed to leave early does not mean they have any obligation to continue doing so in the future. As you said, it''s a privilege, not a right, and your boss could easily terminate you if you put up a huge fuss about being at work during scheduled work hours. If things begin to go south financially where you''re working, they could let you go for "performance" reasons, and you wouldn''t even be able to claim unemployment. Please don''t let this happen to you.
Hello again... Well thanks everyone for the good kick in the ass! Smurfy I am so sorry about your job troubles - it puts it a littel more into perspective, but I still don''t think I was entirely wrong...

I don''t have to be worried about losing my job right now, as the economy where I live is not near as bad as where most of you live - and if I should so choose, I have another job lined up before I would even be able to leave this one (which is probably part of the reason I am a little more bull headed about this than I usually would be) I think its just that after something continally happens time and time again it starts to feel like something you are entitled to, and with no warning to have it taken away, it makes an employee feel like they are being punished when they did nothing wrong. I have always believed in the golden rule "do to others as you want done to yourself" and I would never blindside someone like this - it just feels inappropriate if he wants me to continue to respect him - a compromise never hurt anyone, and it is not as though I would not be a willing participant to compromise.

It is not another employees right to talk about me, or question anything about my work hours. We all have different hours, different perks, and different wages. We also work for different people and different amounts of bosses ( I have three others have one or two). I do not question others hours, or holiday time - it is rude and none of my business what arrangements others have worked out with their bosses. My office is flexible with hours as long as they are within normal business hours.

This was a vent... obviously after my conversation with my boss I was not going to be rude to him. I let him know that getting off early on Fridays has become something I am used to and to take that away would make me upset. I don''t see how that is wrong, as maybe when he decided to enforce my original Friday hours, he didn''t think it would really bother me, and he needed to know that it was important to me. How are my feeling not even brought into the process? We don''t live in a time where employees are just to shut their mouths and not say anything when they are upset, yes it is not my right for the early Fridays, but when an action is continued for an extended amount of time and no one has a problem with it, than the longer it continues the more it becomes a right.

I know people out there are suffering, I get that, and I feel terrible for those people... but it doesn''t mean that I can not be upset with my boss or his actions.
Date: 3/19/2009 11:59:36 AM
Author: dreaming of the day
but when an action is continued for an extended amount of time and no one has a problem with it, than the longer it continues the more it becomes a right.

eh i still disagree. the only rights you actually have are in the constitution of America and if you are confused about that, you can look it up in your local library. anything else is a privilege and privileges can be taken away. you have the right of free speech to say something about this privilege being taken away but i wouldn''t be surprised if your boss is completely put off.
Nine people (not including your boss) disagree with you, but of course you are right
Date: 3/19/2009 12:59:27 PM
Author: Smurfysmiles

Date: 3/19/2009 11:59:36 AM
Author: dreaming of the day
but when an action is continued for an extended amount of time and no one has a problem with it, than the longer it continues the more it becomes a right.

eh i still disagree. the only rights you actually have are in the constitution of America and if you are confused about that, you can look it up in your local library. anything else is a privilege and privileges can be taken away. you have the right of free speech to say something about this privilege being taken away but i wouldn''t be surprised if your boss is completely put off.
I dont live in America

i see, well im sure whatever country you live in has a list of your rights somewhere that is somewhat similar in which can find it in your local library.

and a big *** ditto to purrfectpear
Date: 3/19/2009 1:04:33 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Nine people (not including your boss) disagree with you, but of course you are right
I was venting, which was clearly stated many times. I am pretty good about accepting advice on hear without feeling attacked, but I have to say this "
" was extremely condescending of you and not appreciated.

I am happy that others can post and help to keep me in line, and I value their opinions. I don''t think its wrong if I still feel justified - but poking fun at how I feel is not very PS like of you! I do thank you for your postings, whether or not I agree with them, just not one''s like the above.
I agree that your co-workers should have minded their own business. I agree that you can feel however you want, including being upset. I agree that, if your employer is willing to negotiate on the issue, there's nothing wrong with trying. However, since they are under no contractual duty to allow you to leave early on Fridays, I really don't think that there's any reason for your boss to take your feelings into account or to allow you any perks just because you want them. As an employee, you have a duty to your employer to do what they ask of you, as long as it's part of your job description and isn't unethical or illegal. In return, they have a duty to compensate you at the agreed-upon rate for the work you do for them. That's it. Honestly, I don't think it's a good thing that he's talking to your other bosses about this...

