
Is This Appropriate

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Jun 3, 2003
I was very surprised to get an email today in my hotmail inbox that came from a user from PS.

This person was trying to sell me a diamond ring!!! He was going on by saying that he noticed on one of my postings that I am looking for a diamond ring and he gave me a link to a site which has a full description of the ring and the diamond.

I was pretty annoyed about this email. Do you think what this guy did was appropriate??? Did anyone else receive this email?

Yes, I have been looking for a diamond and I have posted for some advise on PS in the past few weeks, but I have never posted any WANTED ads on PS.

The stone this guy was trying to sell me is princess 0.46c….way off from what I have been writing about on this board. I am looking for a RB 1.5C.

Sorry about this but I just need to vent.
Hi, Jewels:

Honestly, that is pretty unusual. There is an option here to message a user, and one can select PM or email.

However, I've never seen a case where even ONE reputable vendor on here went that far.

I hope you let this person know you were unhappy with the contact.
What if it were the perfect rock at the perfect price? Would you be equally annoyed?
Thanks Aljdewey. I don't think this guy is a vendor. The link just takes me directly to the cert and a picture of the ring.

Devo - if it is for the perfect rock at the perfect price, I would not have been that annoyed. I think I'm mad at the fact that the tone of the email was not that polite....that person should have said something like "I hope you don't mind me sending you this email but I noticed from you PS posts that you are looking for a stone......"
I think it also really depends on who the email is from.

If one of the readers here sent me a link to a diamond he/she thought might fit what I was looking for, that wouldn't disturb me.....again, kinda like the "neighborhood chat" feel.

If a VENDOR did it, though, I'd be ripped.....that isn't warranted unless I initiate contact. Vendors doing this would have the same used-car, vulture feeling to me.
Hi bummer about that e-mail...I had one or 2 like that when I first joined...I just ignored them and they left me alone

I think a lot of this type of thing happens...when people are cruising the site and want to dump a they sort of spam people who mentioned looking for stones

If you feel strongly...

You can report this to Leonid and he will take appropriate action...unless you have put your e-mail address in a post you made this person had to be a P-scope member to send you the e-mail (I am pretty sure)

Leonid does a great job of making sure all is well and people are happy...
Yes let Leonid know and he will take the action necessary. I have had a few promotion emails/PM's here and there--usually from newbies who don't know any better. Just let him know
The same thing happened to me! It was a different person though, who was trying to sell me a 1.5 or a 1.6 carat diamond based on a post where I said what my dream diamond would be. I just deleted the post as I'd never buy under such circumstances.

Thank you all for listening. I'm just going to ignore the email. Yes Diane, this guy is a member of PS.

I am not as upset as I was earlier on. You know...I get so many spams in my hotmail inbox, and I get tons of them at work too. I come to PS when I have the time during my lunch hour or when I have the time at night to educate myself about diamonds. PS is a place where I get to get away from my busy life to relax, read, and read about all the interesting things about diamonds and the people on the forum. The last thing I want is to get a spam from someone who abuses the system and uses my email address in order to sell their ring.

I'm not sure if the forum has this, maybe they can come up with a section where people can put up thier items for sale.
I have been very fortunate that nothing like this has happened to me. That type of behavior is not typical of PS. Usually when I get PM's or emails, it's to discuss an issue. There is also some idle chit chat with some of the guys and gals around here.

You might want to contact Leonid and let him know. He needs to address the issue with the person involved. They might be a new person and not know better. It might also be an unscrupulous outside Vendor trying to take advantage of people under the guise of being a regular Forum Member. Let Leonid deal with this situation to be on the safe side.
I think I got the same email.

I deleted it.

End of story.
Gosh guys, I feel left out.
On 12/8/2003 5:57:28 PM Jewels wrote:

Thanks Aljdewey. I don't think this guy is a vendor. The link just takes me directly to the cert and a picture of the ring.

Devo - if it is for the perfect rock at the perfect price, I would not have been that annoyed. I think I'm mad at the fact that the tone of the email was not that polite....that person should have said something like 'I hope you don't mind me sending you this email but I noticed from you PS posts that you are looking for a stone......' ----------------

Ok... that makes sense. But tone sometimes in an email can be taken all wrong. I just reread my first post and boy do I come across like a complete ass. I doubt this is the case the way you are describing it.

If possible without bashing the originator of the email, can you cut and paste the email in this post, blocking out said posters name... etc?

Also, I went through GOG and they have a page on their web site that let's you list your criteria on the diamond that you want. Once a close match is met, they send you and email with the link to the diamond. I'm sure other sites do this as well.
Thanks everyone for listening and being so understanding.

