
James Allen E-ring resize issue


Jul 14, 2019
I got my James Allen e ring back from JA, resizing from a 5.5 to a 4 and I'm not happy and actually quite saddened by the result.

Before resizing, the shank was the same width all around. Afterwards, the bottom part where they cut and soldered is unevenly "squished" and is thinner than the rest of the shank. Is this normal? I'll attach a before and after (see the difference in spacing underneath the engraving of "W & R")


Here's more pictures of the "pinched" bit:

20190713_232927.jpg 20190713_232824.jpg 20190713_232633.jpg 20190713_232445.jpg
20190713_232727.jpg 20190713_232700.jpg 20190713_233048.jpg
Is this normal with ring resizing? This is my first fancy ring ever and first experience with ring resizing. Thanks in advance!
WOw! I've never seen a ring with a sizing bar like that to begin with. How very unusual. They did a weird job, especially given the narrow bar. I'm not really sure what's going on here, but I definitely agree they narrowed the area...A good benchman should be able to reconstruct the entire back of the ring and make it one solid width, and then re-engrave it.
I would try a local artisan if JA can't do it.
I’ve had rings resized and they NEVER looked like that, :eek2: the resize (up) was totally seamless.
The ring is unusual in that it has a sizing bar section.
I don’t think it’s “bad” what they have done, however it seems they have decided to “taper” towards the centre.
Weirdly though, I’d have thought making the ring smaller would have reduced the “sizing section” but it seems the same, just made thinner.
I would bring this to the attention of a quality control manager. They mangled the elegant look of the ring. I’ve never seen a shank done like this before (thinner bar where it is sized). I think JA needs to restore the shank to the original width dimension or replace your ring.
:shock: Ditto the above ... I’ve never seen that approach to resizing a ring down. If they didn’t think it was properly ‘do-able’ except to go this route, they should have told you what the end result would be/look like, and give you the choice of that, or perhaps having the ring remade in the correct size. I’d also question how durable/structurally sound what they did is ... now there are two ‘compromised’ points in the bottom of the shank that could be weaker over time.
I've never seen anything like that. This is unacceptable in my opinion. A resized ring should look like it's never been resized. I agree that you should send it back and insist it be resized properly or remade.
I've never seen anything like that. This is unacceptable in my opinion. A resized ring should look like it's never been resized. I agree that you should send it back and insist it be resized properly or remade.

Ditto this. I wouldn’t be happy with that sizing job and would get in touch with JA. Good luck. Pretty ring.
Ditto this. I wouldn’t be happy with that sizing job and would get in touch with JA. Good luck. Pretty ring.

Agree! This is not acceptable. Resing 1 1/2 smaller is a large resize but this is not acceptable. Contact JA and let them know.
Have you reached out to JA? I know I wouldn't be happy with this result. The metal needs to flow, not have a very slim section between the engraving.
Same to the above. I would worry about durability too on that sizing bar they basically added. It's thinner than the rest and that taper.... I would be unhappy.
Oh my......what happened here? I agree with the other posters this is not usual or acceptable. Hope JA fixes this ASAP and hope you are not out shipping costs to send it back to them.
I’ve never seen one done like that. I would call them and tell them to fix it...It should be seamless..
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Your photo for the "before" shot is from the top and what you are upset about is shown from the bottom. It looks as if this particular ring had a narrower section in the bottom specifically for sizing work that was narrow and not engraved on the sides. The balance of the ring does have engraved sides on the shank. When you size smaller, a little bit of metal is lost from the thickness in order to smooth out the seam where the ring is brought together after the little piece is removed. It does show evidence of sizing, but it is a subjective thing whether the amount it shows is problematic. Obviously to you, the issue is a problem and you have support from others who also agree they see something has become a little pinched or concave. JA can do better if they want to do so. I don't necessarily think there is much of a problem, but when a consumer feels there is a problem, that is also a reality that can be handled well or poorly. I'd urge you to get with JA and ask them to replace this slim section with a new piece that keeps the bar from looking pinched. They can accomplish this and it will not be a big deal. Ask nicely, but insist if you feel it is necessary for your happiness. They will likely comply even if they think it is not a real problem. As long as they take care of it, who cares otherwise? You are the one who makes the judgment of what is important in such matters.
I've never seen anything like that. This is unacceptable in my opinion. A resized ring should look like it's never been resized. I agree that you should send it back and insist it be resized properly or remade.