ETA: I just saw that you don't live in the US, so maybe things are different where you are. You're really lucky to live somewhere with a thriving economy right now. But I think most of us have had to do things for jobs that were far more onerous than working all the hours we were supposed to, so that's probably why you're not getting too much sympathy here.
Date: 3/19/2009 1:33:46 PM
Author: Octavia
I agree that your co-workers should have minded their own business. I agree that you can feel however you want, including being upset. I agree that, if your employer is willing to negotiate on the issue, there's nothing wrong with trying. However, since they are under no contractual duty to allow you to leave early on Fridays, I really don't think that there's any reason for your boss to take your feelings into account or to allow you any perks just because you want them. As an employee, you have a duty to your employer to do what they ask of you, as long as it's part of your job description and isn't unethical or illegal. In return, they have a duty to compensate you at the agreed-upon rate for the work you do for them. That's it. Honestly, I don't think it's a good thing that he's talking to your other bosses about this...
Ditto this. It makes you sound spoiled and whiney. It doesn't matter if you could get another job in a snap, it is never good to be in bad standings with any place of employment. I understand that you're very upset about this, and you know more about your workplace culture and situation than any of us. However, it sounds like you threw a fit like a kid who got their ball stolen on the playground. You should be thankful for the perk you received for the past two years, and suck it up and realize that you're a professional adult who doesn't get to make the decisions in the office. Although I am very sorry you are upset about this, I hope your other bosses don't get the same image of you as I did after reading your description of events...
Date: 3/19/2009 11:59:36 AM
Author: dreaming of the day
I think its just that after something continally happens time and time again it starts to feel like something you are entitled to, and with no warning to have it taken away, it makes an employee feel like they are being punished when they did nothing wrong. I have always believed in the golden rule ''do to others as you want done to yourself'' and I would never blindside someone like this - it just feels inappropriate if he wants me to continue to respect him - a compromise never hurt anyone, and it is not as though I would not be a willing participant to compromise.

We don''t live in a time where employees are just to shut their mouths and not say anything when they are upset, yes it is not my right for the early Fridays, but when an action is continued for an extended amount of time and no one has a problem with it, than the longer it continues the more it becomes a right.
Vent or not, this is starting to sound pretty bratty IMHO. There are reasonable things to be "upset" about -- and UNREASONABLE things. Being asked to work the hours you''re being PAID for seems perfectly REASONABLE to - uh - everyone else who''s posted. Its harder to part with that perk the longer you''ve had it ... sure. But its no less reasonable a request.

I surely hope you didn''t tell your boss that you''d LOSE RESPECT for him if he didn''t bend to your demands.
That sounds like something a teenager would tell a parent -- not something a grown adult would tell a boss! Unless the circumstances involved being asked to do something criminal & then only if you were fully prepared to be fired or go to higher ups. Yikes.

Also, while you believe in the golden rule -- not everyone does. You can''t really expect everyone to. You''ll always be disappointed. I think there''s going to be some serious rejiggering of your expectancies in the next few years. Believe it.
Date: 3/18/2009 8:32:43 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I''ve got Smurfy''s back on this one. I think you''re in the wrong here DoD. Who cares if it''s not fair. Life isn''t fair and you''re an adult. In the words of a very wise PS''er. Put your big girl panties on and deal with it. Leaving early is a privilege, NOT a right, and your boss (regardless of the other two) can giveth and taketh away. And I think you colleagues we''re totally entitled to bringing it to the boss'' attention. I would if I were in their position.

ditto. If you''re being paid for those two hours then you should work them. It was really piss me off if my colleague was leaving early every friday. My Fi is like Smurfy and has been looking for work for months and he would love to be working at the moment. Plus I''m with deco in that I really hope that you didn''t speak to your boss like that
dreaming - I understand where you''re coming from, and why you''d be upset. You got caught up in office politics. Your co-worker is either a real b*, or she was trying to work out the same deal for herself, using you as an example. If it''s brought to your boss'' management''s attention that you''re leaving early every Friday, he might get ripped for under utilizing you, and I bet he was trying to protect himself.

I think instead of being upset with him, and assuming he''s trying to screw you for no reason, you might want to consider other reasons for why he is doing this. Work with him, not against him. I really hope that you didn''t tell him that you would lose respect for him because of this, especially if he''s been a good boss otherwise.

As to the people who are ripping on the OP saying she should be thanking her lucky stars that she even has a job -- well, I think that''s misguided. People who stand up for themselves in the workplace, and refuse to be taken advantage of are doing a great favor to everyone else as far as work life balance and the general workplace environment. It''s unfortunate, but this economy has allowed bosses to trample all over their employees, and act high and mighty that these poor people should be kissing their a$$es because they are keeping them in a job.

Just because bosses in this economy have leeway to act badly, doesn''t mean they should, and it sure as hell doesn''t mean that they get better results from their employees!
brooklyn i agree that we should stand up to bosses who are treating people badly when it''s appropriate. personally i don''t think that is the case here.
Date: 3/19/2009 4:39:23 PM
Author: brooklyngirl
dreaming - I understand where you''re coming from, and why you''d be upset. You got caught up in office politics. Your co-worker is either a real b*, or she was trying to work out the same deal for herself, using you as an example. If it''s brought to your boss'' management''s attention that you''re leaving early every Friday, he might get ripped for under utilizing you, and I bet he was trying to protect himself.