Devo, here's the email that I got. Please note that I got 2 of the same email on the same day.


Hi there, I noticed on one of the boards that you're interested in buying a diamond ring. I have a princess cut diamond on a Platinum band. You can click the following link to look at it.http://www. .com/ring01.jpg

If you're interested, feel free to email me: .com to talk about it further.

Thanks for your time,


What do you all think about this? Cdngrrl, is this the same one that you got???
Jewels...would suggest *again* that you just email Leonid and let him know what happened. Our opinions make no difference in this matter and I personally don't think it should be discussed in the RT forum. Steam Room may be more appropriate.

However, sounds like the PM was just from some customer who wants to sell a ring. I would have just responded to him and said, Sorry not interested, please don't PM me again. *END OF STORY*

My two cents....
I understand your anger Jewels, while I have not had that exact same experience, when I started looking online I found these great "ultimate" searchers that let all the vendors know what you were looking for. While some of the results I obtained were good, and many of them came from vendors found here on PS, there was one person in particular that amazed me at his audacity. This man wanted me to send him money for a diamond that I had never seen. I'm not going to disclose this person name, but I hope that he checks this site out every once and a while and realizes that people don't like to buy things site unseen, especially high dollar items. Here are the two, and only two, emails that I recieved from him. I have taken out names and have cut and pasted from the message as a whole, but I still think you'll get the jist.

Message 1:
.90 Certified SI2 "H" color with mounting $2,300.00

I need metal color ? Yellow gold or White gold?
Finger size ?
A certified check for the amount discussed.

If this is a go, then we can get started on it.

Best Regards

Message 2:
I can do that I1 you talked about for $1,200 !
The .90 we talked about is certified by EGL measures 6.12 x 6.02 x 3.87 mm , H color , SI2 clarity, Table 66% , depth 63.8%. Not the best cut but its better then an I1 and it fits your budget. No warrantees , that's a joke if you read the fine print that states if the ring or diamond looks like its been abused or damaged there is no warrantee. Test it out. Buy a diamond from a jewelry store, take it around the corner, pry the diamond out of the mounting with a pair of fingernail clippers and go back in and tell them it fell out! Abused or damaged , sorry
I don't play that game. No returns also no trade ins, Im here to sell diamonds. Hope all of this information helps.

Best Regards

*I think I should note that there never was a discussion. i only e-mailed 2 times. The first was in response to his first e-mail asking for more details on the diamond, and the second e-mail was concerning his absurdness for not giving any sort of guarantee/return policy on his product (I'm still waiting for a reponse on that one)

What do you think of this????
Well...from what I gather you did not initiate contact with this 'vendor' in that case it is wholly inappropriate and you should let Leonid he can 'educate' the alledged vendor

Sorry you had a bad experience...

How is your search going ??
It is indeed against the forum rules to send unsolicited offers to forum members.

If you guys will notice any spamming or other unwanted offers or harassment from any other forum member, just drop me an email please.
I get a fair amount of unsolicited email, and I don't remember if that was the same text or not, Jewels. I scanned, I deleted, I conquered.

Somewhere out there, there's a molehill begging to be made into a mountain...but if we build a bridge, we can get over it....
Yer so smart, Scoob.
But...Math is hard!

Mwaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! *grinning Scoobishly at laptop*

You're the perfect Thelma!!!!!!
It IS true, n'cest pas?

Couldn't be more fitting if I tried.......

I think we should nominate LawGem as Shaggy! LOL
...and Garry gets to be Fred.

Spicoli can be Scrappy.
Where for art thou, Spicoli?!
On 12/10/2003 12:54:06 AM canadiangrrl wrote:
<BRSpicoli can be Scrappy.
Where for art thou, Spicoli?!----------------

Too funny, canadiangirl. Al, like your new avatar. My daughter just noticed the nice "kitty" on the screen (your former avatar), only to look closer to discover it was actually a dog. She sheepishly laughed and walked away.

I like your new scooby gang, all. Looking good.
Now where's Shaggy and Fred?
Velma you sneak, thought you were going to bed!

On 12/10/2003 1:20:20 AM Mara wrote:

Velma you sneak, thought you were going to bed!


I was, but then Rich got paged from work.....had to do about 15 min. worth of maintenance from home....sooooo I took a sec to check in, saw your new avatar, had my brainstorm on the avatar, and now the gang's all here!


All that you need now is the Janitor!
Are you volunteering?!
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