
It must be sick kitty week, mine is at the vet today too!

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Dec 9, 2002
My poor sweet Bone-sy...(her real name is Simone) has been howling something fierce whenever she pees in the catbox. I took her to the vet this morning & had to leave her so they can test her urine & do some bloodwork if something is up in the urine.

Poor baby cat. But the good news is, she loved the new vet & techs (they changed ownership) & I did like how they were all loving on her & she was purring. (Normally she HATES the vet)

I didn''t even think of the effect a trip to the vet would have on my son & he FREAKED out and cried when they were examining her. Kept saying "my kitty no!!". Sooo sweet. Poor little guy.

Lets hope its just cystitis, and not some freaky kidney disease. Ugh. She''s almost 11, so she''s getting up there in age, but she''s a lover-bug/snuggler and we really adore her.


I hope it''s just a UTI...some antibiotics and she''ll be good as new. Poor baby. Let us know what they find out.
Oh, poor baby kitty. Many positive thoughts her way!! I sincerely hope it''s nothing terribly bad. Please keep us updated.
sorry to hear about the sick kitty, sending everyone who has sick kitties this week good healthy pet vibes. portia has also recently been a little OFF...but we are not sure what...thinking she might have eaten something she shouldn't have...she is eating, drinking, playing, sleeping normally...the only thing that is off is at night she is a little more lethargic and also she is being really intermittent with her stool, and last nite she threw up a lot of partially digested food (and she had not EATEN that much) so we are not sure if there is a blockage going on or what. because she is small, her pipes are small too so things can easily get stuck. i hope that she passes whatever it is...if it IS anything, otherwise it will be a costly vet visit for an xray ($350) and then whatever else to fix it.
but many times the dogs do pass whatever it is...esp if she is acting mostly normally otherwise which she is, so i'm not too freaked right now but yeah it's SOO never fun when the pet of the household is sick or has upset tummy or fun for them or for you/us!

hope all the sick pets get well soon!!
Diver and Mara,
Sending good vibes. I hope both your pets start feeling better.
OMG!!! Sending you get better kitty vibes, too. It does sound like a UTI. My childhood cat, Tiger, had frequent UTIs and we finally had him on meds constantly for them.
Oh Divergrrrl!!! I''m sorry your kitty is sick too! Definitely sounds like a UTI so hopefully they''ll get her fixed up soon. Lucy has had several of those and it''s just so frustrating for both of you. I hope you can get some relief for her!

Mara-- I hope Portia gets through her week without an x-ray too! Dogs have a way of eating lots of odd things.
Lord- another sick kitty.... Head bonks and positive thoughts...If it makes you feel "better" in terms of your baby hating the vet- today was the SECOND time in the last month (on his way to the vet) that vinny. Pooped and threw up all over himself in the carrier LOL...What fun...

Keep us posted....A lot of these types of problems work themselved out and might only require a change of diet...
You can add my kitty to the list!
Pretty Kitty had to go to the vet this morning for an aural hematoma on the left ear. She''s still there for surgery. She must have had an ear infection or mites and scratched too hard, causing a vessel to break. Her poor little ear puffed up from bleeding between the cartilage and the skin, and she was so miserable and depressed! I''ll be picking her up tomorrow morning.

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Tulip- so sorry to hear that! Hematomas are one of those cat things I didn''t know about it until I saw one.

Max had one of those a couple of years ago... you can kind of see his crumpled ear in his picture. We call him our lop-eared cat. You have many days of an elizabethan collar in your future! As it heals, her stitches will itch too. I can still hear Max scratching at his plastic collar. He actually re-injured his and had to have a 2nd repair surgery. Then they put him on valium and pain killers and he laid with his head in the food bowl until he was better. It did heal though. Max didn''t have ear mites or anything... the vet thinks Lucy hit him really hard in one of their boxing matches.
OMG no more sick animals!!!! Poor little babies!!!

