It is obstruction, the diamond is way over obstructed in the picture, like looking at it from 2 inches.pfunk|1457277410|4000538 said:The angles aren't perfectly complementary, but the images suggest strong light return. They have me scratching my head though, because typically when I see a magnified image with those dark areas under the table (2 oclock, 4 oclock, and to a lesser degree 10 oclock) they correspond with areas of leakage on the IS and ASET. That isn't the case here though, and both the IS and ASET look good.
It can make the diamond look dark when viewed past arms length if it does not stop obstructing from a too shallow pavilion.mmmdoan|1457296925|4000659 said:Thanks Karl_K!
Yea they are gia graded. The 2.5 ct scores 0.6 all excellent on HCA.
Is the obstruction a very bad thing?
Any thoughts on the second stone?
Thanks so much.