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Apr 11, 2008
Yep - I''m killing some time at work today!

Give me 5 things that would be on your "bucket list"!

I''ll start:

1.) Marry my SO
2.) Travel to Asia, Greece, and Spain
3.) Start my own business, something havign to do with the travel industry
4.) Move to a tropical island
5.) Meet Bruce Springstein in person

You know - I actaully had a hard time putting this together....I guess that is a good thing!

Share your dreams, Ladies!

i would have to think hard about that, so heres one now that does not have too much thought put into it

1. travel to Europe
2. start a family
3. find my dream job
4. take a jewelry making class
5. find a craft/hobby that i enjoy and am good at.
I''m young, so I have got lots of time, but lack of funds for a while!!

1. Go to EVERY continent
2. Have a child (or more than one!)
3. Go skydiving
4. Become a GREAT photographer
5. Find a job that i am good at and that I love!!!!

Jcarly- I took jewelry all through high school... want me to post some pics of my jewelery I have made?
Hey - which of the BVI''s are you going to?
I''m totally obsessed with the Caribbean.....
Funny...watching The Bucket List has been on my FI''s list of things to do for months!

Ok, here''s mine:

1) Travel to Africa
2) Qualify for the Boston Marathon (or maybe run a marathon first?)
3) Have babies (2 to be exact)
4) Learn calligraphy
5) Start my own card making business

1. Marry my FF!!
2. Buy my dream home
3. Go to Italy (Lake Como, Tuscany, Rome and Milan) with FF
4. Go to Oahu, Hawaii with FF
5. Go to NYC with FF

(Can you tell I have many travels in mind?
And there''s plenty more where that came from! But those are on my top list of places to see)
ILAssher - i would love to see your work!

Pushing - pretty much except anguilla (sp?). since we are sailing, that island is to far out. We''ll also visit st. john via sophers hole (sp?).

We go through conch charters and rent our own sailboat.


oh... i think e might propose there!
1. Travel. A whole lot. So far on the list we have: Japan, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and others. Those are the top 4. I''d like to re-visit France and Switzerland, but want to go new places first.
2. Make me some babies!

3. Complete a Master''s Degree
4. Learn how to sew
5. Live in another country
Date: 3/11/2009 1:03:08 PM
Author: elledizzy5
1. Travel. A whole lot. So far on the list we have: Japan, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and others. Those are the top 4. I''d like to re-visit France and Switzerland, but want to go new places first.
Hey now! I didn''t know we could squeeze so many travel places into one spot on the list....

Sounds like fun btw...
Date: 3/11/2009 1:06:24 PM
Author: Dreamgirl

Date: 3/11/2009 1:03:08 PM
Author: elledizzy5
1. Travel. A whole lot. So far on the list we have: Japan, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and others. Those are the top 4. I''d like to re-visit France and Switzerland, but want to go new places first.
Hey now! I didn''t know we could squeeze so many travel places into one spot on the list....

Sounds like fun btw...
I cheated.

If I had to list them all individually, then I''d have nothing but travel spots on the list!
Like me you mean? haha!
Date: 3/11/2009 1:09:37 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
Like me you mean? haha!
Date: 3/11/2009 1:03:08 PM
Author: elledizzy5
1. Travel. A whole lot. So far on the list we have: Japan, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and others. Those are the top 4. I''d like to re-visit France and Switzerland, but want to go new places first.
2. Make me some babies!

3. Complete a Master''s Degree
4. Learn how to sew
5. Live in another country

Like Target-less Canada???

I''d love to learn how to sew too...
Date: 3/11/2009 1:15:48 PM
Author: sammyj

Date: 3/11/2009 1:03:08 PM
Author: elledizzy5
1. Travel. A whole lot. So far on the list we have: Japan, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and others. Those are the top 4. I''d like to re-visit France and Switzerland, but want to go new places first.
2. Make me some babies!

3. Complete a Master''s Degree
4. Learn how to sew
5. Live in another country

Like Target-less Canada???

I''d love to learn how to sew too...
We have considered Canada as a permanent move. We like it there!

What I meant by my list was living somewhere with a bit more culture/language shock for a few months. US and Canada are too similar. I''d get by just fine with English.

I want to have to run around with a "handy sayings in X language" guidebook with a confused look on my face.

"Ou est le WC? Il me faut un WC! MAINTENANT!!! S''il vous plait?!?!
I am so going to make an extensive bucket list at some point. There is a book called "the list" or something like that that has TONS of ideas.

1. Marry my SO
2. Have a family
3. breed a national champion arabian horse
4. Travel to Africa, Australia, Japan, Cina, Italy, France and Ireland
5. learn the languages to all the places I visit
1) Live with SO
2) Live in another country for at least a year
3) See my brothers find happiness in their adult lives
4) Own a horse
5) Design my own at home library and fill it with books SO and I love
1) Get married to my FF
2) Have a family
3) Get a PhD or a PsyD
4) Work for the behavioral science unit in the FBI
5) Travel to all of the most beautiful places in the world
Okay, no joke, I typed up my list before reading the other replies and mine has 3 in common with sammyj!

Date: 3/11/2009 12:42:25 PM
Author: sammyj
1) Travel to Africa
2) Qualify for the Boston Marathon (or maybe run a marathon first?)
3) Have babies (2 to be exact)
4) Learn calligraphy
5) Start my own card making business

My list looks like:

1) Travel to Africa, and climb as much of Kilimanjaro as I physically can (B and I have talked about honeymooning there!)
2) Qualify for the Boston Marathon or run the marathon in Antarctica.
3) Publish a cookbook.
4) Learn calligraphy (I bought a pen set the other day!) and get better at drawing.
5) Watch a Manchester United match in Old Trafford.
Date: 3/11/2009 2:29:55 PM
Author: misskitty
Okay, no joke, I typed up my list before reading the other replies and mine has 3 in common with sammyj!

