
It's HERE!!! My 5-stone 8-prong trellis reset by DBL

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Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Oh Yssie....your ring is absolutely gorgeous! :love: :love: :love: It's been a long journey for you (and your husband) but I'm so happy that you now have the ring of your dreams. It is graceful, swoopy, and gives great finger coverage while at the same time still showcasing your beautiful center stone. Well done, again!

PS. Is your husband happy with your new ring? I know that a 5-stone was his vision for your ring.

Again, congratulations!!!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

It's gorgeous! :lickout: Are you planning to wear a WB with it?
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Its absolutely stunning, Yssie!!! Congratulations, and enjoy that ring. It's truly a work of art. :love: :love: :love:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Yssie your ring is stunning :love: :love: :love:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

The crispness and just downright amazing light on the diamonds in these photos is just blowing my mind. I hope that this ring is EXACTLY how you guys wanted it!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

wow!!! :love: :love: It's just fantastic Yssie, truly a work of art. It looks just stunning on you!!!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Words cannot describe how beautiful! :appl:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Oh, wow! It is beautiful, yssie! Incredible photos, too. :appl: :love: :appl:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

DBL did a fantastic job on the ring. I really love it and it looks so different from the first. I find that the overall ring looks a lot more modern and sturdy - it feels like the 5 stone version of your first ring. The polish on the ring is outstanding! :love:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

sapphire Her ring really is a beauty, isn't it? :love:

I'm thinking it's the overall roundedness of everything that's making for a more modern look - the VC had sharper angles on the baskets, on the shank, on the trellis/shank meet. The shank tapers pretty significantly on this one, too, and anything but a plain band just looks very odd with it! Which makes band shopping easier, and cheaper 8)

Thank you yrrp! I hope you find resolution with your own difficulty :sick:

Susan Thank you ::)

DBL's bench did an incredible job of translating the various elements I envisioned into reality, and of filling in the details in ways that fit well with the overall aesthetic. The trellis/shank attachment is very nicely done, the photos don't do it justice! In one of our conversations David mentioned that if he hadn't "known" me from PS, and if we hadn't had the VC to model from, he probably would've turned the project down... if I hadn't gone to visit DBL the weekend before I wouldn't have known to inquire... what a tangled web we weave!

And credit where credit is due - I'm not a laid-back customer at the best of times, and when I first approached David I was a jumble of nerves. I *really* appreciate him accomodating my need to be involved in the process, and I found him very reassuring to work with, if sometimes rather scattered :cheeky:

Thank you lulu!!

Haven Thank you!!!!

I'm SUPER happy with it - such little changes really do make a world of difference!! The side-view, straight on of the shank taper - that's what I want to see! And the taper makes the prongs swoop outward a bit, too - not nearly so much as yours, as they're going further and there's that trellis wire coming up to the centre blocking the swoop, but it's *there* and it's *visible* and I missed it!!

The finish is really something, too - the insides of the undersides of the baskets are polished shiny, the areas between the indents on the underside of the trellis by the endprong are polished shiny, the soldering? lasering? joints themselves are fabulously clean and neat... More pics to come!

LD Thank you, and thank you for your reassurances in my reset thread as well! It's even prettier in-person, and I'm really, really happy with it. This story has reached the Happily Ever After :bigsmile:

Your trellis is SO pretty - I'll be waiting to see if you decide to have it replicated for another set of stones!

Thanks mitsui!!

missy Praise from the other half is praise indeed :sun:

Thank you! I was incredibly nervous about this whole thing, wondering if I'd chosen the right type of manufacture, if this reset was an exercise in futility - each batch of process photos was soothing balm, and it couldn't have turned out better.

Dandi Thank you, I am!!

Thank you June! I think the fluidness is half in the design and half in the finish - the finish is incredible, it's like looking at molten metal - one part just flows into the next seamlessly. Gotta say it makes it easy to get good photos too - no worrying about light catching in odd ways ::)

Thank you lknvrb!

sparkly Hehe thank you, and noted! :bigsmile:

Danny Thank you, and thank you also for your thoughts on my stone earlier :)) I really do love it, quirks and all, and now it has the perfect home!

Thank you Amy!! I'm glad everything thinks it's "swoopy" - it actually doesn't swoop nearly as much as my threestone, because of the way the trellis wires wind through each other, but I wanted AsSwoopyAsPossible ::)

Farley Thank you!! DH is happy with it, though his priority is structure rather than aesthetic. He's inspected it with his various gidgets at work.

I'm not wearing it regularly yet because the prongs catch a bit so I want to get that fixed first, when DBL re-opens mid-January, and I'm worried about doing something to make it impossible to reorient the stone the way I want! I've worn it out a couple of times though and *OMG* this thing attracts attention in a way my threestone never did!! I actually thought it would get less attention - the less-of-a-honking-solitare thing - obviously I was wrong!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Oh, Yssie your ring is PERFECTION!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

The curves, the prongs, your beautiful stones, how smooth and fluid it is, the way everything comes together, this ring is just STUNNING!

