
Is your ring loose ?

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Nov 9, 2006
I just lost some weight and my ring is really loose. Is there a test I can do to make sure theres no way it can slip on. I love it loose but I dont want to lose it . I like how its swings around my finger and how it can sometime lay on the side.

Question when do you know your ring is to loose and the size has to be changed. plus i heard your fingers swell in the summer.

Congrats on your weight loss! I like my rings loose too. A jeweler told me once if someone ELSE can pull off your ring then it is too loose. I guess you could try that as a test.
Now I hadn''t thought of that--someone else pulling on it. I found that if I wear another ring with a loose ring, even if they are the same size, the effect is that both are more snug... How soon is the wedding?
I like my rings a little loose--*hate* them tight! I''ve tested before by shaking my hand vigorously (over the bed or something in case they do come off). Mine spin when my hands are cold or wet, but I''ve never come close to having them fall off.
Not only do they swell in the summer but it is true - having a second ring on the same finger makes them both fit a little more snug. Is it falling off you? Have you tried on a wedding ring with it?
I like having my rings loose, too. I have this irrational fear of my ring becoming SO tight that I''ll need it cut off. I also shake my hand around a lot to check and make sure the ring is not too loose. I never thought of that test to see if someone else could pull it off, either. I also kind of think that you can tell if the ring is too tight if it''s a struggle for someone else to put it on and they have to shove it on your finger... like my wedding ring is now. Like others said, wearing a second ring helps make everything a little more snug.

The ring should slip on without tugging much on the skin, but should tug a bit on the skin on the way off. If it slips off without moving your skin a little bit, like as it goes over your knuckle, then it is probably too loose.
Yes, its true.. my fingers swell up when I am feeling hot and it look like sauages when rings are too tight. And they b4 loose in the winter or air con room.. Well, I dun know what I am doing is right but I would usually swing my hand really hard just to check if the ring will drop.. If it doesnt I know I am safe..
I''m like Christa, I shake my hands VERY hard over a soft surface. I definitley find that having two rings on the same finger makes them tighter, it''s so weird how that works!! Depending on the type of ring, I either l ike them loose or a tad tighter, for a solitaire I love when it''s loose, but a band with jewels, I can''t stand when it spins.
I would never size a ring smaller unless it was July or August and they were still loose then!
Well ive done the shaking test till my had turned red and i didnt come off. Now im going as my fiance to try to take it off me to double check. I guess its just normal for your fingers to get thin when they are cold.
eat a big garlic-y meal, your fingers will swell too, like johnny carinos. serious garlic bread, and watch them fingers swell...

also when you get your wedding band all of a sudden everything will be tighter.
mine are pretty loose now that i have lost 20 lbs...but i have larger knuckles so they don''t seem to get past the knuckles at all so that''s good.

however, my mom had her original w-ring on and it was not even loose, and she was out walking one day in the park and it slipped off and she never even noticed. she never found it!

so when i am out walking etc i typically don''t take my rings, why tempt fate?!
you should consider having "speedbumps" put in by a jeweler. They''re usually 2 little dots of gold or platinum that fit on the inside of the bottom of your ring. They also help with making the stones sit upright instead of tilting to one side. They''re easy to remove for women who get pregnant & end up with swollen fingers.
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