I agree! And that's what I was expecting when I sent it back for the free resize. I never expected it to look this way.

I would bring this to the attention of a quality control manager. They mangled the elegant look of the ring. I’ve never seen a shank done like this before (thinner bar where it is sized). I think JA needs to restore the shank to the original width dimension or replace your ring.

I totally agree that theyve mangled the look of the ring. How should I go about this? Would calling be the best bet or email? I guess with emailing I can attach pictures?

Have you reached out to JA? I know I wouldn't be happy with this result. The metal needs to flow, not have a very slim section between the engraving.

Not yet just been deciding how to go about this. I'm very saddened I feel like that ruined my ring.
...just been deciding how to go about this. I'm very saddened I feel like that ruined my ring.

Call JA and tell them you are unhappy with the results of the resizing and that you want the ring to look like it did new... only in the correct size. Period. Anyone who looks at that can tell that it's not right - I can't believe their QC let that ship.
Is this your same ring style from their website selection?
If so - I would use that as part of my reasoning to complain that the resizing section didn’t look correct even from the beginning, let alone how it looks now.
Yeah I think just give them a call and discuss it, let them know you were surprised and unhappy with the outcome - give them a chance to fix it.
Yeah I think just give them a call and discuss it, let them know you were surprised and unhappy with the outcome - give them a chance to fix it.

Ditto; and @PAMS24 please come back and let us know how they resolve it for you. Good luck!
Call JA and tell them you are unhappy with the results of the resizing and that you want the ring to look like it did new... only in the correct size. Period. Anyone who looks at that can tell that it's not right - I can't believe their QC let that ship.

That's great short and sweet. I think I'm going to email first so that I can attach pictures, then call later depending on their reply. I'm already anticipating this will be a battle to get them to remake my ring.

Is this your same ring style from their website selection?
If so - I would use that as part of my reasoning to complain that the resizing section didn’t look correct even from the beginning, let alone how it looks now.
That's a great idea thanks! I didn't even realize it looked different when I got it originally! I was just happy everything looked even and right then!

Yeah I think just give them a call and discuss it, let them know you were surprised and unhappy with the outcome - give them a chance to fix it.

Ya I will. Hopefully they will do right by me. I mean e rings hold so much sentimental value how can they just be so careless?!

Thanks everyone I'll give it a go and report back later!
my mother had her rings and my grandmother's rings sized up and down often as her fingers got bigger or smaller
she used just a local family jewler
ive had the same rings sized up
and they never looked like that
i hope you get that remedied with no fuss

If your ring originally looked like this one, with flush sides, not a thinned out center, then you absolutely do have a totally legitimate problem that can and should be addressed. The "before" photo you showed had the appearance of a narrowed segment where the sizing was later done. The above photo doesn't have that narrowed look at all.
I'm happy to report that I received an email back this morning with good news. They are absolutely taking responsibility for the mangled look of my ring, stating it absolutely should not have been sent back to me like that.
They will be covering all shipping costs and they are going to remake the setting for me in the correct size.
I am so relieved that it isn't going to be a battle to have my ring be made right! I am very pleased with their customer service as of now!
Thanks everyone here for your suggestions and comments! You guys are great!
I'm happy to report that I received an email back this morning with good news. They are absolutely taking responsibility for the mangled look of my ring, stating it absolutely should not have been sent back to me like that.
They will be covering all shipping costs and they are going to remake the setting for me in the correct size.
I am so relieved that it isn't going to be a battle to have my ring be made right! I am very pleased with their customer service as of now!
Thanks everyone here for your suggestions and comments! You guys are great!
Yay, great news!
That’s great to hear, good on JA!! :cool2:
Is this your same ring style from their website selection?
If so - I would use that as part of my reasoning to complain that the resizing section didn’t look correct even from the beginning, let alone how it looks now.

I attached this picture in my email too and was told that the pictures on their websites are CADs so the actual product won't be exactly the same, which is why my original ring looked different and had the indents.:think:

In any case I just want a uniform band width all around, fingers crossed my remade ring will look as gorgeous as when I first got it.
That s a canned reply if I ever heard one, coming from a SA that had no clue what they were taking about and doesn’t care enough to look into it.

That aside - hope its redone to your satisfaction. I mean, it’s not like you are asking much at all. A ring without a goofy notch.
:appl:Glad to read you are getting what appears to be swift resolution!
I’m so sorry his happened. I’m glad JA is taking responsibility promptly. Crossing my fingers for you that the redo is done right.