
January Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
Happy New Year to all of you in HLT Land. I am sending you all best wishes for a wonderful and healthy year in 2011. :appl:

The start of a New Year always brings around a chance to make some new year’s resolutions. Of course they are like diets; you have to pick ones you can stick with. You have to come up with ones that are obtainable. Promising to lose 50 pounds this year seems hard to obtain when you can only work on it one pound at a time. However a resolution such as this year I will try to eat better and drop a few pounds makes it less of a mountain to climb and one you are more likely to stick with. As Lorelei reminded us baby steps and slow and steady win the race. Also a diet seems so rigid and if you fail today or next week it becomes hard to find the motivation to begin again. Choosing to live a healthier lifestyle is a change you can work on one day at a time. We will all have bumps in the road but the difference is do those bumps send us on a big detour or do we get right back on track? It’s a bit of mind over fatter. :bigsmile:

So as I begin the new year I am going to quit snacking, start counting calories a little more diligently and get out for some walks. The mall is a great place to wander around and burn off a few calories during the snowy, cold months. I just need to remember to leave my wallet at home. My focus this year is getting my clothes to fit loosely instead of the current state - tight.

So ready or not 2011 here we come. :wavey:
Happy New Year. 2011 is officially here.

We were up till about 2:30 watching Inglorious Bastards. Brad Pitt's character is so funny in that movie. We really went all out on alcohol last night - we split a little individual bottle of chardonnay at midnight. We are such wild and crazy people.

We slept in until 9 this morning. I swear I heard the doorbell of something at 9 that woke me up but no one was at the door and neither of our phones had a notice. Strange. Maybe I imagined it.

Marty hooked up his phone to the bluetooth in his new GPS this morning and it seems to work pretty well. I found a Garmin for him at Best Buy for $99 and one of the features I thought he'd like is running his phone through the GPS. The diesel is kind of noisy so we will see how it works in the truck.

I think I will leave up our tree another week. It is not in the way and we didn't get it up until a few weeks ago.

I ordered some towels from Land's End this morning. We are still using some we got for wedding gifts - almost 20 years this now and they have seen better days. We bought some really nice, soft, fluffy ones at Bed, Bath and Beyond last summer but they are not absorbent at all. They are all cotton too. I just ordered 2 and if we like them I will get 2 more.

Do any of you visit the Hungry Girl website? She is going to have a show on the Cooking channel starting next week. She always seems to have some great ideas and recipes.

Take care. :wavey:
Hi. I made biscuits for breakfast then ventured out to the store. Wow is it nasty out there! My new car isn’t as good in snow and ice as my old car was. That other car had Michelin tires and I am convinced that is the difference. It is not horrid on snow and ice but it could be better.

I made mac and cheese for lunch and a few 96% lean hamburgers. We will each get a couple of lunches from the leftover mac and cheese. Marty is making some lamb curry for himself now.

I am off to make up my club newsletter. Take care. :wavey:
I feel like crying. I had over 10 years of club newsletters saved in Publisher format. Before I got rid of my Sony I opened them all, saved them as rtf so I could copy my old stories to use in the future. Somehow, someway, I deleted them all or lost them because they are all gone. I can do it on Marty's PC but not all of them are even on our backup drive. ;(
Sweet. I found my newsletters on one of my flash drives and they will open on my Mac as text with a ton of formatting characters - however I can copy the text part I need in to my newsletters. Technology ROCKS!!! :appl:
Great opener, marcy! He-he - mind over fatter... I'm going to have to repeat that to myself a bunch in the next few days to get back on track. I'm not liking that my pants are snug these days. Being off work really threw off my schedule off for planning ahead, and I don't do as well if I don't plan ahead. We have eaten out every single meal for the past 2 weeks, just like we used to in the old days! We went grocery shopping tonight and bought ingredients for healthy meals this week. The snow has finally melted, so we were able to take our walk tonight. I think getting back in that habit will be a huge help. I have been counting my ww points, but not very strictly. Tomorrow I start back with the "if you bite it, write it" system. I'm so glad you found your newsletters on your flash drives. Whew!

