
It is HOT!!! How Hot is it where you live??


Nov 24, 2006
Okay here in NM it is 100 degrees and yesterday was 102 degrees and we haven't had rain for a long time. I am hoping it cools off a bit and hopefully the July showers start soon!

How hot is it where you live and where do you live?
It has been around 90 and looks like it will be in the upper 80's in the 5 day forecast (NC). I hate it when it gets so hot so early in the summer!

Skippy, I know this is off topic, but I know many of us would love to hear an update on how your babies are doing!
It was 100 today. But west of here it increased from that, to 115 along the Oklahoma-Texas panhandle border. And the winds have been howling, so it has been like a giant blast furnace - relentless and searing. Good times...
diamondseeker2006|1309138138|2955770 said:
It has been around 90 and looks like it will be in the upper 80's in the 5 day forecast (NC). I hate it when it gets so hot so early in the summer!

Skippy, I know this is off topic, but I know many of us would love to hear an update on how your babies are doing!

I'll trade ya... ;))
90 degrees with high humidity. :X
About 80 here in NJ...nice beach weekend.
cooler than normal summer weather here in central Ca. we only hit 90* today.the normal temp should be closer to 100*.
Not hot at all here in the Northland. Highs in the 70s most days, and lots of rain and flooding. Over 25% of the population of Minot, ND has been evacuated due to flooding. It's like the country is split in half this summer--cool and wet North, hot and dry South. On the average, I'm sure everything looks fine. :errrr:
109 here today. Ugh. Our low for tonight is supposed to be around 80...sigh......
We're 65 right now and a forecast of 76 is set for tomorrow :praise:
I'm studying in North Carolina this summer and it was a BEAUTIFUL day today. Felt like the mid-70s. Sunny. Not as humid as home (Chicago). I could get used to this weather!
Well, a few days ago I was living in a desert at sea level on the "non-windward" side of a tropical island.

It was excruciating.

And I'm familiar with warm climates. I was born in Florida, I lived in New Orleans, and in Arizona.

This was the worst.

It didn't cool down at all until at least 9 PM.

It was so hot I continually thought I would throw up.

You couldn't run the air conditioner nearly enough or you'd have a $600 electric bill.

Even in the middle of the night, it was barely tolerable.

Sometimes even then I'd have to give up because I couldn't sleep and turn the air conditioner on for a ten or fifteen minutes to get a break.

I'm moved up in elevation, I'm not sure how far, and around the mountain. It's not oppressively hot here at all. Yeah!
It got up to 29C yesterday, and the forecast today is for 32. In my experience, 32 in the UK is worse than 40 in the Mediterranean.
East coast of Scotland -I just put on a second sweater. The maximum temp forecast for here today is 15 decrees C, lowest 9 decrees C.

Now that I think about it, it's a lot cooler here than this time last year. It's university exam season, and last year I was melting and dying in a horrible humid heatwave, praying that no students would fail so I didn't have to go through re-sits in these hot, horrible rooms. Today, I'm heading into the law school to invigilate re-sits and hoping they have the heating cranked up.

On the plus side, I haven't had to water anything in the garden yet this year.
31 degrees c

It's gorgeous!

And I'm getting married this Saturday!

Woo hoo!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I saw the weather report on the Today show yesterday morning, and I thought of you, Skippy and Freke. I was wondering how you were holding up in the heat over there.

It's been cool and rainy much of this month in northern New England. We had some beautiful days earlier in June, and I hope they come back soon. It's supposed to be 84 today and tomorrow, then 81, 79, and 82 for the rest of the week. I want it to be pool weather, darn it!
toasty in Florida.. and sadly it's been very dry.... fires everywhere... we need more rain.. it's in the forecast I hope it comes! Talk about needing dust.. we need rain dust badly!
Skippy123|1309137302|2955756 said:
Okay here in NM it is 100 degrees and yesterday was 102 degrees and we haven't had rain for a long time. I am hoping it cools off a bit and hopefully the July showers start soon!

How hot is it where you live and where do you live?