Date: 3/11/2009 12:42:25 PM
Author: sammyj
1) Travel to Africa
2) Qualify for the Boston Marathon (or maybe run a marathon first?)
3) Have babies (2 to be exact)
4) Learn calligraphy
5) Start my own card making business

My list looks like:

1) Travel to Africa, and climb as much of Kilimanjaro as I physically can (B and I have talked about honeymooning there!)
2) Qualify for the Boston Marathon or run the marathon in Antarctica.
3) Publish a cookbook.
4) Learn calligraphy (I bought a pen set the other day!) and get better at drawing.
5) Watch a Manchester United match in Old Trafford.
Wow misskitty, that''s awesome!!! I love finding people with similar interests

I told D that he would be in charge of planning our honeymoon because he''s the travel nut with huge aspirations. He''s been to Kenya and he loves Africa, and it just so happens that the World Cup is in South Africa the month after our wedding (although we have not confirmed any wedding plans yet!), so I told him that I would not be opposed to honeymooning in Africa either! sentence!
Hmmm, my latest one would have to be...

1. Travel to Antarctica
2. Marry James
3. Take a few months to do a road trip around the continental US
4. Have afternoon tea at the Ritz (was supposed to go for a couple of occasions but we *will* do it before we move out of London!)
5. Go on a cruise down the Nile
Date: 3/11/2009 1:23:03 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 3/11/2009 1:15:48 PM
Author: sammyj

Date: 3/11/2009 1:03:08 PM
Author: elledizzy5
1. Travel. A whole lot. So far on the list we have: Japan, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and others. Those are the top 4. I''d like to re-visit France and Switzerland, but want to go new places first.
2. Make me some babies!

3. Complete a Master''s Degree
4. Learn how to sew
5. Live in another country

Like Target-less Canada???

I''d love to learn how to sew too...
We have considered Canada as a permanent move. We like it there!

What I meant by my list was living somewhere with a bit more culture/language shock for a few months. US and Canada are too similar. I''d get by just fine with English.

I want to have to run around with a ''handy sayings in X language'' guidebook with a confused look on my face.

''Ou est le WC? Il me faut un WC! MAINTENANT!!! S''il vous plait?!?!
Ah oui, oui. Vous pouvez habiter en Montreal ou Quebec City, non? Mais, il n''y a pas de Target en Quebec nonplus
. (my french is terrible in spite of studying it for 13 years!)
Date: 3/11/2009 2:50:48 PM
Author: sammyj
I told D that he would be in charge of planning our honeymoon because he''s the travel nut with huge aspirations. He''s been to Kenya and he loves Africa, and it just so happens that the World Cup is in South Africa the month after our wedding (although we have not confirmed any wedding plans yet!), so I told him that I would not be opposed to honeymooning in Africa either! sentence!

I''m SO psyched about the World Cup being in SA.
I''m trying to convince B that we should do a destination wedding in 2010, get tickets for a game (he''s a HUGE soccer nut) and then trip out to Kilimanjaro for some climbing and whatnot.
1) Visit Australia and see where my DH grew up (and while we''re there... see New Zealand
2) Run a marathon... only 5 1/2 more weeks!
3) Have children, a boy and a girl.... or just a girl.
4) Grow old with my husband
5) Allow all my greedy little wishes to be fulfilled
Date: 3/11/2009 3:47:49 PM
Author: tlh
1) Visit Australia and see where my DH grew up (and while we''re there... see New Zealand

2) Run a marathon... only 5 1/2 more weeks!

3) Have children, a boy and a girl.... or just a girl.

4) Grow old with my husband

5) Allow all my greedy little wishes to be fulfilled
Where in Aus is your hubby from, tlh? I lived there for 6 months and LOVED it--everyone should go at least once!
In no particular order

1.) Write books. Non-fiction and children's books :)
2.) Own my own winery or wine store
3.) live abroad and travel to at least 6 continents (Antarctica is negotiable...)
4.) earn my Ph.D
5.) have a job/own a business that I LOVE!
6. Learn at least 2 languages!
1. Create a journal for my four children, giving them every bit of advice I could think of (ranging from financial to what to avoid in a mate, how to treat each other, humility and kindness, etc.), and thanking them for coming into my life. I would want them to know just how much joy they each have given me, and how grateful I was for the privilege of being their mother.

2. Find my biological mother. When I was a kid, the comments I got from my mom were not nice, and it wasn''t until I became a mother myself that it really hit home what a sacrifice my bio-mother made in letting me go. Since then, I say a prayer for her comfort on my birthday. There is no way if I''m anything like her that she could have given me up without having a massive hole in her heart that opens every August first.

3. Attempt to forgive my ex for being such a POS. I may be able to if faced with imminent death, but I still can''t in reality.

4. Have a big bash with my family and friends.

5. Spend my remaining days with the ones I love the most.

It may not be an exciting list, but its what is important to me.
not necessarily in order of importance:

1) take several more trips abroad
2) adopt an adult boxer from a boxer rescue organization
3) throw one really AMAZING party that everyone talks about for months afterward
4) work part-time, even if it means living very simply
5) buy a home, but something unique, like an old carriage house that''s been converted

1. Take a cruise around the world.
2. Visit at least 25 more countries.
3. Get a dog.
4. Live in at least 6 more countries.
5. Get my MBA from a fancy pants grad school.
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