I think instead of being upset with him, and assuming he''s trying to screw you for no reason, you might want to consider other reasons for why he is doing this. Work with him, not against him. I really hope that you didn''t tell him that you would lose respect for him because of this, especially if he''s been a good boss otherwise.

As to the people who are ripping on the OP saying she should be thanking her lucky stars that she even has a job -- well, I think that''s misguided. People who stand up for themselves in the workplace, and refuse to be taken advantage of are doing a great favor to everyone else as far as work life balance and the general workplace environment. It''s unfortunate, but this economy has allowed bosses to trample all over their employees, and act high and mighty that these poor people should be kissing their a$$es because they are keeping them in a job.

Just because bosses in this economy have leeway to act badly, doesn''t mean they should, and it sure as hell doesn''t mean that they get better results from their employees!
Brooklyn, I agree with you in principle, but that''s just not applicable here. Her boss is not "acting badly" by asking her to work the hours she is paid to work! Neither is her boss acting high and mighty or asking her to kiss his a$$. He''s just asking her to be in the office for the hours she''s paid to be there. I think we can all agree that''s a base minimum requirement of most jobs.
Date: 3/19/2009 4:39:23 PM
Author: brooklyngirl
dreaming - I understand where you''re coming from, and why you''d be upset. You got caught up in office politics. Your co-worker is either a real b*, or she was trying to work out the same deal for herself, using you as an example. If it''s brought to your boss'' management''s attention that you''re leaving early every Friday, he might get ripped for under utilizing you, and I bet he was trying to protect himself.

I think instead of being upset with him, and assuming he''s trying to screw you for no reason, you might want to consider other reasons for why he is doing this. Work with him, not against him. I really hope that you didn''t tell him that you would lose respect for him because of this, especially if he''s been a good boss otherwise.

As to the people who are ripping on the OP saying she should be thanking her lucky stars that she even has a job -- well, I think that''s misguided. People who stand up for themselves in the workplace, and refuse to be taken advantage of are doing a great favor to everyone else as far as work life balance and the general workplace environment. It''s unfortunate, but this economy has allowed bosses to trample all over their employees, and act high and mighty that these poor people should be kissing their a$$es because they are keeping them in a job.

Just because bosses in this economy have leeway to act badly, doesn''t mean they should, and it sure as hell doesn''t mean that they get better results from their employees!
Thanks for the constructive reply brooklyn! I will consider other reasons for it, that is a very good point you brought up. I would never tell him I would lose respect for him, ever! I may think it when I am upset, but at the end of the day he wouldn''t know it. I told him I would be upset if the priviledge was taken away, as that is just honesty, and I would like him to consider other options, perhaps working longer hours the rest of the week. I don''t feel that I am entitled to something for free, I just think completely taking it away is harsh, especially because my other two bosses don''t have a problem with it, and don''t care what other people say. Out of my three bosses this is the one I don''t particularly care for as much, he is a nice person, but he is cheap and he does things that irritate me a lot, but he is my boss so I shut my mouth and do my work. This was kind of like the final straw for me. Obviously I wrote the post in the heat of the moment, and people don''t know the background of me, or my employment. I think I will just stop posting anything personal on here, as it is harsh to read so much negativity and judgement. Usually I can take it, but I think some things in these posts were quite childish and nasty, meanwhile they said I was being childish. I get the fact that he is my superior, and as I said before he wouldn''t know just how upset I was. I am a very A type personality and I don''t hold things inside, but I am not disrespective (nor am I submissive). He didn''t bring it up very well and I was caught off guard, whether or not it is my right to get off early - it is something I have come to expect and of course it is going to upset me to have it taken away - regardless of all other facts. I don''t think it is inappropriate to question a superior, ever. We were always taught in school that the worst a person can say is no. I made my point, I didn''t dwell on it, I told him it would upset, and I left it at that. I can''t believe that the majority of people on here would not be upset if they were in the same situation...
we would be but i think most of us would have handled it differently...
DOTD, I''m sorry you are unhappy, I think you have a right to be upset. Have you heard anything back from your bosses about the changed schedule yet?
Date: 3/19/2009 4:39:23 PM
Author: brooklyngirl
dreaming - I understand where you're coming from, and why you'd be upset. You got caught up in office politics. Your co-worker is either a real b*, or she was trying to work out the same deal for herself, using you as an example. If it's brought to your boss' management's attention that you're leaving early every Friday, he might get ripped for under utilizing you, and I bet he was trying to protect himself.
This is most likely what happened. People often don't care what others do unless they want it too and become envious. Since he can't have the ENTIRE staff leaving early on Fridays- it is easier to take it away from the few- than to give to the many...
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