
Is this the one? 1.32 G Vvs1


Aug 7, 2012

Inclusions personally bother me, so I only have been looking vvs or above. I think this is the one, but it bothers me that the enchanted score is not 100.. Also, if u look at the aset image, the arrows are blue/green, where as in other diamond pictures the atrows seemed to come oit in blue.

Im planning to pull the trigger this afternoon.

Please let me kmow what uall think


Apr 21, 2010
Well, I ran the HCA Tool - - and it scored "1.4-Excellent within TIC range," with Excellents for Light Return and Fire, and Very Goods for Scintillation and Spread - and it placed with the white line AGS O candidates box.

I also ran the AGA Cut Class Tool - - and it scored a 1A total score (receiving 1A in all categories but Pavilion Depth where it scored a 1B).

For comparisons, I checked WhiteFlash real quick, and they have a 1.37ct H-VS1 A Cut Above with similar face-up size and roughly comparable price (if you pay via wire) -

I also checked Brian Gavin Diamonds, and they have a 1.317ct H-VS1 Signature H&A with ever-so-slightly smaller face-up size and roughly comparable price (if you pay via wire) -

If you want to stay with G-color, neither WF or BGD have apx 7mm stones and/or priced at no more than $12,500.00.

Based on the comparison, I think your 1.32ct G-VVS1 find at Enchanted Diamond is worth checking out - it looks ED has a 30-day return policy with complimentary return-shipping - if you're able to buy the ED stone loose and inspect it closely in different lighting conditions, that's what I would do.


Aug 7, 2012

Thank you so much marymm.. Originally I was looking at the diamond with the above link from bluenile, because the HCA is better (though it shouldn't matter as long as below 2, right?) and enchanted scored at 100.00!!

also the price is about $600 lower for this one from BN..

However, the downside is, I only get to see one picture from BN, and when I blow it up it has these white specs on it..

So, I was debating between the two,,, and I wanted to just go safe with the enchanted diamond since I see the videos and aset images..., despite the scores being a tad bit lower..

Please let me know if you agree with my decision... :wall: I've been literally going in circles making the decision..

This will be the last time I ask, and then I'll make a purchase. :pray: :pray:



Jan 11, 2006
Both diamonds should be great. The ED stone is very slightly larger, so I might just choose based on that besides it having some additional images. I will tell you, though, that I would always include VS1 in a search for a high clarity stone, because those inclusions are generally hard to see even with a 10x loupe. I always look for VS1 because honestly, anything above that generally appears the same but costs more. :appl:


Apr 21, 2010
I agree with DS that both the ED and BN stones should be great - however, practically speaking, I do consider both of them to be apx 7mm face-up, so if it were me, I would likely choose to order the BN stone first, because (1) I prefer its slightly smaller table/higher crown combo, and (2) I am a repeat BN purchaser and I trust their customer service (plus they have the diamond upgrade policy), and (3) $600 less expensive than the ED stone. (


Aug 7, 2012
Thank you both Marymm and Diamondseeker!

This is my first time making such a big purchase.. (other than a car and house :shifty: ) so it is very nerve racking. And for the BN stone, I haven't got to see a video or HD pic, or any aset image... so it was hard to convince myself to get pull the plunge on it...

Even though, BN has great return policy, I just wanted to avoid the hassle all together and go with one that I have more pictures on..

I didn't know smaller table/higher crown combo is a better thing.. - I learn something new everyday :lol:
May I ask, how the smaller table/higher crown affect the diamond though?

Thanks again, and I'll check back here before I make a purchase.


Apr 21, 2010
As both DS and I have commented, both stones are great; you can't go wrong with either.

It is definitely true you have more info on the ED stone; and it sounds like the ED stone is the better choice for you.

DS mentioned she'd probably go with the ED stone because it faces up larger than the BN stone, plus it has the additional images. These are sound reasons to go with one diamond over another.

All any of us PSers can do is provide opinions and a level of knowledge based on our individual experiences.

So while I *personally* might first go with the BN stone, because I've bought from BN before plus the $600 savings, as well as my slight preference for its table/crown combo, my preference would not work for you if you don't have a prior history with BN and don't have a particular preference as to table/crown.

Fyi: a smaller table/higher crown combo is not necessarily "better" - these are both very well-cut diamonds - if you want to look at nuances, the actual specs (table/crown/pavilion, etc.) of the two stones differ slightly. Kind of like, do you prefer vanilla or chocolate? orange or grape? One isn't necessarily "better" than the other, but you may prefer one flavor over the other.

Again, both stones are well-cut and likely great performers, and if you are more comfortable buying the ED stone, that is a solid choice.


Aug 7, 2012
After careful consideration I went with BN 1.31 G VVS2..

I just made the purchase over the phone and shared my concerns about the white specs, and the sales person helping me said that she feels confident that those are probably dust that could be removed.. and if anything different from the certificate were to be detected they would not sell it as is. She did tell that this would be an absolute beautiful diamond (i'm sure they say this to everybody :lol: )

Anyways, I'll be receiving it soon and will be waiting nervously till then.

I don't even have a 10x loupe at home.. Maybe I should order a jewelers loupe from Amazon while waiting.

Thanks again for your input and advice Marymm and Diamondseeker!!

Now just time to wait :clap: :clap: :clap:
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