The last few days have been so rushed! I got my new car Thursday evening. Friday morning we headed to Cincinnati to visit Matt's folks for New Year's. We got home late last night, and then headed back to KY for my niece's 19th birthday party today. We just got back a little while ago, and I'm so not ready to get back into the swing of work tomorrow. I have an upper respiratory infection and an ear infection in both ears, and I sound like a frog! I went to the dr Friday before heading to Cincinnati, and I've got a bunch of medicine that makes me feel all loopy. Not a great way to start out a new year at work! Plus, I haven't felt like, or had time to go figure things out on my new car. I need to get my bluetooth set up and play around with the voice activated stuff, but I think it won't understand me because I sound so funky right now. Even Matt keeps asking me to repeat myself. I haven't taken a picture of it yet other than the one on my cell phone at the dealer when it was sitting on the showroom by the Christmas tree. I may try to post that one tomorrow. Matt gets tomorrow off for New Years Day, so he has promised to get all of the outside decorations down and put away before I get home. We didn't put much up inside, so that won't be a big deal. I can't believe December went by so fast! Have a great day tomorrow!!!
Deegee, so those will be our mottos this week - “if you bite it your write it” and “mind over fatter”. I am craving sugar again since I’ve been eating it. I also tried to plan out healthy foods for the week and picked up the 100 calorie snacks for work so I won’t be tempted by assorted candies and cookies. I hope you get over your respiratory and ear infections. Get well soon. The photo of your car by the Christmas tree sounds wonderful. What a great shot! It sounds like you had a fun and busy weekend. Did you take the new car for any of your road trips? That will be nice to have your Christmas decorations down. Maybe I will work on our tree some night this week. Yes, I was very relieved to find my newsletter. I have the 2006 - 2010 on the flash drive and our back up drive has things from 1999 to 2006 so I should be able to get them all. There are just so many articles on them I can reuse that I hate to have to type them all up again. I’d rather read that retype articles. Did you see you can loan books on your Kindle now for 14 days? Not all books are available but that is pretty neat.

I read for a few hours tonight. I got my sauce ready for some sweet - sour ribs tomorrow that I will cook in the crock pot. I will leave some potatoes to bake in the oven. I’ll get our raw veggies when we get home and supper will be ready. Woo hoo!

Well, I should start getting ready for bed. We’ve slept in late for 3 days so tomorrow morning will be rough getting up with the alarm. I think I’ll spend my day reviewing and finishing my employees performance appraisals. I have to turn them in to my boss by Wednesday. They are using a new ratings system this year so I don’t know how strict he will be on scores plus we have a new director who wants to read our PA’s so my boss will probably be more picky on them than usual. At least with a full staff coming in this week I should have the time.

Take care.
Hi everyone! I did okay on food until about 3 pm when my employees brought me candy and an ice cold Coke. I was working on their performance appraisals. I thought that was pretty funny. Of course I couldn't insult them and turn away their offerings. :devil:

My sweet sour ribs were pretty good and we will get 2 lunches out of the leftovers. Woo hoo for leftovers. Marty was in a rush to get home tonight so I was done with dishes by 6:10. That was nice for a change.

Well, I am off to read.

Laters, :wavey:
This is pretty funny:

Ode To The New Year

'Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.

The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste At the holiday parties had gone to my waist.

When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).

I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared; The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,

The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese And the way I'd never said, 'No thank you, please.'

As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt And prepared once again to do battle with dirt - I said to myself, as I only can 'You can't spend a winter disguised as a man!'

So - away with the last of the sour cream dip, Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished 'Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won't have a cookie - not even a lick.
I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore But isn't that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.

Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!
marcy - that poem was too cute! I'm going to have to take it to work and hang it in the kitchen. They're trying to get a new weight watchers at work group going and maybe that poem might help persuade a few people. You said you had been craving sugar again since you've been eating it some. I'm craving stuff I never liked before, like potato chips. I never ate chips! For some reason, they taste really good to me now. I must have over done sugar and now I need lots of salt. And that would have been unnecessarily rude to your thoughtful employees to turn away their offerings of coke and candy - he-he! I didn't know that about the kindle books. At the dr's office last week, I had 3 people ask me about my kindle, and one of the 3 was the doctor when she came in the room. I carry it with me everywhere, and whip it out anytime I have a few minutes to spare. We did take my new car on our excursions over the weekend. It came off of the showroom floor with only 2 miles on it, and I managed to put over 700 miles on it over a 2-day period! Our cars always end up with a lot of miles because we live away from family, and we visit home often.

I left work today at 3 because I was feeling so lousy. I came home, went straight to bed and slept for 3 hours with intermittent wake-ups for coughing fits. I've been on antibiotics since Friday night, so hopefully this is my last crappy day and I'll start perking up tomorrow. I'm taking augmentin,and that always messes my stomach up so I can't eat much. We had spaghetti and salad for dinner, and I faithfully logged everything I ate today. It's really cold out and I don't feel like walking, so getting back into the exercise habit is going to take a little longer. People noticed my super sparkly new necklace at work today, but nobody wanted to get too close to me to check it out! I'm off to read for no more than 30 minutes (I swear) and then I'm heading back to bed. Have a great day tomorrow!
I ended up staying home from work today and sleeping the whole day. I started getting sick on Christmas Eve, and haven't had a chance to just rest. I guess I needed it because I seriously slept the whole day. Matt called to check on me at 4, and I was still snoozing. I'm going to make homemade pizza for dinner, and then we may go out for a TCBY treat later. I'm thinking something cold would feel great on my throat. I'm going to attempt to post the picture of my new car that I took on the showroom floor with my cell phone. Have a great day tomorrow!

Hmm - didn't work. My picture came out upside down. I'll try later!
Hi everyone.

I was quite good on food today. Yippee. Cheerios, strawberries, mac and cheese, 1 beef rib, 100 call snack, homemade pizza and slow churned ice cream. My mantra today was “if not today, when?” so that helped me refrain from raiding a candy dish or the Coke machine.

Work was actually a little slow today which was a nice change of pace after the last few months. I was kind of bored since I wasn’t jumping in and helping my team get their work done. Sweet.

Deegee, too funny we made the same thing for supper. I am glad you rested up today and sure hope you start feeling much better soon. I will be anxious to see your picture. I hope the do form a ww group at work; that would be very helpful. I downloaded an app called my fitness to my droid so I can track calories on it. My friend at work downloaded it too so we can hopefully help each other not go wandering off looking for chocolate. I rarely crave salty food but sometimes I do too. Marty likes salty food and I like sweets. I am glad you pack your Kindle around everywhere. I do too. I take it on quick trips and to work. Sometimes I will wait for Marty for an hour or so then I can read. I am very happy with it.

Speaking of my Kindle - I am off to read. This book had me up late last night and I am only a little over 50% through it.

Laters, :wavey:
Hi everyone. I've been busy the last few days. I got Office for Mac which took me forever to set Outlook up. Today I got Photoshop Elements installed and have NO idea how to use it yet and just downloaded Angry Birds from the new App store for Mac. I will never sleep again.

Speaking of sleeping I only slept about 2 hours last night so I hope to get some sleep in tonight. I am going to watch one tutorial right now for Elements then I hope to read a little bit before going to bed.

Take care.

A friend of mine sent me this health tip today: Lick the frosting off cupcakes first; it makes them like a healthy muffin then. Too funny.

Happy Friday.

Howdy!!!! :wavey:

I actually got to the pool this week and had a nice workout. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to exercise (well, not shovelling snow!) and how much better I feel when I am more acitve. Since I've returned to work this year--that is all I seem to do. Unfortunately I am moving to another job/location which requires more fulltime work for the next two months, so exercising during the day is, well, out. I do plan to move yoga locations--closer to work so I can drop in on my way home.