I'm so happy you are thrilled with it and I'm glad you didn't settle for keeping a ring that didn't make your heart sing!

(Now don't think for one second we forgot about those new 8-prong earrings... Waiting for your next thread including lots of photos :bigsmile: )
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

OMG, I almost passed out because how gorgeous this ring is!!! NEED more pic.!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Not much to say that hasn't been said already. The ring is simply stunning :love: :love: and it looks utterly AMAZING on your hand. I truly hope it is all that you have hoped and wished for. You have a wonderful design aesthetic and amazing determination, perservance, and patience. All of which are complimented by your wonderful attitude. I've followed your journey and enjoyed reading your posts and so so glad you are having a happy outcome. Now, I'll just continue to gaze at the gorgeous photos!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Thank you QueenB! The piece is quite delicate, so I'll probably just get a 1.5mm plain round band in matching metal for now. I would love to get something a little out of the ordinary as well - I've been eyeing some 22k hammered bands on etsy - but I think I'd be too worried about damaging the delicate trellis wire structure to actually ever wear a non-matching metal...

Danny, Monny, mrssalvo, anemone, Lula Thank you!! :bigsmile:

Thank you ame - I didn't have a vision starting out, but this is exactly where I wanted to end up! It's *perfect*.

May I be so forward as to recommend inquiring with DBL for any re-working you might be considering? I can say that they handle particular customers who've had recent unsatisfactory experiences well, and they really do lovely work, and I'm having a couple of small problems (catchy prongs, earring setting disgruntlements) and David's response has been "we'll deal with it when we re-open".

The photos are totally unedited, except for cropping! I took most as jpegs with the in-camera contrast dialed up (don't have the patience to edit RAW) and white balance set with a grey card under incandescent light - skewed the metal colour a bit, but they look fine otherwise. Oh, and a cheapy Hoya +4 closeup lens for a couple. Every time I see Kenny's pics I want a DSLR... but I just know that I'll go *nuts* with the lenses and whatnot and I really can't afford two expensive hobbies!!

Charmy Thank you! And thank you for your thoughts in my threads - I've really appreciated your input throughout this journey ::)

DBL did a wonderful job. I don't feel quite right saying that, though, because whilst they did in fact do a wonderful job, this is the sort of work I expected in the first place, so that it's a nice surprise is rather an unfortunate statement in and of itself.

It does look like the five-stone version of my three-stone - it's retained the things I adored about my three-stone and just changed what needed to be changed to get the extra prongs and stones :love:

The finish is outstanding. Every part of the ring is polished shiny - if I can see it, it's polished, no matter how I need to contort or cross my eyes to see it. It's like they polished each individual part all over before attaching everything - actually, now that I think about it, that's probably exactly what they did!

The attachment joints are clean, the prongs are evenly sized and precisely shaped and decrease in size as stone size decreases, and the wirework is very smooth. I'm really happy with both aesthetic and *quality* of make and finish, and I've now learnt from experience that neither casting nor handforging is inherently superior, each is simply better suited to different purposes...

Stargurl Thank you! :bigsmile:

I did get the earrings, but I'm not happy with the stock settings (they don't fit my wonky shaped old cuts well) so I'm going to be sending them back for a reset - either a cast tailored to my stones or handforged, we'll see how the quotes come back...

I might post some pics just for fun anyway though ::)

Thank you minmin!! I'll take more when I get some sunlight this weekend :bigsmile:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

It looks AMAZING :lickout: :love:

More pics please!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

W :love: W!!!
Gorgeous ring, gorgeous diamonds!!!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Yssie, it's exquisite. Congratulations.
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Oh MY!

Yssie, your ring is absolutely spectacular! I'm so glad that you finally got exactly what you wanted-- it looks AMAZING ON YOU! :appl: :appl:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Oh my goodness Yssie! It's proportions are absolutely perfect - it's even better than I thought it would be! :love: :love: :love:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Absolutely gorgeous, Yssie! It looks amazing on you. One of the most stunning rings I've seen in my life!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Yssie|1325696842|3094907 said:
Thank you ame - I didn't have a vision starting out, but this is exactly where I wanted to end up! It's *perfect*.

May I be so forward as to recommend inquiring with DBL for any re-working you might be considering? I can say that they handle particular customers who've had recent unsatisfactory experiences well, and they really do lovely work, and I'm having a couple of small problems (catchy prongs, earring setting disgruntlements) and David's response has been "we'll deal with it when we re-open".

