
Jeweller recommendations for an Art Deco-style setting?


Jan 7, 2010
I've just purchased a 6.7mm OEC in the K/L/M colour range and am thinking that I will eventually set it into a RHR.

I don't have a particular design in mind at the moment but the style I'm thinking of is that very stepped, geometric style distinctive of the Art Deco period - there were lots of rings made around that time with "stepped", milgrained settings made up of calibre-cut coloured stones, onyx or diamonds. I know that Single Stone is fantastic for this kind of thing, but is there anyone else I should consider?

I have not seen JBEG make anything of this sort (although I'm sure they are more than capable). Victor Canera did cross my mind as he is obviously able to source Frenchies with no trouble at all (am considering French cuts for the steps) but I do not know if he does international orders and am unsure of pricepoint.

Any other suggestions would be gratefully received!
I think that sounds like something for Single Stone.
Hmmm... I suspected that the suggestions would be such!

In which case I think I'll send the stone to DanielM to be bezeled in a pendant temporarily. Until I sell a vital organ or save up the bucks for Ari to work his magic ;)
Maybe Lang's Antiques too.
FWIW, pancake, the french cuts Victor uses he has cut for him from other more typical cuts like princesses or traps. I love your idea for the setting! It sounds beautiful. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Thanks, LGK! Unfortunately my ideas are often also expensive ;( At the moment I am mulling over the temporary pendant idea, but I'm not sure. On the one hand, the stone as is (in its super-simple YG solitaire ring setting) would just sit in my safe until I had the money to reset. On the other - I'm not sure about the pendant idea. I like it and I think I would wear it, but I don't think I'd LOVE it. Do I need to LOVE my temporary setting? I used to think not but the price of gold is making it harder these days...

UGH. Oh to be more decisive!
The least expensive option is to size the current ring to fit you. If you don't like yg, then have it rhodium plated. This would cost less that sending the stone off to be set in a pendant that would basically be discarded when you get your final setting.
Thanks for the suggestion DS! I am absolutely certain I will never ever wear the ring in its current incarnation (it's really an ER... and I already have one of those!). Whilst a bezel pendant is not my "dream", I do like all the milgrain bezel pendants I've seen here and I think that by keeping the milgrain inside-only it will still fit with my minimalist style and allow me to wear the diamond for a couple of years until my discretionary budget allows me to get my dream RHR setting.

I am having the ring sent to BGD, and will have the setting scrapped. Tossing up between:

1. Basic bezel pendant (Pros: cheapest, looks good from the front, from reviews on PS sounds like it doesn't flip. Cons: not that attractive from the side and not as open as I'd like, harder to clean)

2. Barbara pendant (Pros: much more open, doesn't flip, looks more delicate. Cons: Much more expensive, still not perfectly satisfactory from the back and side)

Any thoughts on that choice? DS what are you doing with your pendant design?
I am doing the Barbara bezel with inside-only milgrain and completely changing the back. If I were doing a setting for two years only, though, I don't think I'd want to spend $575 for that! Actually, for an inexpensive temp pendant, I'd get them to order this Stuller antique style setting to save money, or else do the fixed bezel or 3 or 4 prong at $375.