
Is this normal?


Apr 13, 2008
Hi all,
I am about 4-5 weeks pregnant, and am experiencing a dull ache, not quite "cramping", but a slight "pinch" and a little bit of light light spotting... Looks like old blood, but a very small amount. Has anyone had this happen? My doctor said it's not "normal" but it is "common". I will be going in today to get checked. Please reassure me!!! :errrr:
Tuckins~ I had the same thing with JT. In fact, I didn't know I was preggo at the time and thought I was having a period. I've heard of many women experiencing it. Try not to worry. Dust for a good appt!!
Try not to fret (I know, that's just a stupid thing to say) but try!
I had symptoms like these when I was pregnant with Amelia and all was well, so it isn't necessarily bad news, but obviously you need to see your Dr to know for sure what's going on.

Good chance you'll be fine, and I know a lot of people have symptoms like this. I hope you have good news when you see your Dr and I'm thinking about you.


It is very common from what I see on PS! The cramping especially is completely normal and will last maybe 6 weeks.

For many women blood is also normal and they are fine, and for some is it not good news :blackeye: Early pregnancy is so hard because it is a time when you can't control anything and you just have to close your eyes and hope for the best, in my opinion. So I will close my eyes and hope for the best for you, Tuckins!
The pregnant psers have a wealth of knowledge on this topic. Yes, it can be very normal. The dull ache you are experiencing can very well be related to implantation. It could also be related to round ligament pain (although that typically occurs in late first tri/early second tri). I had those same dull aches from about 5 weeks through 7 weeks. The pinching is very normal. If you google dull ache in lower abdomen during early pregnancy, you'll get a bunch of articles.

The spotting is also common in early pregnancy.

The general rule is that if the bleeding is heavy, bright red, and/or accompanied by severe cramping then you should head in to see your doc. But my motto was to go to or call the doc whenever I felt any sort of worry because really, who needs to go around wondering if something is happening.

Keeping you in my thoughts today.
Yup yup yup! It's likely implantation bleeding, especially if it is minimal.

I also had a cramping feeling. Not as severe as monthly feeling, but it was noticable. Also had the implatation bleeding.

Rest up as much as possible. :)

ditto the pregnant PS'ers (and the thread) having a wealth of info. those ladies are invaluable.

it is very common. in fact at week 4 i thought i was having my period but it was probably implantation bleeding. when i talked to my Dr she said most people don't even realize until around a week or two later that they missed a period and could be pregnant. i just was so in tune with my cycle when i saw the bleeding i assumed. but it stopped and 2-3 days later i went HMMM.

if you can go in and get checked out, might as well--it will help your peace of mind.
I had it w/both my kids and called the office just to make sure and get checked out to be on the safe side, but implantation as mentioned before is what I was told both times. And then the round ligament pain later on. There's all kinds of aches and pains and weirdness with being pregnant-it's hard to know what's what!
packrat said:
There's all kinds of aches and pains and weirdness with being pregnant-it's hard to know what's what!

This is so true. Esp as a first time Mom. The first few weeks are just a precursor to all the mental freak outs you have for the next 9 months. Then when they are out it's a whole other can of worms.
Thanks all! Just got back from the doc... Baby is 5 weeks 5 days! The slight cramping and spotting is fine but they want to see me again in 10 days to check. I saw and heard the heartbeat!!
I'm so happy to see this post, Tuckins!

So glad it's good news, so glad that you heard the heartbeat.

Congratulations on your pregnancy, too!

Tuckins1 said:
Thanks all! Just got back from the doc... Baby is 5 weeks 5 days! The slight cramping and spotting is fine but they want to see me again in 10 days to check. I saw and heard the heartbeat!!


Tuckins1 said:
Thanks all! Just got back from the doc... Baby is 5 weeks 5 days! The slight cramping and spotting is fine but they want to see me again in 10 days to check. I saw and heard the heartbeat!!

:appl: :appl: :appl:
Wow early HB...that is GREAT!!! Congrats.