Since work is stressful--I have been losing more weight (I am a stress non-eater) and that trajectory must stop. Although I am very well--I never gets colds/flu or other illness, I do not like to be stressed as it eventually takes it "toll" on other parts of ones life. Must strike a balance. Hopefully this new job will be less stressful (that is why I am moving) and I can enjoy some non-headache days!

keep well folks!

Sharon, I hate to hear you are so stressed at work. I hope the new job is a lot less stressful for you. That is great you notice a difference in how you feel when you are working out. Take care. :wavey:
Hi Marcy and everyone!

Just popping in to say hello, looks like the HLT thread is still going strong! I overindulged during the Holidays so back to Sparking and working out for me, thankfully the jeans still fit perfectly but I just * feel* that I need to cool it for a while. :wavey:

sharon - sorry about your work stress. Hopefully that will calm down for you soon. Unfortunately when I'm stressed, I want ice cream!

Hi Lorelei!

marcy - hopefully you got caught up on your sleep! I bought the apple program, I think it was called iworks, instead of office - and I really wish I had gone with office instead. I visited the app store for the mac, but haven't downloaded anything. My new car has a USB slot for a jump drive for music. I haven't put any music at all on my mac. I need to figure out how to import music from Matt's jump drive plus rip a bunch of cd's so that I can get everything organized and on my jump drive to use for my car. I have had this computer for over a year, and all I've done is surf the internet. You put me to shame! But you have inspired me - I'm going to figure out how to set up the technology stuff on my car without asking Matt for help.

It has been snowing non-stop for over 24 hours, so Matt and I had a slacker day at home today. We're getting ready to head out for dinner, probably to the new pizza place really close to our house. I did really well with tracking everything I ate this week, which really wasn't a problem since I felt lousy and haven't eaten too much! My antibiotic seems to have finally kicked in and I'm starting to feel better, although I think the cough is going to hang around. I had to have my insurance premium related blood work done yesterday, and I figure everything is going to be messed up because I'm sick. My blood pressure was high, and I told the lady I was at the dr last week and it was normal - probably high now due to the medicines. She shook her head and told me I should be on blood pressure medicine. Geez. I'm going to attach a sideways picture of my car. For some reason, it keeps turning sideways even though the picture was taken vertically. Oh well, here's my sideways car. I had the running boards taken off, and it's dark gray. So far, I am loving it! I've never bought a car off the showroom floor - It was pretty cool!!!

deana's new car.JPG
Hi everyone. I have been preoccupied the last few evenings but I feel like I’ve accomplished some of what I was working on so I am back to my usual goofing off online.

I installed Office for Mac and made my February newsletter in Word and also made one in Pages. Mind you since I don’t know what I am doing it takes me awhile mostly because I have to do a search for everything I can’t figure out how to do. Then I decided to use one of their templates for a newsletter and spent several hours on that but finally have a newsletter I like. Woo hoo! I cleared out all the text and saved it as a template so hopefully the March newsletter will go more quickly. Since I just learned how to do so many things in Pages I decided to make a handout for our meeting too. Next I will venture over to Photoshop Elements and start to try and figure that out. My first project is to figure out how to put my diamond on as the top of my Christmas tree. Then I want to see if I can get my avatar to sparkle.

I did finish my latest book on Thursday evening but think I will spend a few days on my new software before starting the next book.

Today we went out for breakfast and ran several errands. Marty went over to his boss’s house to help her remove a microwave from the wall. Then we both went back to help her put her new one back in. We went to lunch then picked up groceries for the week. We have another snowstorm coming in tonight and are expecting 4 to 8 inches and COLD weather.