The photos are totally unedited, except for cropping! I took most as jpegs with the in-camera contrast dialed up (don't have the patience to edit RAW) and white balance set with a grey card under incandescent light - skewed the metal colour a bit, but they look fine otherwise. Oh, and a cheapy Hoya +4 closeup lens for a couple. Every time I see Kenny's pics I want a DSLR... but I just know that I'll go *nuts* with the lenses and whatnot and I really can't afford two expensive hobbies!!
I really am amazed by the clarity! I might have to screw around with my contrast settings and white balance. That's I do want a better macro. That thing Kenny had mentioned around Thanksgiving I may need to check out. Wowza! I don't usually use Raw. I use the highest JPG possible usually. I have not NEEDED to do much Raw work and the way my camera works, I can get the same detail in a slightly smaller file size with the highest JPG possible on there.

The fluidity of the metal is nice, though I need Platinum, so I am concerned about how fluid that would turn out! I actually am considering contacting DBL about the Flyer especially. I am also considering something along the lines of that BGD micropave band that looks like a channel with bead set stones. But I have a lot to think about and I need to call the jeweler back about the MF. I am waiting on that til next week. I don't know what to do with this stuff. I just need to figure out how I'll pay for it.
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

It's gorgeous Yssie!! :appl: I really like this iteration of the design-the flow, the finish...just a lovely cohesive piece. I like the triangular depression from shank on into gallery, which aids the eye in the right direction. ...and your still, my heart! Amazing, and well done!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

GAH! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

The VC ring was nice, but this one looks so much better! And to think, most of it came from tiny changes. I'm so happy that you're in love with it. I hope DBL can re-orient your stone and tweak your catchy prongs without any problems, and get that ring back on your finger as soon as possible! I totally agree with you about every part being polished - nothing beats that look!

What a beautiful way to start off the year! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Congratulations, yessie! It looks gorgeous! I love how this ring turned out, especially happy for you that it is now to your expectation! I have been following your journal in this setting but have not commented so far as you were being offered all the advices from the others and there were not much more I can contribute. Now that I have seen the amazing result, its giving me some ideas for my future projects! Enjoy your ring and wear it in good health!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

It's beautiful Yssie! I am so glad that you have a ring that you love. It makes your long difficult journey worthwhile! Congratulations, itis a beauty and looks lovely on your delicate hand.
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

wow, yssie, it's seriously gorgeous-b-dorgeous!! DBL hit *all* the right notes - i'll admit now that it's turned out flawlessly amazing that after the first iteration i felt some nostalgia for your three-stone; not so with this version! it's off-the-chain! congrats on a stunning ring and enjoy!!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

It's amazing! It looks amazing on you too! Congrats on that beauty.
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Thank you so much siamese, your words mean a lot to me ::) It's been a long, thrilling, exhausting, expensive journey, and I've lost some sleep along the way, and I'm very glad to have reached the end. I fully intend to enjoy my beautiful new ring for many years to come :bigsmile:

DH is happy with it too ::)

Thank you eh613, Dana, kenny, oranges, violet, tigian!! I will definitely take more pictures this weekend! I love the way it looks on my finger - the diamonds wrap all the way around, so the ring doesn't turn at all, and you don't see *any* metal at all from the top - just stones!

ame I forgot to mention that Kenny discovered last year that for whatever reason the new PS massacres jpegs - washes them out dreadfully - I've been doing much better with pngs! You sound like an avid photographer?

Ring - the metal is beautifully fluid and I know wg is more difficult to work by hand than platinum, so I imagine such results would be even easier to achieve! I did have the opportunity to see several pieces in-person, all in platinum - they were beautiful, I remember, but of course I don't have the benefit of actually owning one for extended scrutiny. I'm really sorry to hear of your troubles :sick: you shouldn't *be* in this position, and I hope you find happy resolution soon!

coati Thank you!! Second time's a charm, apparently! The triangular indent is an interesting piece of work - the shank tapers in that area, so the metal isn't so much indented as it is flared outward toward the trellis wire outline, if that makes sense? I'll try and get some better pics of it this weekend. It's a very visually pleasing solution to an interesting problem!

Thank you S&I! It's really incredible - even though I *know* how much of a difference small changes can make, having gone through exactly this same thing with Butterflies 1 and 2, I'm still surprised to actually see it!

I think I'm just worrying overly much about the tweaks - they made the ring, afterall, presumably they can tweak such small things without problems! And once that's done it will be quite literally perfect - definitely a wonderful way to start the new year ::)

megeve I am so flattered to read your comments, your style is impeccable and your jewels are utterly enviable :love:
Thank you!!

Thank you luv! All worth it in the end :love:

rainy Thank you! :bigsmile: DBl did an amazing job!! I know what you mean re. the three-stone - I was nostalgic for it myself, one of the reasons I wanted this one to be so similar in certain ways. This one really does look like the five-stone version of the three-stone, and I love it for that ::)

Thank you Sparkly!
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

This is absolutely PERFECT!

When I read "five stone trellis" in the title this surely isn't what I was expecting. It's really stunning. Perfect proportions and absolutely graceful.
Re: It's HERE!!! My five-stone trellis reset by DBL

Thank you MissPrudential :bigsmile:

Haha yeah, I probably should've put 8prong or something in the title. I'll ask the mods to change it, thanks for bringing it up!
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