You can plug in the information above to see what similar diamonds are going for. However you need a lot more info. Who graded it and what is the cut quality???
cut quality is Very Good - and it is certified by GIA........I did make a mistake however - the total price of the diamond with the platinum settin gis US$11,000
ahhh so your saying that if symmetry is only graded as good - then that may mean that the diamond doesn''t look round?
I have quite a large table spread - its 61% which I kind of like because it makes the diamond look bigger that a 1.6 - does this change anything?
The problem with GIA certificates from 2003 is that they don''t give you the measurements of the crown and pavilion - they only started putting these on post 2003.
I figure: you''re paying a price for the VG cut grade. After all, it is VG. There are categories of VG, some better than others. This isn''t in the lowest category (we don''t know the proportions: depth/table/crown/pav angles) but it''s not one of the better ones.
Good symmetry may not have any effect on the performance of the stone, but I''d check that the table is level and get an Ideal Scope.
just another quick one - is there a big difference between a VS1 and a VS2
The diamond link that you sent me looks fantastic - though the flaws look much more visible than the ones of my GIA certficate, in fact the flaws are positioned so that my claws can cover them in the setting.
For probably 95%+ of people, you can get a VS2 and never ever see anything with the naked eye. Many people here have SI1s and even SI2s that are completely eye clean.
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