July showers? What's that? :knockout:

Yeah, we're in the same drought as you guys. They are saying it's actually as bad or worse a drought than the great dustbowl, and I believe it. Better farming practices and less wind (although it's been awfully howl-y here with winds to 45) keep the ground from vacating, but the actual lack of rain is beyond severe and has pretty much destroyed our wheat harvest. Kansas is next for a rotten harvest. Low hundreds are forecast for about as far out as they can forecast. And people in the north wonder why we move so much slower down here.

It's funny, we just got back from visiting family in Louisville, and they were complaining about how dry it's been, and as we sat there through rainstorm after rainstorm, we were like, you guys have a very different definition of drought than we do... ;))

US Drought Monitor

Drought in southwest Kansas wheat fields is worst since Dust Bowl

Oklahoma wheat harvest called "disheartening"
Not very hot here at all..we did however get a bunch of rainstorms thru here last night that swept cars away and we knew it was coming and it lasted several hours..and yet somehow that "midwestern smarts" eluded many people and kept law enforcement scrambling all night to take care of them.
I'm here with ksinger. At 7:30 am it was already 85 degrees! I don't hold much hope for a cool down anytime soon. :errrr:
Haven|1309144353|2955874 said:
I'm studying in North Carolina this summer and it was a BEAUTIFUL day today. Felt like the mid-70s. Sunny. Not as humid as home (Chicago). I could get used to this weather!

You must be by the coast.
109? I think? I live in the Phoenix area. It doesn't bother me, but then again I was disappointed when I did Bikram yoga because I really thought it would be hotter.

ETA- Today's high will be 113.
herekittykitty|1309182710|2956094 said:
109? I think? I live in the Phoenix area. It doesn't bother me, but then again I was disappointed when I did Bikram yoga because I really thought it would be hotter.

ETA- Today's high will be 113.

Waves to Uppy! I'm down in Tucson, so I'm with you in the heat! Ugh!
Jennifer W|1309160210|2955980 said:
East coast of Scotland -I just put on a second sweater. The maximum temp forecast for here today is 15 decrees C, lowest 9 decrees C.

That sounds more like todays weather in Dublin as well. It was 26C yesterday and today it's only 16. Where is the nice weather gone? At least it's stopped raining!
I live in Atlanta, where I believe it's in the mid 90s right now.

I'm spending the summer (well, winter) in South Africa and it's been in the low to mid 60s. I have to say that while I really love summer, I am not terribly sad about missing the weeks on end of 90+ with humidity!
Upper 80's here in the Caribbean. We do have the cooling sea breezes, though - that helps a lot.
Mid 60s all week!
Skippy123|1309137302|2955756 said:
Okay here in NM it is 100 degrees and yesterday was 102 degrees and we haven't had rain for a long time. I am hoping it cools off a bit and hopefully the July showers start soon!

How hot is it where you live and where do you live?

It's miserable here lately, isn't it? It feels so much worse than last year, and the drought this year is BAD. My dad lived through the end of the Dustbowl and he is worried that all the drought and fire is going to produce more sand storms.

I can't believe how much fire we have going on here right now. Albuquerque is pretty much surrounded.
MonkeyPie|1309191557|2956228 said:
Skippy123|1309137302|2955756 said:
Okay here in NM it is 100 degrees and yesterday was 102 degrees and we haven't had rain for a long time. I am hoping it cools off a bit and hopefully the July showers start soon!

How hot is it where you live and where do you live?

It's miserable here lately, isn't it? It feels so much worse than last year, and the drought this year is BAD. My dad lived through the end of the Dustbowl and he is worried that all the drought and fire is going to produce more sand storms.

I can't believe how much fire we have going on here right now. Albuquerque is pretty much surrounded.

Yeah, check out that drought monitor page I linked MP, it's awful. It's got a 12 week animation too, that shows the growth of the "exceptional" drought area. Dustbowl redux indeed...
mayerling|1309158710|2955973 said:
It got up to 29C yesterday, and the forecast today is for 32. In my experience, 32 in the UK is worse than 40 in the Mediterranean.

Weird isn't it - I love high heat and high humidity and always found Italian summers totally bearable even in offices without AC. London just seems much hotter even at only 32 C (around 90 F).

Thunder-storms on their way now...