Having been given a middle name (Frances) after St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals, I say NO MORE!!!
Oh boy! Thank you Sumbride for the headsup! I''m going out of town for 6 days this Friday, and now I''m worried about Pretty Kitty. My SO doesn''t have any affection for her, so I may have to enlist my mom to watch over her. Thank you so much for the information!
Certainly didn''t mean to scare you, but yeah... you''re going to want to ask your mom to watch her if your SO won''t. Depending on how many stitches she gets, it could take a few weeks to a month to heal and she''ll definitely need supervision and probably antibiotics frequently. I also had to wash Max''s face a lot because he couldn''t, but he eats wet food, so if she''s on dry you may be ok.
Once again, thank you Sumbride! The vet didn't say a whole lot about "after".

Pretty Kitty came to me - she must have been abandoned. She loves the indoor life - a window ledge with a view is her favorite place to be. She will not eat canned food, or table scraps of any kind! She will only eat dry cat food, so I guess that won't be a challenge. I've already talked to my mom, and kitty will probably spend the six days with her - what a relief!

I have a tuxedo cat like Max, too. His name is Domino (another cat that wandered to me). He has had more calamadies than any cat I have known. Once he was missing for a couple of weeks. Turned out, he had gotten closed into our elderly neighbors packed garage. I guess they couldn't hear him crying! One day, my daughter and I had gotten out of my car, and she heard a cat crying loudly but muffled. She went in the direction she heard the meows, and there was Domino at the window of the garage. Thank goodness the big door wasn't locked. We opened it and Domino creeped his way through the pack rat garage to us. He was skin and bones - so dehydrated.

I took him straight to the vet where he had to go on IV fluids for days to bring him back to health. I have come to believe the saying about a cat having 9 lives because of Domino.

Kitty SIMONE: I hope all gets well for poor little kitty. I will send up kitty prayers for her too.
Happy to help with the hematoma info... I don''t think they told me much about it ahead of time either... like I was just supposed to know I was going to have to nurse him back to health for a month. With all the meds he was on after his second surgery, that was the longest month of my life! Hopefully Pretty Kitty will have an easier time of it.

So lucky you found Domino and were able to get him back to healthy! Tuxedo cats are so great, aren''t they? And I totally believe in the 9 lives thing. My childhood cat Pumpkin taught me that. And now Max... I think he''s on #6 at this point.
Have you heard about your baby, Diver??

So Sorry to hear about your kittie''s ear, Tulip!!

Here''s hoping Portia is her usual self soon, Mara!!

Our old man started eating again yesterday. Not much, but something''s better than the nothing he ate over the weekend.

May all our babies get well soon!!
Hope your kitty is feeling better very soon.
Wow, all our babies are sick!

Well I got decent news on my kitty...Simone has Cystitis, not a UTI...(there is no bacteria, so she doesn''t need antibiotics. Like MoreMoreMore said, the remedy is a dietary change (off dry food and onto wet food for the rest of her kitty life) and more water bowls out for her. I think the dog is drinking her water.

The vet did send me home with some kitty narcotics (opiate based--she''s gonna feel all floaty and nice) so she can at least be out of pain until the hydration does it trick.

I hope everyone''s animals feel better soon, we sure are getting hit here aren''t we?

Date: 3/6/2007 12:24:46 AM
Author: divergrrl
Wow, all our babies are sick!

Well I got decent news on my kitty...Simone has Cystitis, not a UTI...(there is no bacteria, so she doesn''t need antibiotics. Like MoreMoreMore said, the remedy is a dietary change (off dry food and onto wet food for the rest of her kitty life) and more water bowls out for her. I think the dog is drinking her water.

The vet did send me home with some kitty narcotics (opiate based--she''s gonna feel all floaty and nice) so she can at least be out of pain until the hydration does it trick.

I hope everyone''s animals feel better soon, we sure are getting hit here aren''t we?