My mom went to Walmart today (remember she is slow, ditzy, hunched over and has to wear a boot on her foot because of her toe surgery) and she said she spent 2 hours wandering the store. They have flowers inside the door and she stopped to look at them for a while. She has reached a point where she is in awe of everything like a young child. I guess some guy watched her looking at them so he bought her some flowers and came and found her in the store to give them to her with receipt because he wanted her to have them. How nice is that? She said she had to give him a hug. She probably reminded him of his mom or grandma. She said she was worn out when she got home but did get her groceries in the house okay. My dad was out of town for the day. A few hours later her neighbor came by and said her car door was open and asked her if she wanted her to close it. I am surprised my dad will leave her alone anymore. She is one stubborn and tough lady though so she keeps going and going but just slowly. Bless her heart.

Hi Lorelei! It is so nice to hear from you. You couldn’t have over indulged too much if your pants still fit. :bigsmile: I know what you mean you just feel different though. I know you’ll be back to your normal self in no time. We hope to hear from you soon.

Deegee, I love your car and it looks so cool right by the Christmas tree. :appl: I like the color too. You will love having all of your music in your new car. My car has a hookup for an iPod so my old one is hooked up with all my music. The CD player also has some hard drive space that you can load music on plus 2 SD slots. Marty has so much music he had to pick and choose what to put on the cards but we love having such a selection in the car. I just copied and pasted the music to the SD cards but Marty brought them back in the house and organized them. I know you can get yours figured out – no problem. I don’t have any music on my Mac but my iTunes directly is on it and I can play music through our stereo system. I like that the iPod touch has speakers so you can play music right off of it.
I bought iWorks too and I think I like their Pages better than Word. However, I like Excel better than Numbers. I will let you know if I change my mind. The Office programs kind of look the same but they still operate like a Mac and you can tell they had to mimic Mac operations some of which didn’t come across well but I am sure I’ll get used to it. I went through Outlook today and set up all my calendar events. I hope I won’t have to do any more computer juggling again in the near future.
I hope you get over the crud soon. I am sure your blood work and blood pressure were all skewed from being sick and the medicine. Too funny you are having pizza today; that is what I had for lunch. I ordered an individual pizza and ate 1 ¼ pieces and brought the rest home. I had one more piece for supper and Marty had the rest.

Well, I think I will go start to watch Photoshop Elements tutorials.

Laters, :wavey:
Stay safe and warm!
My first Photoshop image. Most people do "reflections" of mountains, water or sky. Not me. :naughty:

Sparklers copy.jpg
Okay, I am seriously going to bed now but here is a reindeer with my diamond for his nose. Marty says I'm "flakey".

reindeer copy.jpg
marcy - bless your mom's heart, and bless the guy who bought her flowers. That was a very sweet thing to do, and I bet it made your mom happy. It's so hard to watch parents age. Matt and I head home just about every weekend because I want to make sure I take advantage of every opportunity to spend time with my family. Are you having fun playing around in photoshop? I look forward to your sparkly avatar! My Infiniti had the hard drive and a sd card slot, but I only used the hard drive. Any cd you inserted would automatically record, which was very cool. But there was no way to get the music off of the hard drive when I traded my car, so I lost it all. Now I'm searching for my cd's, which I apparently do a lousy job keeping track of. I have decided that I'm not going to use the hard drive in my new car, and am just going to get everything organized on a jump drive instead. I've been ripping cd's all day! I did get all of my personal settings programmed in my car and set up my bluetooth with the contacts in my iphone, and set up the speed dial commands. Woo-hoo...I'm on my way now!

I got a lot accomplished today. I cleaned out and organized the pantry, which wasn't too difficult since we don't keep a lot of food on hand, and I cleaned out and organized my closet. I found stuff in there I forgot that I bought, and they still have tags on. People are going to think I went shopping over the weekend. I cleaned my bedroom and straightened up the rest of the house because the cleaners are coming tomorrow and I don't want them to think I'm a total slob. We didn't walk today because it is frigid outside and cold air sends me into a coughing fit, but we did go to walmart for groceries so I got some walking in. I'm going to try my step aerobics again this week, but if my back says no - then it's a no go. I finished the Stephanie Plum books and need to get some things done before I start another book. I tend to get so engrossed in reading that I get nothing else done! (And marcy - I'm so disappointed that I'm out of Stephanie Plum books to read! I guess I'll have to wait for the next one to be released.) I'm off to rip a few more cd's, and then I'm heading to bed. Have a great Monday!
Deegee, that is very cool the Infiniti saved all of your CD’s. Sweet feature. I am sure you’ll be all set in your new car in no time. How fun to find new clothes in your closet. I so need to clean out the pantry, the closets and the drawers. Maybe some snowy weekend I will get motivated to do that. I am anxious for the next Stephanie Plum book too. I think they come out in June. I will probably start another Michael Connelly book tonight. That is very nice you go home to see your family so often. It is very hard to see my parents get older.

