
Jeweler''s Mutual or another?

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Sep 23, 2002
Now that I've purchased my stone and setting, I need to get it insured. My research has turned up a company called Jeweler's Mutual. Their rates in my state are $1.60 per $100 per year. Does anyone have input on this outfit? My jeweler had information on this company and recommended them. However, I know there must be others out there to consider as well.

Thanks for any help.
I've used Jewelers Mutual for years - well respected company. Haven't had a claim but I know they are well respected in the industry for taking care of customers.
i've researched this 'til my eyes and fingers were gonna fall out/off! :read: ...for *me* i thought it was better to go for a plan that gave us the money to replace the ring (KNOCK ON WOOD) instead of having them go and find a "similar" ring. i was bothered by "similar"...especailly for those who buy superbcerts, 8*s, etc, i can't imagine going for a plan that finds oyu something "similar"...but that's just me.

good luck! :))
I was considering going Jewler's Mutual and many people do. In the end, I went with Chubb. I think they are generally a little more than JM, but not always. However, they just give you a cash payout if anything happens. Plus they cover everything except an act of war and volcanic eruption. Put these to togther and this means they just give you the money if you lose your ring. Can't beat that.
I've NEVER heard of ANY insurance company just handing over the cash. Think about it... Buy a ring, get the store's over-inflated appraisal, buy insurance then "loose" the stone and get a check for the inflated appraisal amount?

These companies are all in it to make a profit and I don't see them paying out as easily as some would believe. Call me nuts but I just don't see that happening without having to jump through MAJOR hoops and having your insurance rating drop...

Any thoughts???
Since when has ANY insurance claim been easy?! My medical insurance makes me do all stupid things to cover sometimes. Such is the nature of the beast called insurance.

That said, just because you NEVER HEARD of anyone paying out, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. State Farm supposedly gives the client the money back. no one has lost their stone so far, but I think if it's in a contract, then you better believe my lawyer will make them pay...

We use Jeweler's Mututal. We have a replacement policy that states they will replace it for us through our original jeweler, and this was OK with us, and our jeweler was an authorized dealer of our branded stone. I trust the company we got our stone from, so if they replaced it, that would be OK.

But, you may want to consdier Chubb and State Farm, or any other insurance company you have who can possibly provide an add on service to your existing insurance for car, home, whatever... you may get a better rate through them for being a customer already! Good luck!
rather than add more, check back on other threads, this one has been beaten up pretty well! good luck
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