Sure seems like it. Glad she''s going to be well soon!! Ask about distilled water too.
Jeannine, I''m glad your pussycat is going to be okay and well done for getting your cat to the vet quickly. Whenever a cat is in pain while passing (or trying to pass) urine, it''s critical to hotfoot a cat down to the vet as quickly as possible, just in case it''s a UTI or stones blocking the urine passage (which male cats are more susceptible to. It can kill a cat). My cat, Rupert Bear, was unfortunate to get a UTI the night I went out on vacation (9 years ago) and was to''ing and fro''ing to his litter box but not much pee. I was literally about to leave on my way to the airport, so I had to ask my friend, who was taking care of him during my vacation, to take him to the vet the very next day if he was still in the same uncomfortable state. Well, she didn''t, she left my cat in agony for a week, before taking him to the vet, and by then the damage was done, he was in a critical state. He was put on antibiotics but because his condition was so bad, and because my so called friend had lied about how long he had been in that state (saying it had only just happened), the vet didn''t give a strong enough dose for it to be effective. So, for 6 months we struggled with a cat that kept having to be rushed for emergency treatment, as he was bleeding instead of urinating. It was a horrendous time and I cried a lot of tears. Thankfully he pulled through.

Urinary problems in cats can be so dangerous, it''s always good to get it treated ASAP.

To all fellow PS''ers with sick pets - I''m so sorry and wish them all a speedy recovery. Healthy pet vibes flying everyone''s way.
Glad to hear of the improvements!

It must be a hard week for PS pets, it was a year ago that Teddy had to leave....
Did they prescribe a special food for her? Cats with cystitis definitely need more wet food and more water. But did they prescribe a food like Hills XD or something?
WOW. Lots of sick babies right now.

Diver, I''m happy to hear that your babies problem can be handled with a dietary change. Watch out for Simones teeth since you are switching to wet only. There is a water additive that will help protect the teeth, and you may have to learn how to brush her teeth for her in order to prevent problems down the road.

Mara, I''m so sorry to hear that Portia is not feeling well, I''m hope that she perks up and that whatever has her feeling poorly clears itself up soon!

Tulip... A little TLC will make you both feel better, do you clip your cats claws? Also... I found that iodine helped (it looks terrible cause of the red-orange color) but it was the best anitbacterial agent when my Noel had an open wound she infected with her licking.

To everyone with sick pets: I wish them all a speedy recovery and my babies send their head bonks. ((HUGS))
Date: 3/6/2007 12:36:47 AM
Author: Kaleigh

Sure seems like it. Glad she''s going to be well soon!! Ask about distilled water too.
Yeah, I would definitely ask about the water. My vet said that some tap water have minerals that are more difficult for cats to pass.

Gosh, hope everyone''s fur babies are on the mend!
Get well soon, to all the sick furkids!!! I hope Simone enjoys her opiate hiatus, heehee!
I hope she will be well soon.
update on my furry child, she seems to be better...we stayed outside with her one night for 45 minutes at 11:30pm til she FINALLY went to the bathroom (after much angst from everyone involved!!)...and after that she''s been basically fine except eating a little less at nights...we thought it maybe could be the seasons changing too, sometimes she acts a little oddly around then, aka winter to summer with diff weather, diff activity patterns etc.

hope your furry child is doing better too diver....and everyone else!
Diver- that is great news....You're going to laugh, but my cats LOVE their water in their own glass (a short, heavy beer mug so no tipping) with ice and water on my husband's night stand...They LOVE drinking there so maybe switch it up or even get one of those constant water things if your baby doesn't drink that much....Also, I found that switching the brand of special food really helped...
Date: 3/8/2007 8:02:10 PM
Author: moremoremore
Diver- that is great news....You''re going to laugh, but my cats LOVE their water in their own glass (a short, heavy beer mug so no tipping) with ice and water on my husband''s night stand...They LOVE drinking there so maybe switch it up or even get one of those constant water things if your baby doesn''t drink that much....Also, I found that switching the brand of special food really helped...
Oh more, this cracks me up...I thought I was the only crazy. Leo likes to drink cold water (not iced) out of a plastic cup in the master bathroom. OR, he likes my daughter to feed him water with a plastic spoon. He turns his nose up at the ceramic water bowl in the laundry room.

Diver glad to hear your baby is going to be well soon. How is she doing with the meds?
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