We had a lazy day. I made blueberry muffins for breakfast (I made Marty some eggs and bacon too). For lunch I baked some round steak with pizza sauce in the oven and some potatoes au gratin. For supper we had a hot pretzel.

We took down the Christmas tree and Marty vacuumed for me after getting everything put back where it usually goes in the living room. I read a few tutorials for Photoshop Elements. I figured out how to change colors of an object. I did try the sparkle effect on my avatar but it looks kind of strange. I will mess with it some more to see if I can come up with something I like.

We are getting another snowstorm and frigid temperatures here. Rats. Marty had to go in very early Wednesday so I will have to get up early that day. I don’t want to drive the truck to work on bad road.

Well, I think I will get ready for bed, call my mom and start another book.

Take care and have a great week.
Hi Deegs, good to see you my dear!

Hello Miss Sharon and Marcy!

Just did half an hour on the treddy, weather is pants as usual and it is freezing cold in my little gym but I did it. I feel more 'normal' this week, don't feel bloated anymore thank goodness.
Hi everyone. I was up until about 12:30 last night working on Photoshop Elements - then I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of something that happened at work. Hopefully I will get a lot of :snore: tonight.

Marty was tied up in a meeting after work so I wandered the halls for awhile to get in a nice walk plus warm myself up. A win-win situation there. We picked up fast food on the way home though. If we leave over 90 minutes late I generally pass on cooking. We have to be to work an hour early tomorrow so I swear I am going to bed early. Really.

Lorelei, I am sure your chilly room helped you walk a little faster on your treddy. We've had totally pants weather too. Wind chills are all below zero right now.

I hope you all had a great day. Take care. :wavey:
Hi everyone. Yay for being over the hump day.

We got to work before 7 am so I painted my nails and read my Kindle till about 7:55 am then went in my office to start working.

We got home before 6 and I had a quick supper planned so I was still done with dishes by 7 pm. I made us some goulash and now have a few lunches from it too. Sweet. Marty brought home a piece of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory for me so we split it for dessert. :lickout:

It looks like the NE coast is getting smacked with snow again. I hope all of you living there are safe and warm.

Hi! I just want to say for the record, I'm ready for winter to be over. Yep, over. I do not like snow and ice! I realize we haven't been hit as hard as other places (thankfully), but I'm totally ready for it to go away. Don't get me wrong - I prefer pants, boots and sweaters to shorts & short sleeved shirts, but this constant snow and freezing rain is really getting on my nerves! I really fear falling, and after our little incident a few weeks ago on the interstate, I really fear being on the roads. My mom was supposed to have cataract surgery this morning, but they got snowed in and couldn't get out of their driveway to get to the hospital. Tonight for dinner Matt made chili and grilled cheese, which always tastes yummy, especially on a cold night. I'm going to have to clear off the treadmill and start using it since we can't walk outside. The treadmill makes my legs hurt though, so I only use it if I have to. I decided this week to start wearing my pedometer again to try to get 10,000 steps in a day, but I think this wasn't the week to start!

marcy - I hope whatever happened at work is okay. I'm really stressed and freaked out over something that I fear is going to happen at work, but I have been sworn to secrecy by my boss. I told Matt because I needed to talk to someone about it, and he's sworn to secrecy too. I really don't want it to happen, but at the same time, I want it to be over with. Mmmm - I haven't had Cheesecake Factory cheesecake in so long! The closest one is in Columbus, Ohio - which is about 3 1/2 hours away. I always got the Craig's crazy carrot cake cheesecake, because carrot cake is just about my favorite food on earth! I hope you're having fun playing around with photoshop elements. I got everything set up in my car all by myself, and I imported all of the cd's I wanted into itunes on my macbook. Now I need to copy Matt's jump drive, organize it and get everything onto my jump drive...and then I'll have all the music I could ever want in my car. Yay! June for the next Stephanie Plum book? Ah! Do you have any suggestions for a lighthearted & funny book?

Hi lorelei! - I think I'm going to be joining you on the treddy if it doesn't stop snowing soon.

Have a great day tomorrow. Be safe!
Hi! It finally stopped snowing, so Matt and I decided to take Lily for a walk. Bad idea. The road was mostly snow covered with a few icy spots. We were almost home when Lily lunged at something, and we happened to be on an icy spot with no traction so of course I went down. I landed on my knees and hands, which is better for my back than landing on my backside. I think I'm okay, but I'm going to take some anti-inflammatory meds and go to bed. For dinner tonight we had grilled pork chops, veggies and salad. I'm craving chocolate really bad, so I had a little single serving size Skinny Cow ice cream in fudge brownie flavor. It was pretty good, and it took care of the chocolate craving. After 2 weeks of cutting back, my pants are no longer snug in the waist and that makes me very happy! Have a great Friday, and be safe!
Hi. I hope everyone had a lovely day.

We went out for our “date” night and split a burger and had a few drinks. Shows you the alcohol was more important than the food. Ha ha.

Deegee, I am right there with you. I am terrified of ice and falling on it. Driving on icy roads is very scary. I am also ready for winter to be over. The treadmill hurts my knees so walking sure works better for me too. Let’s hope we get some decent weather soon. My stress at work is better but it’s something that never goes away. Sometimes it is just harder for me to deal with. Your stress at work kind of sounds scary; I am glad you at least vented about it to Matt. Good luck with that. The nearest Cheesecake Factory to us is about 2 hours away, which is a good thing. Sadly I discovered the Starbucks at Barnes and Noble in town does sell their cheesecake. Rats. It’s a good thing for both of us they are so far away. Sounds like you have most of your music ready for you car. Isn’t that the greatest to always have your music library in your car? I do not have any suggestions for more lighthearted books. I was thinking the same thing. There has to be another good author out there for us to enjoy. I will ask around.

Speaking of reading, another Michael Connelly book has me hooked so I am off to read now.

Hi! Matt and I just got back from our walk. It is a balmy 23 degrees out, but it's not snowing or windy so it wasn't bad at all. The road is mostly clear with only a few icy spots so we were able to get moving pretty quickly. Dinner was tomato soup and salad from Panera Bread. We got one of the spots by the fireplace, which always makes me happy! Today is Matt and my 16th anniversary. Sunday is my birthday, so we always split the days and go out to a nice dinner on the 15th. He picked me up for lunch and totally surprised me with the matching earrings to the flower cluster pendant he bought me for Christmas. I told him not to buy me anything since I just go my car, but I have to say I love them and I'm tickled that he bought them for me all by himself. The whole set is the perfect size for everyday wear, and all the diamonds are so sparkly.

marcy - A friend at work recommended Confessions of a Shopaholic. It was cute, but I'm not much of a shopper so the main character kind of irked me and I don't see me reading the sequels. I downloaded a Janet Evanovich book with Diesel as the main character and am about halfway through with it. I have other books that I have downloaded but not read, but I'm really not in the mood right now for Dean Koontz or John Grisham (or Stephen King - what was I thinking??). I want funny!!!! I'm glad your work stress is better. Sometimes I long for my old job before I was a manager when I had lots to do, but none of the bigger "manager" decisions and no personnel issues to deal with. Sigh. Yes, it is a good thing Cheesecake Factory is so far away. I'd be in some big trouble otherwise. I like that you & Marty split the food but had drinks! Priorities...

Have a great weekend!